JFK Internet Assignment Annotated

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JFK Internet Assignment Name___________________________ Period_____

Go to: www.jfklibrary.org

Scroll down, and click “Life of John F. Kennedy”

Please note that John F. Kennedy's nickname was "Jack." President Kennedy's family and
friends called him "Jack."

1. JFK grew up in a large Irish, Catholic family. How many children did his mother, Rose, have?
Nine children

2. JFK was given his name to honor which family member?

Roses father/ his grandpa

3. Describe Joe Kennedy’s (JFK’s father) experience at Harvard.

He was deformed to succeed but it was hard being a Irish catholic fitting in

4. Joe Kennedy had high ambitions for which of his sons? (He would say that this son would be the
first Irish Catholic president.)
Joe (his son)

5. During WWII, which branch of the military did Joe, Jr. and Jack serve in?

6. What was the PT-109? How did events surrounding it make JFK a hero?

A patrol torpedo boat, he sent the coconut carved and it reached native
islanders to deliver the message and he tried his absolute best to keep his
men alive
7. What happened to JFK’s older brother Joe during WWII?
He was in a plane that exploded during a mission in Europe

8. After returning from WWII, JFK ran for which political office?
Run for Congress for Massachusetts eleventh congressional district

9. In 1952, JFK defeated Henry Cabot Lodge to be elected as a United States ____________________.

10. While recovering from back surgery in 1957, JFK wrote a book that gained him much fame. What
was the title of the book?
Profiles in courage
11. Who was JFK’s opponent in the Presidential Election of 1960?
Richard M Nixon

12. What was the main foreign policy threat during the Kennedy Presidency (and throughout much of
the second half of the 20th century)?
Soviet Union

13. What is the Peace Corps? Why did the Kennedy Administration push for its creation?

Americans and volunteer to work anywhere in the world where assistance

is needed, he pushed for it because he wanted democracy and freedm
14. In June of 1963, Kennedy proposed what new legislation? What did he hope to achieve with this?
The civil rights act to congress, he wanted to end segregation and discrimination

Look at tabs along the left-side of the screen, click on “Life of Jacqueline B. Kennedy”

15. As a child, what challenges did Jackie face?

Her parents divorce and her fathers finance problems

16. Prior to marrying JFK, what was Jackie’s profession?

Jackie worked as a photojournalist and writer

17. When and where were Jack and Jackie married?

September 12th 1953, at st. Mary’s catholic church in RI

18. During her time as First Lady of the United States, what things did Jackie focus on?
She worked on the restoration of the White House, promotion of arts and culture

Switch websites and go to: www.jfk.org (Sixth Floor Museum)

Click on “The Assassination”, Click on "Eyewitness to History: An Interactive Map of the

Kennedy Motorcade. Click "start" and flip through the slides. There are 35 slides.

19. On the morning of November 22, 1963, which Dallas airport did Air Force One land at?
Love field

20. What color was Mrs. Kennedy's outfit?

21. What was the name of the Dallas business owner who captured all of the JFK Assassination on
film? You can watch his film footage on slide 28. Warning it is graphic.
Abraham zapruder

22. Many people believed that the shots came from this building in Dallas. What was the name of the
The Texas school book depository building

23. Which hospital was President Kennedy rushed to after the shooting?
Parkland memorial hospital

Using Google, look up the answers for questions 24 & 25.

24. Who was arrested for killing President Kennedy? What happened to the accused assassin?
Lee Harvey Ozwald, he was convicted to death

25. Where was President Kennedy's body buried?

Arlington national cemetery in Virginia

~ The End ~

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