Ymcacovid19reopening Commsplan

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Re-opening the YMCA to Health & Safety Standards and
communicating important information to internal/external


Sub mitt ed by A ppro ved B y A ppro v e d o n

L AUREN N ANNE • __ _________________ • JULY _ , 2020

Background ............................................................................................................................... ......3
Situational Analysis .......................................................................................................................4

Opportunity/Need .........................................................................................................................5
Goals ...................................................................................................................................................5

Primary Publics ...............................................................................................................................6
Secondary Publics .........................................................................................................................6

Key Messages ..................................................................................................................................7
Tactics .................................................................................................................................................8

Phase 1 ............................................................................................................................................10
Social Posts ...............................................................................................................10
Email Template ........................................................................................................11
Website Content .....................................................................................................12
FAQ ..............................................................................................................................13
Phase 2 ............................................................................................................................................15
Social Posts ...............................................................................................................15
Email Template ........................................................................................................16
Website Content .....................................................................................................17
Phase 3 ............................................................................................................................................19
Social Posts ...............................................................................................................19
Email Template ........................................................................................................20

I N T E R N A L CO M M S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1
Workplace .........................................................................................................................................21
Email ...................................................................................................................................................22

CO N T I N G E N C Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3

The Sault Ste. Marie YMCA is a charitable organization that promotes the development
of spirit, mind and body by encouraging healthy lifestyles, personal growth and service to the
community. At the YMCA we believe that living with and acting on our six core values contributes
to the development of a healthy self-esteem and overall personal happiness. Our commitment
is to strengthen the foundations of community by nurturing the potential of children, teens and
young adults; promoting healthy living; fostering a sense of social responsibility; and delivering
lasting personal and social change.
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a significant impact on the Sault Ste. Marie YMCA
operations by closing most of the facility for approximately three months with the exception of
emergency childcare for front-line workers.
Through the improvement of case numbers, the Ontario Government has given the
approval for Phase 2 reopening to begin starting Friday, June 12, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. This phase
has allowed the opportunity for community pools to reopen which is a service that the YMCA has
available to members.
With significant guidance from the Algoma Public Health, the SSM YMCA will work
towards opening its doors to the public for health and fitness, and aquatic services starting
on Wednesday, July 22nd. The facility will be available for use by members, summer camps,
childcare, and employees. Summer day camps will be commenced on July 6th. Summer camps
will have limited capacity and will operate for 8 weeks.
With much uncertainty of when governments will announce the start of Phase 3 re-
openings and what it will entail, the SSM YMCA has developed a 3 phase communications plan:
phase 1 is immediately upon government announcement of approval to reopen, phase 2 will
be after gathering guidance from APH and developing health & safety protocol, and phase 3
consists of re-opening excitement!
The Sault Ste. Marie YMCA is committed to ensuring the health and safety of their
employees and members. This is a new experience for everyone and we will continue to offer
quality services to our community as it is deemed safe to do so.

Situational Analysis
Guidelines: The SSM YMCA must ensure they are able to meet required guidelines provided by
the Algoma Public Health unit. Re-opening posts should be minimized until full information
is collected to obtain the most accurate information. Using these guidelines, content can be
created accordingly.

Financial: With reduced income these past three-four months, the SSM YMCA needs to optimize
free communications tools as much as possible. The organic reach of social media, pushing
emails, and using video strategy to attract the publics is essential. The only costs involved in this
strategy will be printing costs for signage and distributed materials.

Communication: With several other businesses re-opening at this time, we want to ensure our
posts and communications are reaching our members effectively without getting lost in their
timelines/feeds. Any posts that are not an emergency should be posted outside of regular work
hours. The best times to see high engagement is 8:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m., and 5:45 p.m.

Timing Constraints: Due to the very short unexpected timelines of this event, tactics must
be fairly simple and to the point. Most tactics will be required to be contact-less and pushed
through technology (email, social media, phone calls, etc.) to see the quickest response rate and
address the highest reach possible.


