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[Registered at the General Post Office, Melbourne, for transmission by post as a newspaper.]


Commonwealth of By His Excellency the Governor- is hereby notified that Mr. Gosta Petre, Consul of Sweden,
Australia to wit. General in and over the Com- T at Melbourne, died on 19th March, 1941.
GowRn; monwealth of Australia.
Governor - General.
HIS Excellency the Governor General directs the provisional
UTHEREAS by sub- section one of section seventy -six of the recognition of Mr. Gosta T. Pihl, \Tice- Consul of Sweden
Commonwealth Publie Service Act 1922 -1940, it is pro- at Melbourne, as Acting Consul of Sweden at Melbourne.
vided that the Governor-General may proclaim any day to be
observed as a holiday in the Commonwealth Service in lieu
of any of the days mentioned in the said sub-section:
And whereas it is desired that the holiday to celebrate the ACTS OF PARLIAMENT ASSENTED TO.
anniversary of the birthday of the Sovereign in the year of T is hereby notifiied, for general information, that His
our Lord One thousand nine hundred and forty -one should be
observed in the Commonwealth Service in the Australian
IbehalfExcellency the Governor- General, in the name and on
of His Majesty, assented, on the dates shown, to the
Capital Territory, the Northern Territory of Australia, and undermentioned Acts passed by the Senate and the House of
the State of Tasmania, on Monday, the sixteenth day of June, Representatives in Parliament assembled, viz.:- -
One thousand nine hundred and forty -one, in lieu of Sunday, (4th April, 1941.)
the fourteenth day of December:
Now therefore, 1, Alexander Gore Arkwright, Baron Gowrie, No. 2 of 1941. --" An Act relating to the Imposition,
the Governor - General aforesaid, acting with the advice of the Assessment and C.ollection of a Tax upon the Pay-
Federal Executive Council, do hereby appoint Monday, the ment of Wages ".
sixteenth day of June, One thousand nine hundred and forty No. 3 of 1941." An Act to impose a Tax upon the Pay-
one, to be observed as a holiday in . the Commonwealth Service ment of Wages ".
in the Australian Capital Territory, the Northern Territory No. 4 of 1941. " An Act to amend the Defence Act 1903-
of Australia, and the State of Tasmania, in lieu of Sunday, 19:39 ".
the fourteenth day of December, One thousand nine hundred No. 5 of 1941." An Act to amend the Commonwealth
and forty -one. Public Service Act 1922 - 1940 ".
No. 6 of 1941." An Act to amend section twenty -nipe B
Given under my hand and the Seal of the Commonwealth of the. Crimes Act 1914- 1937 ".
this fourth day of April, in the year of our Lord No. 7 of 1941." An Act to amend the Acts Interpretation
(n.s.) One thousand nine hundred and forty -one, and in the Act 1901- 1937 ".
fifth year of His Majesty's reign.
(7th April, 1941.)
By His Excellency's Command, No. 8 of 1941." An Act to provide for the Payment of
T. J. COLLINS Endowments, in respect of certain Children, at the
for Acting Prime Minister. rate of Five shillings per week for each Child ".
No. 9 of 1941." An Act to amend the Rate Cotton
Gon DAVE THE KING ! Bounty. Act 1940 ".
2253. No. 77. PRICE On.; Quarterly, 7s. 7d.; Half- Yearly, 15s. 2d.; Yearly, 30s. 4d.
No. 77. -17th April, 1941 818 Commonwealth Gazette
No. 10 of 1941. " An Act to approve an Agreement Bredesen, Sverre 13'irger, 270 Pinie- street, Adelaide, South
between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Australia. and the Government of Southern Brljok, Josip, Sixteenth- street, Irymple, Victoria.
Rhodesia ". Fahraeus, Hakon, 92 Doble- street, Grafton, New South Wales.
No. 11 of 1941." An Act to authorize the execution of Fredrickson, Charles, 339 Oxide-street, Broken Hill, New South
an Agreement relating to the Empire Air Service Wales.
between England and Australia". Gronhagen, John Oskar, Hamel -road, Holland Park, Brisbane,
No. 12 of 1941." An Act to amend section eight of the Queensland.
Air Force Act 1923 - 1939 ". Hilko, -John, 6 Tillot- street, Woolloongabba, Brisbane,
No. 13 of 1941." An Act relating to:.Duties of .Customs ". Queensland.
No. 14 of 1941." An Act to grant acid . apply out of the Holmkvist, :Edwin, c/o Mr. A. Turner, Condong -road, Mur -
Consolidated Revenue Fund 'a sum for War willumbali, New South Wales.
Pensions ". Kagan; f Mrs.) Pauline (known as Priluker, (Mrs.) Pauline) ,
No. 15 of 1941." An Act to grant and apply out of the Flat '4, :" Grassmere ", Walsh-street, South Yarra, Victoria.
Consolidated Revenue Fund a sum for Inv .alid and Kallincos, 'Nicholas, 66 Weller- street, Goodwood Park, South
Old -age Pensions ". Australia.
No. 16 of 1941." An Act to amend the Wine Grapes Leonardi, Giuseppe, 198 Gore - street, Fitzroy, Victoria.
Charges Act 1929 -1937 ". Nacif, Elias Michel (known as Pike, Eric) , 142 Wollombi-
No. 17 of 1941." An Act to provide for the Validation of road, Cessnock, New South Wales.
Collections of Duties of Customs under Customs Nielsen, Carl, Meribah, South Australia.
Tariff Proposals ". Nielsen, Christian, Meribah, South Australia.
No. 18 of 1941. " An Act to provide for the Validation of Nielsen, Ejgil (known as Nielsen, Edward) . 12 Carlisle- street,
Adjustments in Duties of Customs under Customs St. Kilda, Victoria.
Tariff (Exchange Adjustment) Proposals ". Nielsen, Niels Emil, . Meribah, South Australia.
No. 19- of 1941.--"An Act-CO provide for the Validation' Prineas, Dimitrios Cosiúos, " Garden of Roses Café ", Banna-
of- Collections of Duties 'of Customs under Customs Avenue, Griffith, New South Wales.
Tariff (Special War Duty) Proposals ". Date of Naturalization, 3rd March, 1941.
No. 20 of 1941. " An Act to provide for the Validation
of Collections of Duties of Customs under Customs tucki, Ernest ( known as Stuckey, Ernest) , 37 East- avenue,
Tariff ( Canadian Preference) Proposals ". Millwood Estate, South Australia.
No. 21 of 1941." An Act to provide for the Validation Tobea, George, Attune-a- street, Attunga, New South Wales.
of Collections of Duties of Customs under Customs 'Fserentjoul.ius, Alexandre, 47 Grey street, East Melbourne,
Tariff ( New Zealand Preference) Proposals ". Victoria.
No. 22 of 1941. " An Act to authorize the Raising and \`'enz, (Mrs.) Harriet Adelia Annette, " Nanima," Forbes,
Expending of a certain Sum of Money ". New South Wales.
No. 23 of 1941. " An Act to authorize the making of Wessmann, Adolf Richard, Kombi, via Childers, Queensland.
loans to the State of Tasmania for the Purpose of Date of Naturalization, 5th March, 1941.
Relief to Berry Fruit - growers, and for other Backholni, Eric Lennart, Miles - street, Mount Isa, Queensland.
purposes ". Bjonnes, Theodore, 42 Lipson - street, Port Adelaide, South
F. C. GREEN, Clerk of the House of Representatives. Australia.
Barris, Harry, 41 Zadoc - street, Lismore, New South Wales.
Bosnich, Ivan, Harbord -road, Brookvale, New South Wales.
THE ISLAND OF NAURU. J3ul jac, Ivan, 63 Herbert - street, Spring Hill, Brisbane,
HIS Excellency the Governor- General in Council has con- Chlebo, John, Main Western Highway, Blaxland, New South
firmed the Cemeteries Ordinance 1941 made by the Wales.
Administrator of Nauru on the ist February, 1941. Uebien, Noel Pierre, 42 Lucas road, Burwood, New South
T. J. COLLINS Wales.
1)eligiorgis, Christos Savva (known as Alexander, Christos
for the Acting Prime Minister. Savva) , .50 Federation -road, Port Pinie, South Australia.
Foster, Lee, 541 Military -road, Largs Bay North, South
CERTIFICATES OF NATURALIZATION. Gates, Avis, S 1)umat-esq- street, Cooks Hill, Newcastle, New
IT is hereby notified for general information that the Minister South Wales.
of State for the Interior has granted Certificates of Hallsten, Otto Gideon, Miles- street, Mount Isa, Queensland.
Naturalization to the persons named in this subjoined list. Hilborn, Gordon Ralson, Cowarra Creek, via Cooma, New
South Wales.
J. A. CARRODUS, Secretary, Katz, Bernhard, 3 Mosman- street, Mosman, New South Wales.
Department of the Interior. Kolomondos, Savas, 251 Elizabeth- street, Sydney, New South
Koorey, Louis Michael, Hoskins street, Temora, New South
Date of Naturalization, 23rd January, 1941. Wales.
Lev, ( Miss) Violet (known as Leiboff, ( Miss) Violet Lev,
Mazzeo, (Mrs.) Daisy Elizabeth, " Lille ", Flat 5, B'elford - Trinity -lace, South Brisbane, Queensland.
street, St. Kilda, Victoria. Magiafis, John, 174 Campbell- parade, North Bondi, New South
Date of Naturalization, 7th February, 1941. «sales. .

Mestrov, Frane, 74 Crystal- street, Broken Hill, New South

Olsen, Johannes, 20 Perkins - street, South Townsville, Queens- Wa les.
land. Olsen, Salomon Andrias, Queen - street, Yeppoon, Queensland.
Date of Naturalization, 17th February, 1941. Plassen, Thomas Theodorsen (known as Jahnsen, Thomas) ,
Fiorina, (Mrs.) Mona Rita, Ravensthorpe, New South Wales. Nabiac, New South Wales.
Schutt, Jess .Peter Fions (known as Petersen, Jess Peter
Date of Naturalization, 24th February, 1941. Floris) , 3 Broughton- street, Paddington, New South Wales.
Sundet, Ole, Mount Molloy, Queensland.
Blomme, Daniel Henri Joseph, 42 Hotham- street, East St. Szajtel, Samuel David (known as Newman, Samuel David),
Kilda, Victoria. 217a William- street, Sydney, New South Wales.
Criticos, Georgios (known as Criticos, George), 10 Benvenue- Vangis,. Charalampos (known as Vangis, Harry), 356 High -
street, Kingsford, New South Wales. street, West Maitland; New South Wales.
Kapac, Ivan, :50 Gore- street, Fitzroy, Victoria.
Spartalis, Michail Sotos, Giblett- street, Manjimup, Western Date of Naturalization, 11th March, 1941.
Australia. Abeshouse, (Mrs) Alva, l 5 Billyard-avenue, Elizabeth Bay,
Sulos, Nicholas, Rathmines, via Bunbury, Western Australia. New South Wales.
Tarhanoff, Victor, Cavanagh- street, Darwin, Northern Ansoteyui, Faustin, Iyah, Home Hill, Queensland.
Territory. Bens, Ivan, Baskerville, via Midland Junction, Western Aus-
Date of Naturalization, 3rd March, 1941. Cabassi, (Miss) Marie Madalen, c/o The People's Palace,
Andrijich, Ivan, 327 Wilson- street, South Broken Hill, New Edward- street, Brisbane, Queensland:
South Wales. Capelli, Giovanni, Lake Austin, Western Australia.
Anker, Peter Munk, Bittern, Victoria. Ecklund, Gustav Albert, 245 Victoria- street, Abbotsford,
Arakelian, Artin, 108 Liverpool - street, Paddington, New South Victoria.
Wales. Elisen, Karl Kristian, 47 Newcastle- street, Stockton, New
Armenakis, Demitrios (known as Arnakis, Jim ), 132 Main South Wales.
road, .Thirroul, New South Wales. Epchtein, Abraham Alfred Albert (known as Epchteine,
Bogunovic, Yure, 649 Hainault -road, Boulder, Western Aus- Boris) , 310 Parramatta -road, Petersham, New South Wales.
tralia. Gourviteli, (Mrs.) Fiona, ens. Murray and Cook streets, Tully,
Bolinches, Enrique, High - street, Eaglehawk, Victoria. Queensland.
Commonwealth Gazette 819 No. 77. --17th April, 1941

Date of Naturalization, 11th March, 1941. Bistolaridis, John (known as Briadis, Jack), 197 Clarinda-
street, Parkes, New South Wales.
Haggstrom, Carl Conrad, 1 Gibbon - street, Woolloongabba, Cappadona, (Mrs.) Ethel Jean, " Gladsville ", 1 .Clow-street.
Brisbane, Queensland. Dandenong, Victoria,
Hautala, Kusta Ewell, Cairns, Queensland. Efrosinis, Anastacios, 464 Beryl- street, Broken Hill, New
Kandalft, Boulos Gattas (known as Kandal, Paul), 24
South Wales.
Primrose- avenue, Rosebery, New South Wales. Frangos, Chrisostomos, 31 McArthur - place, Carlton, Victoria.
Kronja, Grgo, 349 Morish- street. Broken Hill, New South Goetz, (Miss) Else, 404 Punt -road, South Yarra, Victoria.
Wales. Heymann, (Miss) Ruth, Flat C, 8 Redan - street, St. Kilda,
Macrokanis, Demetros, 34 Denman- avenue, Glen Iris, Victoria. Victoria.
Megyimorecz, Remus, Maloon, via Braidwood, New South Jansen, Eric Ulric, Norseman, Western Australia.
Wales. Kabbass, Joseph, 495 Argent - street, Broken Hill, New South
Milosevich, Dragutin, Wiluna, Western Australia. Wales.
Nikolaidis, (Rev.) Mitrofanis Demetrius (known as Nicholson, Kolios, Thomas, 25 Palmerston- crescent, South Melbourne,
( Rev.) James) , San Jose Flats, 7 Warners- avenue, Bondi, Victoria.
New South Wales. Lindkvist, Karl Victor, 20 Lake- street, Ballarat, Victoria.
Nilsen, Andreas, 346 Port -road, Portland, South Australia. Lutterbey, (Mrs.) Sarah Ellen, Tennant - road, Mount Hutton.
Pedersen, Robert Emanuel Moller (known as Miller, Robert) , New South Wales.
154 Crown- street, Sydney, New South Wales. Nordin, Nils Bertil, South Coree, near Finley, New South
Pellegrini, Umberto, 41 Drumalbyn -road, Bellevue Hill, New Wales.
South Wales. Oman, Gunnar Johan, 13 Beaumont- street. Hamilton, New
Polites, Theodore Thomas, 43 Rockley -road, South Yarra, South Wales.
Victoria. Plaza, Florentino, Rita Island, Ayr, Queensland.
Salem, Jameal, 222 Adelaide- street, Maryborough, Poldy, (Mrs.) Kathleen Eilen, 44 St. Paul's- terrace, Brisbane.
Queensland. Queensland.
Segtnan, Kaare, Netherby, via Nhill, Victoria.. - Politzer, (Miss) Klare, 404 Punt -road, South Yarra, Victoria.
Wik, Ernst Gustaf, Swedish Church, Clarendon- street, South Schubert, Andreas, Brooklyn, Hawkesbury River, New South
Melbourne, Victoria. Wales.
Date of Naturalization, 12th March, 1941. 'rumminello, Giovanni, 34 Beecroft road, Epping, New South
Andersen, Karl, Mornington Mills, Western Australia.
Andreassen, Sjur, e/o School of Agriculture, Narrogin,
Western Australia. Dale of Naturalization, 17th March, 1941.
Beckiares, Apostolos, 392 Point Nepean -road, Chelsea, Eriksson, Seth, 469 Hay street, East Perth, Western Australia.
Bessmartny, Boris, Norman- avenue, Norman Park, Brisbane. Richard, (Miss) Suzanne, 16 Bent - street, East Malvern,
Queensland. Victoria.
Pounds Ordiwnnce 1928 -1937.
STOCK Impounded at Canberra Pound, Y arralumla

Impounding Date Description of Animal. Brands or Marks.

No. Impounded.

266 15.4.41 Jersey heifer, white markings on both flanks .. .. .. .. None visible

If not released will be sold by Public Auction at 12 noon on Friday, 2nd May. 1941.
C. LAVERTY, Poundkeeper.

COMMONWEALTH BANK OF AUSTRALIA. Dated this 8th day of April, One thousand nine hundred
and forty -one.
DECEMBER, 1940. Governor - General.
By His Excellency's Command,
THE figure shown against the item " Notes in Circulation " T. J. COLLINS
as appearing on page 731 in Gazette No. 69 of the 3rd
April, 1941, should read £68,119,444, in lieu of £68,199,444. for Minister of State for the Interior.
All that piece of land containing an area of 2 roods 5
perches more or less being portion of Swan Location 16, being
Lot 83 on Plan 2457, State of Western Australia as shown
1901 -1934.


£399 3s. Austral Motor Pty. Ltd., Brisbane. Purchase of
1 Dodge Commercial Coupe Utility.
A. FADDEN, Acting Prime Minister.

The Lands Acquisition Act 1906 - 1936.
IT is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the
Governor- General acting with the advice of the Federal
Executive Council, that the land hereunder described has been
acquired by the Commonwealth under the Lands Acquisition SCALE
Act 1906 -1936, for the following public purpose, namely: Links 200 150 100 50 0 200 Links
Defence purposes at Midland Junction, Western Australia.
(C.L.7177. )
r. .-----47 Apr.ii, 1941 4320 Commonwealth Gazette
GRANT- OF A LICENCE TO LAY A SEWER MAIN Dated this second day of April, One thousand nixie hundred
JISEcellency the Governor-General in - Council has Governor- General.
authorized, pursuant to section 63 of the Lands Acquisi- By His Excellency's C'oiaou:ancl,
tion Act 1906-1.936, the grant of a licence to the Sydney T. J. COLLINS
Metropolitan Water Sewerage and Drainage Board to lay use for Minister of State for the Interior,
and -maintain 'a sewer through and linder the land described
in the Schedule hereunder.-=(C:T,.3491:) DESCRIPTION OF LAND REFERRED TO.
T. J. COLLINS All that :piece of land containing an area of 35 perches, more
for Minister of State for the lnta'ior. or less, being lot 14 on plan of subdivision. No. A356
lodged in the Office of Titles and being part of.CroWn 'allotment
SCHEDULE. 15 at Pascoe Vale, - Pariait of Douta Galla, County. of $ourlce,
All that piece of land containing an area of 8 /10ths of ai State of Victoria; as shown hacliured on plan hereunder:
perch more or less being }tart of the land comprised in Certi-
ficate of Title Volume 1265, Folio 127, Parish of St. James,
Comity of Cumberland, State of New South Wales, as shown
hacliur ed on plan _hereunder. .


c/- Vol. 12.65

Fol. 127
L 0

N a

Common weal t i Feet, so 40 30 20

10 0 SO Feel,
The Lands Acquisition Act 1906 -1936.
l' is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the
E Governor- General, acting with the advice of the Federal
Executive Council, that the land firstly hereunder described
and as appurtenant thereto the right for the Comlilonwealth,
its successors and assigns and the owners and occupiers for
the time being of .the said laical firstly described and its and
their tenants, servants, agents, workn:en and visitors to go,
SE.Corn¢r pass and repass at all time hereafter and for all purposes
and. either with or without horses or other animals, cart
°F ! or other carriages into and oïit of and from the said land
C firstly described or any part thereof through, over and along
the land secondly hereunder described have been acquired by
the Commonwealth tinder the Lands Acquisition, Act 1906 -1936
for the following public, purpose, namely: Postal purposes at
Cremc,rne, New South Wales. ( C.Y.. 5934. )
Dated this second day of April, One thousand nine hundred
and forty -one.
Governor - General.
Feel, 8 G 4 2 C a0 Fact, L'y His Excellency's Command,
for Minister of State for the Interior.
The Lands Acquisition Act 1906 -1936. it.REn ro.
NOTIFICATION OF THE ACQUISITION OF LAND BY Firstly: All that piece of land containing an area of
THE COMMONWEALTH. 29.25 perches, more or less. )icing part of allotment 7, section
Tr is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the 4, and being part of' the land originally granted to Viuzenr
Governor-General, acting with the advice of the Federal Zabel by Crown grant- dated 12th 'August, 1856; in the Parish
Executive Council, that the land hereunder described has of Willoughby, County of Cunsherland. State of New Smith
been acquired by the Commonwealth under the Li.nds lt':iles, as shown liachtned .on plan hereunder : Commencing
Acquisition Act 1906- 1936, for the following public purpose, nt the north- western cormier of ,allotment 63 in a plan
namely: Postal purposes at North Esseiidon, Victoria. deposited in the Land Titles Office, Sydney, No. 3994, and
(C.L.4301. ) bounded thence by the western boundary of that allotment
821 No. 77.-17t11. April, 1941
Commonwealth Gazette .

