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Textile Research

Reducing Automotive Interior Noise with Natural Fiber Nonwoven Floor Covering Systems
D.V. Parikh, Y. Chen and L. Sun
Textile Research Journal 2006 76: 813
DOI: 10.1177/0040517506063393

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Textile Research Journal Article

Reducing Automotive Interior Noise

with Natural Fiber Nonwoven Floor Covering Systems
D. V. Parikh1 1
Abstract Eliminating unwanted noise in passen- Southern Regional Research Center, USDA-ARS,
ger compartments of vehicles is important to New Orleans, LA, U.S.A.
automobile manufacturers. The ability to reduce
noise inside the vehicle enhances the perceived Y. Chen and L. Sun
value of the vehicle to the consumer, and offers a School of Human Ecology, Louisiana State University
competitive advantage to the manufacturer. Sev- Agricultural Center, Baton Rouge, LA, U.S.A.
eral methods are presently employed to reduce
noise and its sources, one of which uses sound-
absorbing materials attached to various compo-
nents such as floor-coverings, package trays, door
panels, headliners and trunk liners. Natural fibers
are noise-absorbing materials that are renewable
and biodegradable, making them an effective
choice for the automobile industry. Floor cover-
ings using natural fibers (kenaf, jute, waste cotton,
and flax) in blends with polypropylene (PP) and
polyester (PET) were developed as carded needle-
punched nonwovens. The acoustical absorption
coefficients of these floor coverings, and of floor
coverings in combination with an underpad
(either a rebonded polyurethane foam, or a soft
cotton nonwoven) were evaluated by ASTM E–
1050 in the frequency range of 100 to 3200 Hz. By
stacking an underpad and a floor covering
together, a floor covering system was created. The
measurements demonstrated that each of the nat-
ural fiber-based nonwoven floor coverings con-
tributed to noise reduction, e.g., coefficients =
0.54–0.81 at 3.2 kHz. Noise was significantly
reduced with a floor covering system using either
of the underpads. The most reduction occurred
with a polyurethane pad; for example, for kenaf
floor covering C20-1 the coefficients at 3.2 kHz
were: 1.0 with polyurethane versus 0.81 with cot-
ton pad.

Key words natural fiber nonwovens, environ-

mentally benign, biodegradable, floor covering,
underpad, auto interiors, acoustical absorption

Corresponding author: e-mail:

Textile Research Journal Vol 76(11): 813–820 DOI: 10.1177/0040517506063393 © 2006 SAGE Publications
Figures 2–7 appear in color online:

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TRJ 814 Textile Research Journal 76(11)

