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Winds of Time Tape #1169 Passover 2005 Pastor Murray We are given through the four winds a time

sequence and it comes down to a fixed time. This is why we covered the seals at last Passover. We are going to pick it up there and go on with the trumps and the vials, but we are going to cover it in a little different angle. We are going to go open your bibles if you would to rev. Chap 7 verses 1 and 3 back concerning the seals and bringing the four winds into this. Rev 7:1 1 and after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. In other words these four winds originating from all four points, four being symbolic of earth, brings about the end. In other words it starts the action of the end. Within this you have the seals which must be placed in the minds of people. Let's read on. Rev 7:2 2 and I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living god: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels, to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea, What did he say? Rev 7:3 3 saying, hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our god in their foreheads. So, the four winds have a great deal to do.and what you need to understand, if the four winds were stopped until a given time, do you know when they were given permission to go ahead? It is written and it is very important. It gives you one of the benchmarks. That is what we are after today because you need to know when the end, when the winds are released again, and the people have had the seal inserted, that is to say, all that are going to receive it. This gives us a time fixed. God, in his word, he gives man many opportunities. His order of the day is not wishy-washy. It isn't half-way. It isn't helter-skelter, it's fixed and it is a fixed time. You are going to hear that term a time or two. I am even going to bring that to you out of Hebrew where it is not translated "fixed time" necessarily in English, but it is a fixed time, and again, as I stated, god has a plan. It runs on that fixed plan and man can align with it if he wants to and if he doesn't, hey, go your way, have a good time you know. Enjoy yourself, but it is so much better to enjoy yourself in the plan of god and be blessed, because when you are blessed you have all things. All things that bring happiness, success, and if you have those things you just about have everything. Having been said, let's go back to the old testament in Ezekiel 37 and let's pick this up. You are all familiar with the dry bones. Well we want a second witness concerning this fixed time. Ezekiel chap 37:1 and think about the sealing as it is given from the old testament. Ezek 37:1-10 1 the hand of the lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones, 2 and caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry. What this means is that they were spiritually dead. They had no teaching whatsoever. They did not have the seal of god in their forehead. What is man? I just taught a lecture about two weeks ago on when god put the breath of life after he had formed men from dirt, what is man without god? Dirt. You really don't have all that much going for you when you don't have the breath of god in you, when you don't have the seal of god in you,

when you are not in conjunction with our father, when you don't operate on his schedule, you are dirt. That's just about the way it is, and guess what your life is going to end up being, dirt, just about dirt, because these old dry bones don't have much to look forward to, paycheck to paycheck, just get along. As long as I just get along. Don't you just hate to hear someone say that" I just want to get along. No, you want success with our father. You want to know our father's plan whereby you can be of assistance to our people, whereby you can help them, because the seal of god is placed in people's minds by seed planting. By people. . The point even here in the old testament is bringing these spiritually dead souls back to truth. 3 and he said unto me, son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, o lord god, thou knowest. You know father. 4 again he said unto me, prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, o ye dry bones, hear the word of the lord. What makes the difference? Hear the word of the lord. It doesn't do any good just to hear without understanding. If you hear without understanding it just goes in one ear and out the other. So it is very important, the word really means to hear the word of god and absorb it, because there is a fixed time. He has a plan of the day that is going to happen exactly as it is written. There is no need in you being lost, confused, or wondering what tomorrow brings when you have the order of the time right in your hand. So hearing the word of the lord takes a bunch of spiritually dead people and brings them into truth. Truth will do that. Truth brings life, and breath, which in the Hebrew tongue is ruach, meaning the spirit of god, the truth of god, brings that life. Thus in the old testament we have the seal of god from long ago. 5 thus saith the lord god unto these bones; behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live: You will live again. You will come back to the truth. I am sure that some of you in your lifetime, you might have drifted a little bit at one time or the other, but you come back to your father and his comforting embrace and touch. 6 and I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the lord. That's what is important. To know whose in charge. Who is your father? Because it is family. Family takes care of family and your father especially takes care of his family. Why? Because he loves them. He truly loves them. 7 so I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. I am going to spare you me singing the old song okay. 8 and when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them. If you are just a human body and you don't have the ruach, breath is spirit, wind is spirit, the spirit of god. If you don't have the spirit of god in you, again, what are you? You are dirt. That is about what your life would be. You want to be more than that. You want to have life. You want to be blessed. You want god to lead and direct you. He certainly wants to. That is what this is about, the sealing of god's children. Do you know what ultimately this comes to pass as you learned in the seals last year, if you have the seal of god in your forehead, Satan can not touch you. You are immune to any of his dirty tricks. You have power and authority. Use it, and don't ever be ashamed to use. It. That's what that difference is. You must have that spirit. 9 then said he unto me, prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, thus saith the lord god; come from the four winds, o breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. That's the same four winds that he said to hold off, "don't hurt the trees, don't hurt anything until we place that seal in their foreheads. In a sense the spirit even has to do with placing it as everything is always positive when we are dealing with our father. 10 so I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.