and part of the western boundary of allotment 62 in the the Parish of Willoughby, County of . Cumberland, State of
said plan bearing in all 180 degrees 9 minutes 15 seconds New South Wales, as shown cross hachured on plan here-
under: Commencing on the eastern side of Cowles-road at
62 feet; thence by lines bearing 27.0 degrees 27 minutes 129 the south- western corner of allotment 3 in áa. plain deposited
feet 1 inches and 8 minutes 36 seconds. 62 .feet.; thence by
part of the southern boundary of allotment 4, the southern in the Land Titles Office, Sydney, No. 4916, and bounded
boundaries of allotments 5 and ß and part of the southern thence by the southern boundary of that allotment and part
boundary of allotment 7 in a plan deposited in the Land of the southern boundary of allotment 4 in the said
Titles Office, Sydney, No. 4914, bearing in all 90 degrees 27 bearing in all 90 degrees 27 minutes 168 feet 6 inches; thence
tes 36 Feconds 62 feet.
by lines hearing 150 degrees 8 minutes
minutes 129 feet 11 inches to the point of commencement. of 270 degrees 27 minutes 20 feet 8 minutes 36 seconds 50
Secondly : All that piece of land containing an area feet and 270 degrees 27 minutes 148 feet 6 inches; bearing
11.1 perches, more or less.. ageing part of allotment 7 of by part of the eastern side of Cowles-road
section 4. and being .part of the land origjnally .granted to fi minutes 36 seconds 12 feet to the point of commencement.
Vinzenz Zahel by Crown grant dated 12th August, 1856, in

SCALE 120 F¢e ,
20 0 GO

Executive Council, that the land hereunder described has been

DISPOSAL BY TRANSFER OF DEFENCE LAND AT acquired by the Commonwealth under the Lands Acquisition
GERALDTON, WESTERN AUSTRALIA. :fct 1906 -1936, for the following public purpose, namely:
WHERE AS the land described in the Schedule hereunder Defence purposes at Geraldton, Western Australia. (C.L.
is no longer required for any public purpose of the 5782.)
tommonwealth, His Excellency thesection Governor - General in
63 of the Lands Dated this 8th day of April. One thousand nine hundred and
Council has. authorized, pursuant to
Acquisition Act 1906 -1936, the disposal of the said land by forty -one.
transfer. -- (C.L.5 i 82. ) Governor- General.
for Minister of State for the Interior. By His Excellency's Command_
. SCHEDULE. for Minister of State for the Interior.
All that piece of and containing an area of 1 acre 37.25
perches more or less being parts of Victoria Locations 2002
and 2269, State of Western Australia, as shown hachured on DESCRIPTION OF LAND REFERRED TO.
plan hereunder. All that piece of land containing an area of 1 acre :37.25
x,--r perches more or less being part of Victoria Location 2269.
State of Western Australia, as shown hachured on plan
ßt Aoi
8' hereunder.
Commonwealth Property
Loo . 2002
Acquired 24440 Ga3 N 75

F p°°

Lóc. 69 áll

o 2 Chns.

The Lands Acquisition Act 1906 -1936.
THE CO11I1 ON Chns. 2 o. 2 Clins
T is hereby notified and declared by His Excellency the
I Governor - General acting with the advice of the Federal
No: 77.-17t11 April, 1941 822 Commonwealth Gazt+tte


ENDERS are invited for the undermentioned supplies and /or service. Tenders must Lie endorsed " Tenders for
(as the case may be), and addressed to the Deputy Director, Posts and Telegraphs, in the State named. They must be deposited in
the Tender Box at the General Post Office in that State ; if sent by post they must be prepaid and registered.

Tender Forms, Specifications, "dcc., Tenders clase-

Description of Material or Service Required.
Q Schedule No. obtainable from-

P.A.B.X. Relay Sets . 0.3026 *$ 3 p.m., 17.4.41
Mechanics' Tools, Hammers, Files, Hacksaws, Brille, &c. . C.3167 * 3 p.m., 17.4.41
Waterproof Clothing .. .. .. .. .. 0.3190 * 3 p.m., 17.4.41
Quartz Crystals and Holders. . .. .. .. 0.3213 * 3 p.m., 17.4.41
Camp Tables .. .. .. .. .. 0.3222 * 3 p.m., 17.4.41
Aluminium Alloy Sheet .. .. .. .. . 0.3226 3 p.m., 17.4.41
Contact Printing Machine . .. .. . 0.3227 IIII
3 p.m., 17.4.41 F

Operators' Head and Breast Sets C.3228 IIII§ 3 p.m., 22.4.41

Switchboard Equipment, for Automatic Telephone Exchange,
Epping, N.S.W. .. .. .. .. .. . C.3072 IIII$ 3 p.m., 22.4.41
Crossarms .. .. .. C.3168 * 3 p.m., 22.4.41
Tents of Manhole Guards . .. .. .. C.3175 * 3 p.m., 22.4.41
Manhole Guards and Tent Frames . .. .. . 0.3176 * 3 p.m., 22.4.41
Printed Forms " Staff Payment " Series C.3220 * 3 p.m., 22.4.41
Radio Broadcasting Transmitter .. .. .. C.3218 * 3 p.m., 24.4.41
Composition Resistors, wire wound, Potentiometers and fixed and
.adjustable Resistors . . . . C.3235 I!!! 3 p.m., 24.4.41
Machine. Tools and Accessories .. C.3236 IIII
3 p.m., 24.4.41
Handset Telephones, Magneto .. .. 0.3237 IIII
3 p.m., 24.4.41
Gas Filled Arresters .. .. . 0.3041 *$tt 3 p.m., 29.4.41
Lead Sealers and Parts .. .. .. .. 0.3090 *$ 3 p.m., 29.4.41
Electron Tubes . . .. C.3178 * 3 p.m., 29.4.41
Cable, 1 and 2 pair .. C.3091 *$ 3 p.m., 1.5.41
Accumulator Cells .. .. .. .. 0.3186 * 3 p.m., 1.5.41
Ink Pads for Hand Postmarkers .. .. 0.3197 * 3 p.m., 1.5.41
Steel Spindles . . .. .. 0.3199 * 3 p.m., 1.5.41
Radio - frequency Coupling Units .. .. . C.3219 * 3 p.m., 1.5.41
Automatic Telephone Switching Equipment .. .. .. C.3057 *$II 3 p.m., 6.5.41
Wire, G.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. C.3193 3 p.m., 6.5.41
Insulators .. .. .. .. .. C.3198 * 3 p.m., 6.5.41
Printed forms " Parcels Post " series .. .. . C.3229 * 3 p.m., 6.5.41
Underground Cable (5 -100 prs. 10 lb.) .. .. .. 0.3098 *$ 3 p.m., 8.5.41
Spanners.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 0.3100 *$ 3 p.m., 8.5.41
Light and Power Material -Cords and Cables .. .. . C.3187 * 3 p.m., 8.5.41
Soldering Solution .. .. .. .. .. C.3194 * 3 p.m., 13.5.41
Tools, Adjusters and Benders .. .. .. . C.3104 *$ 3 p.m., 20.5.41
Universal Postmarking Machine Parts .. .. C.3121 *$ 3 p.m., 20.5.41
Outside Distributing Wire .. .. .. .. C.3139 *$ 3 p.m., 22.5.41
Radio Frequency Cable . .. .. .. . C.3223 * 3 pan., 22.5.41
A. E. Coy (Chicago) Maintenance Parts .. .. C.3128 *tt 3 p.m., 27.5.41
Cable V.I.R. Lead Covered .. .. . .. C.3144 *$ 3 p.m., 27.5.41
Sleeves, Waxed Paper .. .. .. .. 0.3157 *$ 3 p.m., 27.5.41
B.P.O. Standard Uniselector Maintenance Parts .. C.3155 *$ 3 p.m., 29.5.41
Canvas and Duck for Mail Bags .. . C.3184 *$** 3 p.m., 29.5.41
Automatic Switchboard Equipment for Telephone Exchange, Ocean -
street, New South Wales .. .. 0.3031 IIII$¶ 3 p.m., 10.6.41
Mechanically operated Springsets 2,000 type Switch .. . C.3156 *$ 3 p.m., 1.7.41
Mechanics' Tools (Leadworking) .. .. . 0.3158 *$ 3 p.m., 1.7.41
Intercommunication Equipment . C.3180 *$ 3 p.m., 1.7.41
Electron Tubes, Ballast Lamps, &c. .. C.3164 *$tt 3 p.m., 3.7.41
Testing Instruments (Exchange Service Types) C.3209 *Í 3 p.m., 8.7.41

Metal Screenings .. .. .. . .. V.1661 3 p.m., 22.4.41
Switches, Knife V.1663 t 3 p.m., 22.4.41
3 p.m., 29.4.41
Supply of Sand, Cinders, and removal of Spoil V.1662
Supply and delivery of Coke and Briquettes . . V.1659 t 3 p.m., 6.5.41

* **
Storê Bin Units .. .. .. I Q.822 I, I Noon, 29.4.41

* Departmental Stores Branch, Sydney (64 Harbour - street) ; Brisbane ; Adelaide (West- terrace) and Perth ; and G.F.O,'s, Melbourne and $obart.
tt).Stores Branch, G.P.O., Melbourne.
High Commissioner, .London.
Closing date extended from 15.4.41 to 6.5.41.
** ,Australian Government Trade Commissioner, 2 Fairlie- piace, Calcutta, India.
ft Australian Government Trade Commissioner, New York.
lip Departmental Stores Branches, Sydney (64 Harbour-street) and Melbourne (G.P.O.).
* ** Stores Branch Brisbane.
I Closing date extended from17.4.41 to 22.4.41.
Ì Closing date extended from 11.5,41 to 10,6.41,
Commonwealth Gazette 823 No. 77. -17th April, 1941
POSTMASTER- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT, Contract No. 4032. - Siemens (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., Box 4328,
TENDERS ACCEPTED. G.P.O., Melbourne, C.1, Victoria. - Schedule 0.2936- Telephone
Contract No. 2960.-Automatic Electric Co. ( A'sia) Pty. parts and accessories, £410 16s. 8d. plus exchange. New South
Ltd., Box 4524, G.P.O., Melbourne, C.1, Victoria.- Schedule Wales, Victoria and South Australia.
C.2272- Undercliffe, New South Wales, automatic exchange Contract No. 4035.- Amalgamated Wireless (A'sia) Ltd.,
equipment, £4,908. New South Wales. Box 2516BB, G.P.O., Sydney, New South Wales. -Schedule
Contract No. 3027. - Gilbert Lodge & Co. Pty. Ltd., Box 4530, 0.2936- Telephone parts and accessories, £1,793 3s. 7d. All
G.P.O., Melbourne, C.1, Victoria.- Schedúle C.2588- Cable, States.
braided, adjusted price £407 4s. lid. plus exoliaiige. All Contract No. 4036.- Ericsson Telephone Manufacturing Co.,
States. Box 2554E, G.P.O., Sydney, New South Wales. - Schedule
Contract No. 3068.-The value of the contract placed with 0 .2989 - Resistances,- reactances and coils, £423 5s. 2d. plus
Waterlow & Sons Ltd., England (through the High Com- exchange. New South Wales, Victoria, Western Australia
missioner, London), under Schedule 02673 for. telegraph and Tasmania.
paper tape appearing in Gazette No. 88 of 16th May, 1940, is
hereby amended to read " £1,367 2s. 10d. plus exchange ". Contract No. 4038. - Standard Telephones & Cables Pty.
Contract No. 3358. -Metal Manufactures Ltd., C/o British Ltd., Box 525n, G.P.O., Sydney, New South Wales.-Schedule
Insulated Cables Ltd., Box 4312, G.P.O., Melbourne, C.1, C.3123-Wireless remote control units, £7,125. New South
Victoria.-Schedule 0.2690- Underground cable, small sizes,
adjusted price £29,938 14s. lid. All States. Contract No. 4040. - Kingsley Radio Pty. Ltd., 380 St.
Contract No. 3437.-Ericsson . Telephone Mfg. Co., Box Kilda -road, Melbourne, 0.1, Victoria.-Schedule C.3059-
2554E, G.P.O., Sydney, New South Wales.-Schedule C.2787- Radio receivers, £668 1 s. 6d. All States.
P.A.B.X. line finder equipment, £9,606 15s. plus exchange.
New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland and Western Contract No. 4043. -H. Beecham & Co. Pty. Ltd., 624 -660
Australia. Lonsdale- street, Melbourne, Cl, Victoria.-Schedule C.3.129-
Timber; sugar pine, 1f -in., £922 3s: 6d. Victoria.
Contract No. 3520.- Standard Telephones & Cables Pty.
Ltd., Box 525n, G.P.O., Sydney, New South Wales.-Schedule Contract No. 4048. -Metal Manufactures Ltd., C/o British
C.2730-Electron tubes and ballast lamps, £591 18s. plus Insulated Cables Ltd., Box 4312, G.P.O., Melbourne, C.1,
exchange. Victoria, Queensland and Tasmania. Victoria.- Schedule 0.3079- Copper tapes, adjusted price
£571 14s. 5d. All States.
Contract No. 3873. - Standard Telephones & Cables Pty.
Ltd., Box 525B, G.P.O., Sydney, New South Wales.-Schedule Contract No. 4049. .Standard Telephones & Cables Pty.
C.2930 -Power rectifiers, £214 5s. New South Wales, Victoria Ltd., Box 525n, G.P.O., Sydney, New South Wales.-Schedule
and South Australia. 0.3162- Component parts for telephones, 44e, £1,437 10s.
Contract No. 3878.- Transmission Equipment Pty. Ltd., Victoria.
Box 32, P.O., Richmond, E.1, Victoria. - Schedule C.3094- Contract No 4050.- Jones, Groom & Co. Pty. Ltd., 204
Components for boxes, testing and jointing, £1,837 10s. Grant - street, South Melbourne, S.C.4, Victoria. - Schedule
Victoria. C.2284 -Coin attachments and parts, £331 13s. 4d. New
Contract No. 3879. -Paton Electrical Pty. Ltd., 90 Victoria - South Wales.
street, Ashfield, New South Wales. - Schedule 0.3094 -Com-
ponents for boxes, testing and jointing, £208 2s. 6d. Victoria. Contract No. 4052. - Dunlop Perdriau Rubber Co., Box
772ií, G.P.O., Melbourne, C.1, Victoria.-Schedule C.3134-
Contract No. 3979.-A. Flavell Pty. Ltd., 283 -9 Hoddle- Mouldings for aerial bases, £365 12s. 6d. Victoria.
street, Collingwood, N.9, Victoria. - Schedule C.3061 Metal
jointing sleeves, approximately £1,722 Os. 3d. All States. Contract No. 4053. - Lorimier Contacts Pty. Ltd., 517
Church - street, Richmond, E.1, Victoria. - Schedule 0.3134 -
Contract No. 4000.-Standard Telephones & Cables Pty. Mouldings for aerial bases, £328 2s. 6d. Victoria.
Ltd., Box 525n, G.P.O., Sydney, New South Wales.- Schedule
0.2989- Resistances, reactances and coils, £429 14s. ld. plus Contract No. 4054. -John Danks & Son Pty. Ltd., 46
exchange. All States. Queensbridge- street, South Melbourne, 8.0.4, Victoria. -
Contract No. 4003. - Automatic Electric Co. (A'sia) Pty. Schedule 0.3134- Mouldings for aerial bases, £356 5s.
Ltd., Box 4524, G.P.O., Melbourne, C.1, Victoria.- .Schedule Victoria.
C.2989- Resistances, reactances and coils, £200 11s. 34. -plus Contract No. 4059.- Davidson & Le Coultre, Cogan Court,
exchange. New Soutli Wales, Victoria, Queensland and off 663 Hay - street,
South Australia. Perth, Western Australia. - Schedule
C.3000- Telegraph instruments, £455 14s. New South Wales,-
Contract No. 4006. - Liverpool Electric Cable Co. Ltd., Box Queensland and South Australia..
4532. G.P.O., Melbourne, C.1, Victoria.-Schedule 0.2943 -
Power cable, £1,245 4s. Victoria..
Contract No. 4009.-Elastic Webbing (Aust.) Pty. Ltd..
278 Queen - street, Melbourne, C.1, Victoria. Schedule C.3125-
Contract No. 4060.- Standard Telephones & Cables Pty.
Ltd., Box 525n. G.P.O. Sydney, New South Wales. Schedule-
C.3000-Telegraph instruments, £1,657 ils. 8d., plus exchange.
All States.
\Vebbing, khaki, 2 -in., £1.,150. Victoria.
Contract No. 4010.-McKenzie & Holland Pty. Ltd., Sutton Contract No. 4061. -The Precision Engineering Co. Pty. Ltd.,
street, Newport, W.15, Victoria.-Schedule 0.3135- Mould- 25-7 Little Collins street, Melbourne, C.1, Victoria. - Schedule
ings for microphones, hand, No. 3, £1,893 15s. Victoria. C.3000-Telegraph instruments, £375 3s. All States except
NOV South Wales.
Contract No. 4019. -L. S. Burke, 90 Henry- street, Windsor.
8.1, Victoria. - Schedule C.3133- Machining of wooden legs Contract No. 4073.-.7as. Miller & Co. Pty. Ltd., 357 -9 Little
for lamp stands. £562 10s. Victoria. Collins-street, Melbourne, C.1, Victoria.-Schedule C.3073-
Jute twine, approximate quantities required for period ending
Contract No. 4020. -R. O. Whitford (1939) Pty. Ltd.. 31st March, 1912, in all States except Tasmania.
Box 42, P.O., Redfern, New South Wales. - Schedule 0.3127 -
Component parts for frames, D. & P., £2,544. Victoria. Contract No. 4075. -Frank & Bryce Ltd., Box 2368m, G.P.O.,
Contract No. 4022. -A. Arrowsmith & Sons, Gadd - street, Sydney, New South Wales.-Schedule 0.3073 -Jute twine,
Northcote, N.1ß, Victoria. Schedule 0.3113 -Brass com- approximate quantities required for period ending 31st March,
ponents for stands, lamp or heliograph A mark III/L, 1942, in all States. .

£1,531 5s. Victoria.. Contract No. 4076. -Geo. Kinnear & Sons Pty. Ltd., Box
Contract No. 4024.- Government Printer, Canberra, Aus- 4540. G.P.U., Melbourne, C.1, Victoria. - Schedule 0.3073 -
tralian Capital Territory. - Schedule 0.3105- Printed forms, .Tute twine, approximate quantities required for period ending
" Wireless Branch " series, £265 7s. All States. 31st March, 1942, in all States.
Contract No. 4025. -R. B. Shankly Pty. Ltd., 586 Bourke
street, Melbourne, C.1, Victoria. - Schedule 0.3105- Printed Victoria.
forms, " Wireless Branch " series -£200 9s. All States. Contract No. V.1016.- Austral Bronze Co. Pty. Ltd., 101
Contract No. 4027. -The Morris Press, Guildford -lane, off King- street, Melbourne, C.1., Victoria.-Quotation 6768 -
306 Queen - street, Melbourne, C.1, Victoria. - Schedule 0.3105 - Purchase and removal of scrap copper wire and scrap lead,
Printed forms, " Wireless Branch " series, £226 18s. 6d. All approximate quantities available during period 1st April
States except Tasmania. to 30th June, 1941, in Victoria,
Contract No. 4029. -C. H. Stevens, 52 Cross - street, West Contract No. V.1017.- Moreland Metal Co. Pty. Ltd., 600
Footscray, \V.12, Victoria.-Schedule 0.2960- Bolts, nuts and Little Bourke - street, Melbourne, C.1, Victoria.- Quotation
washers, approximate quantities required during period 1st 6768- Purchase and removal of scrap copper wire and scrap
April, 1941, to 31st March, 1942. in all States except lead, approximate quantities available during period 14
Tasmania, April to 30th June, 1941, in Victoria.
No. 77.-17th April, 1941 824 Commonwealth Gazette

Contract No. . V.1018. State Electricity Commission of South Australia.

Victoria, 22 William- street, Melbourne, C.1, Victoria.- - Contract No. 13. S. C. Hilton, Port Germein, South Aus-
Schedule V.1658. Briquettes and coal, approximate quan- tralia.-- Schedule L /C.96-- Maintenance of lines in Port
tities required during period 1st July, 1941, to 30th June, Germein and surrounding districts during period 1st April,
1942, in. Victoria. 1941, to 31st March, 1944.
Contract No. V.1019.James Paterson &. Co. Pty. Ltd., 441 Contract No. 14. -F. G. Miller, Bookabie, South Australia,
Collins street, Melbourne, C.l, Victoria. Schedule V.1658 -- Schedule L /C.97. -- Maintenance of lines in Fowler's Bay
Briquettes and coal, approximate quantities required during and surrounding districts during period ist April, 1941, to
period 1st July, 1941, to 30th June, 1942, in Victoria. 31st March, 1944.