Countries all over the world are anticipating the produc- Absorbers
tion of more vehicles to meet expected new markets for
automobiles (Table 1). It is predicted that over the next 5 Absorbers are typically graded on the basis of their ability
years, China and India will lead the growth, albeit from a to dissipate sound energy. Their performance is deter-
relatively low base, and the U.S. market will advance at a mined by their absorption coefficient at various sound fre-
much slower pace [1]. With each vehicle requiring 14.6 to quencies or octave bands. A product may have a 0.50
20.0 m2 of nonwovens for automotive interiors [2], one can absorption coefficient at 1000 Hz 1/3 octave band, for
visualize the demand for such nonwoven composites. The instance. This means that 50% of the energy incident on
use of nonwovens is increasing because of their cost-to- the sample was absorbed by the sample at that frequency
performance ratios and their versatility. Nonwovens can be band.
made in a wide variety of densities and forms that offer
sound and heat insulation as well as aesthetically pleasing
properties [3]. Today, exciting developments are taking
place to manufacture environmentally benign nonwovens Barriers are typically graded using a transmission loss (TL)
for auto interior [4–8]. A large variety of carpet-type non- test. In a TL test the sound pressure level (SPL) is meas-
woven materials is seen in floor coverings, luggage areas, ured in a reverberant chamber and in an adjoining cham-
and rear shelves in today’s passenger cars. Acoustically, the ber while the material being tested is mounted in an
floor covering system blocks road noise filtering from out- opening in the wall separating the two chambers. The
side to inside of the car [9]. materials are graded by the difference in the SPL between
Sound is propagated through the air (airborne sound), the two adjacent chambers. A product may have a TL of 30
and by vibrations of the car body (structural sound). Air- dB, which means that the overall SPL in the source room is
borne “noise” comes largely from the engine, from tires 30 dB greater than in the receiver room. Of course, by def-
and road, and traffic on the road. Both airborne and struc- inition, barriers do not absorb an appreciative amount of
tural noise should be controlled to significantly reduce the energy that is incident on their surface, they instead
noise in the passenger compartment. In the science of reflect it away (back into the reverberant chamber).
acoustical control, two classes of acoustical treatments are In the real world problems generally arise with both
used to address airborne noise, namely barriers and barriers and absorbers working in concert. An engine com-
absorbers. Likewise, two classes of acoustical treatments partment without any absorbers will have a higher SPL
are used to address structure-borne noise, namely isolators than the same engine and engine compartment with
and dampers. The basis of the present study was the con- absorbers. In the passenger compartment the SPL would
trol of airborne noise and so the primary focus was on be lower in the case in which the engine compartment had
absorbers and barriers. absorption, even without any passenger compartment
Table 1 Projected annual sales for cars globally.
No. of Cars (million) Nonwoven Floor Covering System
USA For a product to be a good “carpet system” the system
2005 17.048 needs to be a reasonable barrier (i.e. have good TL proper-
2010 17.796 ties) to keep the noise under the vehicle from passing
China through the floor covering system and into the driving
2005 5.022 compartment. In addition it needs to effectively absorb
2010 7.312 sound that manages to get into the driving compartment
(regardless of how it got inside). So in addition to a good
2005 1.564
2010 1.937
TL, it also needs to have good absorption. The sheet metal
India that forms the floor of the vehicle acts as a barrier, but
2005 1.353 there may also be a continuous impermeable liner under
2010 2.373 the carpet to further improve the TL performance. Then,
South Korea on top of the barriers a floor covering that is an excellent
2005 1.240 absorber to dissipate the sound energy in the passenger
2010 1.693 compartment is also required.
From: National Geographic, February 2005 Automotive manufacturers emphasize the use of effi-
cient sound-absorptive materials in vehicles to reduce
unwanted noise. The existing sound-absorptive materials
are generally made of synthetic fibers, which are not biode-
gradable. At the end of vehicle’s life, most of auto interior

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Reducing Automotive Interior Noise with Natural Fiber Nonwoven Floor Covering Systems D. V. Parikh et al. 815 TRJ

Table 2 Natural fiber based nonwoven composites produced by carding and needlepunching.
Areal density
Sample Material Blend ratio Thickness (mm)
g/m oz/yd2
C20-1 Kenaf/PET/PP on scrim 35:35:30 8.00 730 21.54
C30-1 Kenaf/PET/PP on scrim 35:35:30 10.10 1062 31.31
C30-2 Jute/PET/PP on scrim 35:35:30 10.10 1008 29.74
C30-3 Cotton/PET/PP on scrim 35:35:30 10.00 998 29.44
C30-4 PET/PET/PP on scrim 70:30 10.01 1009 29.75

materials usually end up in landfills. As the cost of landfill is Acoustical Testing

