GARANTUZA PE 3 Ass3 Module 3

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PE3 – First Aid and Water Safety

Assignment #3 (Module 3)

Name: Franz Adrienne C. Garantuza

Direction: Answer the following questions below

A. What will you do if someone is choking? Give 2 ways (10 Points)

1. If someone is choking, assist them and perform the Heimlich maneuver.

2. If they continue to choke, perform up to 5 abdominal thrusts: hold around the

waist and pull inwards and upwards above their belly button.

B. Should you drink water when choking? Support your answer (10 Points)
No, Because drinking any water to try forcing the food down can actually make it

C. Discuss the purpose of dressing and bandaging. Note: Limit your answer in two
sentences only
(10 Points)

Covering a skin break helps to control bleeding and prevent infection. Dressings are
gauze or cloth pads that can be applied directly to the wound to absorb blood and
other fluids. Cloth bandages protect and secure dressings.

D. What is the use of splint? Note: limit your answer in one (1) sentence (10 points)

After an injury, a splint is used to keep the injured body part still and protect it from
further damage until you can get medical help. After the injured body part has been
immobilized, it is critical to check for good circulation. Splints can be used to treat a
variety of injuries.

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