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2020 pate + 22-0l- bot i Lineos Equation 2 ai ot Linea equiatia’ 15 "on equation involving one BF mow Variables, ; b | B ease et 2yel is a bineas and 2B | . | - . i Sy +. plo Naviables: a ‘eo ae ee The cugpinered emalen " ton * Cale” On A, Fm System OF equation | [ale |g. a Om Several bE involving | \Whev coividered Elementary 70v! Same Variables the Joqether, We have & System | operation 5- tog , 2 | Ope Of | binece equation Eleniontaay 164 |For curgumented sna cnt ete f= = SONI” Bl gue ci follows spl 4 Gan Ket + Agn wn=b, \ | @ Multiply a mo" | ; . | Constant troughous Ants t Omaty =r FGmmMNTN | gow CG t KR) | | equations in Splerchange two These -m’ Linear unknown _ hy, and We can * iy tae en ous CR Ry) WWedte System Of bineas equation % SO uf - way Change 20"! on Ge => x, | fb Ga g J one ; | adding a, Constent 1 Ove = Ayn? Favoils pm" || ¥. | [bs | ayuttiple OF amother 20H iting Le VTL | Cat a KR Ce Gare Alam) LU bon ( tM AKR ) Now Ax=B is a amabin € cjetcion Where 1 . Qen pee oo Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner / Example 3 Solve the « System of equations is Lincat 2ya he = aed ag a 2% But Hy 16% =-l Given be & is sya as KUBY 1 2 $B Bud AYA Ge ==! Augumented matrix 1 pr 1 -2 the Resulting Matrix called Row! “Schelon oer, elirnination) 0 0 % € gow Next yle convert all‘ above pivot then xeSulting matrix is Called Gaus elimination ( rely ‘The method ‘Soudan iow! echeon tovm) @ Soe ‘lo Pe'"F Rank, WS 2 &-28, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ‘a A. wvt_ containing Only Zoaces Should Come after all } outs with ome non Q1%3 | Zewo enlities | iii) Game os aboue yy Bach column | Fa beading 1 han Zour | everywhere i 7 I above beading ierwent ' | haw 4 Zevaes a9 | Que + hor . Bale + 24-01-2020 @ SoWve the foriowitng Gaus Elimination, (Row echdleon form) te tain ‘of ow echelon form 4, gawsiem Eliminction , system of bincas equa Am oalisfies the -fottowsing propestias What age the pivois @ first non zexo entry Of each Weng 23 soul jg one, Called a : BI ++ 149 ae! Leading gue ( pvOl) BW taney +a HX vw AI - I 4 By - Sze BA om containing only Zero A Sze Gould come aftes| all ¥Ouls Tek yt sl With Gome von zero enbtes.) Given, thet @ “ne leading V's. Appears WA cty fom left © xght iin = Ba = EY $22 =1 Guecessive HONS: dat lt 48-50 | © gaws Jordon Eftmination ro a | [Reduced wou! echelon form] i | @ fast non zew entey Of cach wow iS 4, Called a | Leading one Cpivot | Bono Pivot) | The cuugermented ' oyjalein bs Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner Vureg i 1 -e-o tt to o1oto 4 g-s 1 | ene y -4t t i. i 7 to a } Oo -5-2 1 | Re Rise , {| R—> R-4R, Ry —> Rat ay py § 3 Ry PT Ry #3 B ° ° ° w roy 1. O13 hore gs ( \ ' ~2 6 o -h 8 ! ” CR ea ii | Oo -a 4-5, 7M Oo Dp 4 Wy 1S | } \ | O-s-2 11! - 0 0 D9 aR omy | ) 7 K Rok Rye Be ay ag rororooc"ys Hoi ! oS Oy Am me as, Oras: Suis all FHF # # Bes O wy east Ay oO 4 ow 18 oes lait Ry —> Rg 4 OrR, 4 The comeSponding System 9 \ "J Ry —> Ry +5Ry. hin ean equation Wptty = 3 X- 2y Se - > UF Yrau m3 Yeats) og Ye ism) ten sat 1 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner the (2,943) 5% ey pate © Coesides, 7 a unknorins Ay Hy Fas Cat ~ == + Ant = by : gy %, + Goa Re + ~~ t9an hn =b 1 4 mes Cen Hy Fg He HT ‘econ tn v= bro. => the Nalin © FO On 7 A= | Gary Ox 1 iri, = Cleny Cron 4s called o coepticient malin solution Cul Ys ze nique Sotution i 24-01-2020 linear equtations in {ale} = mats = an On am 1 ky Gi * Gai '=+ dan | ! \ 1 ‘ i Gm, Ama Onn | bn Aagieer is Called an avatar Unique Solution the System Ane Unique golution if Ranks. Hoe? of ( ale] = number of unknowns - Jnrfinitely any Solutions $ he susten Ax=5 rw infinite} anany Solutions Rank A= Rank Of {A Zonumbet OF unknowns. No Soluttan The Syste AK = mo solutions TF Rank A # Rank {als} B hes Consistent System AX =8 has The a gdution, then th is Called comistent- Jnconsistent “the system AX= no solutions, then it tS Called aconsistent: Ryn AR Of Linear equations ust ; 4 “2 \ Gausian elimination « What 1 © @) oo 1 4% ate the pivots, ut 0 0900 My BM 2% 4.2% 20 6 0 0 0 2M 4+ Gt —5%3-2%y 44 ASM 2. a 3% = <1 Ry <> Ry 5s +10 %y 4 xg = 5 Va nt Oe OG 2 46% + Bay + hns TMG | OF 1 2 9 SII Gwen that o 9 9 00 be The Augumented maleix {alsJi | 9 9 9 8 2 Ze is \ — & ma) Rs a toa -2 9 2 0°! Os 2 9 2 910 2 6 -5 -2 4-3 IH 60 O29 Sit) 1 0.0000 Oi; d. 0 5 wows 0 0 0 0 Oo oJ 1 2 6 0 BH 18) 6) Rank a= Rank OF [alg] 47 Of unknowns 2 The Suge bas infinitely ‘roony Solutions yee 23) 4 and 5% a mon- pivot Columns Let t= k ay = | KS = © comesponcting uamabe equatins * Uy + She - 24g +2%5 =O typ 2p 4+ 3%6 =1 te 3 Bin Solving jhese equations Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner | Art 242( ho] 43, t2h tla %/43E/-2 (2b) 42k 56 743 aE bts s Aue determine the end) ane f thot ee @x+2Y462 = ‘ LX 3Y-2Em hb 3X-Y+Ut=b, (9) xt e-t=bh, 2Ytt ay g-2=b Soluhn - &) Augwamentes mafix A ipl a4 1 2 6 Ib 2 -3 21h, 3 -1 Yl b £9 R,-2K, R32 3 -32 4) , 2 & jh, o 77 HY pri o 7 ue by-3 5, Ry Ra—hr jens oer 0 VP teh baser ool tt beet the system rod alibin AL tay of = Ro BI oan of A Adz 5 existent a Rend eee 4 an) yn Th bj bt ‘hyconthen tw vmotrix Cares iod yank 2° . pegutem Put ocdubor, agence] Sd ® Guverr Atk w+Y -t shy 2y 42 a=h, y-t =) the augu outed mmotiix G[AlGS 4 jot ot Nb Omen ees ol! alt by R ib ‘ | a | k32 iia l i 0 Al 0 sp sh ine , 7 he rt d I, 2 Here Rank of Az System fish $0 uhm ap tauk Whe Rank LANE Ranke A ato # oun} coud Our on bie therefor spbtem fad Avlu how. & © any Condujnn oj BGue eve tht -fellouh Adena oh equal Or ; auy TFordan Lim) mefhoel 2 | etbl [aS S) Given Shak ee es f ) y -3 “| ge } -3 2 LY) unerted mab [Alk) nate 2 ! 