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Use the personal statement to tell us about your interest in the

Major/academic programs you wish to study at LUMS. (Minimum words ; 200)

language and how we use it has always intrigued me, it gives you the ability to scrutinize and manipulate
things so people see them from a different perspective, furthermore it enhances your skills of analysis,
interpretation, self expression and critical thinking, all the skills required for todays modern work space.

I wish to study at LUMS as I believe it will provide me with the unique space to develop my critical voice,
articulate opinions with greater clarity and will enable me to play to my strengths and be a good leader.

Growing up , experiencing all the difficulties the people in my community face due to lack of proper
educational system and infrastructure, the prime goal in my mind has always been to help my
community improve and it further strengthened by doing community work and teaching at local primary
schools during school breaks. But one must be empowered before hoping to empower others and I
believe LUMS will help me attain the skillset required for todays global environment and polish my
existing ones so I could flourish as a person and be an asset to both my community and county.

Alongside my major I whish to study psychology and literature at LUMS as they have always held my
interest. What I love most about them is the ability they give you to step into mind and reasoning of
others and help you have a better understanding of the environment and yourself.

At LUMS I wish to broaden my horizons, and expose to new ones.

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