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1. Strip: small square: 0.04secs.

2. Large square: 0.2secs.

2. P wave:

 produced by atrial depolarization;

 indicates SA node function

3. P-R interval (N˚= 0.12 - 0.20 secs.)

 indicates AV conduction time or the time it takes an impulse to travel from the atria down and through
the AV node

 measured from beginning of P wave to beginning of QRS complex

4. QRS complex (N˚= 0.06-0.10 secs.)

 indicates ventricular depolarization

 measured from onset of Q wave to end of S wave

5. ST segment
 indicates time interval between complete depolarization of ventricles and repolarization of ventricles

 measured after QRS complex to beginning of T wave

6. T wave

 represents ventricular repolarization

 ST segment

Nursing Consideration

 Tell the patient that an ECG only takes about 10 minutes and causes no discomfort.

 Explain that he must remain still, relax, breathe normally, and remain quiet.

 Prepare the skin on the chest for electrode attachment; cleanse area with alcohol to remove dirt and
oils; shave area

if necessary.

7. Exercise ECG (stress test):

 The ECG is recorded during prescribed exercise

 Fasting for 4 hours before the test

 Discontinue any cardiac medication such as beta blockers as ordered

 Clothes and rubber-sole shoes suitable for exercise should be worn

8. Echocardiogram: noninvasive recording of the cardiac structures using ultrasound

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