Separation Agreement Between Chris Lauzen, 17-Year Employee, Released Through FOIA

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SEPARATION AND Gi This Separation and General date written below, voluntarily and LL RELEASE. ‘EMENT elease Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into as of the pely, by and between CARROLLYN BRADY, on behalf of herself, her heirs, executors, administrators, assigns, representatives and agents (collectively, "CARROLLYN BRADY” or “MS. BRADY) and the KANE COUNTY TREASURER CHRISTOPHER LAUZEN, on behal predecessors and successors, assigns, agents, in their official and individual ‘of himself individually and his elected capacity and his lemployees, representatives, indemnitors, attorneys and capacities, (hereinafter, collectively and jointly and severally, the "CANE COUNTY TREASURER” or “TREASURER”). WHEREAS, CARROLLY! Director of Financial Operations and TREASURER since October 17, 2 BRADY is currently employed as the TREASURER’S as been employed by the KANE COUNTY 5; and WHEREAS, TREASURER and CARROLLYN BRADY (collectively, the “Parties”) have mutually agreed to jerminate their employment relationship in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Parties des exist between them and to anticipa hereafter arise. NOW THEREFORE, in ci ‘covenants and other good and valu receipt and sufficiency of which is jire to compromise and resolve any differences that may fe and avoid any future claims or differences that might nsideration of the mutual agreements, general releases, ble consideration set forth in this Agreement, the \ereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: 1|Page 1, Employment Status. IThe Parties agree that the TREASURER and CARROLLYN BRADY have mutually agreed to terminate their employment relationship effective the end of business May 1, 2 1, 2023, the parties agree that CARR( of wages via payroll, which will be s contributions. The parties further ack eligible for any employee benefits for employment, not to extend past May t Severance. From the 3, in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. 1 of the execution of this Agreement, and through May LLYN BRADY will continue to receive regular payment foject to all applicable taxes, withholdings, deductions and wledge and agree that CARROLLYN BRADY is lwhich she is properly enrolled through the term of her , 2023 (with health insurance for the month of May, 2023 being covered). CARROLLYN BRADY’S required employee contribution for the premium of such benefits will be made through re and the Kane County Personnel Polic} CARROLLYN BRADY for any rem: ‘gular payroll deductions. In accordance with Illinois law Handbook, the TREASURER further agrees to pay ining unused or accrued vacation time (¢.g., as of May 1, eeeeeerrrrsrS—srsS and any earned but unused sick/personé unused sick/personal time), via her| time (¢.g., as of May 1, 2023, 14 hours of earned but last regular payroll check, less applicable taxes, withholdings, deductions and contributions. In addition, the TREASURER agrees to pay to CARROLLYN BRADY a one-t seventeen (17) weeks’ wages), as which severance payment will be contributions. The Parties acknowl and other consideration set forth in| known and unknown claims CARR‘ ime, lump-sum amount of $33,947.39 (representing Jeverance, to be paid via regular payroll in [May], 2023, ibject to all applicable taxcs, withholdings, deductions and ige and agree that the payment of additional wages this Agreement, are in full satisfaction of any and all LYN BRADY may have relating to her employment with, 2|Page or separation from, the TREASURER, COUNTY OF KANE, ILLINOIS (“Ct ‘Agreement and exceeds any amount of pas TREASURER or the COUNTY. 3. Unemployment. The J for unemployment insurance benefits agreement. 4, Health Insurance Co by law to purchase continued health i Revenue Code (commonly known as insurance benefit offered by Kane Cot 5. Retirement Benefits. have to benefits under the Illinois Mu} 6. Neutral Letter of Ret or any other claims against the TREASURER or the JUNTY”», arising prior to the execution date of this yyment or debt due and owing to her from the REASURER agrees not to contest any truthful application CARROLLYN BRADY may make after the date of this lerage. CARROLLYN BRADY retains all rights provided surance coverage pursuant to §4980B of the Internal OBRA continuation coverage) or any other health nty, ICARROLLYN BRADY retains all vested rights she may cipal Retirement Fund (“IMRF”). srence. The TREASURER agrees to provide CARROLLYN BRADY with a neutral letter of reference signed by Kane County Treasurer ‘Christopher Lauzen on KANE COI reference is attached hereto as Exhibit BRADY, and a copy of the letter will CARROLLYN BRADY is responsibl TREASURER will not distribute the “se General Release. ALI discharge