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❖ Computer Presentation
Submitted To:
Sir Muhammad Jabbar

Submitted By:

➢ Muhammad Aroz Asghar(22014110-019)

➢ Syed Sabtain Haider(22014110-023)

➢ Qadeer Mehar(22014110-031)

➢ Ameer Hamza(22014110-044)


➢ A motherboard is main (PCB) printed circuit board where all the

components or devices are connected directly and indirectly. The
motherboard serves a single platform to connect all parts of
computer together. It can be considered as the backbone of
computer. It connects the CPU , Memory ,Hard drives , Optical drives
and other parts.
➢ The first motherboard is originally called “Planar". That is used in IBM
Personal computer. Motherboard form factors was introduced by IBM
in August 1984. MotherBoard
➢ There are additional circuit boards can be plugged into motherboard
and these are known as “Daughter Boards”.
➢ It has sockets for the CPU ,RAM and Expansion Cards and also hooks
up to hard drives.
➢ The fact that different motherboards have diverse capabilities
,restrictions ,features and physical size/shape.They are mostly
categorized by their form factors.
MotherBoard in IBM PC
Types of MotherBoard 4
There are six type of motherboard :

➢ AT MotherBoards:
✓ These motherboards have bigger physical dimensions of 100 of millimeters.
✓ Sockets and six pin plugs are used as power connectors in these
AT MotherBoard

➢ ATX MotherBoard:
✓ ATX stands for Advanced Technology Extended. It is smaller in size when
compared to AT and provides interchangeability of connected computers.
✓ There is marked improvement in the computer aspects.
Micro ATX MotherBoard
➢ LPX MotherBoard 5
✓ These motherboards are usually found in desktop pc’s.

✓ These are high quality products at low cost but makes

difficult to upgrade and repair.

➢ NLX MotherBoard LPX MotherBoard

✓ These motherboards support future processor technologies.

✓ They also support ne AGP and tall memory technology.

✓ In this motherboard the installing and upgrading the system is very


NLX MotherBoard
➢Introduction Of Bus
✓ A bus can transmits data from one location or device
to another. A bus contain multiple wires with
addressing information describing the memory location
of where the data is sent or retrieved. Each wire in bus
carries one or more bits of information means if more
wires a bus have the more information it can be
Example: A computer with 32-bit address bus can address
4 GB of memory and a computer with 36-bit bus can
address 64 GB memory.
✓ A bus is either Parallel or Serial bus.
Types Of Buses 7
➢Address Bus
✓ The address bus carries information about the location
of data in memory for the computer.

➢Control Bus
✓ The control bus carries the control signals that make
sure everything is flowing smoothly from place to

➢Expansion Bus
✓ If the computer has expansion slot there is an
expansion bus.
✓ Messages and information pass between your
computer and add in boards you plugs in over
expansion bus.
➢ A socket is a endpoint for sending or receiving data
across a computer network.
➢ It is a general term used to describe the interface
between a program and a network.
➢ Sockets are used in many different types of networking
programs and are an essential part of how network
communication works on the internet and other
Type of socket
There are two main types of sockets: stream sockets
and datagram sockets.
➢ Stream sockets provide a reliable, stream-
oriented connection.
➢ Datagram sockets provide an unreliable,
message-oriented connection.
➢ Stream sockets are commonly used for
connections between two computers.
➢ Datagram sockets are more often used for
broadcast or multicast communication.
socket usage
Sockets are often used in conjunction with
a variety of other technologies, such as
HTTP, FTP, and SMTP, to enable network
communication between applications.
They are an important part of many
networked applications and are widely
used in the development of distributed

Adapter Card( VGA , SOUNG , MODEM)

An adopter card is a type of expansion card that can be installed in a

computer to add functionality.

A VGA (Video Graphics Array) adopter card allows a computer to
output video to a display device such as a monitor or projector.

A sound adopter card adds audio capabilities to a computer, such as
the ability to play sound through speakers or output audio to a pair of

A modem adopter card allows a computer to connect to the internet
over a telephone line.

Adapter cards are also sometimes

referred to as "expansion cards" or
"add-on cards." They are installed in a
computer by inserting them into an
expansion slot on the motherboard.
Difference between CLI and GUI 13

➢ CLI( Definition) ➢ ( Definition)
A CLI is an interface for the user to A GUI is a type of user interface that
issue commands in the form of allows user to interact with electronic
successive lines of text or command devices through graphical icons and
lines to perform the tasks. visual indicators.
➢ Type of interaction ➢ Type of interaction
Text base Graphical base

➢ Stands For ➢ Stands For

CLI stands for Command Line GUI stands for Graphical user
Interface. interface.
 Speed  SPEED

Typical faster Typically slow

➢ Memory Requirements ➢ Memory Requirements

CLI is a command interface and it GUI requires more money as it
does not require more money. contains a lot of graphical

➢ Customizability
➢ Customizability
The user can change the
There are customizable options to appearance of the GUI.
change the appearance. It is not
possible to change the CLI.

➢ Output  Output
It give us output in text form . It give us output in the form of
graphics visual elements.

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