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Jenny Pearl B.

Villanueva BSN 2F

Discussion Board Activity 1

Nurse Jane is assigned to Amelia who is turning two in few months. Her mother, Annie, tells Nurse Jane
that Amelia, from the moment she has been brought in the hospital, often cries and throws tantrums.
She hardly plays along at any activity, but would usually shout whenever Annie takes her Barbie doll.
Is Amelia a difficult child, or slow to warm up child? Please elaborate your answer.

Children that are slow to warm up are considered to be inactive, and Amelia doesn't do much playing, as
was already said. She therefore takes a slow to warm up as a child. Amelia was also reported to have
started sobbing and having tantrums as soon as she arrived at the hospital, which might be construed as
a habit that difficult kids don't have because they are known for having erratic routines. The fact that
Amelia is slow to warm up to the hospital, which is considered to be a new environment for her, may
have contributed to her sobbing and tantruming when she was brought there.

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