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Microbiology and Parasitology Module

Module Title: Teaching Guide in Microbiology and Parasitology

Microbiology and Parasitology Module

Microbial Metabolism

I. Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the session, the student must have:
 Differentiated between, anabolism, and catabolism.
 Compared and contrasted aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
 Relate how these reaction takes place in man.

II. Discussion:

Microbial Metabolism

Metabolism is from the Greek word metaballein which means change. It is the
sum of all chemical reactions in an organism. Although metabolism entails thousands
of different reactions but most of them fall either into anabolism or catabolism, which
is the two general categories of metabolism.

Anabolism is sometimes called biosynthesis. It is a building and bond-making

process that forms larger macromolecules from smaller ones. In short, it uses energy
and building blocks to build large molecules.

Catabolism on the other hand, is the opposite of anabolism. It is the breakdown

of larger molecules into smaller one. It provides energy and building blocks for
Below is the metabolism of ATP to ADP + phosphate + energy or vice versa.
ATP is the primary energy currency of the cell. When it is used in a chemical reaction
it must then be replaced. Also, in the figure, it shows how simple molecules such as

Microbiology and Parasitology Module

glucose, amino acids, glycerol and fatty acids formed into complex molecules such as
starch, proteins and lipids.

Figure 3.1. The Metabolic Cycle


Microorganisms such as cyanobacteria can trap the energy in sunlight through

the process of photosynthesis and store it in the chemical bonds of carbohydrate
molecules. The principal carbohydrate formed in photosynthesis is glucose. Other types
of microorganisms such as nonphotosynthetic bacteria, fungi, and protozoa are unable
to perform this process. Therefore, these organisms must rely upon preformed
carbohydrates in the environment to obtain the energy necessary for their metabolic
Cellular respiration is the process by which microorganisms obtain the energy
available in carbohydrates. They take the carbohydrates into their cytoplasm, and
through a complex series of metabolic processes, they break down the carbohydrate and
release the energy. The energy is generally not needed immediately, so it is used to
combine ADP with phosphate ions to form ATP molecules. During the process of
cellular respiration, carbon dioxide is given off as a waste product. This carbon
dioxide can be used by photosynthesizing cells to form new carbohydrates. Also in the

Microbiology and Parasitology Module

process of cellular respiration, oxygen gas is required to serve as an acceptor of

electrons. This oxygen gas is identical to the oxygen gas given off in photosynthesis.

Aerobic respiration is a series of reactions (glycolysis, the Krebs cycle and the
respiratory chain) that converts glucose to CO2 that will allow the cell to recover
significant amount of energy. This type of reaction relies on free oxygen as the final
acceptor for electrons and hydrogen and produces a relatively large amount of ATP.
Aerobic respiration is a characteristic of many bacteria, fungi, protozoa and animals.
The three steps of aerobic respiration are: 1) glycolysis, 2) Krebs cycle, and
3) Oxidative phosphorylation (e- transport chain).
Glycolysis. The process of glycolysis is a multistep metabolic pathway that
occurs in the cytoplasm of microbial and other organisms’ cells.
Glycolysis proceeds along nine steps, starting with glucose and ending with
pyruvic acid (pyruvate). Each of the nine reactions is catalyzed by a specific enzyme
with a specific name (Figure 3.2).
First, glucose is activated by adding a phosphate to it which results to glucose-
6-phosphate. It is then converted to fructose-6-phosphates and another phosphate is
added resulting to fructose diphosphate. The next step involves converting the 3C
In the last four steps of glycolysis, the 3 carbon molecule is manipulated
enzymatically to donate both of its phosphates to ADPs via substrate level
In the first and third steps of the pathway, ATP is used to energize the molecules.
Therefore, two molecules of ATP must be used in the process. Further along in the
process, the six-carbon glucose molecule is converted into intermediary compounds
and then is split into two three-carbon compounds. The latter undergo additional
conversions and eventually form pyruvic acid at the conclusion of the process.

During the final stages of glycolysis, four ATP molecules are synthesized using
the energy given off during the chemical reactions. Thus, four ATP molecules are
synthesized and two ATP molecules are inserted into the process for a net gain of two
ATP molecules in glycolysis.
In addition, during glycolysis, there is another reaction that yields enough
energy to convert NAD to NADH. The reduced coenzyme (NADH) will later be used
in the electron transport system, and its energy will be released. During glycolysis, two
NADH molecules are produced.

Microbiology and Parasitology Module

Figure 3.2 The Steps in Glycolysis

Microbiology and Parasitology Module

The Krebs cycle. Following glycolysis, the mechanism of cellular respiration

then involves another multistep process called the Krebs cycle. This cycle is also
known as the citric acid cycle. It was named in recognition of the German chemist
Hans Krebs, whose research into the cellular utilization of glucose contributed greatly
to the modern understanding of this aspect of metabolism. On the other hand, the name
citric acid cycle is derived from the first product generated by the sequence of
conversions, i.e., citric acid. The reactions are seen to comprise a cycle inasmuch as
citric acid is both the first product and the final reactant, being regenerated at the
conclusion of one complete set of chemical rearrangements. Citric acid is a so-called
tricarboxylic acid, containing three carboxyl groups (COOH). Hence the Krebs cycle is
sometimes referred to as the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle.
The Krebs cycle uses the two molecules of pyruvic acid formed in glycolysis
and yields high-energy molecules of NADH and FADH and some ATP and carbon
The Krebs cycle serves to transfer the energy stored in acetyl CoA to NAD+
and FAD by reducing them. Therefore, the main products of the Krebs cycle are the
reduced molecules (2 ATP for each glucose molecules). The reduced coenzymes
NADH and FADH2 are vital to the energy production that will occur in electron
transport. Also, the 2-carbon acetyl COA joins with a 4-carbon compound, oxaloacetic
acid, that participates in the seven additional chemical transformations while “spinning
off” the NADH and FADH2. Hence, it is called “the carbon energy wheel”. (Figure

