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Sample Questions

1. Jot down 5 advantages and disadvantages of Digital Marketing with examples

2. Discuss 5 reasons for the shift from traditional to digital marketing. Explain with relevant
3. Discuss any campaign which uses Integrated marketing techniques (T.V, outdoor media, Social
media, paid ads (both digital and print ads)
4. Explain the concept of Search Engine Optimization
5. Why is SEO required?
6. What are the features of SEO?
7. Mr. Aditya want to promote his shoe manufacturing business. He has heard that social media is
the right way to go ahead in present times. However, he would not like to spend a lot of money
in paid ads and would require a sustainable solution to promote his business online. Can you
suggest him a way / plan to go ahead. (SEO) (Google My Business – local listings), Keywords
8. What is the role of keywords in SEO? How do find the best keywords? (Head, Body, Tail – short
tail and Long tail and their implications with examples)
9. What could be considered to be best keywords? (ROI, searches, likelihood of your website being
pulled up in search engine rankings)
10. What is Social Media Marketing? (components – google ads, fb ads, insta ads, linked ads, twitter
11. Discuss the various platforms available to a digital marketer?
12. What exactly is the job of a digital marketer?
13. Take us through the buying journey of a digital customer?
14. Explain the concept of Digital Sales Funnel, its stages and the corresponding activities
15. Discuss the fundamentals of SMM /
16. What is email marketing?
17. Design an emailer?/
18. What is the main function / job of a website
19. How is an ecommerce website different from a general purpose website / informational website
/ personal website
20. Concept of payment gateway
21. Which are the platforms on which you can design a site without the need to code?
22. Define Template? What is the advantage / disadvantage of a template in website / email design
23. Explain the working of Google My Business / What is local listing in Google / Why is google my
business useful?
24. Give a demonstration of how to add a local business on google my business
25. Define backlinks. How can you add backlinks to other sites?
26. What is the concept of retargeting. Please explain with an example. What are the advantages of
27. What is a landing page and how is it different from a home page
28. Why must a website have a landing page
29. What is the relationship of a landing page with website conversions / product sales
30. What are the characteristics / attributes of a good landing page (product info / photograph from
different angles / features / sizes / informative video / sales + discount trigger / countdown
timer / customer review / call to action/ limited stock/

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