A Latin American Sonnet CLXX 2

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A Latin American Sonnet CLXX

Watching Heartstopper in one sitting while you slept,

following how Nick and Charlie fall in love, then kiss,
how they discover who they are, and how to accept
what they can’t change. There’s grief and much bliss.
Thinking of the way gay teens now are, their agonies
as the morning slowly unfolds and our house wakes up
by the English sea, how everything moves on, families
like the one we’ve forged, you and I, living in a teacup.
How distant those years as a teen in a dreary school
by the River Plate, closeted, too afraid of who I was,
loving in secret that forbidden lad I half-knew, how cruel
to keep it quiet and hide it, to live life as if in a pause.
And when you woke up I rushed to ask you if you remembered
when, where and how our first kiss was & how we surrendered.

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