3 | | (iel> y 4S | =| =3NP. Hiverye Ro + Rs = eee a ) 9%) = ay MG Ry ~ ] e pe 7 3 ‘ul -3 oa Yu mE Ri RoW Raa Rath, SS Rank of A = Rank of fale) = no- of Unknovins Se The System how a uniqele gokation he unique Solution (m1, te, %3) = OU) Que :- Solve the follonting Syston jnto gauss Jordan Method - | x elimination | of nly + Sha 2% FS 6) 21, + 6%2~ 2G 4 Hy = IE Xn the + 3%y =10 Augumentec mattrin Ra te & ot) the 0 “| of {ale} is ° 1 3 -2 O1 3 i 26 °-2 4 18 1 o1 t 3] 10 | Ra > Rom 2R 13 2 0 13 2 oof * |! ort 3 tl? RoR; 13-2 os piu aye oo > Al Scanned with CamSeanner Scanned with CamScanner 90 M@atc6 lf, Here 41% column ig a nion- pint Let Pay The Coxe spond Column + K ing System of Linear equation: aS 8% I = 2a YS uate + 3% =10 M3 t2%y = 6 By Solving these equations ak =6 M34 ae + 6-2K + 3K =10 Ae +K46 = 10 %- 5 (6-2) -9 Kk =-27 , - 30 +10K -9k =-2> Hy +k =-244+30 %, = 3-k i yy Hay %3) MH) | The golution (1, %2, %37 )| apy 2 tyr 2k 8 [ Que — Solve the followin gysion of equations by Gow» Jorden smethod- e ou rytezes on ay TFS M4 Zed . 1-2037(% | oa ea [3 [4-3 'FJLE = (3k, 4k, 62K) K) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner > Ma, , meh 109048 '} 11s 0 ‘ “ 4 O11 4 > P= 1k, 1 oO o0lf8 | \ o 10,2 0 oO 45-1 Jo aercyger 2e #4 BR has unique 0 1-20 31% | fF 2 irri J z y -B 1 Fst d mmaitria OF he Augpeveate (ale) is a2 0 3 vere ae 31% 8 Bo moar Rs > R37 NB -2 0 3 * 150-5 8 o tg ! 50 Re —> Re 5 20738 ® 1 = 8) i) $ =I S ow 1 75 e 4 Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner By —> Ry 5k g-e 24 1 42 Se 9 09 -6 4 of 474-4 0 04 + 0 0 0 O +8 ey Rin? Ronk of [A] A Rank of al a @ -3 ? g | Jt has no Solutions. slo 0 O08 | date + 3i-l- 2020 oo oi || == 8 | Q x find the veduced 20) = | L's echelons frm of malein Bo 5 1-3 2 ETS o 304 A= | 3-7 1% o by 0 oe i . & Ae A= 00 big ; -6 35 a4 29 || Sol © Given that 1324 RoR 1 | 234 Ro > m+ ER A+\ a -6 4 * 2-68 } Ry Ly Ry “3s > Re - 3B _— 7) -3 9 O o 9 @o o 0 9@) o 000 Q & to Which Values ol * does the Fottowling oyster ha no Solution, Unique 0 00, ‘whroitigl| anany Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner = @ t42y-3e= 4 at 450 =2 Hety 4 CPI) zd Ger hal * @ xytz= * 7 yt aes? gu ray ese = 5 @ HA ay" 3% aa aug + 52 =2 yay + COIN) Zs ate the AY of [ala] % 12-3 : 4 a7 5 il? yor Comm) ! are Ro > Ra dR R3 => RHR 142 73 4 #. Oo -t 14 ie 2+ eee! ath 0 Ft chat ath a & > ra) 2% ay oO 2 o 0 | 0 0 ae aq] 2 the System hag np Solittar sThe System has uniqute Rank of [alg] = number Of Tig og fale] Hf Rank of a f~ Bank of [AlBj ThuS fot ‘no Solution Jner and a=16\=0 a-4 #0 Solution ff Rank of A= unfynowns a=16 #0 (a-4)Cat4) #0 a-4 #0 24 The