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目录 1
Home 2
Layer 3 Routing of ZeroTier clients into an OpenWRT/LEDE LAN 2
ZeroTier setup on OpenWRT/LEDE 2
Installation 2
Create your ZeroTier network 2
Configure ZeroTier on your OpenWRT/LEDE router using UCI 2
Join your ZeroTier network with OpenWRT/LEDE 3
Configure the routing within OpenWRT/LEDE 4
Tests 5
How to compile ZeroTier using uClibc++ 5



Layer 3 Routing of ZeroTier clients into an OpenWRT/LEDE LAN

ZeroTier setup on OpenWRT/LEDE

If not already installed, install ZeroTier on your router. On my router a TP-Link TL-WDR4300 with lede-17.01 branch (git-17.290.79498-d3f0685) /
LEDE Reboot 17.01.4 r3560-79f57e422d I had to manually install the ZeroTier (1.1.14) package with the following commands:

root@LEDE:~# opkg update

root@LEDE:~# opkg install zerotier
Installing zerotier (1.1.14-4) to root...
Installing kmod-tun (4.4.92-1) to root...
Installing ip-tiny (4.4.0-9) to root...
Configuring kmod-tun.
Configuring ip-tiny.
Configuring zerotier.
Generate secret - please wait...

ZeroTier service will autostart and join you to the public virtual network called Earth with network ID 8056c2e21c000001 . Because this is
maybe not what you want, you should stop the ZeroTier service for now:

root@LEDE:~# /etc/init.d/zerotier stop

Create your ZeroTier network

If not already done, create a network on any kind of ZeroTier controller. At least you could use the free service at to create a

My network setup looks like this (! not my real one !):

ZeroTier Controller
Network ID: 8ad5123ed69d6f69
IPv4 Auto-Assign (advanced)
[x] Auto-Assign from Range:
Managed Routes: (LAN) (
IPv6 Auto-Assign
[ ] ZeroTier RFC4193 (/128 for each device)
[ ] ZeroTier 6PLANE (/80 routable for each device)
[ ] Auto-Assign from Range

Configure ZeroTier on your OpenWRT/LEDE router using UCI

The initial start of ZeroTier has created some unique files like your public/private key pair

/var/lib/zerotier-one/identity.public # Your ZeroTier public key

/var/lib/zerotier-one/identity.secret # Your ZeroTier private key
/var/lib/zerotier-one/authtoken.secret # Your authentication token for the API (if ever needed)

A look at the uci config should show something like this:

root@LEDE:~# uci show zerotier



The zerotier.sample_config.secret is the content of /var/lib/zerotier-one/authtoken.secret

Join your ZeroTier network with OpenWRT/LEDE

SSH into your OpenWRT/LEDE router.

First we will disable the default sample_config of ZeroTier using the uci command line interface:

root@LEDE:~# uci set zerotier.sample_config.enabled='0'

Then we will configure a new ZeroTier connection with name lede_network using uci

root@LEDE:~# uci set zerotier.lede_network=zerotier

root@LEDE:~# uci set zerotier.lede_network.interface='wan'
root@LEDE:~# uci set zerotier.lede_network.secret="$(cat /var/lib/zerotier-one/identity.secret)"
root@LEDE:~# uci add_list zerotier.lede_network.join='8ad5123ed69d6f69'
root@LEDE:~# uci set zerotier.lede_network.enabled='1'
root@LEDE:~# uci commit zerotier

Hint: The zerotier.lede_network.join config variable is a so called list.

If you want to remove a network ID from the list use the following command:

root@LEDE:~# uci del_list zerotier.lede_network.join='<network id to remove from to join list>'

Now verify that /etc/config/zerotier represents your config, mine looks like this:

root@LEDE:~# cat /etc/config/zerotier

config zerotier 'sample_config'

option interface 'wan'
list join '8056c2e21c000001'
option secret '<very long secret number>'
option enabled '0'

config zerotier 'lede_network'

option interface 'wan'
option secret '<very long secret number>'
option enabled '1'
list join '8ad5123ed69d6f69'

As you can see, the sample_config is not enabled while lede_network is enabled.