The importance of communicating effectively and efficiently is crucial to the success
of the operations of the SSM YMCA. With the majority of the facility being closed to the public
and most operations being ceased for the past three months, the reopening process is a timely
communication to refuel income levels. The communications need to be released as promptly
as possible and reach as many people as possible to see the highest (acceptable/safest) turnout
possible. We want to communicate that the experience at the SSM YMCA will be as safe and
enjoyable as it was pre-COVID.

1. Ensure that all employees and members are well informed of updates and safety measures
by providing clear and consistent communications through a variety
of platforms/tactics.
2. Develop quality content that displays important information to guide our employees and
members on the ‘new normal’ within our facility and programming.

1. Contact 100% of affected employees within minimum 5 days prior to re-opening.
2. Have a click rate to view the H&S video from the external email at >50% in the first three
days after distributing.
3. See an increase in website visits and Facebook page views by a total of >25% with the
increased content over two weeks from announcing the reopening of (partial) services.
4. See a turnout rate of >50 members within the first week of services reopening (each


Primary Publics
1. Members
With ____ members, we need to ensure that we are communicating regularly with members of
what parts/services of our facility are open, new protocols, and what we are doing to keep them
safe during their visit to the Sault Ste. Marie YMCA.
Members will be given minimum 24 hours notice prior to opening any service of the facility.

2. Employees
All employees will be the first to know protocols that must be followed as a ‘new normal’ once
returning back to the YMCA. They will be required to complete a small training video and sign-off
that they completed it and understand what is expected. We will be providing details of the steps
we are taking to ensure their health and safety and taking any concerns as they arise.
Employees will be given minimum 48 hours notice prior to having their first shift back in the

Secondary Publics
1. Algoma Public Health
In order to get the most up-to-date information on safety measures and protocol, we will remain
in contact with our Algoma Public Health representative to ensure we have the capacity to re-
open safely.

2. Media
We will be working with the media to get important information out to the public at large. This
will be especially important for our child care options and summer camp details to ensure that all
community members know what services the YMCA is offering for those returning back to work
or in emergency situations.


Key Messages
1. The Sault Ste. Marie YMCA’s number one priority is the health and safety of our members
and employees. We will be communicating regularly with our local health unit to ensure that
health and safety protocols are being implemented according to government standards. We
are committed to offering our services to our community while securing a safe and friendly

2. Membership Services information and operational changes. These will be updated and
changed as needed. ALL updates need to be pushed via social media as soon as possible.
Other communications channels will be evaluated and selected if deemed necessary.

3. Protocols and Safety Measures

- What we are doing to ensure health & safety in our facility (e.g. door screening,
- What is expected of our members while using the facility
- How we are making arrangements to keep member satisfaction (membership
holds etc.)

Phase Announcements
- Phase 1 - Government Announces Phase 3 is starting
- Phase 2 - 5 Day Prior to Opening
- Phase 3 - Day of Re-Opening


Communications Tactics
1. Workplace
• A post to display what is opening and the target date.
• Reinforce your health & safety is our number one priority
• If this reopening affects your department, stay tuned for a phone call from your supervisor
to address any concerns/what is expected/return-to-work date and scheduling.
2. Email
• Email will include a statement - “We’re happy to get back into the swing of things and get
back to work - but in the safest way possible.”
• Reinforce your health & safety is our number one priority.
• Provide link to video and clearly state all employees will need to sign-off saying they
watched the video and understand the new procedures and action items.
• If you are not directly impacted by this phase of reopening, we will be following up with
you in the near future for next steps.
• Direct any questions or concerns to your supervisor.
3. Phone Call from Supervisor
• All affected supervisors to call employees directly to address any concerns/what is
expected/return-to-work date and scheduling.
4. Training Video
• Created to display what new things are being done and what new actions are required. All
employees must sign off that they watched and understood the video.
• Video content to be determined based on APH guidelines.
• In addition, a training session will be provided by Pinchin
5. Reminder Sheets
• A check list of all the action items they should be completing (Hand sanitize after each
visitor, Sanitize Barrier and Counter each hour, etc.)
• This will serve as a constant reminder to participate in protocols and best practices.
• In addition, all staff will have the opportunity to come in for their personal assessment and
tour of the facility prior to re-opening.

