Davidic Covenant

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Davidic Covenant

- The ark was lost because of a bad king (Saul) and a bad priest (Eli)
- David goes against the Philistines and defeats them; whether in the physical or the
spiritual God wins
- God is going to raisgee a good king and a faithful priest to bring the ark back. 


Land Covenant

- Under Moses was not the final redemption

- Isaiah 55; “… are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts”
o Redemption is coming and it is offered to those who are willing to return
- Isaiah notes - people have a heart disease
- Ezekiel 16:59-63; Jeremiah 31:31
o The end times has burst into the present
o New Age: the age of Divine Grace - a new way of relating to God
o The old covenant was written in stone, the new covenant was written in the heart
- Hebrews 8 - the author of Hebrews calls this covenant, the better covenant.
o It does not mean that God gave Moses a bad covenant/curse
o It’s not just God’s progressive revelation that brought the covenants, the old
covenant just was not working out anymore and thus the new covenant
o Hebrews 8v7 - “For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have
been no occasion to look for a second”
o The people at the time had used the covenant to become righteous, but that was
not its purpose. 
 The covenant was not faulty 

- The old covenant has not been replaced but postponed

o To focus on the Church

“Do you view Jesus as the final sacrifice, or a plan B?”

I. 2 Corinthians 3

A. Paul compares himself to Moses

- The old covenant seemed to fade

- Old covenant people related to God through the Law, New covenant
people relate to God through the Spirit

B. Temple

1. Hearts of the people = stone

2. Cleanse from idolatry
3. We will be washed
4. God will give us a new heart
5. God will give us a new Spirit
6. New Spirit = His very own Spirit
7. John 7:38 - “… streams of living water will flow from him.”
8. This is what the major prophets were getting at = that there will be new temple when God
willmeet HIs people despite their uncleanness
9. When they rebuilt the temple, they wept because the glory of God was missing.
10. The new covenant is filling the temple; Jesus is the new temple 
11. I am preparing a place in God’s house = in Jesus, not an actual house. 


 When God pointed out David’s frailty he responded well, but Saul did not. 

David’s life:

Ark Davidic Cov

2 Sam 6 2 Sam 7
1 Ch 16 Ps 89, 132

References to the Davidic Covenant

- Declared by the Lord - 2 Sam 7:8-17
- Referred to by David - 2 Sam 23:5
- Referred to by Solomon at the dedication of the temple - 2 Chr 6:15
- Referred to by the chronicler - 2 Chr 21:7
- Referred to by a psalmist - Ps 89; 132:10-11
- Referred to by Jeremiah - Jer 33:20-21
o The promises: Isa 9:7, 65:5, 22:22; Jer 23:5, 30:9; Ezek 34:23; 37; Hosea 3:5;
Amos 9:11; Zech 13
- Alluded to by the angel Gabriel - Luke 1:31-33
- Alluded to by Peter on the day of Pentecost - Act 2:29-31
- Alluded to by James - Act 15:14-18
Words and phrases related to the Davidic Covenant
- The Covenant with David
- The Seed of David 
- The House of David
- The Kingdom of David
- The Throne of David
- The Mercies of David
o Isaiah 55:1-3
o David understood resurrection
- The Key of David
- The Horn of David
o Represents the power of the kingdom
o 1 Sam 16; 17 - the oil


 Promises 

 The promises of Abraham

 “Victory over his enemies”
 Neighboring countries and kingdoms paid so David wouldn’t go against them
 “The land is yours”
 He wanted to make a dwelling place for God, but he can’t do it because he has blood in
his hands
 His purpose was to push back the enemies and make sure his people are established, but
his offsprings will never have to go to war because David had gone for them. 


 Sacrifices 
 Provides unique offerings
 Mediator (Priest)
 Sanctuary 

David (Voluntary, praise)

MP (Tab of David)

Tab of Moses

- “I desire loyalty”
- Micah 6:6 
- Mk. 12:33 ⇒ Loving people 
- Bisa ada 42,000 musisi/singer ⇒ not all of them are Jewish 


Born in Bethlehem Born in Bethlehem

Shepherd Shepherd

Appointed by a prophet Appointed by a prophet 

Bethlehem was troubled Bethlehem was troubled

Prophet brought peace Angels brought peace 

David-Beloved Jesus-Beloved Son 

Spirit came on Him Spirit came on Him


- Have a hard time understanding the New Covenant
- The New Covenant is not based on race but on the relationship with God; Jew and
- Circumcision of heart, not flesh
- Fulfilled in the millennia and one in the Church presently
- The New Covenant can only be fulfilled in the second coming
- They believe that they should exclude a lot of sacraments because they are Jewish
- God didn’t save the whole nation, he saved those who were faithful
- Even though they were a part of Israel’s ethnic line, nnless they are faithful then they are
not Israelites. 
- Matt 2 - “…out of Egypt I brought my son.” - Jesus is the true Israel
- Micah 5
- replacements theology - Antisematic
- Dispensational theology - Antieccesiastical 

Is the Church in the Old Testament? 

