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WORKSHEET N°07 Complete the dialogue using these words.

STUDENT: ____________________ TEACHER: Mg. Angela CJR yellow you window welcome it´s
CLASS: 1° - SEC TOPIC: Reading DATE: May 08th -12th, 2023. how phone thank I

“DIALOGUE” B. Circle the appropriate word to complete the conversations.

A. Listen to the dialogue and complete. Could you
spell ______, a) How do you spell / speak white?
Hi, Will. Hi, Peter. Y-E-L-L-O-W please? -W H I T E
____ are you?
b) Hello. How is / are you?
Great. How
about ____? You´re - I´m happy, thanks.
Fine, thanks.
_______ c) Could you open / close the door, please?
______ you,
Mr. Smith. - It’s cold in here.
d) What´s you / your phone number?
- It’s 943715215.
e) What´s your name?
- My / Your name is William, but you can call me Will.

C. Put the conversations in order. Then, practice.

Danny, could you open Julia, What´s your ____ I’m Jill Dylan.
the ________, please? ______ number? ____ Can you spell your last name, please?
It’s hot in here!
____ What´s your name?
May ___ drink ____ Sure. It´s D – Y - L – A – N.
some water?
____ Thank you.

____ Oh. Welcome. I´m Cameron. What´s your name?
____ Yes. It´s my first day!
____ Excuse me. Are you a new student?
Let me see … ____
(832) 459-7416. ____ My name is Alison. Nice to meet you.

During the English class… During the break …

D. Read the following information. F. Write sentences according to the pictures using THIS / THAT.

This and That are demonstratives.

We use this and that to point to people and things.

This and that are singular.

1. 2. 3.

For example:

4. 5.

E. Read and complete using THIS and THAT.


8. 9. 10.

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