Communications Tactics Con’t
1. Facebook Posts
• A post to acknowledge what services are opening and when
• A post to acknowledge safety measures and protocol that are put in place
• Frequently asked questions posted throughout the duration of re-opening
2. H&S Video
• This video will take the viewer through the experience as a member.
• From the moment they enter the building to the time they leave the building.
• Background music and voiceover as necessary to explain protocols.
3. Email to YMCA Members
• The email will be sent via MailChimp to identify what services are opening and the date of
• A list of new protocols and procedures put in place to ensure a clean and safe environment.
• This will include a link to a video of what is expected from members.
• Reinforce key message of health and safety being the number one priority.
• Provide adequate alternative options for those that may not be willing to return right away.
• Information on other services will be provided as government statements appear for Phase
3 reopening
• Any questions/concerns can be redirected to info@ssmymca.ca.
4. YMCA Website
• A page dedicated to COVID-19 updates
• This will host the H&S video and will be where the email link is directed to
• Page will be updated with dates of reopening, services offered, and protocols/procedures
that are in place at the facility.
5. Postcard Handouts
• A small card (5x7) that each member will receive upon first visit back to the YMCA
(distributed by the front desk)
• This will outline specific expectations and what new procedures we are implementing to
keep the members safe - mainly for those that may not be tech savvy.
6. Social Distancing Signage
• Posters and signage that are posted in specific areas (changerooms, hallways, etc.) that
encourage social distancing and safety measures (sanitizing every hour, etc.)
• Floor stickers will also be put in place to guide direction and standing locations for check-
ins/line ups.

Social Post (1): Hooray! The government has released that Phase 3 of re-opening for Algoma
will commence on Friday, July 17th at 12:01 a.m. We are communicating with Algoma
Public Health to put all necessary protocols in place, preparing our staff, cleaning our facility
and getting ready for your return back to the Sault Ste. Marie YMCA! While we are excited
to provide a place for you to reach your goals and connect with your community again,
the health and safety of our members, employees and volunteers is our most important
consideration. We will be continuing to provide further updates and our OPENING DATE
soon! Stay tuned and thank you for your cooperation!

Social Post (2): It’s the moment you’ve all been waiting for.. The Sault Ste. Marie YMCA will be
officially RE-OPENING our doors on Wednesday, July 22, 2020 at 5:30 a.m.! At this time, you
must be a current member or purchase a new membership to use the facilities. We are so
excited to see you all! Please remember, things will be different when you return but we are
working hard to ensure that the facility is in the best condition and we will continue to offer
outstanding service while keeping you safe. Please visit the Frequently Asked Questions
page on our website for further information.

Social Post: We know many of you have several questions about the return to the Sault
Ste. Marie YMCA. Please review these FAQ to get information about hours of operation,
memberships, and more! Check out the full FAQ page at www.ssmymca.ca/<inserturl>

Social Post 1

Social Post 2 10
Phase 1 Con’t

Subject Line: We’re Getting Ready For You! RE-OPENING on WEDNESDAY, JULY 22ND!

Body Copy:

Dear <First Name>…

We miss you! It’s been hard being away from the people we care about and who make up the YMCA.
We’re thrilled to share that we will be reopening our YMCA doors beginning on Wednesday, July 22nd!.

We’ve done everything possible to ensure our facilities meet the highest standards of health and safety and we’ve modified
our policies and programs to ensure proper physical distancing practices can be maintained.

As you would expect, this means we’ve modified spaces, access points, traffic flow through our facilities and more. We will
be working with Algoma Public Health to ensure required protocols and safety measures are in place for your safe
return. We all have a shared responsibility to support the safety of ourselves and those around us as we continue to
reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Over the coming days, will be provide more information as it becomes available. This will include details on what to expect
when you return, and protocols that will be enforced in our facility. For more information on memberships and hours
of operation, please visit our Frequently Asked Question (LINK) page.

