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Coronation Ceremony

Part 3
Cecillya Fontes n°8
Inelma Silva n°13
Lidia Souza n°16
The ceremony culminates with
the placing of the magnificent St
the Edward’s Crown on the

monarch’s head. The monarch
then changes into the robe of
purple velvet and wears the
lighter Imperial State Crown for
the rest of the service.

It consists of a state procession

How does the

from Buckingham Palace to the
Abbey, another procession inside,
the Recognition, the Anointing,
the Coronation Oath, the Homage
coronation work?
and finally another procession
from the Abbey back to the Palace
The Sceptre with
the Cross and the
Rod with the Dov
e are given to a
peer to hold for th
e duration of the
Homage. The first
to pay homage
the homage
to the Queen are
the Archbishop
and the other bish
ops who kneel
before the Queen
and pledge their
the end

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