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Tasya Nur Zuhaely


Homework Assignment

No. sentences (clauses) form

1 Could you sign here? Interogatif
2 I'd like to see your sister Declaratif
3 He's always been kind to me Declaratif
4 He went to a fruit store first Declaratif
5 I heard someone calling my name Declaratif
6 Do you know how to play chess ? Interogatif
7 I have been ill in bed since last Friday Declaratif
8 I don't like this sweater Declaratif
9 I object to her going there alone Declaratif
10 This shirt is too small for me to wear Declaratif
11 My family goes to Italy every year Declaratif
12 Would you like another Apple ? Interogatif
13 I visited the village where he was born Declaratif
14 Let's take a break ! Imperatif
15 He still writes me from time to time Declaratif
16 He loves her Declaratif
17 Aren't you thirsty ? Interogatif
18 What do you usually do on Sundays ? Interogatif
19 Don't forget to write to me ! Imperatif
20 What are your strong points ? Interogatif
21 Can you speak French ? Interogatif
22 Read after me ! Imperatif
23 What are you going to do ? Interogatif
24 Look at the map on page 62! Imperatif
25 What are they made ? Interogatif
26 They went to the zoo by bus yesterday Declaratif
27 Which do you prefer apples or bananas ? Interogatif
28 Have you ever seen Tokyo Tower ? Interogatif
29 Will you help me with my homework ? Interogatif
30 Don't spill the beans ! Imperatif
31 Would you please turn down the TV ! Imperatif
32 He often goes to Tokyo Declaratif
33 Please do it quickly ! Imperatif
34 I have a pretty dog Declaratif
35 Don't ask me for money ! Imperatif
36 How long will you stay here ? Interogatif
37 Why don't you come to the movies with me ? Interogatif
38 Would you please stop talking ! Imperatif
39 I want to close my account Declaratif
40 Where should we go ? Interogatif
41 They are not interested in saving money Declaratif
42 She decided not to attend the meeting Declaratif
43 Will you please call me this evening ? Interogatif
44 Close your eyes please ! Imperatif
45 She is carrying a backpack on her back Declaratif
46 Don't be afraid to make mistakes when speaking English ! Imperatif
47 You must keep your room clean ! Imperatif
48 Please turn on the TV ! Imperatif
49 I'm so happy Exclamatif
50 All the flowers in the garden are yellow Declaratif

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