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IDS, IPS, Firewall

Firewalls - A firewall is a component which is used to filter the incoming and

outgoing OR the inbound and outbound rules of a particular network. A firewall is
a database of signatures for the data packets moving inside or outside of a
Network. The data packets moving in a Network Traffic having a malicious content
can be blocked
by a firewall according to the rule sets created by a Network Administrator.

Types of Firewall :

1. Softwares Based Firewalls : These are the firewalls which is in the form of a
application or a software which is having a rule sets of Inbound and outbound
coming from a Network.

2. Hardware Based Firewalls : A hardware based firewall is a peripheral which is

having a system box with a processor and giving us a Configuration Panel and having
more advanced features from a Software Based Firewalls.

IDS stands Intrusion Detection System, it is a software or a hardware based program
which detects every suspicious activity and create a log for it. It can also create
the logs and send immediately to the Network Administrator so that they can find
out that there is a Intruder in our network.

IPS stands for Intrusion Prevention System, it acts and works by preventing the
intruders which have been doing malicious and illegal activities in the Network or
there clients immediately.

A honeypot is a attracting technique to traps a Hacker, Attacker or a victim which
can be a web Application, a Network System or a Access Point(Wireless Connection)
seems like absolutely normal but is created to trap the Attackers.

We will use pentbox tool for this.

What is Web aapplication firewall(WAF) -

It is a technique to provide extra security layer over the Web Applications via
configuration of Web Application Firewall [WAF].
Like - Cloudflare, ASPA Firewall, FirePass, FortiWeb, Huawei Cloud Firewall,
HyperGuard, WTS-WAF etc.

Wafw00f is a popular Python program/tool that takes the guesswork of fingerprinting

a website's firewall off your hands. Based on the responses to a series of
carefully crafted web requests, Wafw00f can determine the underlying firewall used
by a service that it probes. It is used to identify the WAF over the web

Download Link:-

Installation :
#git clone
#cd wafw00f
#chmod 777 *
#python install

Commands :

#wafw00f -l
#wafw00f -a
#wafw00f -v

Nmap : This tool is used to perform many things over here.

Commands :

#nmap -p 80,443 <ip address/>

#nmap -p 80,443 --script=http-waf-detect <ip address/>
#nmap -p 80,443 --script=http-waf-fingerprint <ip address/>

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