Contractor and Address. Date of Date of

Locality and Description of Work. Amount. Acceptance. Completion.

£ e. d.
Molong Post Office. -- Repairs and painting (40/2112) .. 215 0 0 J. E. Acret, Templar- street, Forbes .. 9.4.41 28.5.41
Within approximately 20 miles of Sydney. Erection of 3,486 11 0 N. E. Hogden, 5 Sydney- street,
timber -framed building (105/40 -41) Marrickville, New South Wales
Approximately 150 miles from Sydney. Supply and 5,380 00 Babcock & Wilcox, Regents Park, New 6.8.41
installation of water tube boiler South Wales
Approximately 150 miles from Sydney. Erection of one 593 10 0 F. & R. Compton, East Maitland .. 30.4.41
O.M. type building (238 /40 -41)
Muswellbrook Post Office.Connexion of premises to 254 10 9 Thompson Bros., Brook - street, Muswell- 8.4.41 6.5.41
sewer (40/1632, 41/97) brook
Approximately 150 miles from Sydney. Supply and 729 15 0 Bradford Insulation Pty. Ltd., 190 21.5.41
delivery of insulating mineral wool for a building Sussex- street, Sydney
Weston Post Office.Repairs and painting (40/1840) .. 256 0 0 N. Vogt, Barton- street, Kurri Kurri 20.5.41
Approximately 50 miles from Melbourne. Hot water, 1,407 10 0 J. C. Thomson, 15 Park - avenue, Sand- 20.3.41
heating and steam services (136 and 286) ringham
Approximately 5 miles of Melbourne. -- Construction of 1,088 11 0 John Smith, Wattle- avenue, Werribee 2.4.41 14.5.41
concrete mantlet, &c. (314, 361, 512)
Approximately 10 miles of Melbourne. Erection of 2,165 00 Thompson & Chalmers Pty. Ltd., 111 31.3.41 12.5.41
building No. 769, &c. (368) Mount Alexander -road, Flemington
Approximately 100 miles of Melbourne. Reticulation, 7,127 83 Stewarts & Lloyds (Aust.) Pty. Ltd., 11.3.41 10.6.41
piping and valves (3) 157 City -road, South Melbourne
Approximately 10 miles of Melbourne. Installation of 3,000 00 Condon & Guy, 498 Toorak -road, Bur- 20.3.41
mechanical ventilation to buildings 666, 670, 671 and wood
675 (396)
Approximately 10 miles of Brisbane.Erection of 30,628 0 0 Drysdale & Ridgway Pty. Ltd., Box 28, 9.4.41 30.7.41
structural steelwork (2) Post Office, Valley
Approximately 200 miles of Brisbane. Supply and 826 2 0 Jas. Hardie & Co. Pty. Ltd., Breakfast 21.5.41
delivery of A.C. pipes and C.I. specials (355/40 -41) Creek -road, Newstead
Erection of 25 buildings approximately .40 miles of 5,560 0 0 Ronald Scott, Real- avenue, Norman Park 8.4.41 20.5.41
Brisbane (1036, 1034, 1034A, 1035, 1035A, 348,
348A/40 -41)
Erection of five buildings approximately 20 miles from 6,762 00 W. L. Cleland, Beaumont, South Australia 9.4.41 10.6.41
Adelaide (S.E.F. 4)
Erection of two buildings approximately 20 miles from 2,327 00 A. H. May, 31 Wood - street, Grassmere, 9.4.41 27.5.41
Adelaide (S.E.F. 4) South Australia
Erection of one building approximately 20 miles from 2,290 0 0 C. 0. Juncken, Nuriootpa .. .. 9.4.41 20.5.41
Adelaide (S.E.F. 4)
Erection of one building approximately 20 miles from 944 0 0 Combe & Kramer, Willow- avenue, 10.4.41 28.5.41
Adelaide (S.E.F. 4) Manningham, South Australia
Supply and erection of two mild steel reservoirs and tower 2,418 9 9 S. J. Cheesman & Co. .. .. 10.4.41 27.5.41
(36/40 -41 (a)) approximately 130 miles from Adelaide
Supply and installation of mechanical ventilation plants 10,723 00 The York Air Conditioning & Refrigera- 10.4.41 8.6.41
approximately 20 miles from Adelaide (S.E.F. 4) tion (A'sia.) Pty. Ltd., 16 O'Connor-
street, Chippendale
Erection of one building approximately 20 miles from 1,173 00 A. S. Bissland, 13 Strathspey - avenue, 10.4.41 28.5.41
Adelaide (S.E.F. 20) Linden Park, South Australia
Erection of three buildings approximately 20 miles from 3,585 00 C. G. Hood, 46 Lynton- avenue, Millswood 10.4.41 4.6.41
Adelaide (S.E.F. 4) Estate, South Australia
Erection of one building approximately 20 miles from 1,107 00 G. H. Fleet, Barham - street, Allenby 10.4.41 21.5.41
Adelaide (S.E.F. 4) Gardens, South Australia
Erection of one building approximately 20 miles from 456 0 0 Fricker Bros., 388 Carrington- street, 10.4.41 21.5.41
Adelaide (S.E.F. 4) Adelaide
Erection of three groups of buildings approximately 130 123,999 0 0
miles from Adelaide (36/40 -41 (a))
Gaskin Bros., 84 Pitt - street, Sydney .. 7.4.41 t
Installation of water and hot water supply approximately 989 10 0 H. Mapston, 24 Elizabeth- street, South 9.4.41 14.5.41
15 miles from Perth (197/40 -41) Perth
East Fremantle Post Office and Quarters. Repairs and 239 0 0 Rich Sign Co., 587 Wellington- street, 8.4.41 20.5.41
painting (0.40/238, 0.40/123) Perth
Erection of workshop approximately 20 miles from Perth 858 0 0 G. Holders, 125 Harbourne - street, Wem- 8.4.41 6.5.41
(W.3/16/1) bley
Excavation and preparation of two building sites approxi- 3,240 34 D. S. Hunt, Box 199, Post Office, Darwin 9.4.41 21.5.41
mately 5 miles from Darwin (D.N.W. 509/40-41)
Installation of sewerage system to four (4) residences and 678 0 0 M. P. Cullity, Box 238, Post Office, 3.4.41 15.5.41
foùr Bats, Darwin Darwin
Electrical installation to five buildings approximately 5 302 0 0 C. S. MacCallum, P.O. Box 244, Darwin 3.4.41 8.5.41
miles from Darwin (N.T. 98/40 -41)
Repairs and painting to buildings approximately 10 miles . 430 0 0 R. H. Ryder, Darwin .. .. 3.4.41 29.5.41
from Darwin
Erection of gara ges, Blocks 4 and 9, Section 23, Griffith, 241 10 0 T. A. Hungerford, Mugga Way, Forrest, 27.3.41 21.8.41
A.G:T, A.G.T.

t Within 14 days of completion of each building, t 1st section 13.6.4], 2nd section 13.6.41, 3rd section 14.7.41
825 No. 77.- -17th April, 1941
Commonwealth Gazette


Locality and Description of Work.

Tenders Return-
able at- at
Plans, specifications, &c., Available Tenders to be addressed to

of Commonwealth Works Commonwealth Works Director,

Erection and completion of timber -framed 2 p.m., 21st Office
Box 4 7 AA, G.P.O., Sydney
April, 1941 Director. 10th Floor, Bryant House,
building approximately 25 miles from 80 -82 Pitt - street, Sydney
Sydney (223/40 -41) (fresh tenders) ,! !f
Alterations and additions approximately !7

5 miles from Sydney (616/40 -41)

Repairs and renovations to timber - framed 2 p.m., 28th !f
building approximately 240 miles from April, 1941
Sydney (215, 469/40 -41) Office of Commonwealth Works
Repairs and painting at Bourke Post Office PP
Director, 10th Floor, Bryant House,
80 -82 Pitt - street, Sydney ; and at
Post Office, Bourke
Office of Commonwealth Works 22
Repairs and painting at Cobar Post Office .. PP
Director, 10th Floor, Bryant House,
80 -82 Pitt - street, Sydney ; and at
Post Offices, Cobar, Nyngan and
2 p.m., 21st Office of Commonwealth Works
Manufacture, supply and delivery f.o.r. April, 1941 Director, 10th Floor, Bryant House,
Sydney of suspended type unit air heaters 80 -S2 Pitt- street, Sydney
in building approximately 150 miles from
Sydney (ß.R.1) 99

Supply, delivery and installation of mechani- 77

cal refrigerators in a building approximately

500 miles from Sydney (427/40 -41A) ff
Supply and installation of complete hot water
system to various buildings approximately
500 miles from Sydney (427/40 -41.A) 99
Installation of electric light and power to
various buildings approximately 500 miles
from Sydney (427/40-41A) Office of Commonwealth Works
Connexion of premises to sewer at Morpeth Director, 10th Floor, Bryant House,
Post Office 80 -82 Pitt - street, Sydney ; and at
Post Offices, Morpeth and West
Maitland Commonwealth Works Director,
2 p.m., 29th Works and Services Branch, Depart-
Alterations, improvements and painting to ment of the Interior, Brisbane ; and Department of the Interior,
Post Office, Maryborough April, 1941 Adelaide- street, Brisbane
Post Office, Maryborough
2 p.m., 22nd. Works and Services Branch, Depart- ff !! 22

Erection of one building approximately 10

April, 1941 ment of the Interior, Brisbane
miles from Brisbane (912/40-41) Commonwealth Works Director,
Port Lincoln Post Office Alterations and 2 p.m., 29th Works and Services Branch, Depart- Department of the Interior,
April, 1941 ment of the Interior, Adelaide ; and
additions at Post Office, Port Lincoln Commonwealth Offices, Ade-
2 p.m., 22nd Office of Department of the Interior, !f ,f
Heating services, approximately 20 miles Room 63, Second Floor, Richards
from Adelaide (S.E.F.4) April, 1941
Buildings, 99 Currie - street, Adelaide

OFFERS, closing with the Secretary, Department of the

OFFERS, closing with the Secretary, Department of the Interior, Canberra, at noon, 28th April, 1941, are invited from
Interior, Canberra, at noon, 5th May, 1941, are invited from persons, who are natural born British Subjects, for grazing
persons who are natural born British subjects for grazing rights, sheep only, over the Landing Ground, about 134f acres,
rights over Defence land at Rockhampton, Queensland. at Low Head, Tasmania, for a period of six (6) months, with
The area of about 771 acres (excluding the fenced site further periods of. six (6) months at the will of the Depart-
about 40 feet by 40 feet) is available for letting for any period ment, subject to the following conditions of tenancy.
up to three (3) years, subject to the following conditions of
tenancy: The lessee will be required to pay rental quarterly in
The licensee will be required to pay rental quarterly advance; to keep fences and gates in repair and wires
in advance; to make good and cattleproof the boundary strained ; to destroy noxious weeds and briars and keep
fences, by the use of timber from the internal fences the area free from rabbits; to absolve the Commonwealth
(excluding the fences around the aforesaid area about 40 from liability regarding risk to life and property through
feet by 40 feet) , and maintain such boundary fences in the use of the area as a Landing Ground or any other
good order and condition ; to keep the land clean and free Commonwealth purpose; to remove sheep from the area
from noxious weeds, rabbits, vermin, rubbish, debris, &c.; when required by the Commonwealth Authorities to do
to indemnify the Commonwealth againstofloss or damage
the land for so, or when weather conditions are such that the presence
to life or property through the use of sheep is likely to cause damage to the surface of the
Defence or any other Commonwealth purpose; not to Landing Ground; to burn off existing dry grass with
assign or sublet without authority ; not to interfere with proper precautions to safeguard boundary fences and
any buildings, plant or equipment erected on the site, ground marks; not to assign or sublet without authority;
and make good any damage done thereto by stock; and and not to interfere with the use of the area for any .

at the expiration or termination of the licence to leave Commonwealth purpose whatsoever.

the land in a clean and tidy co Commonwealth Grazing of sheep will be permitted for the full 24 flours
The licence to be for grazing only,
reserving the right to use the land forlicence
any purpose
each day, provided the sheep are constantly shepherded.:
whatsoever, and to withdraw from the The successful tenderer will be required to make a
payment of compensation, the whole or any portion of the statutory declaration, and if so desired, to furnish addi-
land; if such is required for Commonwealth purposes.
tional evidence that he or she is a natural born British
The successful tenderer will be required to make a
statutory declaration, and if so desired, to furnish addi- Subject.
tional evidence that he or she is a natural born British
A plan of the area and the conditions of tenancy may
be inspected at the Low Head Post Office.
A plan of the land and the conditions of tenancy may be
seen at the Rockhampton Post Office. No offer necessarily accepted.
Wo offer necessarily accepted.
No. 77. -17th April, 1941 826 Commonwealth Gazette

DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION. Repatriation Sanatorium only - Estimated amount involved,