Although the way we’ll interact with one another may look different, you’ll always be able to connect with people, improve
your health and wellness, nurture your children’s potential and help strengthen our community. We can’t wait to see
you soon!

Thank you!

Tracey Cooke
Sault Ste. Marie YMCA

Phase 1 Con’t

Press Release

YMCA Re-Opening in One Week!

Sault Ste. Marie, ON – July 15, 2020 – After four long months, the Sault Ste. Marie YMCA is excited to re-open its doors to Y
members on Wednesday, July 22nd! The facility has been closed since March 16th due to COVID-19 restrictions.

The YMCA has spent the last couple of months preparing for this re-opening to ensure health and safety protocols and
procedures are put in place to keep members and staff safe. Just a few of the safety measures you’ll see when you visit
the Y include:
· Reduced hours of operation (Monday - Friday 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Closed 1-3 p.m. for deep cleaning), Saturday 7 a.m. - 7
p.m. (Pool Closed), Sunday CLOSED)
· Masks required inside the building other than when actively engaging in an athletic or fitness activity including water-
based activities; consuming food or drink; for any emergency or medical purpose
· Reduced building access
· Physical distancing measures to maintain 2 metres between other people
· Increased sanitization and disinfection and additional hand-sanitizing stations
· Barriers at Membership Desks
· Health screenings upon entry
· Directional foot traffic flow
· Reduced class sizes
· Staff available to assist you

“Quote from Tracey”

At this point in time, only current Y members or those looking to purchase a new Y membership will be permitted to use
the facilities. All fitness centre facilities, aquatics services, child care, summer camps, and specific programming will
be operational in the facility. Saunas are not currently open for use. Members are not required to book time slots for
fitness centre use, but must register for fitness classes and call ahead to pre-book a swim lane.

The YMCA community knows how important it is for kids, families and individuals to have a safe place to connect, belong
and thrive. We know that the need for these opportunities has increased through this period of isolation, while at the
same time, the financial situation of many in our community has worsened. As we look to reopening our facilities to
members, we know that the need for financial assistance is eminent and the generosity of our members are needed
and appreciated more than ever. To donate visit www.ssmymca.ca/pages/donate.

We look forward to welcoming our Y community back! Please stay tuned for regular updates on our website and Facebook
page. For more information on the Sault Ste. Marie YMCA visit: www.ssmymca.ca


Phase 1 Con’t
Website Content:
These past few months have been tough for everyone. We’ve missed seeing you at our centres, and we’re excited to
announce the opening date for our Sault Ste. Marie YMCA health, fitness and aquatics centres, along with some
details about what you can expect when you return:


Mon–Fri 5:30am–7pm (MID DAY CLOSURE for cleaning 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
Saturday 7am–7pm (Pool Closed)
Closed Sunday & Holidays

While we are excited to provide a place for you to reach your goals and connect with your community again, the
health and safety of our members, employees and volunteers is our most important consideration. We will be
meeting or exceeding all of the recommendations in the Government of Ontario’s guidelines for recreation
facilities and swimming pools.

As guidelines change, we expect that our protocols in our centres will change over time. We promise to communicate
changes your Y experience as they occur! We will be communicating with Algoma Public Health to determine
what safety measures and protocols will need to be in place to keep all our members safe. These updates will
become available shortly. You should expect to see these types of health and safety procedures in place:
- Health screening upon entry - Limited capacity
- Physical distancing - Frequent disinfecting
- Equipment changes - Reduced service & closed spaces/areas

While we know there will be changes to YMCA spaces, one thing that has not changed is the fact that our YMCA
community is made up of kind and caring individuals who know how important it is for kids, families and
individuals to have a safe place to connect, belong and thrive. We know that the need for these opportunities
has increased through this period of isolation, while at the same time, the financial situation of many in our
community has worsened. As we look to reopening our facilities to members, we know that the need for financial
assistance is eminent and the generosity of our members are needed and appreciated more than ever.

