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Once upon a time there was a man who had two daughters. Their names where Ngozi and Amanda
one day their father asked Ngozi to look for a job. Ngozi decided to look for a job. On her way she
saw a tree that was not watered she saw the tree and the tree was sad and needed water so she
watered it and the tree was happy. Passing she saw a n oven that was not fixed so she fixed it.
Passing again she saw a dirty lamb that was looking for who will bath it. She bathed the dog and still
on her journey she saw a castle and she decided to work there. As she entered inside and she saw 5
princesses which welcomed her. They told her that herb work is to sweep the five rooms but the
sixth room she should not enter inside, she obeyed and always swept the 5 rooms that she was told
to and the day she was leaving the princesses took her to the sixth room as she opened the door she
saw gold and diamond and silver so the princesses gave it to her for being obedient .as she left
happily sh4e saw the lamb that she washed, the lamb gave her pearls as she was going the oven that
she fixed gave her bread to eat and as she was also going the tree she watered gave her fruit and the
fruit water . When she reached home her dad a

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