the EACH OTHER PARTI expenses, attorneys’ fees, debts, dem: ITY TREASURER letterhead. A copy of the letter of ‘A. The executed letter will be provided to CARROLLYN lbe placed in CARROLLYN BRADY'S personnel file. lc for distributing the letter to any potential employers; the letter of reference. L PARTIES hereby fully release, waive and forever IES AND THE COUNTY from any and all claims, inds, costs, grievances, contracts, liabilities, damages of any 3|Page kind, including without limitation pur payment, compensation, wages, bene! compensation benefits, and causes of. law whether common, constitutional, equity, whether known or unknown, employment with or separation from injtive, liquidated, and consequential damages, rights to ts, back or front pay awards, disability, workers’ (collectively, “Claims") under any theory under the |, $tatutory or other, of any jurisdiction, whether in law or in ising out of or relating to CARROLLYN BRADY’s KANE COUNTY TREASURER or any other Claims ANY PARTY may have against EACH OTHER OR THE COUNTY atising prior to the execution date of this Agreement. These Claims specifically include, but are not limited to, claims for intentional or negligent in termination, breach of contract, fraud iction of emotional distress, invasion of privacy, wrongful conspiracy, misrepresentation, interference with contractual relations or prospective business advantage, libel, slander, defamation, negligence, disability, severance pay, worker's co} national origin, ancestry, citizenship status or service, veteran status, unfay identity, pregnancy, political affiliat disability, age and/or any legally pro federal or local law, constitution, sta Human Rights Act, the Illinois Work ynpensation, retaliation and/or discrimination based on race, status, marital status, order of protection status, military rable iniitary discharge, sex, sexual orientation, gender mn, genetic information, religion, color, mental or physical fected status and/or any other violation under any state, ute, or regulation, including without limitation the Illinois r's Compensation Act, the Illinois Public Labor Relations Act, the Illinois Whistleblower Act, the Illinois State Officials and Employees Ethics Act, the Ilinois Public Officer Prohibited Act Rights Act of 1964, as amended, inel Equal Pay Act, the Americans with the Family and Medical Leave Act o} vities Act, 42 U.S.C. Section 1983, Title VII of the Civil luding the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972, the jisabilities Act, as amended, the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 1993, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 4|Page (“ADEA”), as amended, and/or the O1 extent permitted by law, ALL PARTI instituted any action in any federal, st against the OTHER PARTY. The afor to enforce the terms of this Agreement 8. Assignment. All Parti way conveyed, transferred, or encumb} Agreement, 9. Nature of Considerati not receive the consideration set forth Agreement and their fulfillment of the iler Workers Benefit Protection Act, To the maximum '$ covenant not to sue or to institute or cause to be te, or local agency or court, or in any arbitration forum, smentioned Release shall not apply to any claim pursued s warrants and represents they have not assigned or in any red all or any portion of the Claims covered by this mn, Each Party understands and agrees that they would in this Agreement, except for her execution of this [promises contained herein. CARROLLYN BRADY acknowledges and agrees that the monptary payment she is receiving pursuant to this Agreement exceeds any amount of payment or de or the COUNTY, but for her signing t 10. shall immediately return all TREASUI 1t that may be due or owing to her from the TREASURER, \is Agreement. Employer Property and Confidential Information. CARROLLYN BRADY RER and COUNTY property, documents and passwords she may have in her possession. CARROLLYN BRADY further agrees never to disclose to any person or entity any confidential or pri COUNTY, to which she has had acces written authorization and consent of the 11. Non-Admission. All Pi hereunder constitutes an admission of fi jileged information belonging to the TREASURER or the ‘as a part of her job duties, except upon the express REASURER and/or the COUNTY. [ ies agree that neither this Agreement nor performance ability by any other Party, who expressly deny any liability to each other and further expressly deny any violation of any federal, state or local 5|Page constitution, law, regulation, common any other wrongdoing of any type. 13, Additional Provision: law, or any breach of any contract, express or implied, or oth parties, if asked, will state that CARROLLYN BRADY and the TREASURER separated amicably and on mutually acceptable terms. Itis the preference of CARROLLYN