Figure 3.3 The Steps in Krebs Cycle

Microbiology and Parasitology Module

The Electron Transport Chain

The electron transport system occurs at the bacterial cell membrane and in the
cristae of the mitochondria in eukaryotic cells. A series of cytochromes (cell pigments)
and coenzymes exist. These cytochromes and coenzymes act as carrier molecules and
transfer molecules. They accept high-energy electrons and pass the electrons to the next
molecule in the system. At key proton-pumping sites, the energy of the electrons is used
to transport protons across the cell membrane or into the outer compartment of the
Respectively NADH molecule is highly energetic. It accounts for the transfer of
six protons across the membrane. While FADH2 molecule accounts for the transfer of
four protons. Electrons pass from NAD to FAD, to other cytochromes and coenzymes,
and eventually they lose much of their energy. The final electron acceptor is
an oxygen atom. The electron-oxygen combination then takes on two protons to form
a molecule of water(H2O). As a final electron receptor, oxygen is responsible for
removing electrons from the system. If oxygen were not available, electrons could not
be passed among the coenzymes, the energy in electrons could not be released, the
proton pump could not be established, and ATP could not be produced.

Figure 3.4 The Steps in Electron Transport Chain

Microbiology and Parasitology Module

Anaerobic respiration is used by anaerobe microorganism. This system involves the

same three pathways as aerobic respiration, but it does not use molecular oxygen as the
final electron acceptor; instead, NO3-, SO42-, CO32-, and other oxidized compounds are
Fermentation is an anaerobic process where energy can be released from
glucose in the absence of oxygen. It occurs in yeast cells, and a number of bacteria.
In yeast cells, glucose can be metabolized through cellular respiration, as in
other cells. When oxygen is lacking, yet, glucose is still changed to pyruvic acid via
glycolysis. The pyruvic acid is first converted to acetaldehyde and then to ethyl
alcohol. The net gain of ATP to the yeast cell is two molecules–-the two molecules of
ATP normally produced in glycolysis.

Yeasts are capable to participate in fermentation for the reason that they have
the necessary enzyme to convert pyruvic acid to ethyl alcohol. This process is essential
because it removes electrons and hydrogen ions from NADH during glycolysis. The
effect is to free the NAD so that it can participate in future reactions of glycolysis.
Yeasts are therefore used in both bread and alcohol production. Alcohol fermentation
is the process that yields beer, wine, and other spirits. The carbon dioxide given off
supplements the carbon dioxide given off during the Krebs cycle and causes bread to

III. References:

Cowan, M. (2012) Microbiology: A Systems Approach, 3rd Edition. McGraw Hill,

ISBN 13: 978-0-07-352252-4
Tortora, Funke, Case (2013) Microbiology – An Introduction; Pearson (12th edition).
ISBN 9780133905557
Tortora, Funke & Case (2010). Microbiology an Introduction.(10th Edition)
Lumen Microbiology

Microbiology and Parasitology Module

IV. Exercises:

Name: _______________________________ Score: _________________

Answer the following: Write your answer on a separate sheet

1. Using a diagram: a) Compare the main reactions of aerobic and anaerobic

reactions. b) What are the final electron acceptors inn aerobic, anaerobic
metabolisms? c) How many ATPs are produced in each process?
2. Why is it helpful for organisms to be able to perform both anaerobic and aerobic
respiration? What evolutionary circumstances might have led to this?
3. When you exercise or perform short bursts of intense activity, you may feel a
burning sensation in your muscles. What is this caused by and how does it relate
to anaerobic respiration?

V. Evaluation:

Multiple Choice: Select the correct answer from the options provided. Write the
letter as your answer on the space provided.
________1. Catabolism is a form of metabolism in which _____ molecules are
converted into _______ molecules.
a. large, small c. amino acid, protein
b. small, large d. food, storage
________2. Energy is carried from catabolic to anabolic reactions in the form of ____
a. ADP c. coenzymes
b. high energy ATP bonds d. inorganic phosphate
________3. A product or products of glycolysis is/are
a. ATP b. H2O c. CO2 d. both a and b
________4. Fermentation of a glucose molecule has the potential to produce a net
number of ATPs.
a. 4 b. 2 c. 40 d. 0

Microbiology and Parasitology Module

________5. Pyruvic acid is processed in aerobic and anaerobic respiration via

________ and ______________.
a. Glycolysis and electron transport chain
b. Krebs cycle and electron transport chain
c. Glycolysis and Krebs cycle
d. Fermentation and glycolysis


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