If it looks similar on your end, reboot your router. (Yes, you must actually reboot your router here)

root@LEDE:~# reboot

After the reboot re-login using SSH and verify the zt0 interface. The interface zt0 should be up and running

root@LEDE:~# ifconfig zt0

zt0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 6A:2D:25:D7:33:02
inet6 addr: fe80::682d:25ff:fed7:3302/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:7 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0

collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:0 (0.0 B) TX bytes:738 (738.0 B)

and your ZeroTier client should be in state online :

root@LEDE:~# zerotier-cli info

200 info 41c7017c10 ONLINE 1.1.14

After some time, your LEDE router should appear within your controller ( or on your self-hosted one).

Make sure you Auth orize the client, so it can pickup an IP from your network. Because we want to later route all traffic of all members of our
ZeroTier Network ID into our LAN we make sure, that the ZeroTier IP address of our OpenWRT/LEDE router is fixed to by setting it up
manually within the ZeroTier controller (eg.

Hint If you change any network settings for the ZeroTier client running on your OpenWRT/LEDE router you should reboot the router, because it will
sometimes not pick up the changed configuration!

After authorization of the OpenWRT/LEDE router as a ZeroTier client and after a reboot of your router, the router should pickup the config of your
network (eg IP address) for its zt0 interface:

root@LEDE:~# ifconfig zt0

zt0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 6A:2D:25:D7:33:02
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::d432:6dff:febe:dfc4/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:699 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:707 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:71677 (69.9 KiB) TX bytes:236370 (230.8 KiB)

It is now a good time to backup the configuration of your OpenWRT/LEDE router before you continue.

Configure the routing within OpenWRT/LEDE

Currently we have the following setup:

WAN-Interface of the OpenWRT/LEDE router : a public IP on the internet

IP-Range of the LAN switch on the OpenWRT/LEDE router :
IP-Address of the zt0 interface on the OpenWRT/LEDE router :
ZeroTier network route on the OpenWRT/LEDE router : via zt0

Now we have to do some final setup within the web interface of the OpenWRT/LEDE router:

Go to Network->Interfaces , click on Add new interface and enter the following settings:

Name of the new interface : ZT0

Protocol of the new interface : Unmanaged
Create a bridge over multiple interfaces : [ ]
Cover the following interface : [x] zt0

Click on Submit and then on Save and Apply .

Then go to Network->Firewall , click on Add to create a new zone with the following settings:

Name: zero
Input: accept
Output: accept
Forward: accept
Masquerading: [ ]
MSS clamping: [ ]
Covered networks: [x] ZT0:
[ ] lan:
[ ] wan:
[ ] wan6:

How to compile ZeroTier using uClibc++

Inter-Zone Forwarding
Allow forward to destionation zones: [x] lan:
[ ] wan: wan6:
Allow forward from source zones : [x] lan:
[ ] wan: wan6:

Click on Save & Apply

I would now reboot the router again to make sure all the config is applied correctly.

Any ZeroTier client that now joins your ZeroTier Network (in my example: 8ad5123ed69d6f69) should automatically receive an IP address out of the range while the ZeroTier client already running on your OpenWRT/LEDE router has a fixed address of . Because of the
route we set for the ZeroTier network within the ZeroTier controller at ( via any of your ZeroTier
network members can now reach LAN-IPs ( behind your OpenWRT/LEDE router. Also allo ZeroTier clients ( can
reach each other.

How to compile ZeroTier using uClibc++

Note: Zerotier >1.1.14 cannot be compiled with uClibc++ anymore.

Install uClibc++

tar -xvjf uClibc++-0.2.4.tar.bz2
cd uClibc++-0.2.4

Now put this in the top section of Makefile in ZT source folder:


LDFLAGS+= -L$(UC_LIB) -pthread

LDLIBS+= -L$(UC_LIB) -pthread -fno-builtin -nodefaultlibs -Wl,-Bstatic -luClibc++ -Wl,-Bdynamic -lpthread -lm -lc -lsupc++ -lc -lgcc -lgcc_eh -lgcc_s -lpthread -lm
CXXFLAGS+= -fno-builtin -nostdinc++ -I$(UC_INC) -DGCC_HASCLASSVISIBILITY -Wall -fPIE -fvisibility=hidden

Now call make .

How to compile ZeroTier using uClibc++


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