TENDERS, closing at Two p.m. on 23rd April, 1941, are £158 18s. 14. -L. D. Young and Co., 270 Elizabeth- street,
invited for the supply and delivery of the following motor Sydney.
vehicles :- Meat.
(a) Motor utility truck (12 -15 cwt.) delivered to 3740. Delivery at Prince of Wales Repatriation General
Western Junction Aerodrome, Tasmania. Hospital, Randwick- Estimated amount involved, £1,041 7s. 9d.
(b) Light Sedan car (8 -10 h.p.) delivered to Kingsford -Fred Paul, 27 Pitt- street, Sydney,
Smith Aerodrome, Mascot, New South Wales. 3741. Delivery at Repatriation Sanatorium, Lady Davidson
Tender forms and full particulars may be obtained on ITome, Turramurra- Estimated amount involved, £338 Os. 6d.-
application to the Secretary, Tender and Contract Committee, W. A. Grubb Pty. Ltd., 149 -151 George- street North, Sydney.
" Ahnora House," 522 -536 Little Collins- street, Melbourne, C.1. Fish, Oysters, Rabbits and Poultry.
3742. Fish and Oysters - Delivery at Repatriation General
COMMONWEALTH RAILWAYS. Hospital, Randwick, and fish f.o.r. Turramurra Railway
TENDERS addressed to the Secretary, Commonwealth Rail- Station, for the Repatriation Sanatorium, Lady Davidson
ways, 623 Collins- street, Melbourne, C.1, will be received up Home, Turramurra. For Repatriation General Hospital only
to 4 p.m. on 29th April, 1941, for the supply and delivery - Estimated amount involved, £629 '3s. Gd. For Repatriation
at Port Augusta, South Australia, or, alternatively, at Parkes - Sanatorium only- Estimated amount involved, £42 8s. 9d.-
ton, Western Australia. of- Fish Traders Pty. Ltd., 7 Rawson- place, Sydney.
BUDGE TRANSOMS. Period -1st April, 1941, till 30th June, 1941.
Specifications are available for issue at the offices of the 3743. Rabbits -For delivery at Prince of Wales Repatria-
Commonwealth Railways, Melbourne, and of the Works Direc- tion General Hospital, Randwick, and f.o.r. Turramurra
tors at Sydney, Adelaide and Perth. Railway Station, for the Repatriation Sanatorium, Lady
Envelopes enclosing tenders should be endorsed " Tender for Davidson Home, Turramurra. For Repatriation General
Bridge Transoms." Hospital only- Estimated amount involved, £83 2s. Gd. For
Repatriation Sanatorium only- Estimated amount involved,
TENDERS addressed to the Secretary, Commonwealth Rail - £6 5s. .John 'Davis, jun., 13 Hay - street, Sydney.
ways, 623 Collins-street, Melbourne, 0.1, will be received up 3744. Poultry- Delivery at Prince of Wales Repatriation
General Hospital, Randwick - Estimated amount involved,
to 4 p.m. on 29th April, 1941, for the supply and delivery of- £307 10s. -David Hyland Watkiss Pty. Ltd., 10 Little
PNEUMATIC POWER HAMMER. Comber- street, Paddington.
Specifications are available for issue at the offices of the 3745. Delivery f.o.r. Turramurra Railway Station for the
Repatriation Sanatorium, Lady Davidson Home, Turramurra-
Commonwealth Railways, Melbourne, and of the Works Estimated amount involved, £49 ils. 8d.-Keene & Co,, 107
Directors at Sydney and Adelaide. Broadway, Sydney.
Envelopes enclosing tenders should be endorsed " Tender for
Pneumatic Power Hammer." Groceries.
3749. :Delivery at Prince of Wales Repatriation General
COMMONWEALTH STORES SUPPLY IND TENDER Hospital, Randwiek, and Repatriation Sanatorium, Lady
Davidson Home, Turramurra -For Repatriation General
BOARD. Hospital only- Estimated amount involved, £627 17s. 2d. For
Tenders are invited for the following supplies:- Repatriation Sanatorium only - Estimated amount involved,
Schedule No.- C.T.B. 231. Material- B'rushware. £127 5s.- Mcllrath's Pty. Ltd., 202 Pitt street, Sydney.
Supplies required in-Victoria. Closing date -lst May, Quotations accepted for the period 1st April, till 30th
.June, 1941.
Schedule -No. C.T.B. 232. Material -Floor cloths. Sup- Tea and Coffee.
plies required. in -All States. Closing date -6th May,
1941. 3747. For Prince of Wales Repatriation General Hospital,
Tender forms and full particulars are obtainable at the Randwick, and Repatriation Sanatorium, Lady Davidson
Board's Office, General Post Office, Melbourne, C.1, at the Home, Turramurra. For Repatriation General Hospital only
office of the Commonwealth Local Stores Board, 64 Harbour - - Estimated amount involved, £326 14s. 8d. -For Repatriation
street, Sydney, and at the office of the Superintendent of Sanatorium only- Estimated amount involved, £39 Os. id.-
Stores, Postmaster General's Department, Brisbane, Adelaide, Mcllrath's Pty. Ltd., 202 Pitt street, Sydney.
Perth and Hobart. Druggist Sundries.
3748. For Prince of Wales Repatriation General Hospital,
TENDERS will be received up to 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Randwick - Estimated amount involved, £325 lls. 5d: Parke
7th May, 1941, for supplies required in New South Wales, of Davis & Co.. 40 Rothschild- avenue, Rosebery, New South Wales.
Stationery and Office Requisites-Schedules L.B. 184 and 185.
Particulars and tender forms are obtainable at the office of REPATRIATION COMMISSION HEAD - QUARTERS.
the Local Stores Board, 64 Harbour- street, Sydney.
CONTRACTS ACCEPTED.-( Series 1940-1941.)
Period -lst April till 30th June, 1941.
CONTRACTS ACCEPTED.-(Series 1940- 1941.) Meat.
SERVICES TO REPATRIATION MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS. 3749. Delivery at Repatriation General Hospital, Keswick,
Period -Ist July, 1941, till 30th June, 1942. South Australia- Estimated amount involved, £224 12s. 7d.- --
Standard Crockeryware. P. K. Conroy, 154A Rundle - street, Adelaide, South Australia.
3736. Badged, No. 1 quality ware and No. 2 quality ware Period -lst April till 30th September, 1941.
bowls, delivered into Conunission's Store in States specified Bread and Flour.
- Estimated amount involved, £186 8s.-The Myer Emporium 3750. Delivery at Repatriation General Hospital, Keswick-
Ltd., Bourke - street, Melbourne. Estimated amount involved, £70 15s. Gd.- Peerless Bakery, 19
.3737. No. 2 quality ware plate, cups, saucers and mugs, Wellington -road, North Norwood, South Australia.
delivered into Commission's Store in States specified -Esti- Fish, Rabbits and Poultry.
mated amount involved, £354 9s. 3d.- Loftus Moran Pty.
Ltd., 4 -10 Queensbridge- street, South Melbourne. 3751. Fish and Rabbits. - Delivery at Repatriation General
Hospital, Keswick- Estimated amount involved, £115 18s. 4d.
Period -1st April, 1941, till 31st March, 1942. - Cocking Biros., 75 Gouger - street, Adelaide.
Surgical Boot and Shoe Uppers. 3752. Chicken.-Delivery at Repatriation General Hospital,
Keswick - Estimated amount involved, £108 6s. 8d. -D. G.
3738. Delivery at Repatriation Artificial Limb Factory, Sturgeon, Iictoria- street, Gaza, South Australia.
Windsor-Estimated amount involved, £138. - -Jolly &
Batchelor Pty. Ltd., Charlotte- street, Brisbane. Potatoes, Onions, Mixed Vegetables asid Fruit.
Period -1st April, 1941, till 30th June, 1941. 3753. Delivery at Repatriation General Hospital, Keswick-
Estimated amount involved, £231 13s. 2d. -H. C. Austin, New
Potatoes, Onions, Mixed Vegetables and Fruit. Market, Adelaide.
3739. Delivery at Prince of Wales Repatriation General Groceries.
Hospital, Randwick, and Repatriation Sanatorium, Lady
Davidson Home, Turramurra. For Repatriation General
3754. Delivery at Repatriation General Hospital, Keswick
Estimated amount involved, £180 9s. ld.-C. M. P. Harley,
Hospital only- Estimated amount involved, £707 9s. 9d. For Gilbert- street, Gilberton, South Australia.
Commonwealth Gazette 827 No. 77. -17th April, 1941
Dairy Produce. £344 to £488 per annum, by eight increments, the first four
3755. Butter. Delivery at Repatriation General Hospital, of which are automatic and the last four at the discretion
Keswick Estimated amount involved, £159 7s. 6d. A. W. of the Council, and the others in the Research Officer class,
Sandford & Co., Ltd., Grenfell- street, Adelaide. the salary range of which rises from £508 to £588 per annum,
3756. Bacon and Cheese. Delivery at Repatriation General by four increments, the first of which is automatic, and the
Hospital, Keswick Estimated amount involved, £45 4s. 2d. last three at the discretion of the Council. All the above
Foggitt Jones Pty. Ltd., 192 -8 Grote- street, Adelaide. salaries are subject to a cost of living adjustment which at
present amounts to an addition of £4 per annum.
Milk and Cream. Applications, accompanied by copies of not more than four
3757. Delivery at Repatriation General Hospital, Keswick testimonials, should reach the undersigned not later than
Estimated amount involved, £148 15s. Prosser Bros., 3 Elmo - the 28th April, 1941.
avenue, Westbourne Park, South Australia. G. LIGHTFOOT, Secretary.
Firewood and Coal. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 314 Albert -
street, East Melbourne, C.2.
3758. Firewood.Delivery at Repatriation General Hos-
pital, Keswick Estimated amount involved, £52 lOs.
A. & J. Fimeri, Rose- street, Adelaide. COUNCIL FOR SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL
3759. Coal. Delivery at Repatriation General Hospital, RESEARCH.
Keswick Estimated amount involved, £27 Os. The Adelaide NATIONAL STANDARDS AND RADIOPHYSICS LABORATORIES.
Steamship Co. Ltd., 17 Currie- street, Adelaide. Appointment of Assistant Research Officers.
Ale, Stout and Soda Wager. PPLICATIONS are invited ,for appointmen,t to positions
3760. Ale and -Stout. Delivery at Repatriation General of Assistant Research Officer in the National Standards
Hospital, Keswick Estimated amount involved, £28 19s. Laboratory and the ',Radiophysics Laboratory at Sydney.
Cooper & Sons Ltd., Statenborough- street, Upper Kensington, Male applicants should have graduated in science, with
South Australia. physics and mathematics as major subjects, or in engineering.
3761. Soda Water. Delivery at Repatriation General Hos- Female applicants should have graduated in science, with
pital, Keswick Estimated amount involved, £24 lls. 5d. physics and mathematics as major subjects.
lfi. Woodroofe Ltd., Theresa- street, Norwood, South Australia. The salary range for male Assistant Research Officers is
from £344 per annum increasing by eight equal annual
Laundry. increments of £18 each .to £488 per annum (both nominal) ,
:3762. Delivery at Repatriation General Hospital, Keswick the first four increments being automatic and the last four
Estimated amount involved, £212 16s. 5d.Laundries & Dry at the discretion of the Council. The present equivalents of
Cleaners Ltd.. Eighth-street, Bowden, South Australia. these salaries after cost of living adjustment are £348 and
£492 per annum, respectively.
Purchase áryid Removal of Fat. The nominal salary range for female Assistant Research
3763. Removal from Repatriation General Hospital. Officers is £50 per annum less throughout than that for
Keswick Estimated amount involved, £5. W. H. Burford male Assistant Research ,Officers, the present equivalents
& Sons Ltd., Dry Creek, South Australia. of the minimum and maximum salaries of the range after
cost of living adjustment being £297 and £441 per annum,
AUSTRALIAN CAPITAL TERRITORY. The commencing salaries within the ranges specified will
Liquor Ordinance 1929 -1938. depend on the qualifications and experience of the successful
HIS Excellency the Governor-General in Council has been a pplicants.
pleased to appoint John Alexander Harris, Police Magis- Applications, accompanied by copies of not more than four
trate, New South Wales, to act as Licensing Magistrate, as testimonials, should reach the undersigned not later than
on and from the seventh day of April, 1941, and during the 1st May, 1941.
the absence on leave of the Licensing Magistrate. G. LIGHTFOOT, Secretary.
H. S. FOLL, Minister for the Interior. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, 314 Albert -
street, East Melbourne, C.2.
HIS Excellency the Governor - General in Council has
approved that Frederick Oscar Skinner. Assistant to HIS the Governor- General in Council has
Chief Traffic Manager, be appointed Chief Traffic Manager approved of the following change being made in con
and Comptroller of Stores, Commonwealth Railways, with nexion with the Australian Imperial Force:
salary at the rate of £1,000 per annum as from 1st January, AUSTRALIAN IMPERIAL FORCE.
1941, rice W. L. Artlett, retired. Lieutenant General Sir T. A. Blarney, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O.,
H. S. FOLL, Minister for the Interior. from the appointment of General Officer Commanding, 1st
Australian Army Corps, is appointed General Officer Command-
Science and Industry Research Act 1920 -1939. ing, Australian Imperial Force in the Middle East, that is,
such portions of the Australian Imperial Force as may, for the
pursuance of sub - section 4 of section 14A of the Science time being, be within the area of the command of the British
1 and Industry Research. Act 1920 -1939, I, Harold Edward General Officer holding the appointment or performing the
Holt, Minister in char ;e of Scientific and Industrial Research, duties of Commander -in -Chief in the Middle East, such appoint-
acting for and on behalf of the Prime Minister, do hereby ment to date from 10th December, 1940 (in lieu of the notifica-
direct, on the recommendation of the Council for Scientific tion which appeared in Executive Minute No. 29/1941, promul-
and Industrial Research, .that Nigel Henry Kloot and gated in Commonwealth. Gazette, No. 31, of 20th February,
Francis Arthur Dale, officers appointed under that Act, shall 1941 ) . (Ex. Min. No. 69 Approved 16th April, 1941.)
be deemed to be employees within the meaning of section 4
of the Superannuation Act 1922 -1937. P. C. SPENDER, Minister for the Army.
Minister in charge of Scientific and HHIS Excellency the Governor- General in Council has
Industrial Research. approved of the following changes being made:
DIVISION or RADIOPHYSICS. Pilot Officer L. C. Scarborough relinquishes his commission,
with effect from 4th March, 1941.
Appointment of Eight Officers. The probationary appointment of Pilot Officer (Acting
APPLICATIONS are invited for appointment in a temporary Flying Officer) C. J. Trewin is confirmed and he is promoted
capacity to the staff of the Council's Radiophysics to Flying Officer and is granted the acting rank of Flight
Laboratory which is located in the grounds of the University Lieutenant, with effect from 1st April, 1941.
of Sydney. Flying Officer H. E. S. Relbourne is granted the acting
Applicants should possess a University degree in science or rank of Flight Lieutenant, with effect from 1st. April, 1941.
engineering, or have had an equivalent training. A know- The following are granted commissions on probation, with
ledge of, or experience in, high frequency oscillations would the rank of Pilot Officer, with effect from 15th April, 1941:
be an additional qualification. No. 387 Warrant Officer Alexander Joseph, No.
Eight positions are open, and the commencing salaries 300389 Sergeant Keith Elbert Atkinson, No. 1909 Flight
offered will range from £344 to £588 per annum depending Sergeant Arthur Howard Campey, No. 1834 Warrant Officer
on the experience and qualifications of the successful 'appli- Kevan Connolly, No. 32517 Acting Corporal Keith Ronald
cants. Some of the appointees will be placed in the Assistant Dalziel, No. 2477 Flight Sergeant Errol Kingsborugh De
Research Officer class, the salary range of which rises from Cean, No. 3700 Flight. Sergeant Charles Ralph Hyland,
No. 77.-17th April, 1941 828 Commonwealth Gazette
No. 2559 Flight Sergeant James Ewart Jackson, No. 15684 DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY.
Aireraftsnnan Class 3, William Russell Lowrie, No. 1719
wa:rxant Officer John Johannsen Mallon, No. 1708 Flight DEFENCE ACT 1903 -1939, SECTION 63, AND CIVILIAN STAFF
Sergeant Colin Rex Taylor, and No. 205391 Warrant Officer REGULATIONS.
Albert William Woolley. Appointments Confirmed.The probationary appointments
MEDICAL BRANCH. of the undermentioned as Junior Assistant Stor emen
(£84- £168), Fourth Division, Ordnance Branch, 6th Military
The following are granted commissions on probation, with District, with effect from 7th October, 1940, are confirmed:
the rank of- Flight Lieutenant, with effect from the dates Cue, Gordon Maxwell.
indicated: John Cheyne Laidlaw, B.D.S., L.D.S., Keith Miles
Dagg, B.D.S., 17th March, 1941 ; John Charles Homewood, Carter, .Gordon James.
D.D.S., Peter Maurice Davidson, B.D.S., Ernest James ¿ Ex. Min. No. 70 Approved 16th April, 1941. )
Andrews, L.D.Q, 24th March, 1941 ; Cyril Montgomerie
Davidson, L.D.Q.; Sydney James Old, Dip. D.S., and William
Frederick Stockwell, Dip. D.S., 14th April, 1941. ROYAL AUSTRALIAN NAVY.
Flight Lieutenant W. D. Cunningham is transferred from
the Reserve to the Active List, with effect from 17th March, VACXNCIES FOR DENTAL OFFICERS.
RESERVE. A PPLIOATIONS are invited from legally qualified Dental
Practitioners, between Othe ages of 21 and 40 years, for
appointment as Surgeon Lieutenant (D) for temporary
The appointment of Flight Lieutenant J. A. Bassetti is ter- service in the Permanent Naval Forces. Rate of pay is £511
minated, with effect from 1st October, 1940. actual pay and X54 15s. deferred pay per annum.
The following are granted commissions on probation, with 2. Application form and full particulars as to conditions
the rank of Flight Lieutenant, with effect from the dates of service, &c., may be obtained from the Secretary, Depart-
indicated: John Dean. Bishop, M.B. , B:S., 28th March, 1941; ment of the Navy, Melbourne, S.C.1, or the District Naval
Neil Oldfield, M.B., B.S., and Frank Haighton Lord, M.B., B.S., Officer, Brisbane, Edgecliff ( Sydney) , Port Adelaide,
21st March, 1941. --(Ex. Min. No. 54 Approved 16th April, Fremantle, and Hobart.
1941. )
3. Applications close with the Secretary, Department of
.T. McE \\ EN, Minister for Air. the Navy, Melbourne, S.C.1, on Monday, 28th April, 1941.


following promotions are provisional and subject to appeal by officers to the Public Service Board, and, where consequent upon
THEanother provisional promotion, shall be dependent upon the latter being confirmed. Appeals should be lodged, either by letter or
telegram, with the Commonwealth Public Service Inspector in the State in which the promotion is to be made, or, if the promotion is to
be made in the Australian Capital Territory, with the Public Service Inspector at Canberra, within fourteen days of the date of this notification.
An appellant shall forward his appeal direct to the Public Service Inspector.
Where an officer desires to appeal against two or more provisional promotions a separate appeal should be lodged in respect of each,
except where the provisional promotions appealed against are to positions of similar classification in the same Branch of a Department,
when one appeal covering such provisional promotions will be accepted.
The grounds of appeal must be as prescribed in Section 50 of the Commonwealth Public Service Act, viz.:
(a) Superior efficiency ; or
(b) Equal efficiency combined with seniority.
(N.B. Where positions have been the subject of an Arbitration Determination, the salary scales shown are those prescribed by

Name. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of
Promotion. Promotion.


Taxation Branch, New South Wales.
Smith, Bruce Kenneth Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, Land 80 17.4.41
Fourth Division, Postmaster - Tax Records, vice W. Winkler, resigned
General's Department, Sydney
Hanley, Andrew Christopher .. Telegraph Messenger (£664160), Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, Land 80
Fourth Division, Postmaster - Tax Records, vice P. McKeane, transferred
General's Department, Sydney
O'Reilly, Alfred John Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, Land 80
Fourth Division, Postmaster - Tax Records, vice W. A. Goldie, transferred
General's Department, Sydney
Leighton, Keith Roy .. Telegraph Messenger (£66- £l60), Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, Sales 98 )f
Fourth Division, Postmaster- Tax Records, vice H. G. Christ, transferred
General's Department, Sydney
Stevenson, John Niven Telegraph Messenger (£664160), Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, Sales 80
Fourth Division, Postmaster - Tax Records, vice K. F. Madden, trans-
General's Department, Sydney ferred
Stevenson, Alan Edward Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, Sales RO
Fourth Division, Postmaster - Tax Records, vice R. M. Wright, transferred
General's Department, Sydney
Marine Branch, Bead Office.
Donovan, Jeremiah . Clerk (£402 - £474), Third Divi- ' Clerk (£474 - £.546), Third Division, Light - 496 17.4.41
lion, Navigation, Central and houses and Navigation, Head Office,
Victoria, and Lighthouses, Marine Branch, vice M. Bourke, promoted
Victoria, Marine Branch
DutiesAssist as required in Administration, Marine Branch. Knowledge of International Conventions and Agreements affecting
shipping and of Navigation Act and Regulations thereunder essential.
Marine Branch, Mercantile Marine Office, Fremantle.
Tannock, Augustus Austin Assistant, Grade 2 (£252 - £260), Assistant, Grade 3 (£268 - £284), Fourth Divi- 288 17.4.41
Fourth Division, Pensions and sion (Mercantile Marine Offi.ce, Fremantle),
Maternity Allowances Branch, Marine Branch, vice. W. H. Davies,
Department of the Treasury, promoted
Western Australia
Commonwealth Gazette 829 No. 77.---17th April, 1941

Narre. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. Salary on Date of
Promotion. Promotion.


New South lVa1es.
Grubb, Henry Keith .. .. CIerk (£252- £330), Third Divi- Clerk (£288- £330), Third Division, Telephone 310 17.4.41
sion, Telephone Branch Branch, Commercial Division (Contract
Section), vice W. A. Parks, promoted
Duties. -Deals with applications for all classes of telephone subscribers' facilities.
Riley, Kevin Robert Francis .. Clerk (£96- £306), Third Divi- Clerk (£288- £330), Third Division, Telephone 292
J sion, Telephone Branch Branch, Commercial Division (Contract
Section), vice L. J. Putney, promoted
Duties. -- Deals with applications for all classes of telephone subscribers' facilities.
Warne, Ernest Richard George.. Clerk (£96- £306), Third Divi- Clerk (£288£330), Third Division, Telephone 292 ii
sion, Engineering Branch Branch, Commercial Division (Contract
(Goulburn) Section), vi c?, R. A. Grant, transferred
Duties.-Deals with applications for all classes of telephone subscribers' facilities.
Barnes, George Edward Postal Clerk (£108- £318), Third Telegraphist (£108 - £342), Third Division, 298 ii
Division, unattached Telegraph Branch, vice H. Whitehead, pro -
Davis, Arthur Frank .. Postal Clerk (£108 £318), Third Telegraphist W08-042), Third Division, 286
Division, unattached Telegraph Branch, vice W. H. Reynolds,
M ay, Sidney Arthur .. Postal Clerk (£108 - £318), Fourth Telegraphist (£108-042), Fourth Division, 226
Division, unattached Telegraph Branch, vice P. M. J. McCormick,
Connolly, Robert Lachlan Postal Assistant, Grade 1 (£84- Telegraphist (£108 £342), Fourth Division, 710
£244), Fourth Division, un- Relieving Staff, Albury District (Wagga
attached Wagga), vice W. F. Abigail, transferred
Spencer, Leslie John Assistant, Grade 1 (£84- £244), Telegraphist (£108- £342), Fourth Division, `.?62 ii
Fourth Division, unattached Telegraph Branch, vice W. T. Kirk, pro-
Steward, Donald Postal Assistant, Grade 1 (£84- Postal Clerk (£10S- £318), Fourth Division, 146
£244), Fourth Division, Manildra, vice R. C. Newman, transferred
Robinson, John Alexander . Senior Lineman (£265 £289), Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£336), Fourth Divi- 340 Yi
Fourth Division,. Engineering sion, Engineering Branch, Line Staff (No.
Branch, Line Staff (No. 3 3 Metropolitan Division), vice G. Ashton,
Metropolitan Division) transferred
Duties. - Estimating Foreman.
Trevillion, Hernehill Cornelius .. Senior Lineman (£265 £289), Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£336), Fourth 340
Fourth Division, Engineering Division, Engineering Branch, Line Staff
Branch, Line Staff (No. 1 (No. 3 Metropolitan Division), vice J. A.
Metropolitan Division) Erikson, seconded
Area Foreman- Duties include cable jointing.
Watcrson, Charlie Samuel Senior Lineman (£265- £289), Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£336), Fourth 340
Fourth Division, Engineering Division, Engineering Branch, Line Staff,
Branch, Line Staff, Lismore Goulburn Division (Goulburn), vice H. P.
Division (Casino) Gunn, deceased
Area Foreman- Duties include cable jointing.
Collins, Arthur Ernest Lineman, Grade 2 (£268), Fourth Line Foreman, Grade 1 (£300 - £312), Fourth 316 19
Division, Engineering Branch, Division, Engineering Branch, Line Staff,
Line Staff, Bathurst Division Bathurst Division (Dunedoo), vice E. G. A.
(Young) Sten, transferred
Area Foreman- Duties include cable jointing.
Summers, Murray George Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Telephonist (Male) ( £84- £168), Fourth Divi- 98
Fourth Division, Inverell sion, Inverell, vice L. F. Kerrison, trans-
Kershaw, Albert Michael Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Telephonist (Male) (£84- £168), Fourth Divi- 86 ii
Fourth Division, Cooma sion, Canberra, vice R. J. Coffey, trans-
Gardner, Neville Robert Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, 80 it
Fourth Division, Mosman Engineering Branch, vice V. Pritchard,
J eckeln, Erie Joseph Telegraph Messenger (£664160), Junior Assistant (£84- £168), Fourth Division, 86
Fourth Division, Telegraph Wireless Branch, vice L. C. Wilson, trans-
Branch ferred
Ryan, Wilfred Vincent Telegraph Messenger (£66"--£160), Junior Assistant (£84- £168), Fourth Division, 98
Fourth Division, Randwiek Accounts Branch (Telegraph Accounts),
vice G. F. Gardner, transferred
Ellis, Leslie Albert Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, 98
Fourth Division, Telegraph Stores Branch. vice L. J. Bell, transferred
Hill, Albert Frederick Telegraph Messenger (£66 £160), Messenger (£66- £168). Fourth Division, En- 80
Fourth Division, Roseville gineering Branch, Mechanical, vice A. L.
Treinlett, transferred
Lawlor, Peter Edgeworth Telegraph Messenger (£66- £1130), Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, Ac- 98
Fourth Division, Telegraph counts Branch (Telephone Accounts), vice
Branch L. E. Froyland, transferred
Kessing, Robert Neville Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Messenger (£66 £168), Fourth Division, Ac- 80
Fourth Division, Telegraph counts Branch (Money Order Accounts),
Branch vice R. J. Lowe, transferred
Saunders, Walter Stanley Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Messenger (£66 £168), Fourth Division, Ac- 80
Fourth Division, Telegraph counts Branch (Telephone Accounts), vice
Branch R. B. Lahiff, transferred
830 Commonwealth Gazette
No. 77. -17th April, 1941
PROMOTIONS -- continued.

Salary on Date of
Name. Present Designation and Station. Position to which Promoted. Promotion. Promotion.