Our father uses whom he will. Our father, even though the enemy has an exceeding great army, even more at this time you might say, our father when he gives power and authority to his children, there is no match. We have the victory. Ezek 37:11 11 then he said unto me, son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts. Being lost is a terrible sensation to think that you are. Ezek 37:12 12 therefore prophesy and say unto them, thus saith the lord god; behold, o my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. Now many people would say, now what has that got to do with the church? It's talking about Israel. Well, who do you think the church is, with the 10 tribes having scattered north over the Caucasus mountains in the Assyrian captivity, later settling Europe , later migrating to this great nation America, and god's promise that they would become as numerous as the stars of heaven and the sands of the sea. Where is the church? Where is Israel? Now if we were to continue on, and I am not going to take you that far, after the four winds blow he said take a stick and take another stick and write Ephraim and Joseph, and Judah and join the sticks together. That doesn't happen until the millennium basically, so you know where this is taking place. You know where these prophecies and this touching of the people. You know in a sense you can feel this today. You know we have times in the past where we will receive maybe 300 to 400 new people each day. Do you know what it is have built up to in this tumultuous time now? 1700 a day. People are hungry and they know they are lost. They are searching and they are finding that truth. It is so very important. Where is the church? It is in Israel. Where is Judah? Well, most everybody knows our brother Judah , and there are many more to that tribe also. The main thing is that people receive that truth. Now one of the main reasons, and it is so simple, return to the book of revelations with me, let's go to chap. 6. I want to tell you why many people have trouble receiving the seals, they are so accustomed to reading the great book of revelations where it said, and four angels held this and seven angels did that, do you know the only person you can receive the seals from? There is only one place, and that is why many people have trouble with it, they forget to read with understanding. Chapter 6, this is at the beginning of the seals, what god wanted you to know, he said, hear the word of the lord. In the seals, what was most important? Well chap 6 verse 1, the great book of revelation, we are replowing some ground but sometimes it is necessary. A lot of people had a lot of trouble with this last year. Rev 6:1-2 1 and I saw when the lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, come and see. Who did it say gave the seals? The lamb, not angels, not some Written structure necessarily, but the lamb of god. The holy spirit can only touch people and cause them to see the seals, because as you cover on as we discovered, all of the seals are given before even the first trump can sound. What is a trump? It executes the order. The seal is where you receive the truth in your mind to what is going to happen. Well, how do I know what is going to happen? By listening to your father. By listening to the word of god. No angel is going to give you the truth concerning the seals. You have to get it from Christ. You have to get it from the son of god. You have to get it through the holy spirit. That's the miracle and that's the beauty of it. Why does he have the seals out of chronological order? Because he gives them to you of importance. What is the first seal and the most important thing that you need to have in your mind given to you by the lamb of god? Let's read it. 2 and I saw, and behold a white horse: and he that sat on him had a bow; (this is toxon, this is fake, imitation fabric bow of the bow in chap. 4 that surrounds god) and a crown was given unto him: and he went forth conquering, and to conquer.

