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A discrete physical component of an information technology system or

2. 4 main categories

Input devices: For raw data input.

Processing devices: To process raw data instructions into information.

Output devices: To disseminate data and information.

Storage devices: For data and information retention.

3. A central processing unit composed of control unit (CU)

• arithmetic logic unit (ALU)

• registers.

• cache.

• buses.

• clock.

4. A microprocessor is a computer processor contained on an integrated-circuit chip. The

speed of the CPU and the size of the RAM.

5. Computer memory is a device or system that is used to store information for immediate use
in a computer. Computer storage and memory is often measured in megabytes and gigabytes.

6. The computer need primary storage and secondary storage for the long term retention.
Primary storage holds data/applications which can be directly accessed by the processing unit
with minimum to no delay. While secondary storage is used to store and retrieve data
permanently with no delay.

7. The biggest di erence between volatile and non-volatile memory is that volatile memory
stores data when a computer is on but erases it as soon as the computer is switched o ,
whereas non-volatile memory remains in a computer even after the system shuts o .

8. The role of the cache memory in a computer is to let you access some information more
quickly than if you access it from your computer's main hard drive.

9. An input device, such as a keyboard or mouse, sends information to a computer system.

An output device, such as sound being played through a speaker, allows data to be transmitted
by the computer in a human-friendly form.

10. Barcodes are employed in point of sale systems such as in warehouses, inventory
management systems, retail stores, and grocery stores.

11. A CRT monitor functions by the image on CRT display is created by ring electrons from
the back of the tube of phosphorus located towards the front of the screen. Once the electron
heats the phosphorus, they light up, and they are projected on a screen.

LCDs are lit by a backlight, and pixels are switched on and o electronically while using liquid
crystals to rotate polarized light. A polarizing glass lter is placed in front and behind all the
pixels, the front lter is placed at 90 degrees.



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