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Day 1 Session 3

Shared vision
Common goals
Pool expertise
Shared workload
Effective partnership

Activity 1
Place images of your pictures here
Group 6

Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
we re drawing these our friends pictures while
we re doing activities right now, there many
typical performance here, such as wearing
glasess, tall, slim etc. but all of us here, we all
so happy so why all of our pictures here all re
smile and full of fun.

Some attributes needed when teacher get

collaboration :
- trust each other
- Open minded,
- welcome with advice so teachers can
complete each other their own strengths
- Loyality
- And help each other
Group 4

Group 5
Group 6
Activity 2

Group 1
Who do teachers collaborate with?
1.) Teachers collaborate with, parents, other
teachers, educational department,
government, public health center,
organization, KOMNASHAM
discuss what are the attributes of
collaboration are and why do we as
teachers engage in this process. Write
down the key points of your discussion,
2.) Collaborate is cooperation, team
work,good communication
collaborate is needed to give support to
each other, helping to reach the whole
purpose in optimizing children
development. Not only about education but
also about nursery, health,etc.

Group 2
Who do teachers collaborate with
● As a teacher we need to collaborate with
others teacher for share information or
anything about early child education with
foundation, partner, parents, school staff,
society, stakeholder, community around the
school, companies, government
department, and ofcourse peoples around
the school.
● Why? Because we need to work together
and doing collaboration to support the
school programs, such as like school
activities, to get data and information, to
introduce children with the various
occupation, developing school
programs, to give best experiences for
children .

Group 3
In doing some responsibilities in working,
teacher can build collaboration with some
elements such as: partner at school (other
teacher), parents, students, society in the
environment, government, etc.
Collaboration is needed in a teamwork. Some
attributes are needed when teacher get
collaboraton :
- good communication
- trust each other
- Open minded,
- welcome with advice so teachers can
complete each other their strengths and
- Loyality
- help each other
- carried out carefully,
- appropriately, and
- provide optimal added value,
- according to needs
The ability to get collaboration is one of the
competence in 21st century.

Group 4
Teachers collaborate with the students,
colleagues, parents, government, society,
foundation, stake holder.

The attributes needed in a collaboration

are, communication, having the same goal/
objectives, mutual understanding, open
mindedness, agreement,
teachers engage in collaboration process
because teacher is agent of change who
need support from the environment.
Group 5
The teacher should collaborate with the
stakeholder, foundation, parents, teacher
organization and also society. And why do
we need to collaborate,
because education flows and develops .
and were going to create a good
environment, ecosystem to make the
student learning continuously.
Keyword :
Team Work
Same Goals /Direction
Knowledge enrichment
Mutual understanding

Group 6
Who do teachers collaborate with?
W ith teachers, parents, children, stakeholder
(departement of education, ect) and

teachers need to collaborate with parents and

children in order to align the vision,
implemented the school programs, mission and
goals in the learning process for childrens.
so that we can be the same mind and think
between the learning process at school and at

With stakeholder and community to equalize

the perception of policy like the curriculum and
disctric regulation.

With community

Make a list of outside agencies teachers may

need to work with to support students, and
•Think about your experiences with early
childhood education, have you observed
teacher/outside agency collaboration?
•What constrains/enablers or
benefits/challenges might there be?

Where do you come in contact with
policy/legislation in your day to day life?

At work?
At home?
In institutions?
In the larger society?
Has anyone had experience writing a policy?

Group 1
- In institutions (our school):
We have to accept special needs students
although we are less in human resource and

- There is no one who writes down the policy

in the larger society.

Group 1

Group 2
● As a parents we make a deals and role
routunity for us at home. We meet the
policy in all of places we stay.
● In school as the principle we write a policy
and have standard operational procedure
and we implement policies as well as
● As the teacher we make the regulation for
us and make a deals with the childrens in
the classroom for our activities. So we will
have fun activities and directed.

Group 3
Everywhere we will be faced with policy, such
At work :
We have Standard Operational Procedure, and
we must obey it
At home :
We have rule in our daily activity with family
In institutions:
There are many Standard Operating Procedure,
such as
1. SOP how we accepted our students every
2. SOP how we can teach in the classroom
3. SOP about the parent and teacher
collaboration to support school program

In the larger society:

As human who live in a village there are many
rules that we have to obey and make
agreement which we make together
Has anyone had experience writing a policy?
We made any rules for teachers, parents and
students in the form of SOP

Group 4
We meet and deal with policy everyday and
everywhere. It can be written and even
unwritten policy.
At home: our family has culture, values,
tradition to follow, routines
At work: we deal with Standard operational
procedure, school policies,
At the institution in Early Childhood: we have
curriculum policy, professional development
policy, facilities and funding policy
The larger society as Indonesian citizenship :
constitution, government policy local and
central, moral values, law

Group 5..
As a principal, we need to make a regulation or
rule that includes all teachers, but it should be
fair to be implemented for all and no exception.
But sometimes we do different treatments that
make other teachers upset that we treat them
in a different way to them though the rules and
regulations said so. If we don’t get fair and have
good awareness we will be mean and unfair.
They will feel that we aren't fair.