syste hos ‘infinitely rainy golutfon TF PCA) = f Cala) 2 no OF tunknonins Thus fox, Infinitely many | Solution amiezo § a4-0 Given that K-Yre et Ut sytaz=2 2k + aY452 = 5 mentid malin of Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ee Ay. fd pay ¢ Slo if x tats aa, aaa. 2O & Gy 4 The Lbystin has unique Golstion ih pone oh C4 = Rank of (418) = member of Unknowns eee fo § p40.) mT \alhj y T- rie “The Syplin has 70 slater 2} Ye [2 3h Ue The sipston has inboit, Volutton if PIA, = Slalny o urbe. cof unknowns ‘atai6 20 & Aig 4 Jovesse of the mati L Gow Joxclan ‘oethod 3 waite the reali A dnd side by Side fy use gow Jorden areethod 4 on A to teduce identity bed matic) the Guccessnve 102 Ry —> Ry - Cota) Be res | opectors we can apply O% D ight gide met x -| The sgesulling matte 6 inverse Que © Find the inverse of ‘the gives rootat o1 at 7+ "d, 0 0 antes) aa] OF *™ + O-1 4 0 O at 4 qe we O 9 gists: 24 Aa, roe Vro0 ie" ey nls 13 1 OT OK 1 yo2t yoo Ry BAR 1 te (toed be * 1 0-2-1 100) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner the inverse Of the amatein I ; oS 2 1-7 t goth he “a o2 3 78 ,1 9000 103 Vgi do heii Mh ise 0) 2.10 CKOL.CL oo fe og hm a8 vidas 5-371 i. 4 3 4 pry ol Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner oo , 2ftt Oo ie swt o oD + MH 1S oO Io m3 0 oO Ctl HK E t oo OOS Bot Org 3° 8 3 8 ig 3a “1 1 A= cr) - & o we fs 5 ah 3 OB 1 Que i Find the inveyse Of the Given matin ay Oy > Rar 2 @° po o theo oo 0 O28 30° oo * 10 419 Vor o) oo & &\o iad & > Bs. ty Qovo'! 000 1 oO 005 Fee 0 0 Oo 1O%*® oo4 8, 9-70! Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner RB > rQ@ e®oo;r oes o Oe a'ts 5 o ©M>r \0 o ooMao oo " = 8 Que . find ote mal (ave) Cae sy! 2 o-[h a. Gren hat Ase” -3 0 13 oO at ane B Such thett Whey / ®& oe at Lie ec = O18 4 [2 Guth pind «eval that ne > c |i) find cl matey that Ac = AeA Giner that i b Alo! at multiplying ao F104 | ror 24ND arom OAS yor gaat! Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ben en Valued ie een Shee ee ae \El20 4A such of de Cig cdevishe 2 aN called Hao genie Eyen Vedor - A nonzero. Veeby % Ys called ad a Aquay Folin f sfere exlbld gq salar d Sad that Bix that 1s [A-aa]X=0 Sue. Lind the et ee “and © yin vec Sarg the as Aol> “f bo. Cnven hak a= + 4) the charaderufc eqahon doy matin A dh |A- ALE 5-A = | 2A | (5-A)-A) -y =0 ae eo y-b)A-xtb=0 if (4 W)C} =0 6 Z Byen values are el avd azb iamiel= [A- At] x= 9 ([A-2 x= 0 BH lalele) Rj <> bo seal b> 4 ei t Ufietel fom above », we ge t $4.5 9 lef X= os ee ped 0? 