Special Mission Log-Aztec

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By Zach

Mission Objective: Contain Realm Shifter Kuzhiel

Terran Planet: Earth
Planet Date: 1520s
Log Settings: Audio and Video

Mission Briefing
Our old Dyson Sphere housed many creatures, but after the disaster, it
was destroyed. Due to this many creatures of our world that could
realm shift escaped. In particular, one realm shifter, Kuzhiel had
become stronger. The star inhibited him due to us binding him to it, and
when it went supernova he regained all of his power. Unfortunately, the
locals of the area he entered from his abyssal realm were the region of
the Aztecs. What was so unfortunate about this was that they believed
him to be Quetzalcoatl. A god of their empire and with the ability to
communicate with humans via telepathy. This resulted in him telling
them that he abandoned his brother, Tezcatlipoca. However, this will not
stop us from capturing him and bringing him to our new world,
Darknova. Once done an extraction team will come using a wave of
amnestics borrowed from another world. This barely affects us as we
wear armor that severely weakens this effect to only forget simple
things. However, the Terrans will forget that Kuzhiel ever came and
alter their memory to make everything fit without him.

That is all the briefing that you shall receive anything that goes wrong
improvise and adapt.

“Systems activating…” the suit's system says. “Ok, Xiao thanks for the
wake-up call,” you say groggily. “For this mission, as you have often
been doing would you like to activate a video and audi-” “Yes Xiao.” You
say cutting her off. “Switch to headcam,” As the ship enters Earth's
atmosphere it quickly redistributes them into fuel, at more speed
which causes more heat to build up. Eventually, it exits the loop into a
calmer state which unfortunately for you has recoil and throws you
back a bit. “Why could I not get a ship with a more stable gravity core!”
You blurt out angrily with an amazing drink from the future of the
Earth, all over your armor nearly staining it. As you quickly head into
the pilot seat and head over to the drop site and open the drop hatch.
“Alright where to now?” You say as you walk around, “To the home of
Az-” “-It was rhetorical.” You once again cut her off more annoyed than
before. “Just, (sigh) respond when I need you.” You quickly switch to a
cloaking system that makes you look like an Aztec wearing loin cloth
and a long cape with a hood. However, you do wear more advanced
clothing to keep your dignity. When you get to the designated city
housing Kuzhiel, and when you get there it appears they are sacrificing
someone for him. Feeding him their heart as they tore a hole into his
stomach accessing their heart. “What in the world?” You’ve heard that
this species is quite smart and don’t sacrifice however you realize
that's in the future. You quickly run into the crowd to blend in as squid
yourself in, and patiently wait for the moment to strike that never
comes. As the event ends and people disperse it is left there with
Kuzhiel staring at you being able to see past your disguise. “I see you
Valeron,” He says, “I know you’re there I can see you what are you
waiting for?” He asks. “NoOOooOOOo iiiiideeaaa.” You say as the battle
begins with you bringing out an amoeba weapon. “Roll for initiative!”
You quietly yell.
He starts teleporting around you clawing and trying to spit an acidic
liquid. After dodging a few hundred times you strike and manage to cut
pretty deep. Causing him to roar out loudly getting the attention of the
guards. “Shoot!” You say realizing you have to get out of there. Such a
ritual only happens once a year in the Solar System, about 365 in
Terran time. This would make you have to wait another year however,
the ritual would not happen again. Ever since that incident, there would
be guards protecting him 24/7. In addition, this year would be the end of
the Aztecs. Amnestics would no longer be used on the Aztecs but used
on the invaders.
However, you would not know this because you were not a kid who
studied other species’ history. Not knowing this you would watch and
eventually participate in an Aztec pastime called, Tachli. You would
eventually become a noble and own a large amount of land but
eventually, this dream would end. “The time for the Aztecs to fall has
come,” Xiao says as you wake up to screaming. Your mission was time
sensitive but it seems you didn’t know that as the Spanish has started to
invade. As you quickly intercept Kuzhiel and capture him sending him to
your world. After that, you quickly rush back to your ship and escape as
the Aztec civilization collapses.

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