Lineman, Grade 1 (£2334257), ' Lineman, Grade . 2 (£268), Fourth Division, 272 17.4.41
Lonsdale, Stephen Walter Engineering Branch, Lines Staff (Metro-
Fourth Division, Engineering
Branch, Lines Staff (Metro- politan No. 2), vice W. J. Waddington,
politan No. 1) retired
Rae, William Henry .. Lineman, Grade 1 (0334257), Lineman, Grade 2 (£268), Fourth Division,
Fourth Division, Engineering Engineering Brauch, Lines Staff (Metro-
Branch, Lines Staff (Metro- politan No. 2), vice P. A. Lyster, deceased
politan No. 2) 272
Creasey, Thomas Charles Lineman, Grade 1 (£233 £257), Lineman, Grade 2 (£268), Fourth Division,
Engineering Branch, Lines Engineering Branch, Lines Staff (Metro-
Staff (Metropolitan No. 1) politan No. 3), vice W. Dwyer, retired
Assistant, Grade 2 (£252 £260), Fourth 256
Allan, Ernest Castledine Postman (£84- £244), Fourth
Division, Geelong Division, Engineering Branch (Geelong),
vice W. H. Evans, transferred
Duties.- Assisting Foreman Mechanic with clerical duties.
O'Loughlin, Mary Joan Telephonist (Female) (£84- Phonogram Attendant (Female), Grade 1
£198), Fourth Division, Tele- (£84- £206), Fourth Division, Telegraph
phone Branch Branch, vice new office created (P.S.B.
Certificate No. 40/91.1)
Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, 98
Niliill, Vincent Bernard Engineering Branch, vice G. F. Lamb,
Fourth Division, Elmore
Lineman, Grade 2 (£268), Fourth Line Foreman, Grade 1 (£300 - £312), Fourth 304 17.4.41
Hickey, Robert William Division; Engineering Branch, Line Staff,
Division, unattached
Northern Division ( Normanion). Office
reclassified (P.S.B. Certificate No. 40/
Ability to ride and manage horses required.
Telephonist (£84- £198), Fourth Phonogram Attendant, Grade 1 (£84- £206), 201
Roache, Irene Ellen .. Fourth Division, Telegraph Branch, vice
Division, Telephone Branch
Marjorie J. Allen, transferred
Telegraph Messenger (£66 £160), Junior Assistant (£84- £168), Fourth Divi- 98
Cole, Samuel George ..
Fourth Division, Telegraph sion, Accounts Branch (Telephone
Branch Accounts), vice L. A. Kent, transferred
Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Junior Assistant (£84- £168), Fourth Divi- 98
Sheahan, Kenneth John Accounts Branch (Telephone
Fourth Division, Telegraph sion,
Branch Accounts), vice J. C. Floyd, transferred
Telegraph Messenger (£66- £160), Junior Assistant (£84- £168), Fourth Divi- 98
Troedson, Alan Paul .. Telegraph Branch, vice J. M.
Fourth Division, Telegraph sion,
Branch Marsden, transferred
South Australia.
Postal Assistant, Grade 1 (£84- Postal Clerk (£1084318), Fourth Division, 262 17.4.41
McDonald, Charles Victor Kingston, vice R. E. Flint, promoted
£244), Fourth Division,
Murray Bridge
Western Australia.
Clerk (£366- £438), Third Divi- Senior Postal Clerk (£438- £474), Third Divi- 460 17.4.41
Martin, Vernon Evanhugh sion, Kalgoorlie, vice S. Watson, promoted
sion, Postal Services Branch,

The salary scale of the positions to which E. M. Backus, A. E. Burke and L. V. Norris have been provisionally promoted,
vide notification appearing in Gazette of 27th March, 1941, should read " (£84 -£206) " in lieu of " (£84- £198) ". " £346 " in
The salary on promotion of G. W. Mansell, notification of which appeared in Gazette of the 27th February, 1941, should read
lieu of " £334 ".

The following provisional promotions have been confirmed

R. N. Gibson, appearing in Gazette of 20th March, 1941.
A. G. Dolan, appearing in Gazette of 6th February, 1941.
W. G. Rixon, appearing in Gazette of 20th February, 1941.
R. J. Murphy, appearing in the Gazette of 20th February, 1941.
T. Martin, J. D. Kirkham, J. A. R. Doig,
A. F. Cathcart, F. C. Harris; F. H. Stewart, V. L. Barclay, J. C. Lodge, E. E. Bell, L.Robinson
L. Handebo, N. W. James, A. E. Browne, E. and L. P. Bergman, appearing in
S. G. James, L. E. Fort, G. W. McGregor, L.
Gazette of 6th February, 1941. J. F. Wilcock, J. W. Gleeson,
T. R. Bishop, J. A. Forbes, A. G. Knott, J. H. Forshaw, D. N. Tibbitts, T. Noonan, G. K. Mackay,G. A. McKemmish, J. McConnell,
K. B. Smith, L. J. Cleary, W. J. D. Speirs, J. F. Kerr, W. E. Acott, F. R. Greenway, L. L. Murrell,
W. V. Clarke and C. J. Casey, appearing in Gazette of 13thT.February, 1941.
F. A. Robertson, R. M. Jenkins, T. J. Jamieson, E. Rickard, J. L. McIsaac and M. E. Ford, appearing in Gazette of 20th
J. G. Bible, D. B. Horstmann, and R. B. Smith, appearing in Gazette of 20th March, 1941.
J. H. Kemp and G. H. Wiles, appearing in Gazette of 27th March, 1941.
Commonwealth Gazette sal No. 77.- -17th April, 1941

OFFICES ABOLISHED, .CREATED, ETC. Clerk, £288 -£354, Third Division, Engineering
Branch, Costing Section, vice M. W. Mahney,
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY. retired, with salary at the rate of £334 per annum;
STATISTICIAN'S BRANCH. IM take effect from 9th February, 1941,
Reclassification of Office. The classification of the office of J. H. STARLING, Deputy Commissioner,
Clerk, Third Division, Statistician's Branch, occupied by
H. J. Wright, is raised from limits' of salary of minimum £96 Public Service Board.
and maximum £330, to limits of salary of minimum £330
and maximum £402, subject to variation in pursuance of APPOINTMENTS, RETMEMENTS AND
regulation 106A.---(Ex. Min. No. 49.)
Abolition. of Office. --The office of Typist, Grade 1, Fourth THE following appointments, retirements and dismissal
Division, Taxation Board of Review, occupied by Lurline J. are notified by the Public Service Board:
Johnson, is abolished. APPOIN TMEN TS.
Creation of Office. A new. office of Assistant (Female) PRIME MINISTER'S DEPARTMENT.
(Typing, &c.) , Fourth Division, is created in the Taxation
Board of Review, with limits of salary of minimum £250 and Typist, Grade 1, Fourth. Division.Winifred Elaine
maximum £262, and one increment of £12, subject to O'DonnelI.
variation in pursuance of regulation 106A.(Ex. Min. Auditor- Ge;ncral's Office Victoria.
No. 50.) Cleric, Third Division.Edward William Rowe.
Erc)n.ption. The provisions of the Commonwealth Public ATTORNEY - GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT.
Service Act 1922 -194G shall not apply to S. E. Solomon for Typist, Grade 1, Fourth Division. Isabelle Jean Dark.
the period, not exceeding twelve months from the date of
commencing duty, during which he is employed as Chief DEPARTMENT Ob' THE TREASURY.
Research Officer, Statistician's Branch. (Ex. Min. No. 51.) New South Wales.
Clerk, Third Division, -- Robert James Gregson.
METEOROLOGICAL BRANCH, MELBOURNE. Clerk, Third Division. Donald Francis Tierney.
Appointment under section 47 of the Comnioni.cealth Public Typist, Grade 1, Fourth. Division. -- Dorothy Grace Ryder.
,S'erzice Act 1922-1940.Keith Colin McKenzie as Meteoro- Taxation Branch, New South Wales.
logical Assistant (£96 £402), Third Division, Climatological Clerk, Third Division-. John Colin Carruthers, John James
and Statistical Section, Meteorological Branch, Melbourne. Jackson, Marcus John Peter Brandt, Lewis John Garrett,
Kenneth John McMullen, Charles Joseph Bannon, Gerard
Sumner, Norman John Timbrell, Niel Thomas Francis Fernon,
Clerk, Third Dirisionn,-Nornian Ross, George McCallum
SERVICE ACT 1922-1940. Jude, James Joseph Peter Byrne.
T11E Public Service Board has Typist, Grade 1, Fourth Division. --Mary Thelma Lanyon.
Taxation Branch., South Australia,
(1 )Confirmed the undermentioned provisional promotions Clerk, Third. Division.Bernard John. Irwin, Arnold
as notified in the Gazettes indicated: Felix Kenneth Richardson, Edward Paul Hicks.
Cameron Nordeck, 31st October, 1940; Joseph Hardie
George Gardiner, 9th January, 1941; Anthony John Taxation Branch, Western. Australia.
Joseph Buman, Douglas Gerald Apsey, 6th February, Clerk, Third Division.-- Donald Victor Kelsall, William
1941; Leslie Herbert Middleton, Michael John Alan Townsend, John Frederick Sander, Douglas Alan
McKeough, Albert Edward Murtagh, Henry James Rutherford, Alan Robert Edwards, Neville William Duffield,
Joseph Connell, John Hutton Keeping, 13th Joseph McDonald QuinIivan, Herbert Barry Cousins, John
February, 1941; Allen Reginald. Vincent Tighe, Stack, Keith Edward Kessell, Kevin Martin Bradley, Robert
George Manley Ca.rnsew, 20th February, 1.941; Jack William Eastcott, George Patrick Power, William Clarke
Sydney Bridgen, 27th February, 1941. Tufnell, Francis James McGrath, Ray Patrick Leunig, Keith
(2) Cancelled the undermentioned provisional promotions Jessup, Norman Roy Healy.
as notified in the Gazettes indicated: --Alan Phillips. Typist, Grade I, Fourth Division. Daphne Ruth Thorn.
9th January, 1941; David Green, Rupert Richard DEPARTMENT OF' HEALTH.
.Stuart, 30th January, 1941; Percy George Skelley, , Serum Laboratories (Melbourne) .
6th February, 1941; Denis Joseph Patrick Kelly, Typist, Grade 1, Fourth Division.-- Gweneth June Morris.
13th February, 1941.
(3) Promoted the undermentioned officers, as . shown : DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE.
POSTMAS'iER- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Assistant (Female), Grade 1, Fourth Division. Sheila
New South Wales. Margaret Steedman,
Thomas Taylor, Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY.
(£330 -£306) , Third Division, Moss Vale, as Senior Victoria.
Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£384 - £420), Third Division, Clerk, Third Division. Albert John Richardson, John
Murwillumbah, vice A. H. Quick, promoted, with Charles Peter Hill, Ronald William Smith.
salary at the rate of £388 per annum; to take effect
from 30th January, 1941. New South Wales.
John Leslie Riley, Indexer (£84 -£244) , Fourth Clerk, Third Division. Charles Joseph Relph, Kenneth
Division, Electoral Branch, Department of the James Yardley.
Interior, New South Wales, as Assistant, Grade 2 DEPARTMENT OP THE ARMY.
(£2521260), Fourth Division, Stores Branch, Trans- Western Australia.
port Section, new office created (P.S.B. Certificate
No. 40/1808), with salary at the rate of £264 per Clerk, 7!hird Division.Claude Manly Wilson.
annum; to take effect from 30th January, 1941. DEPARTMENT OP INFORMATION.
Victoria. Victoria.
George Dunnachie, Postal Clerk (£108 - £318), Typist, Grade 1, Fourth Division.Margaret White.
Third Division, Relieving Staff, Geelong District, as DEPARTMENT OF SUPPLY AND DEVELOPMENT.
Senior Postal Clerk, Grade i (£330 -£366) , Third Victoria.
Division, Merbein, vice D. J. Brewer, promoted, with
salary at the rate of £334 per annum; to take effect Assistant (Female), Grade 1, Fourth Division.Frances
from ].,3th February, 1941. Jean Lake.
South Australia. New Souilh Wales.
.John Edward Nelson, Lineman, Grade- 1 (£2 33- Clerk, Third Division. -- Leslie Portley.
£257 ), Fourth Division, Engineering Branch, Line ])EPARTaMENT OF LABOUR AND NATIONAL SERVICE.
Staff (Metropolitan Division) , as Lineman, Grade 2, Canberra.
£268, Fourth Division, Engineering Branch, Line Typist, Grade 1, Fourth. Division.Marie Teresa McManus,
,Stuff (Southern Division) , Naraeoorte, vice J. Clare Lorraine Grumont.
Patterson, promoted, with salary at the rate of £272
per annum ; to take effect from 6th February, 1941. DEPARTMENT OP TRADE AND CUSTOMS.
Western Australia. New South Wales.
Russell Clifford Matson, Clerk (£252 - £330), Third Clerk, Third Division,John Kevin Hore, Kenneth Martin
Division, Accounts Branch, Telephone Accounts, as Collins.
Nó. 77.-17th April, 1941 832 Commonwealth : Gazette

Queensland. DISMISSAL.
Clerk, Third Division.Harold William Thurston, Douglas POSTMASTER- GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT.
George Anthony Wilson, William James Peter O'Connor, Ian New South Wales.
Stanley Parker, Geoffrey James Stuart. Section 62. Arthur John Patrick Hogan, Postman
(Relieving), as from the close of business on 10th April, 1941.
Central Staff. J. H. STARLING, Deputy Commissioner,
Public Service Board.
Clerk, Third D ivision. --John Flanders Coyne, John Cyril
Assistant, Grade 1, Fourth Division. -- Edward Michael
Compton. Examination No. 2338.
Clerk, Third Divisions. Hilary Daley, Colin Lancelot Annending Notice.
George Robertson. HE notification of the above examination, which was
Telegraphist, Third Division. -- Robert Charles Kennedy.
Postal. Clerk, Fourth Division. -- Leslie Walter Tuddenha.m.
T published in Commonwealth Gazette, No. 89, dated 3rd
April, 1.941, is hereby amended by the deletion of Mount
Mail Officer, Fourth Division.Norman Martin. Surprise, Queensland, as a centre of examination.
Postman, Fourth Division. -- Edward Lord, Eric Oswald J. H. STARLING, Deputy Commissioner,
Wainwright. Public Service Board.
Telephonist, Fourth Division. --Rita Mary Glover, Lucy
Ethel Bearman, Audrey Royle Ward, Jose May Mazzarol, Jean Examination No. 2338.
Denise Boland, Cynthia Athalie Robertson, Mary Helen 1+'oü APPOINTMENT AS TELEGRAPH MESSENGER.
Simpson, Joan Winifred Barratt, Naomi Patricia Mylott.
Patricia Constance Prior, Eunice Elizabeth Taylor, Audrey To be held 3rd May, 1941.
June Flynn, Patricia. Cummins, Mavis Monica Massey, Ann AMENDING NOTICE.
Catherine Carvell, Sheila Kathleen Smithson, Joyce Blackeby, HE notification of the above mentioned examination which
Mary Patricia Denahy, Eileen Mona Wells, Edna Joyce
Burrows, Glen Dorothea Fairha.11, Eunice Jean Nesbitt, T was published in Commonwealth Gazette No. 69 dated
3rd April. 1.941, is hereby amended by the deletion of the
Marjorie Patricia Lance, Burnell Mary Nicholls. paragraph " Eligibility " and the substitution of the appended
Telegraph Messenger, Fourth Division. -- Francis O'Loughlin, paragraph
Geoffrey Lynton Brissenden, Desmond Thomas Morris, Philip
John Brophy, Sydney Robert White, Geoffrey Walter Chin, "Iligibility. A successful candidate will be eligible
Lionel Victor Thomas Clarke, Keith Beaumont Gossling, for appointment at the centre for Which he qualifies
Arthur Robert Williams. until the expiration of twelve months commencing on the
date of publication in the Commonwealth. Gazette of the
Victoria. results of the examination, provided that a successful
Typist, (trade 1, Fourth Division. Bettye Fraser Jamieson candidate under the age fixed by the law of any. State as
Paterson, Mavis Anne Roe. the school leaving age will not be eligible for appointment
Motor Driver, Fourth Dirisiou.. Llewellyn David Pugh. in that State until he attains that age."
Assistant -(Female), Grade 1, Fourth Dicisioaa. Kathleen J. H. STARLING, Deputy Commissioner,
Dwyer. Public Service Board.
Telephonist, Fourth Division.. Eileen Dorothea Brophy,
Jean Margaret Gunn, Lorna Duck, Georgina June Nicholls, ADMISSION OF UNIVERSITY GRADUATES TO THE
Mary Gabrielle Curry, Eleanor Glenndalough Glenn, Jean COMMONWEALTH PUBLIC SERVICE AS CLERKS.
Mary Hayes, Marjorie Grace Alford, Patricia Mary Aylmer, THE following is a list, in lexicographical order, of the
Mary Hussey, Helen Verna Bignell, Patricia Mary Milford, names of graduates of Australian Universities which, in
Lilian Margaret Stillman, Mavis Frances Bride Gray, Dorothy pursuance of section 36A of the Commonwealth Public Service
Carmel Allen, Irene Mary Egan, Ivy Bertha Clark, Desmond .let 1922- 1941, have been entered in the Register of Persons
Edmund Peterson. Qualified for Appointment, in association with the names of
Telegraph Messenger, Fourth. Frederick
Biggs, William Charles Cann, Kevin Philip Jones. persons who qualified at Commonwealth Public Service
Examination No. 2306, held in 1.940 in conjunction with the
Queensland. Public Examinations (Leaving or Senior Public) in the
Telephonist, Fourth Division. Elizabeth Veronica McCabe, several States:
Mary Catherine Dowling. Crawford, Kenneth Gault, B.Econ.
South Australia. Crisp, Leslie Finlay, 13.A.
Mail Officer, Fourth Division.. Frederick Miles, Leslie Dexter, David Alban, B.A.
George Kintore Roberts, Fred Eric Roy Niehus. Evans, Lloyd William, B.A.
.Junior Mechanic, Fourth Division.. Lenard Arthur \Vilkseh. Livesey, Peter James, B.A.
Telegraph Messenger, Fourth Division. Michael Edward Phillips, Lioi:el Edward,
Speck, Russell Fred Charles Knight. Poulton, Harold William, LL.B.
Pryor, Frank Commons, B.A.
Western Australia. drills, Neville Reginald, B.Sc.
Clerks, Third Division. Patrick Brian Ross- Tuppin, Mervyn Winning, Walter Sydney, LL.B.
Charles Turner. J. H. STARLING, Deputy Commissioner,
Telegraph Messenger, Fourth Division. Leslie Russell Public Service Board.
George, Desmond Graham Hicks, Donald Seaward String -
fellow, Noel William Stone. Examination No. 2331.
Held 15th March, 1941.
THE candidates named hereunder were successful at the above
Taxation Branch, Victoria. The eligibility of the successful candidates for appointment will
Section 49.Mary Glancy, Typist, Grade 1, as from the cease on 16th April, 1942.
close of business on 8th March, 1941. If a successful candidate changes his address he should immediately
notify the Commonwealth Public Service Inspector, Brisbane.
Canberra. Order Total
of Name. :Narks.
Section 49. Shirley Winifred Crease, Machinist (Female) , Merit.
Grade 1, as from the close of business on 8th February, 1941.
Section 49. Lorraine Milton Ludure Watts, Typist, Grade BRISBANE AND SUBURBS.
1, as from the close of business on 19th October, 1940. Carlson, Alwyn Rigby .. 386
2 Haupt, Alan Geoffrey 383
Tasmania. 4 Dunning, Ivan Royle 382
Section 49. Marjorie Harris, Assistant (Female) , Grade 2, 5 Robinson, Leonard Neil .. 382
as from the close of business on 11th March, 1941. 6 Tate, Brian Vincent Michael 376
Section 85 (2).Ernest George Cooper, Line Foreman, 7 McQuitty, David George . . 374
Grade 1, as from the close of business on 3rd June, 1941. 8 Brock, Benjamin Eric .. 368
Commonwealth Gazette 833 No. 77.- -17th April, 1941.
Ex MnNATiOR No. 2331continued. EXAMINATION No. 2331 -- continued.
Order Order
of Name. Total of Total
Merit. Marks. Name.
Merit. Marks.

QUEEN SLAND con tinued. QUE E NSLAND continued.