BRADY| remain confidential and the parties mu confidentiality over any alleged unlaw/ performance by CAROLLYN BRAD’ past, present, and potentially future sh mentioning CARROLYN BRADY'S terms of this provision are bargained-f¢ that any allegations concerning employment practices tually agree not to disparage the other and to maintain ful employment actions or any alleged lack of |. The parties agree that the TREASURER can discuss ricomings in the Treasurer's Office in general, without lame or her position. The parties further agree that the 9, and consideration has been provided for the same. CARROLLYN BRADY agrees to provide reasonable transiton assistance to the Treasurer's Office prior to her departu log-in and acess information, passwor including, but not limited to, providing all computer is, standard operating procedures, and the like. THE ‘TREASURER has prepared and the Patties have exchanged via counsel a list of requested transition items after the execution of e contract for CARROLLYN BRADY to use her reasonable efforts to complete within normal working hours on or before May 1, 2023. Said work may completed in the office or remotely. All communication related thereto shall be through the deputy assistant Treasurer, 14, Knowing and Voluntat Agreement that they have read and und fy. Alll Parties acknowledge and agree by signing this ferstand this document and the consequences of signing it. All Patties further acknowledge and agree that they have entered into this Agreement voluntarily and knowingly, after opportunity to consult with legal counsel of their choice, and that no 61Page representations or inducements have been made to her except as set forth herein. CARROLLYN BRADY acknowledges and agrees pu she has been given twenty-one (21) dal understands the terms of this Agreeme has the right, within seven (7) days of written notice to the Kane County Stat 100 S. Third Street, Fourth Floor, Gen} 15, parties with respect to the subject matt agreements, commitments and writing ‘modified in any manner except by an i trument shall be construed as a wh hereto. 16. Choice of Law, Venue, this Agreement shall be governed by I suant to the ADEA and the Workplace Transparency Act sto review and consider this Agreement, she fully and the General Release, and their legal effect, and she igning this Agreement, to revoke the same by delivering C Attorney's Office, ATTN: Chief of the Civil Division, a, TL 60134. Entire Agreement. This instrument contains the entire agreement between the + hereof, and supersedes and cancels all previous between the parties. This instrument may not be trument in writing signed by the parties hereto. This and not strictly for or against any one of the parties Interpretations and Severability. All Parties agree that linois law. Venue shall lie in Kane County, Illinois or in the Northern District of Illinois, Eastemn Division, as applicable. CARROLLYN BRADY and the TREASURER further agree that this Agreement shall not be construed against any party on account of authorship and, ifa court fi \ds any part of this Agreement to be illegal or invalid, the illegal or invalid portion of the Agreement shall be severed, and the rest of the Agreement will be enforceable. 17. Attorney's Fees and Ci costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees. sts, Each party shall be responsible for its respective 7\Page 18. Binding Effect on Ott the benefit of each of the parties here jers. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to >, and their respective affiliates, legal representatives, estates, successors, assigns, heirs, administrators, personal representatives and executors, 19, Execution in Counterparts. This Agreement, consisting of seven (7) pages, may bbe executed in separate counterparts ahd have the same force and effect as if the parties had executed it as a single document. 20, Severability. Ifany of ithe provisions of this Agreement are held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or otherwise unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nonetheless continue in full force and effect without being impaired or invalidated in any way. [Page NOTICE: YOU MAY CONSULT WITH AN ATTORNEY OF YOUR CHOICE [ERAL RELEASE AGREEMENT. PRIOR TO SIGNING THIS SEPARATION AND G YOU WAIVE IMPORTANT LEGAL RIGHTS. CARROLLYN BRADY KANE COUNTY TREASU Christopher Lauzen -46-23 Date ¢ Date:_0 Christopher Lauzen, Individually Date: eaten Exhibit A urer’s Letterhead) May 1, 2023 To Whom It May Concern: rer’s Office from This letter is to verify Carrollyn Brady was employed by the Kane County ‘Trea October 17, 2005 to May 1, 2023 as the Director of Financial Operations. On behalf of Kane County, we wish her success in her future endeavors rsiopher Lauzen Kane County Treasurer

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