FAQs Paper 02 (2023)

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Q: Can we write a reference from the Quran while writing the answer of Ahadith in Q1?

A: Yes. Candidates can write references from the Quran and Hadith both and for a few questions they
can also use the statements of companions as a reference in their answers.

Q: From the set of 20 Ahadith, which Ahadith are related to Individual responsibilities o f Muslims,
communal responsibilities of Muslims, and which Ahadith are for both individual and communal

(a) Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied, from the passages set for special study,
about the responsibilities of individual Muslims. [10]

For this question, you can use any four Ahadith from Hadith # 4,7,8,9,13,17,18,19 and 20.

(a) Outline the main teachings of the Hadiths you have studied about the importance of Muslim communal
life. [10]
(a) According to the teachings of the set Ahadith you have studied, outline how Muslims should treat one
another. [10]

For these questions, you can use any four Ahadith from Hadith # 2,16,3,14,5 and 12.

(a) From the set of Hadiths, outline the Prophet (PBUH)’s teachings about the conduct of the individual in
the community. [10]

For this question, you can use 2 Ahadith of Individual responsibilities and two Ahadith of communal or you
can use four Ahadith that mention both individual and communal responsibilities. Ahadith related to both
individual and communal responsibilities include Hadith # 1,11,15,10 and 6.

Q: Is it necessary to prepare for Sunni and Shia collections of Hadith?

Memorize the names of all ten books and the number of Ahadith recorded by every compiler.
Thereafter, at least do memorize the first two books in Sahah Sitta that are Sahih Bukhari and Sahih
Muslim, and the first two books in Kutub-ul-Arba that are Kitab-ul-Kafi and Man La Yahdurul Faqeeh.

In 2020 the question related to the collections at the time of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and
companions have been assessed so we are expecting that a similar question concerning the collections of
Successors and Successors of Successors can also be assessed. In that question, you will need to mention
the names of collections from the age of successors and give brief descriptions of Al-Muwatta by Imam Malik
and Al-Musnad by Imam Hanbla. From the age of successors of successors, you need to mention the names
of Sahah Sitta and Kutub-ul-Arba along with brief descriptions of the first two books of both Sunni and
Shia collections.
Q: Can a question be assessed on the themes of hadith other than individual and communal Ahadith?

Yes. Examiners can make a question using the topics of Ahadith you have studied in Q1. Refer to Book
# 6 Page # 22-23 to see this type of question and the pattern of their answers. (The chances of such a question
are rare).

Q: What is the answer to the question with the wording of 'Structure of hadith?'

It is about two parts of Hadith; Sanad and Matn along with their checking criteria.
See Book # 6 pages 1-2.

Q: Can you mention a Sahih, Hasan, and Dhaif hadith to be used as examples in the classification of

The Prophet (PBUH) said: "Make witr as your last prayer at night." (Sahih Hadith)

The Prophet (PBUH) said: “He who misses three Jummahs out of negligence, Allah will place a seal over
his heart.” (Hasan Hadith)

The Prophet (PBUH) used to say when he broke his fast: “O Allah, for You I have fasted and with
Your provision, I have broken my fast.” (Dhaif Hadith)

“Seek Knowledge as far as China.” (Mauzu Hadith)

Q: What is the pattern of the following question?

(a) Why do Muslims need to know about the Prophet (PBUH)’s Hadiths and what benefit do they hope to get
by following his Sunnah? [10]
- Hadith is the authority next to Quran; it extends Quranic laws; it is used when the Quran is silent and it
provides Tafsir of the key verses of the Quran.
- It is used in all spheres of Muslim life even today especially when Ijma and Qiyas are practiced.
- Give an example of the use of Hadith and Ijma.
- Give an example of the use of Hadith and Qiyas.
- They act upon Divine order as the Quran states: “Whoso obeys Messenger obeys Allah.” (4:80)
- They follow the authentic details/explanations of the Quran.
- They get the Divine laws through Sunnah where Quran is silent. “And obey Allah and obey the Prophet.”
- They form Islamic laws in today’s world using Sunnah with Ijma or Qiyas.
- By following the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) Muslims hope to walk on the path of righteousness.
- By following Sunnah, they are obedient to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH)’s message. He (PBUH) said:
“I leave behind me two things, the Quran & my Sunnah, and if you follow these you will never go
Q: What is the difference between the source of guidance and the source of legal thinking?