9 Green, Philip Day . . 367
95 Roberts, Herbert Douglas .. 312
96 Kolkka, Douglas Emil .. 311
10 Pallister, Keviri James . . 366 97 Lugg, Fred Ensor ..
11 McDonald, Kenneth William 365 310
12 Neurom, Eric Frank . . 361
98 Mulhern, Maxwell Robert .. 310
99 Begg, John William . . 310
13 Seheiwe, Denis Percival .. 360 100 Kingston, Maxwell Gordon .. . 310
14 Martens, Stuart Milne . . 360 101 Long, Mervyn Cedric ..
15 Mahoney, James Desmond .. 359 310
16 Malezer, Henry Rueul Louis
102 O'Brien, Vincent George .. 308
359 103 Callinan, William Martin ..
17 Hartshorn, Alan David .. 357 308
104 Stewart, Gordon . . . 307
18 McPhail, Leslie John . . 356 105 Coonan, Patrick Micheal
19 Johnson, Robert Irwin . . 356 306
106 Woosley, Lyndon Frederick James 304
20 McLennan, Malcolm Warwick 355 107
21 Fagg, James William Morgan, Sydney James . . 304
354 108 Reoch, Kenneth Ronald . . 304
22 House, Roy Leonard 354
23 Bond, Allan Oliver 353
109 Jones, Edward Leslie .. , 303
24 Burke, Neville Henry
110 Cuerel, Keith Alexander .. . 302
353 111 Hill, Colin Stirling
25 Hare, Robert William 302
352 112 Bryant, Robert Matthew 302
26 Walsh, Harold Alexander 352 113
27 Cottrell, Lewis Keith King, Thomas Orpen 302
352 114 Koch, Colin Charles
28 Sivell, Alan 302
.. 351 115 Scott, Bruce Ernest
29 Calvert, Edmund .. . . 301
351 116 Watt, George Edward Aitken 301
30 Hereon, Ivan Francis 350
31 Greenwood, Harold James . . 349
117 Stone, Mervyn Clive .. 299
32 Scott, Norman Paul
118 Lynch, Arthur Joseph .. 298
. . 349 119 Mason, Keith Hickey .. 298
33 Hawkins, Warren .. . . 349 120 Ord, William Walter Thomas
34 Barrett, Patrick Joseph .. 348 298
35 McQuay, Keith ..
121 Edmonds, Ronald Victor .. 297
. . 348 122 Lancaster, Ronald William ..
36 Murray, David Arthur William 297
348 123 Luchich, Antonio James 295
37 Woolley, LIoyd Graham 347 124
38 Ford, Kevin Francis Proudlock, Lynn Thomas 295
347 125 Garrigan, Noel James
39 Webb, Maurice Adrian 345 293
126 Beyers, Eric Thomas 293
40 Rowell, Reginald Charles 345
41 White, Leo ..
127 Jones, Ivan David 292
344 128 Rice, Raymond John ..
42 Obst, Keith Albert 291
344 129 Huggett, Morris Ronald . .
43 Taylor, William .. 344 290
130 Cameron, Keith Vincent . . 290
44 Binnie, Charles David 342 131 Brewer, Thomas Charles . . 290
45 Warneke, Kevin James 340
46 Unwin, Ivan Hedley
132 Murphy, Patrick Francis . . 289
339 133 Lynagh, Leonard Joseph . .
47 Thomson, Charles Leo 338 288
134 Boyd, Keith Alfred . . 288
48 Welch, Evan Vernon 338
49 Simonds, Stanley Noel
135 Whittingham, Ernest Philip 288
337 136 Tipson, Dudley Royce ..
50 Cook, Alan Maxwell 337
. . 287
137 Muirhead. Alexander James 286
51 Daly, Denis Patrick 336
52 Cavanagh, John Clarence ..
138 Sullivan, Laurance Francis .. 284
336 139 Turner, Keith Raymond . .
53 Wightman, Roy Alexander 335 284
140 Roberts. Douglas Alfred . . 282
54 Millican, George Alfred .. 334 141 Rice, Alan Richard ..
55 Dalzell, Donald . 281
. . 333 142 Winston, Robert Sydney . .
56 Haseman, Arthur Huston .. 281
333 143 Casey, Lawrence Martin
57 Egerton, Cyril Charles . . 333
. 280
144 Ashford, John Douglas . . 278
58 Gretton, Robert .. . . 333 145 Bechly, Fernie Laurence
59 McDonald, Wallace James .. 332 277
60 Carroll, Brian Maurice 146 Donavon, Hugh Daniel 276
. . 332 147 Dwyer, John Kevin
61 Batzloff, Douglas William .. 331 274
62 Hickey, John Joseph 1.48 Holme,, R ay mo n d Bert 274
. . 331 149 Balmanno, Donald
63 Morley, Valentine Arthur .. 330 274
64 150 Gardner, Gordon Edmund Ferguson 272
McQuillan, Anthony Thomas 330
65 MacKenzie, Allan Ma cbardie
151 Hardisty, James Herbert .. 272
329 152 Murray, John Allan
66 Saunders, Kenneth John . . 328
. . 271
153 Callinaai, Terence Joseph . . 271
67 Paulsen, Robert John . . 328
68 Blair, Neville Robert l 54 Robertson, Peter Charles .. 271
. . 328 155 McDonnell, Neville Kirkpatrick
69 O'Dea, Martin Joseph 328 267
70 Cronin, William Denis Patrick 327
156 Miller, Keith .. . . 267
71 Morse, Kevin Anthony . . 327
157 Sundholm, Keith Curtis .. 265
72 Brooks, Walter George 158 Murray, Alexander George .. 264
. . 325 159 .Jorgensen. Colin Philip
73 Gallaway, Jack . . . 323
. . 264
74 McQueen, Laurence William 323
160 Laurance, Rodney Noel .. 264
75 Tappenden, Francis Thomas 322
161 Murray, Stanley Vivian .. 261
76 Longmuir, Raymond . . 322
162 White. Edward William .. 260
77 Carter, Jack ..
163 Hilker, Conrad Richard 260
321 164 Finlayson. Rae ..
78 Hayden, Patrick Mannix 321 257
165 Inwood, Charles William 257
79 Eccles, Desmond Leslie 320
80 Battle, Kevin 1- Tilliam 166 Eckersley, Ian Richard . . 256
320 167 Cameron, Kenneth Patric
81 King, Alfred Charles 319 252
82 Renton, Keith Steele 318
168 Lindsay, James Roy . . 251
83 Yule, John Crawford 169 Rynne, John . . 250
317 170 Laing. Kevin William
84 Schultz, Gordon Robert 317 246
85 Reali, John Wilfred . . 316
171. Hutchinson, Noel John 244
86 Champion, Robert William 315
172 Gibson, Charles Stewart .. 244
87 MacNeill, James 173 O'Brien, Michael Au;iustine . . 240
. 315 I74 Cardile, Francis ..
88 Levick, Harold Dominic .. 314 . . 238
89 McWilliams, Brian Patrick .. 175 Price, Thomas . . 237
314 176 Fleming, Alexander
90 Stevenson, Neville James .. 314 . 235
91 Muirhead, Leslie Lawrence .. 313
177 Johnstone, Raymond Joseph 230
92 Strutt, Stanley Edward 178 Duckworth. Reginald Desmond 226
. . 312
93 King, Brian James Hilary .. 312 J. H. STARLING, Deputy Commissioner,
94 Miles, Edgar Cameron . . 312 Public Service Board.
No. 77. -17th April, 1941 834 Commonwealth Gazette

APPLICATIONS are invited from permanent officers of the Other applicants should state full names, date, year and
Commonwealth Public Service for promotion or transfer place of birth, and whether they are natural born or
to the positions named in the appended schedule. Where so naturalized British subjects. Returned soldiers should give
indicated, applications will also be received from officers of the particulars of war service. Copies only of diplomas,
Public Service of the States and other persons. references, testimonials, or certificates should be forwarded.
If the originals are required they will be asked for.
Applicants should state fully their qualifications for the The range of salary indicates the classified value of a
position sought, and must, to ensure consideration, forward position, but appointments may be made at any salary within
their applications to the officer indicated in the last column such range.
in time to reach him not later than the appointed date. Successful applicants must comply with the provisions of
Where an applicant desires to be considered for two or more the Superannuation Act.
vacancies a separate application should be forwarded in At offices where quarters are shown, a deduction at the rate
respect of each position sought except where the positions of 10 per cent. of the minimum salary of the position will
applied for are of similar classification and in the same be made, unless otherwise stated. Particulars of existing
Branch of a Department, e.g., positions of Postmaster, Lines quarters are furnished merely for the information of officers.
Staff positions, &c., when one application covering such It is not incumbent on Departments to provide quarters,
positions will be accepted. which, if provided, may be wholly or partially withdrawn at
In the case of applicants who are permanent officers of the any time.
Public Service of the Commonwealth or of a State, the Officers of the Commonwealth Public Service, who may be
following particulars should be set out at the foot of the transferred without promotion, as the result of an application
application : for an advertised vacancy, will be required to pay their own
Full name (block letters) within the
expenses of removal unless the transfer comes
Designation conditions prescribed in Public Service Regulation No. 119.
Standard salary scale (i.e., 1.7.26 rate) Fares to locality of appointment of appointees who are not
Office or Branch permanent officers of the Commonwealth Public Service will
Age last birthday (in years ) not be paid by the Commonwealth unless such fares (includ-
Length of service ing,-if the applicant is married, those of his wife and family)
Salary (per annum) exceed £3. wfien such allowance as the circumstances justify
Date granted last increment may be granted.

Closing Date for To whom Applications

Salary (exclusive of Child Receipt of
Position, Salary Scale t and Division. Locality. T:ndowment).$ must be forwarded.


Auditor - General's Office, Territory of New Guinea.
Inspector, Grade i (£438- £510), Third Rabaul .. £442 to £514 .. 1st May, 194) The Secretary and Chief
Inspector, Auditor -
Division General's Office, Canberra
Clerk (Audit), Grade 2 (£288 - £354). Rabaul £292 to £358 ff ff )f
Third Division
No family quarters are available.
In addition to salary, District Allowance of £120 per annum will be payable.
Appointee, if in receipt of less than the minimum salary of the position will be paid that salary by way of higher duties allowance
and will progress through the scale of the position in the ordinary manner.
The successful applicant will be temporarily transferred to the position for a period of four years, and subject to recreation leave
being taken at the end of the first two years' service, will be eligible for 74 days' leave, including travelling time. The provisions of
Regulation 98 will be applied. For the purpose of this Regulation, Sydney is to be regarded as the " nearest capital city ". In the event
of recreation leave not being taken before the expiration of three years' service, the transfer shall terminate at the end of the third year.
The Chief Officer reserves the right to vary or alter the period of appointment, subject to office emergency or expediency.
During temporary transfer the officer will be entitled to receive annual increments to salary for which he may be eligible according
to his personal classification.
The claims of the officer temporarily transferred will be duly considered, under Section 50 of the Public Service Act, for promotion to
any suitable vacancies which may occur during such time as he is on temporaryfrom
temporary transfer, resume duty in the position vacated
If the officer is not promoted during his absence, he will, upon return
by him or be placed in a position of similar classification.
Applicants should possess a good knowledge of accounts work.
The successful applicant will require to undergo an examination by a Commonwealth Medical Officer and obtain a certificate that he is
physically fit for service in the Tropics.
Bankruptcy Branch, Victoria.
Assistant, Grade 1. (£84- £244), Fourth Melbourne £86 to £248 1st May, 1941 The Secretary, Attorney
Division, Official Receiver's Section General's Department,
Duties. Despatch of correspondence ; attending telephone ; answering counter inquiries ; general office assistance.
Pa-tent, Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright Offices, Victoria.
Messenger (£66 £168), Fourth Division Melbourne .. £68 to £170 lst May, 1941 The Secretary, Attorney -
General's Department,
Central Staff.
Inspector (£510 - £582), Third Division, Melbourneil .. £514 to £586 .. 1st May, 1941 The Director - General, Posts
Telephone Branch and Telegraphs, Mel-
bourne, C.2
New South- Wales.
District Inspector, Grade 2 (£582- £660), Dempsey £586 to £664 . 1st May, 1941 The Deputy Director, Posts
Third Division. Postal Services and Telegraphs, Sydney
Branch, Kempsey District
Clerk (£366 £438), Third Division, Bathurst £370 to £442 ff ff )f
Postal Services Brauch, Bathurst
Duties. Clerk to the District Inspector.
t The rates shown are subject to variation as prescribed by Public Service Regulation 108A or relative Arbitration Determination..
t The salaries shown are those payable after cost of living variations in accordance with Public Service Regulation 106A or relative Arbitration ])eterminaticns
have been effected.
II At a future date the successful applicant may be permanently transferred to Canberra.
Commonwealth Gazetto 835 No. 77.-17th April : 194.


Closing Date for To whom Applications

Salary (exclusive of Child Receipt of
Position, Salary Scale t and Division. Locality . Endowment).t must be forwarded.


New South Wales continued.
Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 2 (£384 - £420), Wollongong .. £388 to £424 1st May, 1941 The Deputy Director, Posts.
Third Division and Telegraphs, Sydney
Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£330 £366), Moss Vale .. £334 to £370 99

Third Division (two positions) Richmond

Postal Clerk (£108- £318), Third or Junee £110 to £322
Fourth Division, Relieving Staff,
Cootamundra District
Assistant (Female), Grade 3 (£202 - £210), Sydney £205 to £213 f!
Fourth Division, Accounts Branch,
Money Order Accounts
A knowledge of Money Order Accounts procedure desirable.
Line Foreman, Grade 2 (£336), Fourth Grafton £340 . . . . . 1st May, 1941 f!
Division, Engineering Branch, Line
Staff (Lismore Division)
Area Foreman embracing cable jointing ability. Ability to drive a motor vehicle desirable.
Line Foreman, Grade i (£300 £312), Wollombi . . £304 to £316 . . 1st May, 1941 !7

Fourth Division, Engineering Branch,

Line Staff (Newcastle Division)
Cable jointing qualifications and ability to drive a motor vehicle desirable.

(£366 £438), Third Division, Melbourne £370 to £442 . 1st May, 1941 The Deputy Director, Posts
Clerk . .
and Telegraphs, Mel-
Stores Branch, Central Staff and bourne, C.1.
Victoria (Victoria)
Knowledge of contract principles, departmental materials and stores accounting systems desirable.
Engineer (Traffic Studies) (£528 - £600), Melbourne . . £532 to £604 1st May, 1941 The Deputy Director, Posts
Third Division, Engineering Branch and Telegraphs, Mel-
bourne, 0.1.
Postmaster, Grade 2 (£354 - £438), Rainbow £358 to £442 !7 99 99 7!

Third Division
Quarters : Five rooms.
Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£330- Camperdown £334 to £370 ,7

£366), Third Division (three positions) Coburg

Postal Clerk (£108 - £318), Third or Melbourne £110 to £322 PI

Fourth Division (two positions) Geelong

(1) Relieving Staff, Metropolitan ;
(2) Relieving Staff, Geelong District
Assistant (Female), Grade 2 (£186 £194), Melbourne £189 to £197 99

Fourth Division, Accounts Branch

(ten positions)
(Telephone Accounts, 7 positions)
(Money Order Accounts, 2 positions)
(General Accounts, i position)
Comptometer qualifications desirable.
Melbourne £272 to £304 !f .,
Counter Officer, Grade 1 (£268- £300),
Fourth Division, Telegraph Branch
Junior Assistant (£84- £168), Fourth Geelong £86 to £170 ff ff

Division (two positions) Bendigo

Messenger (£66- £168), Fourth Division, Sale £68 to £170 !!

Engineering Branch
Babinda £304 to £316 .. 1st May, 1941 The Deputy Director, Posts
Line Foreman, Grade 1 (£300-£312), and Telegraphs, Brisbane
Fourth Division, Engineering Branch, Cloncurry
Line Staff (Northern Division) (two
District Allowance : Babinda, Grade III. ; Cloncurry, Grade V.
Babinda. Applicants should state cable jointing experience and whether able to drive a motor vehicle.
and whether competent in cable jointing, driving a motor vehicle
Cloncurry. Applicants should state extent of bush experience
and effecting minor repairs thereto.
South Australia.
Postmaster, Grade 2 (£354 £438), Third j Salisbury £358 to £442 .. ist May, 1941 1 The Deputy Director, Posts
and Telegraphs, Adelaide
Division I

Quarters : Six rooms.

Senior Postal Clerk, Grade 1 (£330 - Murray Bridge £334 to £370 .. . ,, ,, VP

£366), Third Division £304 to £316 ,, ,,

Line Foreman, Grade 1 (£300 £312), Tumby Bay . . .
Fourth Division, Engineering Branch,
Line Staff (Northern Division)
Duties. Cable jointing qualifications and the ability to drive a motor vehicle are desirable.
t The rates shown are subject to variation as prescribed by Public Service Regulation 1O0A or relative Arbitration Determination.
306A or relative Arbitration Determinations
$ The salaries shown are those payable after cost of living variations in accordance with Public Service Regulation
have been effected.
No. 77.-17th April, 1941 836 Commonwealth Gazette

Closing Date for To whom Applications
Salary (exclusive of Child Receipt of
Position, Salary Scale t and Division. Locality. Endowment).# must be forwarded.


Western Australia.
Postmaster, Grade 3 (£456 - £546), Third Manjimup .. £460 to £550 1st May, 1941 The Deputy Director, Posts
Division and Telegraphs, Perth
Postmaster, Grade 1 (£270- £342), Fourth Hall's Creek . . £274 to £346 9f
Quarters : Four rooms.
District Allowance : Grade VII.
Lineman, Grade 2 (£268), Fourth Divi- Kalgoorlie .. £272 . OP

sion, Engineering Branch, Line Staff

(Northern Division)
Applicants to indicate cable jointing qualifications and whether they are able to drive a motor vehicle.
District Allowance : Grade II.
t The rates shown are subject to variation as prescribed by Public Service Regulation 106A. or relative Arbitration Determination.
$ The salaries shown are those payable after cost of living variations in accordance with Public Service Regulation 106A or relative Arbitration Determinations
have been effected.


NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF INTENTION TO DECLARE IN the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Southern Queensland
DIVIDEND. (No. 14 of 1941) . Re GuISEPPE BRAMANTE, of Moresby,
is Mourilyan, shop assistant, lately residing at Lily-
Part XII. ` pond, Ingham.
Date of petition-26th February, 1941.
In the matter of CHARLES JOHN LEE, of Somerset- place, Date of sequestration order -31st March, 1941.
Melbourne, picture framer. (No. 17 of 1941.)
NOTE. All debts due to the estate should be paid to rue.
ASECOND dividend is intended to be declared in the above J. E. TREGENZA, Official Receiver.
matter. Creditors who have not proved their debts by Commonwealth Offices, Anzac- square, Brisbane, 4th April,
the 24th day of April, 1941,
. will be excluded from this 1941. 7255
Dated this 9th day of April, 1941.
J. KENNETH HALL, Trustee. In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Victoria.
J. Kenneth Hall, 108 Queen street, Melbourne, C.1. 7248

Part XI. Description Truck driver but formerly a carrier.