Do you know who that is? That is the antichrist. The first seal is to know who is coming first. To know that the spurious messiah is coming to deceive your people, coming to deceive those dry bones. The important thing, if you can receive that first seal, then you know and understand what you must be on guard from. That's deception and lies from Satan and his followers. Hey, they will do it to you. They will make it sound so religious. You know, they make statements like, and you have heard me repeat it so many times, you don't have to understand god's word, you are going to be gone, you are going to fly away like a big butterfly-it is not written. You won't read that in one of the seals. Why? Because it is not true. It is a lie. It deceives so ever many people. It creates those huge stacks of dry bones. When god opens those spiritual graves and frees the people giving them the seal of god, that is to say the truth in their forehead, then they know and understand. When then, the question, and to answer the question, when are winds released to blow? That is to say, to bring the end, to begin to bring the end? This is going over even into tonights lecture. I am laying a seed bed here now don't miss it, stay with it. Turn with me to the 9th chapter, let's get into the trumpets. Again, I want to reiterate, and make sure you understand, the 8th seal, 7th seal rather was opened before the first trumpet ever sounded. Again, picture an army, when the trumpet sounds what is it? It is an order. It means execute the order. It doesn't mean the order has already come to pass. It simply means "execute", "begin". So he gives us the trumps in chap 8 verse 1 beginning and he speaks of this great star that fell from heaven. Of course we know who that bitterness is that falls, and he takes us on to the time of the locust and he gives us the first woe trump. I am going to take you all the way to the trump that releases the four winds. Four symbolic of earth. North, east, south, west, the four seasons, and the four winds, and on the very altar of god the four horns. Four directions always meaning earth or that, that has to do with earth. We saw in the beginning of the trumps in chap. 9, I am not going to cover every verse, I don't need to because you have all covered it, repeatedly, that is the smoke comes out of the pit and god delivers in verse 4 of chap. 9, to Satan, you can go down and you can sting and bother every person, you can't kill them but you can go down and lie to them. Every person but one that has the seal of god in their forehead, those you can't touch. Well, how could that be? Because if you have the seal of god in your head you are not stupid enough to follow Satan. It's simple. That's just where the rubber meets the road. If you have the seal of god in your forehead and you know Satans coming first, what are you going to tell him when he is whispers in your ear sweet things? You are not supposed to premeditate, that is what you will say. That's a sin okay in deed. You are supposed to say what god gives you at that moment. But, you are not stupid. You know he is coming first. Why? It's a seal. It was placed in your forehead, in your mind, before the fact, before it happened. That is what the seals consist of and that is why god would tell Satan, hey you can't have them. Why? They won't follow you. They won't dance to your music. They find you to be an abomination. And we do. It grieves us that he deceives our people the way he does. You know, you just have to really almost bite your lip when you see in this great nation even the three powers and how they get on each others feet and common sense goes out the window oft times. It is terrible. It really hurts but that is where we are at. That's why we must be careful. In the fourth verse of that 9th chapter god said, you can't bother those that have the seal of god in their forehead. They are not going to go with you. I want to skip then all the way down to verse 11 and let's identify who this particular king is that tries to take over the earth, and he does a good job of it basically. Rev 9:11 11 and they had a king over them,(this is the locust army) which is the angel of the bottomless pit, (how many of those do we have?) Whose name in the Hebrew tongue is abaddon, (that means the destroyer, it's Satans name in the Hebrew tongue) but in the Greek tongue hath his name apollyon. (still the base of Satans name in the Greek tongue) You are given his name in two different languages. Do you know there are still people who will say, well I wonder who he is. If you think that isn't a sign of the lack of the seal of god you would be mistaken. I mean there are some people that are unfortunately so stupid they can't help it, hey they haven't been taught that false one is coming first and god's word chapter by chapter and verse by verse. It is a sad situation. There are some people that would say, I still wonder who in the world that could be. Now, listen carefully, this is why we came here,

Rev 9:12 12 one woe is past; (how many woes are there? There are three) and, behold, there come two woes more hereafter. We got the worse two yet to come of these last trumps. The last three trumps are woe trumps. Rev 9:13-15 13 and the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before god, Four again symbolizing earth and the power concerning earth. 14 saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. Euphrates has always been the river that stands between Israel and Babylon, confusion, and that is where they are spiritually speaking. Held in chains. Are they the fallen angels? Of course they are in part. 15 and the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men. Do you know what that is in the Hebrew? It is a fixed time. You have all four dates under one article and all four under one preposition. Let's simplify that, it did not say from 22 days to two years, thus would happen. No, it just gave all four specific fixed times, a fixed time with god. That's when the false angels will be released and that's when it will be too late to try and prophecy any longer. Why? Because the end is coming. That's the fixed time. The four winds will blow from the four altars of god, from the four horns of the altar of god. It is his fixed time so you want to be very mindful of what happens during the sixth trump and the seventh trump because it is the last two woes. It is when god's action begins, god kinda stays out of the picture up until that time. He lets man do it to himself. In the lecture tonight you are going to find out what god intends to do. Continued. But know again, when you have four time periods given in one article there is no from to, all under one article meaning specifically, an exact time, down to the second in god's plan. This will come to pass. Rev 9:16 16 and the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them. I mean ole Satan had put together a pretty good force. You can better understand why in another place it says the whole world whored after the antichrist. Whole world. Most of them, those that don't have the seal of god will unfortunately. Rev 9:17 17 and thus I saw the horses in the vision, and them that sat on them, having breastplates of fire, and of jacinth, and brimstone: and the heads of the horses were as the heads of lions; and out of their mouths issued fire and smoke and brimstone. Three things. Rev 9:18 18 by these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths. These are not human beings, they are supernatural. They are fallen angels. They are lieutenants of Satan that do have power that we don't. We have power over it. That is what is important. This will deceive many, many people. What comes out of your mouth? Your voice. Communication. Lies in their case, deceiving people. That, that is exactly opposite of the seal of god. It is the seal of Satan as he places his lies into the minds of the people, that people follow him, that people are guided by him. He deceives them. You are going to see this and you are going to live through it and god expects you to be strong and stable. Not as restless water. Carrying out his plan of the day, as ordered. To the letter. Chapter by chapter and verse by verse. Rev 9:19 19 for their power is in their mouth, and in their tails: for their tails were like unto serpents, and had heads, and with them they do hurt.