escalating, recycling efforts have been increasing. We have
developed nonwoven floor coverings from low cost, biode- The two methods most commonly used to measure absorp-
gradable, environmentally benign natural fibers (kenaf, tion performance are ASTM E–1050 “Impedance and
jute, cotton and flax) in blends with polypropylene (PP) Absorption of Acoustical Materials Using A Tube, Two
and polyester (PET) as potential sound-absorbing materi- Microphones and Digital Frequency Analysis System”
als (Table 2). They were test evaluated for their ability to (Normal Incidence Sound Absorption) and ASTM C–423
absorb sound energy, used either alone or in combination (Random Incidence Sound Absorption). ASTM E–1050 is
with (a) a soft cotton underpad, or (b) a rebonded PU a relatively inexpensive method to determine the absorp-
underpad, by the standard test method ASTM E–1050–98. tion performance of acoustical absorption materials or sys-
A floor covering system was created by stacking an under- tems [10, 11]. Additionally, it only requires the use of a
pad and a floor covering together. Both the underpads small sample to characterize the product performance. On
were also individually evaluated for their ability to absorb the other hand, the ASTM C–423 requires a large (hun-
sound energy. dreds of square feet of volume) reverberant chamber and a
relatively large sample size (72 ft2). This method is consid-
ered more representative of real world absorption per-
formance, as usually sound does not fall on the surface of
Experimental an absorber only at perpendicular angles. Because a large
sample requirement sometimes is a problem, acoustical
Floor coverings of blends containing kenaf, jute, or cotton reverberation absorption testing may be carried out in the
with PET and PP in weight ratios of 35/35/30, along with Alpha Cabin test equipment of Rieter-Automotive. The
nonwovens of PET and PP in a weight ratio of 70/30 (e.g. Alpha Cabin uses a smaller sample with a maximum size of
all-synthetic floor covering, C30-4) were produced by card- 1.2 m2 (10.9 ft2). ASTM E–1050 was used in the present
ing, followed by needlepunching. The carded webs were evaluation of our floor coverings.
needlepunched four times on spunbonded polyester scrim The ability of a nonwoven material to absorb unwanted
to produce automotive nonwoven floor coverings with tar- noise is based on dissipation of the sound wave energy
get weights of 20 and 30 oz/yd2 (Table 2). The fabric identi- upon passing through the material and being directed by
fication contains target weight of composite (C) followed the fibers, and also on conversion of some of the energy
by a dash and a number 1 through 4 (1 refers to kenaf, 2 to into heat. The amount of original energy less the remain-
jute, 3 to cotton and 4 to PET). For example, C20-1 refers ing unabsorbed energy compared to the original energy
to kenaf nonwoven composite of 20 oz/yd2. The nee- leads to the measurement referred to as the absorption
dlepunching technology was chosen to produce the sam- coefficient. This coefficient is often used to rank the order
ples because it is best suited to moldability and good fitting of different composite materials that reduce the noise level
of the floor coverings. A good fit is essential for acoustical in a vehicle. An impedance tube was used with a sound
control. source (loudspeaker) connected to one end, and the test
A carded needlepunched cotton under pad (thickness, sample mounted to the other end. The loudspeaker gener-
0.185 cm; density, 240 g/m2) was developed at SRRC- ates broadband random sound waves. Sound waves propa-
USDA. An underpad of recycled, rebonded polyurethane gate as plane waves in the tube, hit the sample, get partially
foam carpet underlay (thickness, 0.794 cm; density, absorbed and subsequently reflect. We used a B & K meas-
965.0 g/m2) was obtained from Leggett and Platt, Cold uring instrument (ASTM E–1050–98) with a medium
Water, MS. measurement tube, to determine the acoustic properties of
test samples (diameter, 6.35 cm) in the frequency range of
100 to 3200 Hz [11]. The test method used an impedance
tube, dual microphones and a digital frequency analysis
system, for the determination of normal incidence sound,

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TRJ 816 Textile Research Journal 76(11)

bile for soundproofing. Sound absorption by floor covering

is important, for it covers those parts of the car body that
have the highest sound emission [12].
It is easy to interpret the absorption coefficient values
by the ASTM E–1050 measurements: a coefficient of 0.5
means only 50% of the incident sound waves are absorbed
by the noise-absorbing material whereas all of the sound
waves are absorbed when the coefficient reaches a value of
Figure 2 shows the absorption coefficients of a 20 oz/yd2
carded needlepunched kenaf floor covering at various fre-
Figure 1 The two-microphone impedance tube for ASTM quencies, and the same floor covering in combination with
E–1050: Absorption testing. an underpad of either needlepunched cotton or rebonded
polyurethane (PU). At 3200 Hz, the coefficient was only
0.54 for the floor covering whereas with the PU underpad
the absorption coefficient, and normal specific acoustic the coefficient reached a value of 1.0, and with cotton
impedance ratios of materials (Figure 1). These tools cre- underpad the coefficient was 0.81. Both underpads signifi-
ate a system that tests a sound-absorptive material, proc- cantly enhance sound absorption of the floor covering, and
esses the results, and reports the results in a graph of the thus significantly reduce unwanted noise. Of the two under-
absorption coefficient at various frequencies. pads studied, the PU underpad, having higher thickness
and density, is more effective in reducing noise. The
absorption coefficients of 30 oz/yd2 natural fiber compos-
ites C30-1, C30-2, and C30-3 are shown respectively in
Results and Discussion Figures 3–5. The absorption coefficients of these floor cov-
erings in combination with underpads are also shown in
A floor covering (nearly 3.5 m2) provides the largest sur- these figures. With PU underpad, the coefficients were in
face area (nearly 40% of the total surface) in an automo- the range of 0.98–0.79 at 3.2 kHz; and with a cotton under-