As a teacher, we also make regulations. There

are some rules made for our students, for
example they should raise their hand to speak,
be on time, respect and listen to everyone in
the class. Establishing rules in our class will
create an environment of respect where
students know what to expect from us and vice
versa. It creates boundaries and clarifies that
the classroom is not a place for anarchy or
chaos. We can limit rule-breakers by enforcing
consequences as outlined in the rules.
As the teacher we make some regulation for
the students and the students know and obey
the regulation. So does with the school and
have tight regulation with the teachers and
staffs but we can’t apply the regulation for
students as tight as the school regulation

At Home (As a Mother) - I make a simple policy

but a lot of rules at home by asking children to
get ready to take a bath before 8 o'clock, tidy
up toys, put things back in their place. I make it,
to make the whole family environment
comfortable and respectful of each other.
Regulation is inherent in everyday live.
Group 6
At work : In our school we have a policy which
all must obey, like to be on time, wearing the
uniform, sit down when drinking or eating,
throw the trash on the spot etc, and others

At home : we make some rules for our kids, like

time to take a bath, time to study, time to
gaming but sometimes it’s not realy to held. It’s
not consistent.

In institutions : we have rules in the

organization such as deadlines but there are
still many regulatory policies that can be
For example, the deadline task is today at 12.00
but we need negotiation please 13.00 or 14.00.

In the larger society :

In society we have many policies and we wave
to be adaptive to the policies.
Has anyone had experience writing a policy
Sometimes any people in the road doesn’t
follow the policy and make other people at a


What is your school environment like?

In your groups write a list of enabling and
disabling things/areas in your environment
Group 6

Our school is a good environment with the

facilities being safe and comfortable. It just
doesn't support children with disabilities.
Example: toilet room (no support), some
material for learning, the entrance chairs not
comfortable, building not support for the

Group 2
We have a good environment but it does not
yet support and appropriate facilities for people
with disabilities
● Ability : sands static, blocks,
Disabling : the building, toilet room, the
entrance, the chairs is not support
Teachers - limited special training, support
students through motor skills, no special school
for children with special

Group 5
We have good environment of school but the
facilities don’t support well with supporting
tools and building. Such as different models of
stairs, chairs, and other furniture. Though we
have a good understanding of each other with
the special needs students and the difference
among the children because of our high
tolerance that always puts us well.

The abling things /environment in my school is

the building, the facilities such as chairs and
tables which are accessible by the children.
The disable thing is the environment is mostly
full of ceramic floors than parks or land with
grass so the children can play comfortably. The
school is in front of the street so it is noisy with
the traffic especially in the morning and the
class has already begun. Otherwise, we need
land to plant something with our class.
The school has less of facilities such as play
tools for children

We Have good enough Environment, but it still

need to improve to another level, just because
we have one children with ADHD which
throwing any tools (something like toys or even

Group 1
- There are no facilities for disability students
In our school such as a wheelchair, visual
disability student but we have some
students with special needs (autism,ADHD,
speech delay,down syndrome)
- There are have many culture and many
languages in the classroom

Group one
-Definition of Inclusion is equality, different
from the other,acceptance of the difference of
others, speciality, diversity, togetherness.
- Draw some pictures
1. Draw a big square, put two small circles in
a big square on the left and right sides. Put
a small triangle in the center of the big
square. Draw a small straight under the
small triangle and a half circle under the
small straight.
2. Draw a big rectangle, put two big circles
under the rectangle. Make a big half circle
beside the rectangle. Make a straight line in
the center of the rectangle to divide in two
parts. Then put five small squares in the

-What do we feel doing the activity?

We are happy, excited, and interested. So much

Group two
Inclusion is education for all of children with
differences character, every child has the right
education. As a teacher, we have to accepting
the children with abilities and according to the
developmental needs of each child.
One of us tell the clues, and others draw it. We
have different pictures because the instruction
are not clearly.

Group three
What is your school environment like?
Our school is in the village and we have reguler school. almost
every year there are many parents who register their
children who have special needs in my school. I have
encouragement to accept them even though I did’nt hv skill, I
didn’t have experience also I didn’t have special teacher,
such as a shadow teacher to serve them. But I want to
provide them as good as possible with my great effort,
because so far there is no special school for children with
special needs.
In your groups write a list of abling and
disabling things/areas in your environment

1. Our school has a playground that can be

used for all students
2. We use nature things around the
environment for learning
3. Some of our building has second floor but
we don’t have a special track for student
with special needs.
There are two pictures in group 3, it means
1. As a teacher we are like the sun to all of
our students. No discrimination for them.
2. we re as a teacher has to serve all our
students with love .
Group four
- Individual needs
Group five

we feel happy, curious, think hard, try to make the thing

requested. Giving instruction is not easy as well as having
instruction is quite hard to understand what to do while we
need more explanation to get it. Process of focusing on and
responding to the diverse needs of all learners.

Inclusion is being included and accepted no

matter the differences. Process of focusing on and
responding to the diverse needs of all learners. inclusion is
the difference that goes into a one circle

What is your school environment like?
In your groups write a list of abling and
disabling things/areas in your environment

Group 4
Our school environments very from one
another but generally we have indoor and
outdoor areas. Because we don't have any
students with physical disability we don't have
proper facility for disable students.
Abling Disabling
Kids friendly furniture toilet
Reading area No disable facilities
Eye level position of

Group Six
Inclusions are the differences of each individual
that can be collected in one place.
The word :
- Differences
- Equality background
- Social, Economic, Education Profil
- Parrenting

This Is From Group 6 -

We already make 2 small group like this :

Discuss the term inclusion and what it means to

you = same instructions have a different result

Write down a list of words or your definition of

inclusion on this = circle, line, half circle,
So share an experience in your group when you
were excluded, and how you think you could
have Changed or how somebody could have
changed the situation.

Where do you come in contact with policy or

legislation in your day to day life.
everyday life, where do you have policy or

everyday life, where do you have policy or


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