SOURCE OF GUIDANCE: In this, you need to cover the use of sources by a common man and discussion
will be made only on Primary sources. For Hadith as a source of guidance, you need to discuss the Main
Points of hadith and then its relations with Quran with examples. (discussion on primary sources and
their relation only) See Book # 2 Page # 11-13.

SOURCE OF LEGAL THINKING: In this, you need to cover the use of sources by a legal thinker. Discussion
will be made on primary and secondary sources both. For hadith as a source of legal thinking, you
need to discuss the Main Points of hadith, its relations with the Quran and examples, its relations with Ijma
plus an example, and its relations with qiyas plus an example. Also, you need to mention the use of hadith
by the successors of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). See Book # 2 Page # 28.

Q: What is the pattern of the following question?

(a) Outline how the following sources are used in establishing law
(i) Hadith (ii) Qiyas [10]

In this, you need to cover both sources individually.
i) Discuss key points of Hadith followed by its relations with the Quran with examples
ii) Discuss key points of Qiyas followed by its relations with the Quran and Hadith with one example each.

Q: Can the examiner make a 10 mark question on the compilation of the Quran in paper two?

Yes, a 10 mark question can be assessed from the topic compilation of the Quran in paper two with
reference to the ruling periods of 1st and 3rd caliphs.

Q: Can two questions be assessed from the Rightly Guided Caliphs?

Yes. In multiple examinations, the Examiner has assessed two questions from the chapter of caliphs in
paper two.

Q: Can I prepare caliphs from the Review Book?


Q: What chapters can I prepare from The Review Book Two?

Book # 7 (The Rightly Guided Caliphs) Book # 08 (The Articles of Faith) and Book # 9 (The Pillars of Islam)
only if you have the updated review book which I updated in October 2021.
Q: Can I leave Articles or Pillars or Caliphs completely?

No. Two questions can be assessed separately from these chapters.

Q: Is funeral prayer part of the Syllabus?

No. It is part of syllabus 2056, not our syllabus 2058.

Q: Can questions from June 2020 be repeated?

Yes, they can be especially questions from chapter Hadith and Caliphs.

Q: What are the most important Battles that must be prepared from Caliphs?

Every Battle is important to study if not for the assessment but the understanding of the ruling period of
a caliph. This will surely help in the Analytical type of Questions which are mostly new. However, if you see
the Past Paper trend then the following battles are the most important; Battle of Yamamah in the rule of
1st caliph, Battle of Yarmuk, Fall of Jerusalem, Conquest of Egypt (Alexandria), Battle of Qadissiya, and
Battle of Nahawand from the ruling period of 2nd ca liph and all battles fought in ruling periods of 3 rd and
4th caliphs. For the Battles in the rule of 1st caliph, only their names have been used in past years except
for the battle of Yamamah which is assessed in the 05 or 10 Mark answer. In future years we never know
what new area would be assessed so read all battles but focus more on the battles by learning that have
been assessed in past years.

Q: What is the pattern of the following question?

(a) Hazrat Umar (RZ)’s caliphate is regarded as a golden era in Islamic history.’ Write an account of
how Hazrat ‘Umar ruled during his ten-year caliphate. [10]

To answer this, you need to mention both expansion and administration. However, expansion should be
discussed concisely, and you need to focus more on the administrative reforms of Hazrat Umar (RZ).

Q: What is the pattern of the following question?

(a) Hazrat Ali (RZ)’s policy of changing the governors appointed by Hazrat Uthman led to a lot of
problems for him. Outline:
(i) His reasons for making these changes; (ii) The effects of his policy. [10]
In the first paragraph, discuss the reasons for changing the governors along with the governors he appointed.
In the second paragraph, discuss the battle of Camel (Basra) connecting it with Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr
(previous governor of Basra) who joined hands with Hazrat Aisha (RZ). In the third paragraph, discuss the
battle of Siffin connecting with Hazrat Muawiya (RZ) who refused to leave the post and demanded Qisas for
Hazrat Uthman (RZ) instead.
Q: Where can I find the answer to this question?