Your YMCA membership:

To make your return easy, we won’t be billing anyone for the first week and half back! In lieu of your payment for
March, payments will not commence until AUGUST 1st 2020.
**Please note: If you do note wish to come back at this point in time, please CONTACT us to keep your membership on
hold. You must submit this request prior to July 28th to avoid being charged. Email info@ssmymca.ca or visit the
YMCA Membership Services desk in person to submit a hold request.

Stay tuned for more information! This page will be updated regularly.

Phase 1 Con’t
Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: Will the entire facility and amenities be accessible when the YMCA reopens?
A: We will be opening our centres according to the directives of local public health authorities. All areas of the facility
and amenities will be open effective on Wednesday, July 22nd, with the exclusion of saunas. Saunas are closed at
this time. The Aquatic services (pool) have reduced hours (see below).

Q: I am currently an Adult Plus member. With reduced programming and access to amenities, will I still be
charged my full fee?
A: All Adult Plus members will not be charged until August 1st. If you wish to keep your membership on hold you must
submit a hold request by July 28th to avoid being charged. Please email info@ssmymca.ca or visit in person to
continue the hold on your account. Your account hold can only be extended until October 15th 2020.

Q: What safety measures have you put in place to ensure a safe environment?
A: The health, safety and protection of our members, staff and volunteers are a priority. For everyone’s protection,
we’ve modified spaces, and programs. Here are just a few of the safety measures you’ll see when you visit the Y:
· Reduced hours of operation
· Masks required inside the building other than when actively engaging in an athletic or fitness activity including
water-based activities; consuming food or drink; for any emergency or medical purpose.
· Reduced building access
· Physical distancing measures to maintain 2 metres between other people
· Increased sanitization and disinfection
· Increased hand-sanitizing stations
· Barriers at Membership Desks
· Temperature checks (staff and youth programs) and health screenings upon entry (all members + staff )
· Single one-way directional entry and exits
· Reduced class sizes
· Programs by appointment
· Staff available to assist you
** WE ARE WORKING WITH ALGOMA PUBLIC HEALTH TO MEET REGULATIONS ** These will be updated once we receive
further information and guidance.

Q: Will I have to undergo a temperature check or health screening when I enter the facility?
A: All staff, members and participants arriving at the YMCA will complete a COVID-19 health screening upon entering
the facility with symptom-related questions. Only staff and youth program participants will be required to
complete a daily temperature scan.

Q: Will I have to pre-register to use equipment or participate in classes?

A: To maintain safe physical distancing measures, we have determined the safest capacity for YMCA spaces and
programs. YMCA members will be required to pre-book their spot in fitness classes and for lane swims ONLY (45
minute slots). You can pre-book a lane by calling (705) 949-3133 or register for fitness classes at www.ssmymca.

Q: When will my first payment be withdrawn after opening?

A: YMCA Memberships payments will resume on August 1st.

Phase 1 Con’t
Q: What are the pool hours?
A: The pool area is open from 7 a.m. - 9 a.m. / 3:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Monday to Friday. You are required to book your lane
for lane swimming (45 minute slots) ahead of time by calling (705) 949-3133.

Q: If I’m not comfortable coming to the YMCA, can I extend my hold?

A: All YMCA Memberships will be reactivated on August 1st. If you would like to extend your hold until such time that
you are comfortable returning, you may do so by emailing info@ssmymca.ca or visiting the YMCA Membership
Services desk in person. Holds can be extended up to October 15th 2020.

Q: Do I have to wear a mask to work-out?

A: In an enclosed public space, masks or face coverings must be worn at all times. Where necessary, masks or face
coverings may be temporarily removed for the following purposes:
- Actively engaging in an athletic or fitness activity including water-based activities;
- Consuming food or drink;
- For any emergency or medical purpose.

Q: How will swimming lessons work? How do you maintain physical distancing in a pool?
A: Physical distancing in the pool will be maintained by limiting the number of swimmers, not permitting pool deck
viewing and training our lifeguards to support members through close monitoring.

Q: Are children allowed in your facilities?