Figure 2 Comparison of the absorption coefficients of (a) C20-1 floor covering, (b) C20-1 with a cotton underpad, and (c)
C20-1 with a polyurethane underpad at various frequencies.

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Reducing Automotive Interior Noise with Natural Fiber Nonwoven Floor Covering Systems D. V. Parikh et al. 817 TRJ

Figure 3 Comparison of the absorption coefficients of (a) C30-1 floor covering, (b) C30-1 with a cotton underpad, and (c)
C30-1 with a polyurethane underpad at various frequencies.

Figure 4 Comparison of the absorption coefficients of (a) C30-2 floor covering, (b) C30-2 with a cotton underpad, and (c)
C30-2 with a polyurethane underpad at various frequencies.

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TRJ 818 Textile Research Journal 76(11)

Figure 5 Comparison of the absorption coefficients of (a) C30-3 floor covering, (b) C30-3 with a cotton underpad, and (c)
C30-3 with a polyurethane underpad.

Figure 6 Comparison of the absorption coefficients of (a) C30-4 floor covering, (b) C30-4 with a cotton underpad, and (c)
C30-4 with a polyurethane underpad at various frequencies.

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Reducing Automotive Interior Noise with Natural Fiber Nonwoven Floor Covering Systems D. V. Parikh et al. 819 TRJ

Figure 7 Comparison of the absorption coefficients of (a) cotton underpad and (b) polyurethane underpad at various fre-

pad, the coefficients were 0.97–0.87 at 3.2 kHz. These data because of the requirements for increased driving comfort
explain why the natural fiber floor covering systems can be and the search for alternative environmentally benign
effective as sound proofing systems. Furthermore, the materials.
sound absorption of these systems compared well with that By using the ASTM E–1050 Standard Test Method for
of the synthetic fiber system (Figure 6). Impedance and Absorption of Acoustical Materials Using
In each of the cases, there was a significant improve- A Tube, and Dual Microphones, it was shown that natural
ment in the absorption coefficient with the use of an under- fiber-based nonwoven composites (floor coverings) can be
pad. The PU underpad has been most effective in reducing produced that have sound-absorbing properties suitable
noise (Figure 7). As the thickness and density of underpads for use as noise-reducing components in automobiles. The
(PU foam and Cotton) were so much different, it would floor covering systems, comprised of these nonwoven com-
have been informative if a cotton underpad of thickness posites and an underlay of rebonded polyurethane, provide
and density similar to the PU underpad had been available. efficient noise absorption, reducing the overall sound level,
It would probably have produced acoustical absorption sim- for quiet passenger compartments.
ilar to that of the PU underpad. Once only luxury cars had a
noise insulation pad under the carpet but in many cases this
is now becoming a standard practice [4]. Acknowledgements
We are grateful to Mr James W. Hermodson, Thinsulate
Acoustic Insulation – Technical Service, 3M Company for
his helpful insights on the subject, to Dr Alfred French,
Summary SRRC for helpful discussions, and to Mr Steve Gilder,
Technical Director, Urethane Products Division, Legget
Environmental issues have been responsible for the and Platt, Inc. for his generosity in providing the rebonded
growth of natural fiber-based interiors over the past 5 polyurethane underlay.
years, and a further gain in momentum appears to be
underway in both Europe and North America. The auto-
motive materials market exhibits high growth potential

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TRJ 820 Textile Research Journal 76(11)

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