TASK-Week 05 - What I Usually Do Vs What I'm Doing - (1) - 1

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Task: Assignment – What I usually do vs What I’m doing

Task: Assignment – What I usually do vs What I’m doing

Hello, Tom. How are you?

Hi, Margaret.
I’m fine. Thank you.

Excuse me, Can you tell me

what the task assignment for Sure!!. “You must record a
this week is about? video dialogue (in group of
three or four) comparing what
you do on holidays and what
you are doing now.
Ok, I get it.
I’ll show you a sample task.
Task: Assignment - What I usually do vs What I’m doing


Through this activity students, in pairs or groups of 3, record a short video of a

dialogue about: what they do on holidays and what they are doing now.
Step 1: Get into groups of 3 or 4.

Step 2: Make a list about your daily routines on holidays and another list with
the activities you are doing now.
• Organize the common questions to talk about your daily routines and actions at the moment (ex. "What do you
usually do on holidays?", "What are you doing now?")

What do you usually do on holidays? What are you doing now?

- I usually play soccer - I’m doing my Engllish homework

- I often go to the beach - I’m studying

- I sometimes go to the cinema - I’m going to work

- I always play video games

Task Assignment – What I usually do Vs. What I’m doing

Step 3:
Review the Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses to write the dialogue.
Use action verbs, daily routine, adverbs of frequency and time expressions from this
Write your dialogue using the first person “I”.

Step 4: Write your dialogue with your group.

• Practice the pronunciation and intonation of sentences and questions.
• Remember to use the correct spelling of the words and proper punctuation.
• Choose a video program to record the video.
• Remember to speak naturally, don’t read the dialogue.
•Step 5: It’s time to record a short video of your dialogue. Remember, it is a dialogue with
interaction; avoid Yes/No answers. Say complete sentences (subject + verb + complement).

•Step 6: Once you have checked the recording and are sure
that the audio is clear, upload it in mp4 format to the Canvas
platform or upload a Word format with a Youtube link.
Bryan: Hello Alex and Elmer !. I’m Bryan Cervantes. Welcome to our ZOOM meeting, how are you?
Alex: Hi Bryan and Elmer. ! I´m great . I am Alex Gutierrez .
Elmer: Hi, Bryan and Alex!. I am fine too. I am Elmer
Cuevas. Bryan: What do you usually do on holidays?

Alex: I usually play soccer with my friends in the afternoon. I like it very much. Also, I often go to the beach with my family on weekends. We have a great time..........
(aquí seguir mencionando sus actividades en presente simple). And you Elmer? What do you usually do on holidays?
Elmer: Well, I usually play video games alone or with my friends. I sometimes play soccer with my friends from my neighborhood. I usually go to bed late and wake
up late too……..etc. And you Bryan? What do you usually do on holidays?

Bryan: I usually go to the gym. It’s on the corner from my house. Also, I go to the cinema. I love scince fiction movies……etc. Oh I see, and now that
the holidays are over what are you doing now, Alex?
Alex: Uhm. I’m focusing on my career and I’m doing my English homework. At the moment, I’m having virtual classes at the university. And what about you
Elmer, What are you doing now?
Elmer: What a coincidence!. I am also studying my courses and doing my homewok from the university. I want to get good grades, so I’m studying a lot…etc seguir
mencionando sus actividades en presente continuo. VERB TO BE+ VERB BASE FORM+ING)..and you Bryan, what are you doing now?
Bryan: Well, on vacations, I love reading books, but I am not having time now. I study, also I go to work and I want to get in shape, so I’m going to work by
bike this month. Also.. (aquí seguir mencionando sus actividades en presente continuo. VERB TO BE+ VERB BASE FORM+ING). Ok my dear friends, see
you later.

Alex: See you later Bryan and Elmer.

Elmer: See you later Alex and Bryan.

Recomendación para grabación de video grupal

Cada integrante del equipo debe

presentarse diciendo sus nombres
y apellidos completos vocalizando
correctamente, así como también,
podrá subtitularlo tal como se
muestra en la imagen.
Task Assignment – What I usually do Vs. What I’m doing

What else should I know? You must record your video

from 3 to 4 minutes and send
it by Video (mp4).

I see. Anything else?

When can I upload the

task to Canvas until? Also, include the structure
about the Present Tense and
Present Continuous, adverbs
Thank you so much for of frecuency, daily routines,
your help. and action verbs.
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