A: Summer day camps are operating from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. These camps have designated areas in the
facility and will be doing activities outside with trained Camp Counsellors. We are making every effort to reduce
spaces that are used by both members and children but in some cases (hallways) it is unavoidable. Masks are
required in all public indoor spaces, plus children are screened daily through temperatures.

Q: How will physical distancing be managed in a child minding environment?

A: At this time, daily screening is completed for all children in summer camps and child care. We have created activities
that social distancing is encouraged, but we have put extra sanitization in place within the child minding
environments within the facility.

*Q: Will I have access to YMCA towels and equipment?

A: The YMCA will be offering towel service upon reopening. To align with infection prevention measures, the YMCA will
not provide equipment such as basketballs, soccer balls, racquets and other small personal equipment. Members
may bring their own equipment for personal use only.

Q: Will the hours of operation be the same?

A: Hours of operation will be:
Mon–Fri 5:30am–7pm (MID DAY CLOSURE for deep cleaning 1pm - 3pm)
Saturday 7am–7pm (Pool Closed)
Closed Sunday & Holidays temporarily and we will announce any changes.

Q: Will the cafes and water fountains be open?

A: To prevent gatherings, Reubaras Cafe is OPEN however, we encourage members to consume their food at a social
distance or take it to go. Water fountains are closed for direct consumption, however our refill stations will be
available. 15
Phase 2 - “SEE YOU SOON!”

Social Post (1): We’re getting ready to welcome you back to your local YMCA. We’ve missed you
and can’t wait to see you soon! Visit our website to find out full details of the re-opening and
the steps we’re taking to ensure a safe environment at our centres and what you’ll need to
know as you come back to your YMCA.

Social Post (2): Only 3 more days until the Sault Ste. Marie YMCA opens its doors to you! What’s the
first thing you’ll be doing when you come back to the Y? Please note our hours of operation
will be reduced: Mon - Fri 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (closed for deep cleaning from 1:00 p.m. - 3:00
p.m.), Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Pool Closed) and closed on Sundays and Holidays.
If you have any questions or concerns please review the FAQ on our website or email info@
ssmymca.ca - we will get back to you as soon as possible! Stay tuned for a video to see what’s

Social Post: VIDEO (The member experience.)

Social Post 1 Social Post 2

Phase 2 Con’t

Subject Line: See you soon!
Body Copy:
Dear <First Name>…

Taking care of our health is important now more than ever before. At the Y, were here to help you stay active, healthy
and improve your well-being.
Our doors will officially reopen on Wednesday, July 22nd and we want to help you prepare for your return to the Y in
the healthiest and safest way possible.

Here are some things we’re kindly asking our members to do to support health and safety.
· Maintain 2 metres apart from other people
· Bring your own basketball, racquet, bands etc…
· Clean equipment using the cleaning system provided, both before and after each use
· Follow directional arrows to have proper foot traffic flow

We all have a shared responsibility to support the safety of ourselves and those around us as we continue to reduce
the spread of COVID-19. As you would expect, this means we’ve modified spaces, access points, traffic flow
through our facilities and more. Here are just a few of the safety measures you’ll see when you visit the Y:
· Reduced hours of operation · Reduced building access
· Physical distancing measures to maintain 2 metres between other people · Increased sanitization and disinfection
· Increased hand-sanitizing stations · Glass barriers at Membership Desks
· Health screenings upon entry · Directional arrows for foot traffic
· Reduced class sizes · Programs by appointment


As we slowly reopen, we will continue to monitor and evaluate our processes and safety measures to make sure
the Y you love is as a safe as possible for all. As always, we want your feedback. If there are improvements or
suggestions to safety measures, please fill out this short member feedback form <INSERT LINK>.

We’re ready for you! And we can’t wait to see you!

Phase 2 Con’t
The Sault Ste. Marie YMCA health, fitness and aquatics centres will be reopening on Wednesday, July 22nd. After
working with Algoma Public Health we have identified what procedures and protocols will need to be in place to
keep you and our employees safe during the return back the Y facility.