(a) Write about how the four Rightly Guided Caliphs ruled during their caliphates in accordance with
Islamic values. [10]

See Workbook # 07 Page # 35-36 or Book # 7 Page # 40-41.

Q: Can Shia students write timings and the method of prayer according to their sect?


Q: Do we have a choice to attempt Shia or Sunni topics?


Q: What is the pattern of the following question?

(a) What acts do pilgrims (hajjis) perform on the 10th of Dhil-Hajj and how does the rest of the Muslim
community (umma) celebrate this day? [10]

A: To answer this you need to mention the celebration of Eid- ul- Azha and t h e features of Eid prayer
followed by rituals performed by pilgrims on the 10th of Dhil Hajj at Muzdhalifa, Mina, Jamarat, and Kabah.

Q: Where can I find the answer to Umrah?

(a) ‘And complete the hajj or Umrah in the service of God’ (al-Baqara 2:196). What observances does
the pilgrim complete in the performance of Umrah and how is Umrah different to Hajj? [10]
See Book # 9 Page # 32-33
Instructions: Use the information from paragraph # 2 till the practice of Sa’i. For the method of Umrah cover
these points; Intention and Ihram before or at Miqat, reciting Talbiyah and beginning of restrictions
of Ihram, Reaching K’abah, stopping Talbiyah, Reaching Mataf, Iztiba, Intention of Tawaf, Istalam, Seven
rounds of Kabah (Ramal in first three rounds), supplication at Multazim, 2 units of Nawafil at Muqam-
e-Ibrahim, having Zam Zam, running between Safa and Marwa (Sa’i) followed by Halaq/Qasr and
removing Ihram.


See Book # 9 Page # 34
Q: What is the pattern of the following question?

(a) Describe the meaning of the term jihad and say how Muslims can practice jihad in their everyday
(a) There are five forms of jihad. Write an account of any three of them.

See Paragraph # 1 on page # 13 of Book # 9.
See Paragraph # 2 on page # 13 of Book # 9 and write till quotation 91:9.
See Paragraph # 3 on page # 14 of Book # 9 & write till quotation 25:52.
See Paragraphs # 2 & 3 on pages # 15 & 16 of Book # 9 and after the quotation write the conditions and
rules of Jihad without illustrations.

Q: Can I Prepare Articles of faith from your workbook?

A: Yes, you can except for the 5 th and 6 th articles. If you elaborate the provided points in the 5th and
6th articles, then you can prepare the whole chapter from workbook # 08.

Q: How should I study the chapter on the Rightly Guided Caliphs?

You should prepare for this chapter by learning easy topics to the more and then the most difficult topics.

The easiest portion of this chapter is concerning their administration individually and altogether. In my
opinion, you should study their administration first with the following sequence.
(i) Administration of Hazrat Umar (RZ) (ii) Administration of Hazrat Abu Bakr (RZ)
(iii) Administration of Hazrat Uthman (RZ) (iv) Speciality of the Rightly Guided Caliphs
Please remember the key is the administration of Hazrat Umar (RZ) which covers at least almost 50%
points of the others especially concerning Shura, Economy and Division of Empire.

After this cover the election of all four caliphs. In past papers, elections of the 1st and 3rd caliphs have been
assessed. I believe Hazrat Ali (RZ)’s election can also be assessed.

Thereafter, prepare for their deaths/martyrdom as there is already a question in the recent past paper about
the martyrdom of 2nd, 3rd and 4th caliphs.

Thereafter focus more on the main events in their caliphate like the Apostasy movement, the Compilation
of the Quran, the change of governors and problems in the rules of 3rd and 4th caliphs.

In the end, start preparing for the expansion of the Islamic Empire in their ruling period. Learn Battle of
Yamamah from the first caliph, Battles of Yarmuk, Qadissiya, Nahawand, fall of Jerusalem and the Battle of
Alexandria (Egypt) from the second caliph. All battles of 3 rd and 4th caliphs which are pretty easy to
Q: Can I use the blank page at the end rather than an extra sheet?


Q: What do you think this year two questions will be assessed from caliphs or not?

God Knows - I am no one to predict.

Q: Sir is this and that question important? Parhun ya Chordun?

Ye sawal bohat hi ajeeb hai Bhai! You are going for CAIE, not for the monthly test.


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