You know the way a serpent has a stinger in it's tail and that is the way it captures its victim by poisoning it and then grabbing onto it with its little catchers like a crawfish, crawdad, and then with the serpent having no stomach it regurgitates into the body of the victim and it become the serpents stomach. Melts its backbone. Don't let your backbone be melted by lies, by false teachings. You stick with the truth. You know, lies delivered by supernatural entities, by that I mean angels, only they are fallen, can be pretty impressive. Rev 9:20 20 and the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: They can't help you. You can have all the gold in the world stacked up and tell it to save you from wickedness of the world, but it can't do anything for you other than the power of purchase. But your father can protect you. You know, there is not a one in this room , if you have ever been a person of action, that hasn't come up to a time you thought you had messed up big time and you were in your last seconds. Something happened, ooh that was lucky, well maybe not. Maybe not if you are one of god's elect. Think about it alright. I am not going super spiritual on you here. Weeee okay, but things happen in life. Rev 9:21 21 neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. They are just not going to do it. Why? There is no truth in them. I am going to take you to one verse and we are going to close. We are going to pick this up again tonight, and we are going to take this one further. I want to pretty well chronologically establish so that you know the sequence of the trumpets and how they fall when the four winds, the winds of time, that's why I call them the winds of time, they give you fixed times. They assure you, .well, you might say, why is it important for me to know god has a fixed time? Because most people that teach the father to you, if you are not careful, it will be like, well I will get around to it. Like he has kind of a helter-skelter type operation and man can determine, man does not determine man doesn't have anything to do with it. God has a fixed time , a fixed plan, and you are either in it or you are not period, that is the way it is. In closing, to comfort you, until we pick this back up again this evening, Luke chap 10. You see Christ comforted you and taught you all through, and he says in the 18th verse of the 10th chap of Luke. Luke 10:18-19 18 and he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. And some people will say, well I wonder what in the world he meant by that? It doesn't need an interpreter. He said, behold I saw Satan fall from heaven to earth. You can put it in the bank. You can go home with it. You don't need an interpreter, it is the first seal. I saw the fake whiteChrist is the one that comes on the white stallion Zech 9:10. Zech 9:9 says when he rides the donkey in his first entrance and the next says the true rider of the whitebut Christ said I saw it, it happened. You can count on it. It is not to be interpreted. You either believe the lord or you don't. So don't let somebody smoke you out. 19 behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, (now how was it they were going to hurt you? I give you power dunamis, however it doesn't happen to be dunamis in this particular case but I will leave it there. Exousia, privilege or right) and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Why? You know what is going on. You know in your head that all they can do is smoke you. That's an old military term, blow smoke, alright, I guess you all know what I mean. I could say it another way and it wouldn't do. Okay. Just wouldn't do. Don't let them see you sweat on your first cruise. Why? You don't have anything to worry about. He gives you power over all your enemies. How many is that? Come on! All your enemies. Luke 10:20 20 notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; (and they are. Evil spirits are subject to you if you have the seal of god and you have the grit to stand up and tell them where to go. Naturally in Christs name. It gets it done.) But rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.

You are in the book. You are one of those sealed that god knows he can count on. That you are not going to run at the first time the enemy. You are going to take care of business. You are going to get it done. That's can do type people. This is why I want you to really think about in your daily lifeyou know sometimes people will say, I just don't know why god does this to me. He doesn't. You do it to yourself when you begin to listen to.if you are in a crybaby attitude you are listening to a crybaby. Not a can do type person. Not a person that knows their name is in the book. Not a person that is can do but a crybaby. Now everybody has bad moments, but when you have bad moments that is the time for you to say, lord, you told me, you promised, I believe it, I am going to do it. So do it. That's the way it goes. You don't what am I saying? There is going to be some awesome things of supernatural entities, angelic beings, at the very close. How do I know that? It is written. You don't have to worry about it but it is important that you break down the sequence of events so that you are not deceived as to when the three woes come to pass and the four winds blow. We will pick that up again in the lecture this evening.

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