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HRM Assignment On

Turnover and Morale problem at TSA

Submitted to: Manika Chakraborty

Assistant Professor
Department of Management
University of Dhaka

Submitted by: Touker Ahamed Rana

ID: 3-22-01-057
Executive MBA, Spring Semester- 2023
Department of Management
University of Dhaka
Date of Submission: 04/04/2023
Answer to the question #1
It is likely that the provisions of the new contract will increase morale
and decrease turnover, as they address many of the issues that TSA
employees have identified as contributing to low morale and high
turnover. The replacement of the Performance Accountability and
Standards System with a fairer and supervisor-observation-based
performance appraisal process, as well as the offering of awards for
outstanding service and performance, may increase job satisfaction
and motivation. Additionally, changes in attendance policies, transfer
policies, and requirements for personal safety and comfort may help
to reduce stress and increase job satisfaction. However, it is important
to note that there may still be other factors that contribute to low
morale and high turnover, and the impact of the new contract
provisions may vary depending on individual circumstances and

Answer to the question #2.

One method that could be used to redesign the TSA officer job
descriptions is the task inventory method. This method involves
creating a list of all the tasks that TSA officers are responsible for,
along with the knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required to
perform those tasks effectively. This would provide a comprehensive
understanding of the requirements of the job and could be used to
identify areas where job redesign may be necessary. Additionally, a
job analysis survey could be used to gather information from TSA
officers about their job responsibilities, required KSAs, and other
aspects of their work that may impact job satisfaction and retention.
Answer to the question #3.
Job enrichment concepts could be used to increase morale and
retention at TSA by increasing the variety and challenge of tasks,
providing opportunities for skill development and growth, and
increasing employee autonomy and responsibility. For example, TSA
officers could be given more control over their work schedules or
given opportunities to take on leadership roles within their team.
Additionally, cross-training opportunities could be provided to help
employees develop new skills and expand their knowledge.

Answer to the question #4.

The elements of the collective bargaining agreement address job
enrichment issues by providing opportunities for awards, incentives,
and increased flexibility in scheduling and transfer policies. These
changes may increase job satisfaction and motivation by providing
tangible rewards for good performance and by allowing employees
more control over their work schedules and career advancement.

Answer to the question #5.

While creating well-designed jobs may make union representation
less attractive, it is important to note that unions serve a valuable
purpose in advocating for the rights and protections of workers. Even
in jobs that are well-designed, employees may still benefit from the
collective bargaining power of a union to negotiate for better
compensation, benefits, and working conditions. Additionally, the
decision to unionize is often influenced by factors beyond job design,
such as management practices, company culture, and economic

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