Address -48 Coppin- street, Richmond, but formerly of Yea
In the matter of a composition between LESLIE BURCHALL, and Avoca.
plumber, of 431 High- street, Prahran, and his creditors Number -5.149 of 1937.
which composition was confirmed on the seventeenth day of Date fixed for hearing -6th May, I941.
March, 1941. 7 256 CHAS. E. TROYAHN, Registrar.
NOTICE is hereby given that a first dividend of 4s. in the £1
is intended to be declared in this matter. The dividend . NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A DIVIDEND.
will be payable to those creditors who have proved their In the bankrupt estate of ROBERT MCLEAN NICHOLSON, late of
claims on or before the third day of May, 1941. Maclean, New South Wales, builder. No. 52 of 1940.
Dated this seventh day of April, 1941. j OTICE is hereby given that a first and 'final dividend is
M. R. M. SMITH, Trustee. LI intended to be declared in this matter. The dividend
M. R. M. Smith, Peacock & Co., 485 Bourke- street, »ill be payable to those creditors who have proved their
Melbourne, C.1. 7252 claims on or before the 17th day of April, 1941.
Dated this eighth day of April, 1941.
District of Victoria (No. 122 of 1940). In the assigned 45 Prince- street, Grafton. 7257
estate of WILLIAM O'CALLAGHAN, wellborer, of Deniliquin,
New South Wales.
AFIRST andfinal dividend is intended to be declared in the A DIVIDEND.
above natter. Creditors who have not proved their debt Assigned estate of ALEX BELL (No. 2 of 1941) .
by the 3rd day of May, 1941, will be excluded from such
dividend. FIRST Dividend is intended to be declared in the above
Dated this 17th day of April, 1941. A matter. All creditors who do not lodge a proof of debt
on or before the 26th April, 1941, will be excluded from
BASIL J. JACKSON. Trustee. this dividend.
Dated this 9th April, 1941.
499 Little Collins - street, Melbourne, C.1. 7253
F. OSWALD 13ARNETT, Trustee.
422 *Collin4- street, Melbourne. 7258 T,7
In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Northern Queensland
(No. 12 of 1940). Re ARTHUR MOFAISLANE, of Victoria Re ELIAS JOSEPH SHALALA.
Estate, near Ingham, in the State of Queensland. labourer. NOTICE is hereby given that at a meeting of the creditors
Summary case. of Elias Joseph Shalala, of 16 Milroy- avenue, Kensing-
AFIRST and final dividend is intended to be declared in ton, shirt cutter, duly convened and held on the twenty -first
the above matter. Creditors who have not proved their day of March, 1941, at 107 Elizabeth- street, Sydney, a special
debts by the twenty - fourth day of April, 1941, will be excluded resolution was duly carried that the said Elias Joseph
from dividend. Shalala should execute a deed of assignment, in pursuance
of Part XI. of the Bankruptcy Act 19244933, to Alexander
Dated this second day of April, 1941. Ewan Campbell, of 107 Elizabeth- street, Sydney, as Trustee.
R. G. LITTLE, Official Receiver. Dated the eighth day of April, 1941.
Customs House, Townsville. 7254 7 259 ALEXANDER E« _AN CAMPBELL, Chairman.
U'oinuionwealth Gazette 837 No. 77.-17th April, 1941
In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South . Australia
(No. 181 of 1937) . In the matter of ROMUALD JAMES IN (No. 42 of 1929) . Re GLADSTONE DOUGLAS RIVETT, of
O'DEA, of 254 Wright- street, Adelaide, upholsterer. Bordertowu, motor garage proprietor, carrying on business
under the style or firm name Of Tatiara Mechanical
NOTICE is hereby given that the Trustee, in pursuance Works. ( Present address '1'apìey's Hill - road, Seaton
of section 175, has this day tiled the required statement. Park, manager.)
Dated at Adelaide this 3rd day of April, 1941. Date of order of discharge -4th October, 1940.
Nature of order Discharge suspended for six months.
LESLIE MT. FERRES, Trustee. Grounds named in order for refusing absolute order of (lb.:-
Steamship Building, Currie - street, Adelaide. 7 260 chargeProof of facts (a) and (b) of section 119(7).
7267 W. R. FORBES, Registrar.
NOTICE is hereby given that it. is intended to declare APPLICATION FOR DISCHARGE.
dividends in the undermentioned matters: r the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia
Assigned estate of JAMES WHITE WADDELL ( Junior ) , (No. 94 of 1939).Re JAMES VINCENT CASEY, of Peter-
formerly of 127 Stirling - highway, Nedlands, butcher, borough, railway employee.Summary case.
Part XI. First. Date and place of hearing of application for discharge -23rd
Assigned estate of EDMUND DENIS O'BRIEN, formerly of May. 1941 at half -past Ten a.m., at Bankruptcy Court,
Herne Hill, storekeeper, Part XII. First. Adelaide.
Creditors who have not proved their claims on or before the 7268 W. R. FORBES, Registrar.
30th day of April, 1941, will be excluded from the dividends.
Dated this 3rd day of April, 1941.
63 St. George's- terrace, Perth. 7261 L the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia
(No. 142 of 1932 ) .Re LESLIE JAMES HARDING, of

Hundred of Pekina, fanner. ( Present address Whyalla,

DIVIDEND. Date of order of discharge -14th March, 1941.
Nature of order Discharged unconditionally.
Part XI.
In the matter of ALLEN ALFRED HUGHES, of 40 Elizabeth 7 269 W. R. FORBES, Registrar.
street, South Perth, builder.
AFIRST Dividend is intended to be declared. Creditors COMPULSORY APPLICATION FOR ORDER OF
who have not signed or assented to the deed on or DISCHARGE.
before the twenty-first day of April, 1941, will be excluded
from the dividend. In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of New South Wales and
the Australian Capital Territory *.
Dated this 4th day of April, 1941.
Bank of Adelaide Chambers, Perth. 7262 Address -225 George- street, Windsor.
Description Refreshment room proprietor.
Date fixed for hearing -20th May, 1941.
Part XI.
In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Western Australia.
iii the matter of LEONARD BROADWAY, of 149 High- street, APPLICATION FOR ORDER OF DISCHARGE.
Fremantle, bicycle merchant. Debtor's Name SIDNEY SHAW.
NOTICE is hereby given. that the Trustee in pursuance. of Address -551 Mowbray -road \Vest, Chatswood.
section 175(c) of the said act, has this day filed in the Description Labourer.
said Court the required statement. CourtBankruptcy.
Dated this twenty -ninth day of March, 1941.. NumberS.236 of 1937.
Date fixed for hearing -23rd May, 1941.
McManus 8, Stewart, Economic Chambers, Perth. 7264 Address-47 Tighe street, Wara.tah.
Description Formerly confectionery agent but now clerk.
Court Bankruptcy.
NO'T'ICE OF FILING STATEMENT. Number S.127 of 1939.
Date fixed for hearing -23rd May, 1941.
In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Western Australia.- Address Coff's Harbour.
In the matter of JAMES DOBERTY ROBINSON. trading as Description Builder's assistant.
\'elos Manufacturing Co., of 28 Roe street, Perth, paint and ("Dart Bankruptcy.
varnish maker. Number 5.1.31 of 1939.
])ate fixed for hearing-23rd May, 1941.
Nono, , is hereby given that the Trustee in pursuance of
section 175(c) of the said act, has this day filed in the Debtor's Name .TAMES GREGORY KELLEHER..
said Court the required statement. Address c /o Kevin J. Tracy, solicitor, 16 Barrack- street,
Dated this twenty -ninth day of March, 1941. Description Offieer in the .ß.3.F. MI Active Service.
H. C. STE -WART, Trustee. ('ourt Bankruptcy.
if eManus & Stewart. Economic Chambers, Perth. Number -5.122 of 1939.
7 265 Daft fixed for bearing -23rd May, 1941.
J. T. KEANEY, Registrar in Bankruptcy.
1 n the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Western Australia. 8th April. 1941. 7270
farmers. Part XI.
T OTICE is hereby given that a meeting of creditors of In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Western Australia
1, A. U. and H. S. Colliver ( Colliver Bros. ), of Welbungin, (No. 18 of 1940) . In the matter of AUBREY EDGAR LYLE
will be held at the offices of Paton and Morris, Chartered TARVIS, 16 Clayton-street, East Fremantle, in the State of
Accountants (Rust.), on Wednesday, the sixteenth day of Western Australia, a Debtor.
April, 1941, at half -past Two p.m. OTICE is hereby given that. in pursuance of section 175,
Dated this first day of April, 1941. 1NT the Trustee Iras this day filed the required statement.
A. COLLIVER. Dated this 5th day of April, 194 1.
7280 H. S. COI.LIVER. 7272 J. O. SMITH, Trustee.
No. 77.-17th April, 1941 838 Commonwealth Gazette


In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of New South Wales and Part XII.
the Australian Capital Territory. NOTICE is hereby given that dividends have been declared
DEBTOR'S Name- ALFRED CHARLES KING. in the undermentioned matters, viz.:-
No. 7ti of 1940. -MEDLA MAY JONES, trading as Fifth
Address -280 Piesley street, Orange. Avenue Salon, Brisbane- arcade, Brisbane. -First at
Description Railway employee. the rate of 4s. in the £1.
Court- Bankruptcy. No. 87 of 1940. VERONICA TYRREL L, trading as Mrs. E.
Number -5.156 of 1939. Tyrrell, draper and dressmaker, Bowen. -First at the
Date fixed for hearing -23rd May, 1941. rate of Os. 8d. in the £1.
Debtor's N ante= KEIT'H THOMAS ARDILL. No. 38 of 1933. - LESLIE SHAW, trading as Shaw's
Specialty Store, Clermont.-Third at the rate of 3s. in
Address -1.1 Beach -road, Dulwich Hill. the £L
Description Wholesale confectioner. No. 3 of 194.1. -ALICE MARY CALLAGHAN, trading as
Court - Bankruptcy. Robertson & Callaghan, boot merchants, Rockhampton.
Number -5.186 of 1939. -First at the rate of Os. 8d. in the £I..
Date fixed for hearing -23rd May, 1941. No. 44 of 1940. SIDNEY ROBERT KING, trading as
Debtor's Name JOSEPH BROADBENT. Nanango Motor Garage, .garage proprietor, Nanango.-
Address -54 Union - street, Dulwich Hill. First at the rate of 3s. in. the £1.
Description- Storeman. No. 22 of 1939. WILLIAM ALBERT KENNY KELLAM, trad-
Court- Bankruptcy. ing as Kellam's, silk merchant, Too:woonlba. -First at
Number -S.205 of 1940. the rate of 5s. in the £1.
Date fixed for hearing -23rd May, 194]. These are payable at the office of Messrs. G. S. Hutton &
Debtor's Name-ALBERT NICHOLAS BARNIER. MacFarlane, 400 Queen - street, Brisbane.
Address -179 Botany-street, Randwick. Dated this seven,tll day of April, 1941.
Description Building contractor.
Court-Bankruptcy. G. S. HUTTON &. MACFARLANE. chartered accountants
Number -5.123 of 1937. ( :lust.) , agents for the Trustees. 7276
Date fixed for hearing 23rd May, 1941.
Address -28 Sydenliam -road, St. Peters. NOTICE is hereby given that dividends have been declared
Description -Fruit merchant. in the undermentioned matters, viz.:
Court Bankruptcy. No. 23 of 1940. JAMES JOSEPH HASTEn. Roma, lately
Number -5.206 of 1936. carrying on business as a hoot- maker, at McDowell -
Date fixed for hearing -23rd May, 1941. street, Roma, a bankrupt. -First at the rate of 4s. in
J. T. KEANEY, Registrar in Bankruptcy. the fl.
No. 28 of 1939.- MINNIh: FANNY HOBBs (deceased), late
8th April, 1941. of Esk, storekeeper, a bankrupt. -Fifth at the rate of
] s. 9d. in the £1.
These are payable at the office of Messrs. G. S. Hutton &
In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia, MacFarlane. 400 Queen- street, Brisbane.
(No. 123 of 1941 ).-In the matter of JOSEPH EDWARD Dated this seventh day of April, 1941.
'Voons, of 78 Osmond- terrace, Norwood, furniture manu- G. S. HUTTON & MACFARLANE:, chartered accountants
facturer, debtor. (Aust.) . agents for the Trustee. 7277
1 T is intended to declare a first dividend in this estate.
1 Creditors who have not proved their debts by 28th April, Part XI.
1941. will be excluded from the dividend.
Dated this 10th day of April, 1941. In tite Court. of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia.
NO TI CIS is hereby given that the Trustee. in pursuance of
LESLIE W. FERRRES, Trustee. section 1 75. leas filed 'the required statement in the
Chartered Accountant ( Rust.) , 60 ..Steamship Building, assigned estate Of JOHANN FERDINAND GOTTLIEB PASCHKE, of
Currie street, Adelaide. 7273 Copeville, farmer.
Dated this 8th day of April, 1941.
A. L. GNIEL, Trustee.
NOTICE OF DECLARATION OF DIVIDEND. Selbourne Chambers, Pirie- street, Adelaide. 7278
OTICE is hereby given that the following dividend has
lvandbeen declared to -day in the undermentioned estate Part XI.
that dividend order may be obtained frein us on 17th In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia.
April, 1941, or any subsequent week day between the hours
of Nine a.m. and half -past Five p.m.
Assigned Estate-- WILLIAM WALLACE LEAR MONT, grocer
and ironmonger, Russell - street, Tumut. -- Second.
]T OTICE is hereby given that the Trustee, in pursuance of
section 175. has filed the required statement in the
assigned estate of Walter Reed, of Tooligie, fariner.
Dated this seventeenth day of April, 1941. Dated this 10th day of April; 1941.
A. L. GNIEL, Trustee.
HUNG ERFORD, SPOONER AND CO., agents for the Selborne Chambers, Pirie- street, Adelaide. 7279
Trustees, Dalton House, 115 Pitt- street, Sydney. 7274

Part XI.
In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Trustee, in pursuance
Part XII. of section 175, has filed the required statement in the
NOTICE is hereby given that it is intended to declare assigned estate of Arthur Gerald Haynes, of \Varramboo,
dividends in the undermentioned matters:- farmer.
Assigned Estate.- EvELYN SOPHIA MuIR, trading as " The Dated this 9th day of April, 1941.
Elite Salon ". 133 Katoomba- street, Katoomba.- A. L. GNIEL. Trustee. L:4
Second. Selborne Chambers, Pirie street, Adelaide. 7280
Assigned Estate.- SArzuEL MACKAY REID, general store-
keeper, Berridale. - First. Part XI.
Assigned Estate.- GEORGE FULTON TISDALE, baker and
pastrycook, ..Begs.- First. In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia.
These dividends will be paid only to those creditors who NOTICE is hereby given that the Trustee, in pursuance of
have proved their claims on or before ist May, 1941. section 175, has filed the required statement in the
Creditors who have not proved their claims on or before assigned estate of Stanley Osmond Norris, of 47 McQuillan
such date will be excluded from such dividends. avenue, Renown Park, cleaner.
Dated this seventeenth day of April, 1941. Dated this 10th day of April, 1941.
RUNGERFORD, SPOONER AND CO., agents for the A. L. GNIEL, Trustee.
Trustees, Dalton House, 115 Pitt- street, Sydney. 7275 Selborne . Chambers, Pirie - street, Adelaide. 7 281
Commonwealth Gazette 839 No, 77.-17th April, 1941.

Part XII. In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia.

NO. 23 of 1941. Re LEONARD LEVI BONNEY, deceased, Iate
hi the matter of SAMUEL BLACK, of Ascot Chambers, Edward - of Cara.lue Siding, fariner.
street, Brisbane, in the State of Queensland, tailor. Date of first meeting of creditors -23rd April, 1941, at
()T., is hereby given that Arrangement
the abovenamed Samuel
under Part
Eleven a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Commonwealth
N.L Black executed a. Deed of Bank Building, King William- street, Adelaide.
XII. of the Bankruptcy Act 1924 -1933. All persons having No. 7 of 1941. -Ile ,JAMES EDMUND CORNELIUS ATTWATER, of
claims against the said Samuel Black are required to prove 35 Archer - street. North Adelaide, Munition worker, pre-
the same in the prescribed form forth \vitlt. Any creditor viously residing at 100 Esmond -road, Port Pinie, labourer.-
who fails to prove his claim will be excluded from all benefits Summary case.
under the deed. Date of first meeting of creditors- -28t11 April, 1941, at
Dated the ninth day of April, 1941. Eleven at Local Court House, Port Pinie.
No. 24 of 1941. -Re JAMES SAMUEL BARTROP, a prisoner in
A. SAKZEWSKI, Trustee. custody at His Majesty's Goal at Adelaide, formerly residing
A.M.P. Chambers, Edward Street, Brisbane. 7282 at 210 Pulteney - street, Adelaide, and carrying on business
at that address as a manufacturer under the style of
Brett & Soit.
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND. Date of petition-lOth April, 1941.
Date of sequestration order -1.Oth April, 1941.
1k bankrupt estate PETER STEGER (S.3 of 1941) . NOTE. -All debts clue to the abovenamed estates should be
OT IC E is hereby given that it is intended to declare a
first dividend ,on ordinary claims proved in the above
paid to nie.
GEO. \V. BURNS, Official Receiver.
matter. Creditors who have not lodged their proofs of debt Adelaide, 10th April, 1941. 7288
at the office of the Trustee, A. Sakzewski, A.M.P.
Cliamber.s. Edward- street, Brisbane, on or before the 10th IN the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Tasmania. (No.
May, 1941 , will be excluded from participating in this S.14 of 11)411. -Re bankrupt estate of REGINALD DENNEY,
dividend. of 73 Burnett street, Hobart, in Tasmania, tailor's presser.
Dated at Brisbane this .ninth day of April, 1941. Date of petition -10th April. 1941.
7 283 A. SAKZEWSKI, Trustee. Date of sequestration order- -lOtli April. 1941.
Date and place of first meeting of creditors Eleven a.m. on
30th April, 1941, at the Official Receiver's Office, 119
Macquarie- street, Hobart.
Assigned estate of LESLIE TOZER, of Wentworth- avenue. Date of public examination- Half -past Two p.m., oil 30th
Sandringham, bricklayer. April, 1941, at the Supreme Court, Hobart.
NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of creditors in this Now.-All debts dire to the estate should be paid to me.
estate will be held at the Conunonwealth Institute of J. A. MITCHELL, Official Receiver.
Accountants board room. :37 Queen- street, Melbourne, oil 119 Macquarie- street, Hobart, Tasmania, 10th April, 1941.
'Tuesday, 22nd April, 1941, at half -past eleven a.m. 7289
National Bank Chandabrs, 271 Collins- street.. Melbourne. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE DIVIDEND.
72S4 In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Victoria.
No. 171 of 19:34. -Rc ALFRED WILLIAM WATERS, of 7
Fairchild street, Abbotsford, salesman. -Third dividend.
FINAL D1 VI:DEN D. of Manangatang, but now of Hotspur, fainter. -First
Part XI. and filial dividend.
No. 208 of 1940. -Re ALE'xANDER GORDON CAMERON, of 562
In the matter of FRANE THOMAS WILSON, of Billaricay, Point Nepeaii -road, Brighton East, process worker,
farmer. formerly of Henty- street, Casterton, and formerly a
V OTICE is hereby given that it is intended to declare a stock and dairy inspector. -First dividend.
L first and final dividend in the above matter, on Tuesday, ADIVIDEND as above is intended to be declared in these
the twentieth day of May, 1941. Dividends will be payable three estates. Creditors who have not lodged their
only to those creditors who have signed or assented to the proofs of debt with rue on or before the first day of May, '1941,
deed of assignment. wwill be excluded from this dividend.
Dated this seventh day of April, 1941. A. MCKINNON, Official Receiver.
450 Law Courts- place, Melbourne, C.f., 10th April, 1941.
A. .1. _McL AR EN, 'l'rusl ee. 7290
A. .1. INIabu-a i & Co., English, Scottish & Australian Bank
Chambers. Si. George's- terrace, Perth. 7285 SEQUESTRATION ORDERS AND FIRST MEETINGS.
In the Court of Bankruptcy.-District of Victoria.
Ithe Court of I3amkruptcy, District of Southern Queensland. T O. 44 of 1941. -Ile bankrupt estate of JAMES D. SAUNDERS,
of 1941 ). -Re HENRY RASMUSSE1. of Lowood,
Y(No. 1:i
IN formerly of Carmichael - street. Hamilton, but now of
licensed vietmaller. parts unknown, builder, and lately carrying on business at
Date of petition -21st Match. 11141. Iiainilton.
Date of sequestration order -9th April, 1941. Date of petition -12tíí February, 1941.
Date of sequestration order -4th April. 1941.
Nom. -Ali debts clue to the estate should be paid to nie.
No. 45 of 1941. -Re bankrupt estate of H:ErRv l' ERN AND
.1. E. TREGEN 7.A. Official Receiver. LEVY, of :344 St. Kilda -road, Melbourne, but formerly of 372
eali.h Ofúces, Anzac square, 13'rislrane,
4th Floor. Commonwealth St. Kilda -road, Melbourne. salesman. - Summary case.
10th April, 1941. 728G Date of petition -8th April, 1941.
Date of sequestration order-8th April, 1941.
Date and place of first meeting of creditors -22nd April,
NO'T'ICE OF INTENDED DIVIDENDS. 1941, at half -past Ten a.m., at Official Receiver's Office,
In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia. No. 46 of 1941. -Re bankrupt estate of SIaMON HENRY
No. 39 of 1939. -Re LAWRENCE EFFIELD BELLC'HArtuE.RS. of l.IA
FiRASER. of Mansfield, dentist. - Summary ease.
Cowandilla- road, Cowandilla, electrician, lately residing and Date of petition -9th April, 1941.
carrying oil business at ] 5 Francis- street, Hilton.- Date of sequestration order -9th April, 1941.
Summary case. (Fourth.) Date and place of first meeting of creditors -2:3rd April,
No. 32 of 1940.-Re GOTTF RIED \VILHEIzr OTTO SCHILii. of ]941, at ha.lf,past Two p.m., at Court House. Mansfield.
Taln.inda, mason's labourer.-Summary case. ( First and No. 47 of 1941 -Re bankrupt estate of JOHN LAURENCE
final.) SEEARY, formerly of 307 Malvern -road. South Varna, but
DIVIDEND. as shown above, is intended to be declai ed late of Robinvale, storekeeper, deceased.
Date of petition -9th April, 1941.
A in each of the abovenamed estates. Creditors who have
not proved their debts by the 9th day of May. 1941, will be Date of administration order-10th April, 1941.
excluded from dividend. All debts due to the above estates should be paid to Ise.
A. MeKINNON, Official Receiver.
GEO. W. BURNS, Official Receiver. 45(1 Law Courts place, Melbourne, C.1. 10th April, 1941.
Adelaide, 10th April, 1941. 7287 7291
No. 77. -17th April, 1941 840. Commonwealth Gazette
in the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Victoria. road, Broadmeadow, carrier, and lately residing at Fleming -
street, Muswellbrook. Summary.
O. 164 of 1931. Re JAMES COLSTON, of Heathcote. Date of petition and sequestration order -7th April, 1941.
11 fruiterer and confectioner. Date of first meeting of creditors -21st April, 1941, at
Date of public examination -18th April, 1941 at half - Ten a.m., at Court House, Gloucester.
past Ten a.1í1., at the Court House, Heathcote. Date of public examination -9th June, 1941, at Twelve
No. 125 Of 1940.Re-HERBERT BADEN POWELL, of 69 Bendigo- noon, at Court House, Gloucester.
avenue, Bentleigh, manufacturer, at present residing and No. 71 of 1941. Re R. J. HANNAFORD, of Quirindi, butcher.
carrying on business thereat. Summary case. Date of petition -14th March, 1941.
Date of public examination 22nd April, 1941, at half - Date of sequestration order -8th April, 1941.
past Ten a.m., at the Bankruptcy Court, Melbourne. No. 72 of 1941. Re HARRY RIDGEWAY WADE (deceased) , late
No. 142 of 1940. Re WILLIAM DEWAR, of 201 Williamstown - of Kyogle, cabinetmaker. l
road, Yarraville, and lately carrying on business as a Date of petition -28t1í March, 1941.
renovator at 201. Williamstown-road, Yarraville, and as a Date of administration order -8th April, 1941.
bag and jute merchant at Newcastle- street, Newport, No. 73 of 1941. Re JOHN DOUGLAS BROWNE, of 22 Roslyn
unemployed.Siunmary case. Gardens, Elizabeth Bay, lately residing at Pritchard - street,
Date of public examination -22nd April, 1941, at half - Yass, and carrying on business at Cooma-street, Yass,
past Ten a.m., at the Bankruptcy Court, Melbourne. radio dealer. Summary.
No. 158 of 1940.Re FRANK VICTOR PINCH E N, of 10 Fehon- Date of petition and sequestration order -8th April, 194].
street, Yarraville, builder. Date of first meeting of creditors -22nd April, 1941, at.
Date of public examination -23rd April, 1941, at. half half -past Eleven a.m., at Official Receiver's Office,
past Ten a.m.. at the Bankruptcy Court, Melbourne. Sydney.
Date of public examination -21st May, 1941, at half -past
No. 140 of 1940. Re EDWARD CHARLES VIENET, fitter, at Ten a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Sydney.
present residing at ti Walsh- street, Ormond. lately residing No. 74 of 1941. Re ROBERT HENRY GIBBS, of Meringo- street,
at 124 Church- street, Geelong West, and carrying on busi- ,Narromine, lately residing and carrying on business at
ness at 83 Moorabool- street, Geelong, as a garage pro- \Vauchope, Cooma and Kyogle. Summary.
prietor. Summary case. Date of petition and sequestration order -9t1í April, 1941.
Date of public examination. -23rd April, 1941, at half- Date of first meeting of creditors -23rd April, 1941, at
past Ten a.m., at the Bankruptcy Court, Melbourne. Ten a.m., at Court House, Kyogle.
No. 184 of 1940. Re ALFRED GARDNER, of 100 Grey- street, Date of public examination -24th June, 1941, at l'en
East Melbourne, but formerly of 192 Wellington- parade. a.m., at Court House, Narromine.
East Melbourne, military pensioner.Summary case. No. 280 of 1940. Re CAMILLO BADINO, of Internment Camp,
Date of public examination -24th April, 1941. at half Orange, formerly trading with Ugo Badino as Badino Bros.
past Ten a.m.. at the Bankruptcy Court, Melbourne. Date of first meeting of creditors -22nd April, 1941.. at
No. 153 of 1940.Re JAMES JAMESON SCOTT, of Ailsa, near half -past Ten a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Sydney.
Warracknabeal. farmer. Summary case. No. 44 of 1941. Re NORMAN HENRY RUDD, of 119 Sydney -
Date of public examination -24th April, 1941, at half - street, Willoughby, carrying on business at 785 Pacific -
past Ten a.m., at the Bankruptcy Court, Melbourne. highway, Gordon, grocer.Summary.
No. 104 of 1940. Re Ros WILLIAM EDWARD, of Cranbourne- Date of first meeting of creditors -23rd April, 1941, at
road, Fra.nkston, motor mechanic, formerly of Ballarat, and half -past Ten a.m., at Official Receiver's Office, Sydney.
formerly carrying on business at Exchange Garage, Date of public examination -26th May, 1941, at half -past
Lydiard- street., Ballarat, and Provincial Garage, Lydiard- Ten a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Sydney.
street, Ballarat. as a motor mechanic.Summary case. No. 58 of 1941. Re GEORGE FRANK GLANFIELD, of 293
Date of public examination -24th April. at1941, Beamish- street. Campsie, tailor. Summary.
a. quarter -past Two p.m., at the Bankruptcy Court. Date of first meeting of creditors -24th April, 1941, at
Melbourne. half -past Ten, at Official Receiver's Office, Sydney.
Date of public examination -22nd May, 1941, at half -past
A. MoKINNON, Official Receiver. Ten a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Sydney.
450 Law Courts - place, Melbourne, 10th April, 1941. 7292 No. 75 of 1941.Re ROSWALD LINDEN BRYCE LOOSLEY, resid-
ing and carrying on business at 107 William- street, Young.
District of Western Australia (No. 28 of 1940 ) . In the Date of petition and sequestration order loth April,
bankrupt estate of HARRY BLYTHE THOMSON, of Collie, 1941.
government employee. Date of first meeting of creditors -24th April, 1941, at
Ten a.m., at Court House, Young.
ACOMPOSITION is intended to be declared in the above Date of public examination -4th June, 1941, at Ten a.m..
matter. Creditors who have not proved their debts by at Court House, Young.
the first day of May, 194], will be excluded from dividend. All debts due to the above estates should be paid to nie.
Dated this 9th day of April, 1941.
A. V. RIC'HAR.DSON, Official Receiver.
A. H. JOHNSON, Official Receiver. 11.2 Pitt street, Sydney, l0t1í April, 1941. 7295
Suipreme Court., Perth. 7293