4 Set tb td Fyfe vedlsy for 4= ull] Por j= [A-Ar] x=0 [A- 64 yoo Ape el » CA-6)-1 (A-6) =0 Ri -2, ete Ri 2 b-k: [eH From above, we Jet X,-4¥xX, 20 —O lof x, = Fym ©, v* get 1 24% =Uk terefore xf) (i Kenw elyen vector ~Lor met Que Lind Hu eigen values ond elfen vechrA of. ea -| 2 | z — ear(earea-t) (-ay(e 2a3aeel]-if-s+A]-2=0 O-ad Lxea +5) 4(1-) =0 W-a) Gras ate +1) = © (\-a yas +4) = 9 (tA) GP-3a-2 Fb I= 0 Gar (aa) 2b aa) 20 (I-A) Cd-2) LAZI=9 eyen valued ase X=\s>23 ) 2-0 \ \-A -( -Iesa7-2}42b Deo o ares j Jae On ees oA the chavachertsbe eu fy Ade mokalx A a JA-arl=? le 1, 2 en ice aber mee Fox ASL Eygenn veckor cosvelpondivag eae (A- ATI xX =0 (a-Blx=° oF RV IS o =) a) [ =|° o |} 3 3 Ra ac zh ea a i wwe Qu? -hi > Ry PRR mas EA! oO ! % [=| 0 oO 6 %3 9 =0 from above , W© get | 20 —O | Kyo nu as yp = lb Xe & Bom @, we get myrHr 1%, 29-9 xX t% 29 -O COe aaa r ys FE From @- #& get ee mt, trk-k =? 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Balen, Wh |e: 3 ) t-A (1-3) (-ayci-ade)-1(1-0-3)4egea ee aG=) ae (ta) (5-59-21) (AY B44) 20 (1A) CAL 6At4) 44249 1- <0 (I-M)CL GFW) Hho 20 Poon +44 GI-UA 41 9\-Uo=e -1?4 y*-3620 Yosh =O oe vecker +, i 2A G8 From panes qe 0 | bays ke eh hm, FG=! ant -2¥4-k=0 DPE | jon vf Jf) oH) Foy \=6 A-AI]X=° A onic ae Fe (2 ahtst , 47 ee, £,-34) Neer (mets ne Oo -Y al H r Oo Y -§Jb% R32 b+ Ro ee! Eee nan CAs 3 . ik ie) =} hy be alt Yo fiom cfoye wwe geh AG 44% = 0 Teo ana oes % 2X, =0> %=2k Ayrhathg a0 = Figen verter 3 i 64 ve a J+ (# Por jo-d_ (a-at x=? A 4rDJx=0 2 1 +3 F 6 hil | =H 2 fies! 3 ok [ qi [= ° 3 7 3 A SAO 3 H| 2} [3] RO a 7 ey (, 2 Ti ‘] [3] a i] 2% -), fe 1. “IB Hf 2 coe [°, JR)TS from apove, We gt x, tHe =° xr.=? a ayele yet = ae eee hae Sy vole fe lent] Que Fred He eigen velvey pone Heat and eyen veekrs o of Hee ! tet mabrix A= (3 Uae ‘ i ay +% Nog ody -H - * Buen vedor ey az ; ea -| xe[ a]. if fer I SA” The CRevachens dre TR ab Ts L aD of Hie maft?X at puz\x=° " la-Atice {A> Te 3-) ! y 2 RHE Hl 0 zoe =o = A z 5) b> tate y aL (3-A)C2-)) (5-20 I ° Paleae ol Nase Ss ia 28 For )=2 [ns | Jub Hel [A-az|x=0 no [A-22]x=0 1 oy YA) fo ae p jo o &|/% -{e tom abore, we Gh © o 3IL3 44% =O hey VAR Rex Sa Ai ; "yp3-[3) Ub oq =k [; 2 ella) Le ry Hay 26 a= AE J | Byen veel fard=? lA = a ! x -fP)-() 2 4] %) Le a Be es [A-AD}roo [A-sr) x20 E 1 | [ o wr sales “]- [: | QVC © % f £2 Sh O9—pk. ‘ 0 6 tetas ms) (i) Y @ | 2 | my | Oho Tay a Prim dove, we get %y- bx -2%3 20 A%_-2%zZ=0 bb % 21 Wo-2-2;-% eat) pic dams ERE] en veely for Aas Ib vel [ aft fl 7D load hy cl ote ee ae Bred square Ary Sue verify 6 hid 7 phen bu fo ( i| and fiad WA dnverde- Sd. tho chavadlenslre ecpeabi A 4h VA Adee ie ( i 0 2 LA (-Ap1-ay—2 = Pee aa cae spon To vert cape Mee me went A de show A244 -L=0 —O oO yr fi | if 2° vt i 3B Taking Lins Ulett f-2A—-T 29 (pee ale ee a Boh ell 2-2-0 (he Gee 2 al. ene] thus sr -rA-F = © a es Us oon Banleni Hence CHT 44, verified To fet At, mu ply egrhO bg. at, we gu | ATCA a -t)sato wipe -2ant-alas o A -22 -Alzo Al=A-245 + J-2[ 05) =a ; a I cl a el te Find he