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Kingston 1

Joscelyn Kingston

Mrs. Jenkins

ENGL 1010

25 January 2023

Saturday Evenings

In my neighborhood, weekends are designated for water. Everyone gets two hours of

water to do whatever they wish. Some people water their yards, some people water their plants.

Our neighbor across the street is very old. She is in her early eighties, and can barely walk. Her

kids are also very old, and try really hard to take care of their mother.

One Saturday evening, we finished watering our yard, and opened the water gate to flow

down to our neighbor. We started putting things away and cleaning up. My mom started weeding

the front yard gardens in the cool evening air.

The neighbor across the street started flooding their yard. The lady's oldest son started

moving around the water pipes, and started feeling a little bit woozy. He walked inside and was

going to grab a cup of water, but he collapsed, and his mother started freaking out. She ran

outside as fast as her old knees could carry her, and started yelling out for help.

My mom and my older brother went inside to our neighbor’s house and called 911, but

the old lady was still really concerned about her son, so after help came, she ran back outside and

kept asking for help. After a few short minutes, an ambulance arrived and took the old lady's son

in and checked up on him to make sure everything was alright. The old lady was still scared, and

very concerned. But her son turned out to be ok.

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I realized, as my family was coming back inside after all the commotion, that this entire

thing would have gone a lot better if an elderly nurse was at the home. If a trained nurse was

there, they could have helped the lady's son and reassured everyone that they knew what needed

to be done. It would also help the old lady feel more comfortable with the situation.the nurse

would already be there, so there would be no need to yell out into the streets. A nurse could have

helped the son get in a breathable position, and helped the old lady understand that they were

going to help them, and they knew exactly what to do. “Private duty nursing is a type of home

care that is underused and often misunderstood” (Maxim Healthcare).

Everything would go so much smoother, because there would be someone at the house

that knew exactly what to do if anything happened. It would be such a benefit if there was an

elderly nurse at the home, because nothing would go horribly wrong. The nurse would know

exactly what is going on, and they would be able to help in whatever way needed. Elderly nurses

would be a huge benefit to have, because they would be able to be home at any time, and catch

any unexpected accidents that happen in the home.

Kingston 3

Work Cited

Maxim Healthcare. “What is Private Duty Nursing?” Maxim Healthcare Services, 27 April 2021,

Accessed 25 January 2023.

Letter of Goals and Choices

While writing my flash memoir, it was really hard to put what happened into words,

because there was so much going on in just a few minutes. I tried to stress the seriousness of the

situation, but it was hard when I was trying to get everything that happened and put it into words.

For the narrative effect, I tried to make it seem like a story, but then it got more

into sounding like an argumentative essay. And it was hard for me to narrate the entire thing,

because so much stuff was happening. I had everything running smoothly until I got to the action

part, but after all the action calmed down, it was easier to move into the persuasive effect.

For the informative effect, I had a hard time explaining everything that happened,

because everything happened so fast. I ended up not even telling the reader what happened to

the guy that got hurt, and if an ambulance ever came, because I was trying to put everything that

happened in words, and then adding in my local issue.

For the persuasion effect, I think I did a pretty good job explaining everything that a

nurse could do if they were there. To me, it makes sense to have a nurse there, so I understood

what I was trying to say. When my assignment got peer reviewed, the reviewers didn't say

anything bad about my persuasion

Kingston 4

In conclusion, I think this memoir would be so much better if I knew how to stress the

importance of what is happening. As of right now, I think the memoir is pretty decent, but it

definitely has room for improvement.

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