Mon–Fri 5:30am–7pm (closed for deep mid-day cleaning 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.)
Saturday 7am–7pm (Pool Closed)
Closed Sunday & Holidays

As guidelines change, we expect that our protocols in our centres will change over time. Here’s how your YMCA
experience will be different as we take precautions to keep you safe:

Health screening, limited capacity and pre-booking your time at the Y:

- All participants will complete a health screening questionnaire before attending.
- Because we can only allow a certain number of people in the facility at once, we won’t be allowing access for guests,
day passes or punch passes, to give our members more chances to use their Y.
- At this time, the YMCA will only be open to those 14 years of age or older (day camps, child care excluded)
- Members will be required to pre-book swim lanes and register for fitness classes. You can pre-book a lane by calling
(705) 949-3133 and register for fitness classes at www.ssmymca.ca/pages/schedules.
- We’ll provide more information on how you can book time at your Y soon, so keep an eye out for more
communication from us!

Physical distancing, frequent disinfecting and equipment changes:

- We will increase our cleaning and disinfecting practices in all areas of our facility.
- As always, we will provide disinfectant for members to use on their equipment before and after use, and we will be
diligent in encouraging members to do this practice.
- To ensure safe physical distancing, class sizes in group fitness classes will be smaller, and some of the equipment in
our fitness centre will be closed or rearranged.
- We will be enforcing physical distancing of 2 metres for all activities and 3 metres for high-intensity activities at all
- We have removed equipment that is difficult to sanitize, such as yoga mats, battle ropes, bands and tubing.

Phase 2 Con’t
Website Content:
Program and service changes:
- Our pool will only be open for lane swimming and aqua jogging, hot tubs will be open, however saunas will not be
available at this time. Pools are open to the public from and 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m and 3:30 - 6:30 pm. Monday -
Friday for lane swimming (45 minute slots). To book your lane in advance by calling (705) 949-3133.
- Gymnasium drop-in hours are from 4:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m. at this time, we are not able to allow contact sports
(volleyball, soccer, basketball scrimmages, etc.). Individual or non-contact sports are allowed (shooting hoops,
pickleball, tennis, squash, etc.).

Locker rooms and amenities:

- We’re encourage our members to come changed and ready to work out, as locker rooms and showers will be
available with social distancing measures in place. Washrooms will be available to all members. The family
changeroom is closed at this time for day camps from 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
- Lobby furniture has been reduced to promote physical distancing.
- Water fountains will not be available for direct consumption but refill stations are available. We encourage members
to bring a water bottle from home.

Your YMCA membership:

To make your return easy, we won’t be billing anyone for the first week and a half back! In lieu of your payment in
March, payments will not commence until AUGUST 1st 2020.
**Please note: If you do note wish to come back at this point in time, please CONTACT us to keep your membership
on hold. You must submit this request prior to July 28th to avoid being charged. Email info@ssmymca.ca or visit
the YMCA Membership Services desk to submit a hold request. Member accounts will only be able to be kept on
hold until October 15th 2020.

While we know there will be changes to YMCA spaces, one thing that has not changed is the fact that our YMCA
community is made up of kind and caring individuals who know how important it is for kids, families and
individuals to have a safe place to connect, belong and thrive. We know that the need for these opportunities
has increased through this period of isolation, while at the same time, the financial situation of many in our
community has worsened. As we look to reopening our facilities to members, we know that the need for financial
assistance is eminent and the generosity of our members are needed and appreciated more than ever.


We can’t wait to connect with you in person again. If you’re subscribed to our emails, keep an eye out for future
emails letting you know how to restart your membership and pre-book your time at the Y online! If you’re not
subscribed to our emails, this page will be updated as well.

Stay tuned for more information! This page will be updated regularly.


Social Post (1) DAY BEFORE OPENING: TOMORROW IS THE BIG DAY! We are SO excited to have
you back! After four long months, we are ready to give you the same friendly experience,
while implementing new health and safety protocols to keep you safe and healthy. Please
keep in mind, the Y will be a little bit different upon your return, so we appreciate your
patience throughout this time. Now... the countdown is on! See you tomorrow at 5:30 a.m.!