- Any structure that man builds cannot contain God.
- God was faithful to his people even when they were faithless. 
- Israel- the Church in the wilderness -ecclesia in the wilderness. 
- God’s people live by faith. 


 Don’t think I give you this land because…., but:

o Deu 7 ⇒ “I give you this land because of Abraham” 

o Deu 8 ⇒ reason why God do things to Israel is because His promise to Abraham
o Deu 9 ⇒ 
o Never because of superiority 

 Previously 

o The first covenant, had been free of faults, no circumstances would’ve been s
o For finding fault with the people, all the days will coming 
o The law is weak to the flesh
o The thing: God already prophesied that there’ll be a new covenant! 

 Elements of the New Covenant

Scripture  element Relationship to

the Mosaic

Heb 8:10 I will put My external —>

laws into their Internal 
minds, and I will
write them on
their hearts

Heb 8:10 I will be their Perception —>

God, and they relationship 
shall be my

Heb 8:11 They shall not Mental —>

teach everyone Convictional 
his fellow
citizen, and
everyone his
brother saying,
Know the Lord,
for all will know

Heb 8:12 For I will be Temporary

merciful to their Atonement ⇒
iniquities, and I Permanent
will remember Atonement 
their sins no

The record of something

- An account 
- Why did John use logos? Because Jesus came as an account book. He becomes a
physical, tangible record. 
- Their relationship to God
- Their relationship to Jesus 


I. Heb 2

Power of Spirit

- Spirit is the one who cause Jesus to speak 

- Therefore, for us to communicate the word, we also need the Spirit of God
- God even emphasized on the word ‘FILLED WITH THE SPIRIT” ⇒ During Pentecost 
- New dimension ⇒ Holy Spirit is going to be the one who make this covenant different ⇒ 

 Promises 

- This covenant also has a blessing and cursing as well. ⇒ Curse? Really serious ⇒
Eternal Hellfire 
- Promise of blessings ⇒ Promise of Abraham will be expanded to the Gentiles. 
- Promise of healing ⇒ Blessings of healings 
- Everybody that Jesus healed, died eventually ⇒ Nothing that Jesus did last
permanent. However, it is a DOWN PAYMENT for our life later. “I can do it
here, that means I can do it later (in Heaven)” 
- Healing is associate with our sin ⇒ God wants to heal our spiritual condition too.
He heals us from abuse, from rejection. No more tears, no more pain, no more
- Lk. 6: 12-24 ⇒ Blessed and Woe 

Faith -> Meaningless, Demon faith






- Heb 9
- The work of the Blood:
- 1 Peter 1:18
- How powerful is the blood of Jesus

- Reason why His blood can do so many things is because of its composition. ⇒ Jesus’
blood is now as complex as that. 
- The shedding of Jesus’ Blood

Occurance Spiritual Application

In Gethsemane - Lk. 22:44 Obedience and Consecration submitting to the

Father’s Will 

Scourging - Mk. 15:15; Mt. 27:26; 1 Pet Healing - Physical and spiritual
2:24; Isa 53:5

Crown of thorns - Mk. 15:16-20; Job 19:2- Deal with the curse of the earth - 
5  Renewing of the minds

Crucifixion - Mk. 15:24; Col 1:14; Col Forgiveness of SIn

2:14; Eph 1:7; Heb 9:22; Rev 1:5 

Piercing of His Side - Jn. 19:34; Heb 9:19; Perfecting and Cleansing of the church - water
1 Jn 5:16 and blood were two cleansing agent 

Leviticus 6:17 ⇒ The life is in the blood 

 Facts About Blood:
- 45% cells of our body are lymphatic, if we did not have fluid in our body we
wouldn’t be able to move, this is what keeps us moving
- ¼ of our cells are blood cells 
- Sin is what speeds up the deterioration process. 
- Our blood is always moving. 

 Functions of the Blood:

- Nutrition and gas exchange 

- Cleansing 
- Fluid and electrolyte balance 
- Healing 
- Fighting infection 
- Temperature regulation 
- Preservation and restoration from injury 
- Transportation 
- Hormones ⇒ affects our state of mind, mood, feelings

 Main blood cells 

o Red - Erythrocytes 

 Gets color
 Hemoglobe → molecule that takes oxygen. 
 It’s like a cycle of life and death because red blood cells will active for
120 then will be demolished. 

o Plate - Thrombocytes 

 We constantly lose blood 

o The main thing: balance is important in our blood system. 

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