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Diane Jayag


Activity 5

1.What was your favorite scene about the movie?

If I had to choose, I'd have to say that my favorite part of the movie was when Dave arrived and
the whole workplace was a mess due to the irrigation. Todd came to a decision and made the
announcement that they will proceed with their work on the roof. I enjoyed how creative this
moment was, as well as how it demonstrated how his trust in his coworkers and the Indian
people grew as the movie progressed, especially when he consulted his "consultant."

2.What inspired you about the movie?

The movie motivated me to expand my knowledge of different cultures and to appreciate the
cultural beauty of their traditions. As an example, Todd, who at first had a very closed mindset
and whose primary objective was to reduce his MIP so that he could return home, eventually
developed a profound understanding of and appreciation for the culture and people of India. In
the end, he came to cherish his time there and made some new friends.

3. What are the challenges or culture shock that Todd experienced in India?
The first several days of Todd's visit were marked by a great deal of discomfort. Because he
was so unfamiliar with the manner of life of Indian people, he had a hard time adjusting to his
new environment. It was difficult for him to communicate with his outsourced Indian workers
since they have different accents and he insisted that they perform their duties in the same
manner as Americans. The Indian culture is also extremely different from the traditions to which
he had been accustomed to before moving to India. In addition, the sight of an image of Shiva,
the god of destruction, made him feel uneasy because such a thing is not commonly seen in the
United States. He engages in behaviors that may appear normal to him but are very offensive to
Indian culture, such as putting food into his mouth with his left hand, which is considered dirty in
India despite the fact that he does this habitually in America.

4.How did Todd adjust to the New and Strange Environment?

Todd accepted the foreign surroundings and made an effort to learn more about India as he
worked to adapt to the new setting. Their culture, the manner in which they carry out their
activities, the one-of-a-kind qualities and inspirations of each individual member of the group.
Additionally, the people around him at the time were patient enough to provide support and
assistance to him. He eventually adjusted to his new workplace and learnt to love the
challenges it presented.

5.Have you ever experienced living or studying in a new cultural surroundings? How did you feel
about it?
Despite the fact that my family and I traveled quite a bit even before the pandemic, I do not
believe that I have ever had the opportunity to live or study in a cultural environment that was
foreign to me. But even so, I genuinely think that I'm the kind of person who easily adjusts and
adapts to her environment. As a result, I don't think I'll have a lot of trouble with it, regardless of
whether or not I've experienced it yet because I'm incredibly optimistic about it.

6.Have you experienced culture shock? and How did you manage to adjust to this new and
strange environment?

As I've mentioned already, I don't believe there was ever a point in my life when I had culture
shock; nevertheless, despite this, I believe that I will be able to handle myself adequately at
those times since I am easily capable of adapting and adjusting to whatever environment I find
myself in.

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