District of \\ Testerei Australia (No. 36 of 1939) . In the

15 Gugeri - street, Claremont, painter and decorator.
Tn the Court of Bankruptcy, District of New South \Vales
ASECOND and final dividend is intended to be declared in and the Australian Capital Territory.
the above matter. Creditors who have not proved their
debts by the first day of May, 194], will be excluded from N 0.278 of 1940.Re J. W. RIDDETT. Notice is given that
dividend. the proceedings herein have been amended to read
Dated this 8th day of April, 1941. . James William Riddett.
A. H. JOHNSON, Official Receiver. A. V. RICHARDSON. Official Receiver.
Supreme Court, Perth. 7294 112 Pitt- street, Sydney, 10th April, 1941. 7296


PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS. IN the Court of Bankrupccy, District of Northern Queensland
ln the Court of Bankruptcy, District of New South Wales (No. 4 of 1941) .Re FRANCESCO SORGENTANO, labourer,
and the Australian Capital Territory. at present residing at Trebonuc, near Ingham, lately
NO. 193 of 1940. Re NORMAN LESLIE PATERSON, of
residing at Boogan, near Mourilyan, and carrying on
Paterson's Garage, Pye- street, Eugowra, lately carrying business at Boogan, near Mourilyan, as a sugar -cane
on business as a garage proprietor. Sliuliiia,ry. farmer. Summary case.
Date of public examination 2nd May, 1941, at half -past Date of petition-8th April, 1941.
Ten, at Bankruptcy Court, Melbourne. Date of sequestration order l.Otli April, 1941.
No. 35 of 1941. Re JOHN MILTON WHITECHURCH, of Green - Date and place of first meeting of creditors -22nd April,
bank, Thuddungra, share farmer. Summary. 1941, Court House, Ingham, at Eleven a.m.
Date of first meeting of creditors -10th April, 1941, NOTE. All debts due to the estate should be paid to me.
at Ten a.m., at Court House, Young.
Date of public examination -21st May, 1941, at Ten a.m., R. G. LITTLE, Official Receiver.
at Court House, Young. Customs House, Townsville. 7297
Commorrwealth Gazettè $41 No. 77.-17th r13ri1, 1941

N the Court ,ói Bankruptcy, District. of Northern Queens- APPLICATION FOR, DISCHARGE.
land (No. 20 of 1940). -ide SALVATORE BARBAGALLO, 111 the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Victoria.
lately residing at Silkwood in the State of Queensland,
cane. grower, but now of Edith - street Innisfail, in the IDE13TOR'S Name- FRANCÍS X. AVM R MAT HEW ÉGAIV,
said State, shop assistant. Summary case.
Date and place of .public examination, 22nd April, 1941, Address-18 Villiers- street, Elsternwick, later]), residing at
26 Seymour -road, Elsternwick, and Hotham - grove,
at Ten a.m., Court House, Innisfail. Elsternwick.
R. G. LITTLE, Official Receiver. Description- Butcher.
Customs House, 'To.wnsville. 7298. Number -S.2 of 1936.
Date fixed for hearing -9th May, 1941.
in the matter of JESSE PALLANT, ,uf . Epwortli Building,
Pinie- street, Adelaide, Licensed Land Agent under deed
of assignment, number 315 of 1940. NOTICE OF ORDER OF DISCHARGE.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Trustee Herein in pur- N the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Northern Queens-
suance of section 175 of Part XI. of the Bankruptcy land (No. 15 of ].933). -Re ALFIO LEONARD' and
Act ] 924 -1 933, has filed inthe Bankruptcy Court such SEBASTIANO LEOTTA, lately carrying on business in
accounts as by such Act is required. The Trustee herein partnership under the naine style or firm of " Leonardi &
proposes to pay as. far as practicable the claims of the Leotta " at Bemerside near Ingham, in the State Of
preferential creditors and to distribute the balance of the Queensland, cane farriers. -Re SEBASTIANO LEOTTA,
moneys (if any) amongst the unsecured creditors who have Date of petition -22nd 'May, 1933.
proved their claims and have signed the deed or assented Date of sequestration order- -24t1í May, 1933.
thereto in writing. Any creditors who have not proved their Date of oi(lcr of dis(:]rtrge -l7th March, 1941.
debts and assented to the deed within one month from this ('oiidit.ions of discharge - Discharge gatnte(I subject to pay -
date wily be excluded front all benefits under the deed. went to fie Officia 1 Receiver in Bankruptcy of the subi
Dated at Adelaide this 7th day of April, 1941. of 19s. 9d. Condition complied with 8th April, 1941.
7290 E. W. PAINTER, 'Trustee. 7305 J. SHANNON, Registrar in Bankruptcy.
In the matter of JOHN HENRY WOO KEY, hairdresser and FOR DEED OF ASSIGNMENT.
tobacconist, 173 Dolphin - street, Coogee. Part Xl.
1.TOTICE is hereby given that a dividend is intended to be In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia
1 declared in this matter. The dividend will be payable (No. 121 of 1941) . -Re TlioMAS LLEWEc.LY N JONES, a
to those creditors who have proved their claims on or before debtor.
the first day of May, 1941. 11Elt1;B3'Y certify that at a meeting of creditors of Thomas
Dated this seventeenth day of April, 1941. Llewellyn Jones, of Kadina, in the State of South
PARSONS, ANDERSON &. CO., agents for the Trustees, Australia, farmer, duly convened and held at the Ideal
Carrington- street, Sydney. 7300. 7 hcatre, Kadina, on the 2nd day of April, 194], a special
resolution was duly carried that the said Thomas Llewellyn
Jones do execute a deed of assignment in pursuance of Part
NOTICE OF ORDER. OF DISCHARGE. XI. of the Bankruptcy Act; 1924 -1933 to Thomas John Davies,
TN the Court of Barkruptcy, District of Tasmania (No. 349, Registered Trustee in Bankruptcy, of 11 Digby- street, Kadina,
I 1939).-R e ALBERT ARTHUR CHANDLER, formerly of 3
Pine - street, West Hobart, now of Fort Pierson, plumber.
that the `t'rustee's remuneration be in accordance with
Sixtle Schedule of the rules of the said Act with a
the Sixth
Date of petition -20th November, 1939. minimum of £31 los. A resolution was moved, "That the

Date of sequestration order -20th November, 1939. debtor be allowed to retain the whole of his household
Date of order of discharge -10th October, 1940. furniture." A further resolution was moved, "That the
Nature of order -- Dischatge as from. 10th April, 1941. debtor be bandied the suns of £35 I9s. 7d.. being the hardship
730].. R. G. BINGHAM, Registrar. grant receive front the Farmers' Assistance Board, which
is included in the sum of £148 2s. lld. as shown on the
balance sheet."
ADJOURN -ED PUBLIC EXAMINATION AND Dated this and day of April, 1941.
TN the Court of Bankruptcy. District of South Australia .J. A. ROBERTSON, Chairman.
1 (No. 95 of 1940).-Re ERNEST . BERTRAM HARRIS, of Office of the Registrar,
Blyth. farmer.-Summary case. t'ourt of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia.
Date and place of adjourned public examination and hearing Filed this 4th day of April, 1941, at Two p.m.
of compulsory application for discharge -30th May, 1941,
at 10.30 a.m., at Bankruptcy Court, Adelaide. 7306. W. R. FORBES, Registrar.
7302. W. R. FORBES, Registrar.
In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia (No. CHAIRMAN'S CERTIFICATE.
5.5 of ] 941 ) . -Re PATRICK JOSEPH CHRISTIE. -Ex parte Part XI.
GEORGE WEIR BURNS, Official Receiver.
To- In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia
(No. 122 of 1.941) . -Re CHARLES THEODORE TIiOMAS
P Anne K JOSEPIH CIIIRISTIE (a bankrupt), lately residing GEORGE, of \\'hyalla, labourer.
at 147, Buxton- street, North Adelaide, and lately carry-
ing on business at 34, Pirie- street, Adelaide, solicitor.
TAKE notice that a motion for your committal to prison
1. certify that at meeting of the creditors of
Charles Theodore Thomas George, of Whyalla, labourer,
convened and held at the office of George Curtis Peters.
for failing to comply with the requirements of the of Albion House, ihaymoutii- street, Adelaide, in the State
Baitkruptcj Act 1924 -1933 has been filed in this Court by the of South Australia, on the 3rd day of April, 1941, a special
abovenamed Official Receiver, and the Court has ordered that resolution was duly carried that the said Charles Theodore
the publication once each in the Commonwealth of Australia. 'Thomas Ceoi,ge do execute a deed of assignment in pursuance
Gazette published at Canberra and the Advertiser newspaper of Part XI. of the Bankruptcy A et 1.924 1933, to George
published at Adelaide of notice of the hearing of the said Curtis Peters, of Albion House, Waymnoiitlastreet, Adelaide,
motion shall be deemed to be good and sufficient service upon aforesaid, accountant, as Trustee and that the Trustee's
),oil on the completion of such publications as aforesaid, remuneration he in accordance with the maximum amount
and further take notice that the said motion will be heard at allowable under the Sixth Schedule to the Bankruptcy Rules
the Bankruptcy Court, Supreme Court Buildings, King with a minimum fee of £15 15s.
William-street, Adelaide, on the 9th day of May, 1941, at Dated this 5th day of April, 1941.
half -past Teii o'clock in the fore -noon, and if you do not appear
the Court may snake au order for your committal in your H. B. K.NOWLE8, Chairman.
absence. The notice of motion and report of the Official Office of the Registrar,
Receiver may be inspected by you on application at this Court of Bankruptcy, District of South Australia.
Court. Filed this 7th day of April, 1941, at Four pan.
Dated this 1st day of April, 1941. .

7303 W. R. FORBES, Registrar. 7307 W. R. FORBES, Registrar.

t April, 1941 842 Nminónweaith Gazetté
In the Court of Bankruptcy, District of Western Australia
(No. 43 of 1937 ) . Re ALFRED HENRY SNELL, 58 Williams - TAKE notice that a claim has been made to the Industrial
road, Hollywood, formerly of 29 Princess -road, Nedlands, Board for the Territory of the Seat of Government that
builder. the award published in Gazette, No. 47, of 2nd August,
NOTICE is hereby given that a third dividend of 2s. 6d. 1934, as varied to this date, be further varied in respect
in the £1 has been declared in this ;matter and is of employees employed in and in connexion with painters
payable at the office of the Trustee on Thursday, the 10th and sigitwriters, &c., employed within the Territory for the
April, 1941, or on any subsequent day. Seat of Government. A copy of the said claims may be
inspected at the office of the Secretary, Industrial Board.
J. O. SMITH, Trustee. The claim is for a variation and segregation of the said
Occidental House, Perth. 7308 award in respect of the employees mentioned.
72(i3 O. BRYANT, on behalf of the Applicant Union.
Part XII.
In the matter of a deed of assignment executed by JOSEPH
XII/34/1941. GAZETTE."
OTICE is hereby given that a first dividend is intended The COMMONWEALTH GAZETTE is published on Thursday
N to be declared in this matter. The dividend will be
payable to those creditors who have proved their claims on or morning in each week, and " Notices for insertion " must be
received by the Prime Minister's Department by NOON on
before the 26th April, 1941. TUESDAY preceding the day of publication.
Dated this 7th day of April, 1941. All notices, from whatever source, should be legibly written
on one side of the paper only. Signature (in particular) and
F. F. PORTER,. Trustee.
proper names must be written very plainly in the text. All
lle Castlereagh- street, Sydney. 7250 documents illegibly written will be returned unpublished.
All official notices intended for insertion in the COMMON -
NOTICE OF INTENTION TO DECLARE A DIVIDEND. WEALTH GAZETTE should be addressed to " The Gazette Officer,
Part XII. Prime Minister's Department, Canberra, A.C.T.," and endorsed
In the matter of a deed of assignment executed by ERN EST SUBSCRIPTIONS. --The subscription, including postage, is
CHARLES SAMUELSON, dated 11th March, 1941 and No. £1 10s. 4d. per annum, or 7s. 7d. per quarter, payable in
XII /49/ 1941. advance.
NOTICE is hereby given that a first and final dividend is A lesser period than three months cannot be subscribed for.
intended to be declared in this matter. The dividend ,Single copies are sold at 6d., posted 7d. each.
will be payable to those creditors who have proved their claims ADVERTISEMENTS are charged for at the rate of 4s. up to
on or before the 26th April, 1941. six lines and 5d. per line over six lines. Signatures and
Dated this 7th day of April, 1941. final words of a paragraph, though only a portion of a line,
must be counted as one line.
F. F. PORTER, Trustee. Remittances should be made by postal note, money order,
Ile Castlereagh- street, Sydney. 7251 or draft in favour of the Government Printer, Canberra,

(\VAR POWERS) ACT 1939 -1940.
NOTICE is hereby given that Cellomold Limited, of PAGE
Browell's -lane, Feltham, County of Middlesex, England, Proclamations 817
Manufacturers, has made an application to the Attorney Consular appointments, resignations, &c. 817
General of the Commonwealth, under section 6 of the Patents Acts assented to, non - disallowance notified 817
Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright (War Powers) Act
1939 -1940 for an order that a licence be granted to it in Statements and notifications 818
respect of Letters Patent No. 9262/32 of 19th September, Expenditure, purchases, &c. 819
1932. for an invention entitled " The Production of Moulded Land and Property .. 819
Articles ", and of Letters Patent No. 9305/32 of 21st Septem- TendersAll Departments 822
ber, 1932 (Convention date claimed 22nd December, 1931),
for an invention entitled " The Production of Moulded Appointments, vacancies; &c., other than Public Service and
Articles ", both Letters Patent granted to Peter Kopp, residing Defence.. .. .. .. 827
ill. Germany. Defence
Dated this 2nd day of April, 1941. Staff changes .. 827
Vacancies .. .. .. 828
GRIFFITH, HASSEL & GRIFFITH, Patent Attorneys, of
67 York- street, Sydney, agents for Cellomold Limited. Public Service
NOTE. Any person who claims to be interested and desires Staff changes .. 828
an opportunity of being heard on the hearing of the applica- Notifications of examinations .. 832
tion should forthwith lodge a request in accordance with Results .. 832
Form 5 under the Patent, Trade Marks, Designs and Copyright Vacancies .. .. .. 834
(War Powers) Regulations, at the Patent Office, Canberra, as
the application will be dealt with after the expiration of Bankruptcy notioes 836
14 days from 17th April, 1941. 7249 Private advertisements . . .. 842

Printed and Published for the GOVERNMENT of the COMMONWEALTH of AUSTRAL TA by

L. F. JOHNSTON, Commonwealth Government Printer, Canberra.

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