Social Post (2) DAY OF REOPENING: We are excited to announce we’re ready to welcome you
back to your YMCA! Our YMCA Health & Fitness centre has officiall re-opened!
We’re taking a number of steps to ensure the safety of everyone. Visit our website to learn
more about what you can expect on your first visit back. We can’t wait to see you!
INFO: www.ssmymca.ca/<URLHERE>

Social Post 1

Social Post 2

Phase 3 Con’t

Subject Line: We’re Open!
Body Copy:
Dear <First Name>…

Welcome Back! We are officially re-open and can’t wait to have you back! Taking care of our health is important now
more than ever before. At the Y, were here to help you stay active, healthy and improve your well-being.

Here are some things we’re kindly asking our members to do to support health and safety.
· Maintain 2 metres apart from other people
· Bring your own towel, mat, basketball, racquet, etc…
· Clean equipment using the cleaning system provided, both before and after each use
· Follow directional arrows for foot traffic flow

Our hours of operation are currently:

Monday - Friday 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Saturday 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m (Pool Closed)
Sunday & Holidays - Closed

To pre-book a swim lane call (705) 949-3133 and to register for fitness classes visit www.ssmymca.ca/pages/schedules.


With the Y re-opening, things will change as necessary to keep our members and staff safe. As always, we want your
feedback. If there are improvements or suggestions to safety measures, please fill out this short form <INSERT

See you soon!


Workplace Message

Hello Everyone!
The time has officially come! We have been given the signal from the Ontario government - WE CAN REOPEN!
Our official re-opening date will be on Wednesday, July 22nd!

We want you to know, the health and safety of everyone that walks through our doors is our number one priority -
especially our staff. We have been working extremely hard over the last month to implement health and safety
procedures to keep everyone safe. These will be communicated to you in the near future and training will be
provided to ensure everyone understands the ‘new normal’ and the importance of following protocols while

Please keep an eye out for an email coming shortly to provide more information, as well as a call from your direct
supervisor to address scheduling and any concerns you may have. We need all hands on deck to make the Y
return back to normal operations - please remember, it will be strange getting back into the swing of things but
we have a great team and know we have the abilities to provide the same excellent service we have in the past.

We are SO excited to see all your faces after so long! Please be patient as we provide you with more details in the very
near future. Stay tuned! #YTeam


Subject Line: Welcome Back Y Team!

Body Copy:
Dear <First Name>…

Taking care of our health is important now more than ever before. At the Y, we have been working with Algoma Public
Health to ensure safety measures and protocols are put in place to keep everyone safe during this time.
Our doors will officially reopen on <INSERT DATE> and we want to help you prepare for your return to the Y in the
healthiest and safest way possible.

Here are some things we’re kindly asking our employees to do to support health and safety.
· Maintain 2 metres apart from other people OR wear a cloth mask when it is not possible to do so (we will provide
these if needed)
· Wash hands or sanitize regularly - especially after touching high touch surfaces
· Complete a brief screening upon arriving to the Y at the beginning of each shift (temp check, questions, etc.)
· Enter the Y through the main door and exit through the side door

We all have a shared responsibility to support the safety of ourselves and those around us as we continue to reduce
the spread of COVID-19. As you would expect, this means we’ve modified spaces, access points, traffic flow
through our facilities and more. Here are just a few of the safety measures you’ll see when you visit the Y:
· Reduced hours of operation · Reduced building access
· Physical distancing measures to maintain 2 metres between other people · Increased sanitization and disinfection
· Increased hand-sanitizing stations · Glass barriers at Membership Desks
· Temperature checks and health screenings upon entry · Single one-way directional entry/exits
· Reduced class sizes · Programs by appointment

As we slowly reopen, we will continue to monitor and evaluate our processes and safety measures to make sure
the Y you love is as a safe as possible for all. If there are improvements or suggestions to safety measures,
please address these with your supervisor. They will be calling you in the coming days to provide scheduling
information and address any concerns.

We’re ready for you! And we can’t wait to see you! Please stay tuned for a video of safety procedures coming soon!



Scenario Trigger Response Who to Inform Key Responsibilities


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