get of the Ques wey ~ maltix Ae 1 a 8 u cag.ley Haier nneeten Sol he chavacleriwre equal G2 of A IS |A-J2 120 I-A a) 2 q 2-) o 1-9 ° 3A a dea) (@-ana-9)-1 (4(3-a-0) 42 (0- (2 = 0 ai-a( M5 A4 6) - (27-94) 42 Clo459 (r= stb) HIYA -47=0 ReodMA EG Pee P ort AA? Pb +94 —Uleo Yb ar- 9A tUl=0 By Cayley HamiQlan Theorem A386 A - GA 4D =0 Now pam) 2 tt 2 q 2? : 2 | 50 3|| 5 9 3 e(ineiye tee Stee qrigto 4 H+ ey e Hone srono [O80 eae 3 i | 27 ler dé AH 6A-§L+Ul At=o Yl Ate ~ p> 46a+ ar Pl late ake ate yt A4OATEL)_ay pom equahon &, we get 4124 ees, OG aM 7 3 a 20 un qo 5 5 0 2 a) f-§ ae “| lo 5 | Que. Find Me Su verde of He mele }< a) ph ieoe te coftey : Hamish se At (a8 -6A 94 4D) =f'o ‘al “te Poulenc ame ee) 4 -g -i7 cle GA 2A |: oie | A-Azl 20 2-1) sua For fraction =e ee hue. veslfy caghey Hambllow <5 SF ka theorem als 4) (2-(l@-aNew29-041(lo4s (-1))-0 and find Us Invge: (2A)(l9--oa F294 (45-59) =4 Que find Hie Inverse (2-VOF-1 14a) -41 (5-52) 20 Hu matrix ,s[' % DAM 18 Nees -Y— Spon = 7 Tied P2AE5- 520] 70 ; =A eet el eo ae, OES FAN p=? 20 ee BY c agpley Hamibhn tecorem APU A 4214-2 =0 Aan hpi A-2)=2 Alo Pel Arrt-Ais 0 Ate ANAT -—©O hr @, we ys a le 8 fl oo Lf -lj-2 34 f2i)e bo : cs = oe v OL Methel for fig. Wh A be a Squqee mafsl x OL order 2 Lb yy Ad be a4 ayen values ond x, > Xr be co aves pondivig vy egen very Denoléng the Suave maby) x Lx, x12 [a 3 Mal ba ? thu, we pe [P74 Pet] where 02 ii i Que. Find pe @ p=[6 A fei Sd. the Ps. euahon of A a JA- AI =O (6: = laa Cae les (6an-1-a) +12 =0 —b-bAt Ata H12=0 MoS A +6>0 M3 )-2A, +6 =0 CARB) -2. C=) 56 From above 7 ae a WIE yel| ses ei TAP =PD ies = PD ; even veduy for J22 APP = PDF [A-atx=so Ar = por A-209)x = eat (A-2E9x =0° : = {Of (‘ Dy Bs _ Ae ard ia i a= J =(p 90) pet) - ae _ my Fah olp inn (\ Fa Jefe] [ae = ear > kb Simitarly je y ony! 4 falc pop! | -E\{% J2(4 | 0 ea lee) where n Re TA oe ome et Perm above, we A,- tH, 20 | deo ek yet a ] wmf: i -! *1- 3%, 20 Dagan be aeeaced este oie “ Byen vecker for Jor upy Pes (es J eyen vetler for 23 (A-az) x20 [A-3r]x=0 E wR Pht IB) i ul coe jot $X%, 2%, = 6 ld m=| 3x, “2%, =0 DIA, DE = Qp=0 Bae tet of] 8 Phe es 1 Erjen vedtr fx jazi) [2 d 3 we now Hwk NM pp” ap! hekey For nab, ae pps pt aad) cmd poe (26 0 oY oO eal Oo 7 0 200 fd Ee ay uy (Nay - 5 =? “Y-2\4+2)4¢ 0-550 N47 =0 (4-3) 04 +3) =0 owen Wen vecfoy aes ie 12) x50 (a- ol ° Oe R> &, 4k fe {> -R, bee From above, use sel Wt, Ut 22k hy =X, = aR) LPL : ae Ve choy for Jn3 4A Bypneee fot des [A-AaB] xeo [a taZjxoe | a Rees a 2 Rk ea fe et ice aieaaiedaieel J Pom abe, we zy. be nea I Ub Wn = : eo ts 4,2 ae wot saa mu a al fr i230 therefare fle te | pei? Al [' eu oye 4 fe es zB oy lr -724 i 774 RE a i] 2 bus, BY ot me aay a6 BY 4 ale wae hy ia

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