Apartment Sequences

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"The Apartment" - 1 -


ACT · 1


Routine of life.

1. Voice over: establishes quickly Baxter's routine of life and

the nature of his predicament--" ...you see, I have this little
problem with my apartment ... " (Note: Dialogues are sped up) . His
problem is exposed directly, Cf same technique in NORTH BY
NORTHWEST--Thornhill with secretary.

The way Baxter is perceived; Kirkeby: " ... some schmuck that works
at the office."

Use of prop: key is planted is a special way. (Doc's wife is

introduced) . Baxter has to clean up the apartment when he gets
in. It tells visually what was said. SHELDRAKE is introduced:
" ... You're on your way up, Buddy Boy".
2. Routine of life as a bachelor: TV dinner in oven, cheers to

Misunderstanding: perceived as a serious drinker by Doc who is

introduced--idea of death is planted (giving his body to

By himself, watching TV.

POIN'l' OF A'l''l'ACK:

3. He goes to bed and Dobisch calls him up. Threat if he refuses

to lend his apartment. Make it 30': First hint of possible
Dobisch arrives with his date--Gets the key under the mat. Doc's
misunderstanding: " ...he's doing it again" .

Alone on the bench . (We witness the first disruption of his

routine of life.)



MAIN TENSION is established. How will he manage to fulfill two

incompatible desires: win Fran and get a promotion? (discrepancy
between what he wants and what he needs.)
"The Apartment" - 2 -

1. At office in the morning. He meets Fran ("I better not get

too close"). (You should have stayed in bed this morning!)--
Kirkeby is attracted to Miss Kubelik, she's established as
somebody men desire. Baxter's different attitude for her is

At phone with Dobish, The key was not under the mat (key of the
executive wash room is planted) Baxter had to spend the night
out. Promotion: report to Sheldrake: "I wouldn't be surprised if
you hear from him before the day is over." Advertisement.

Exchange of keys. Cancel with the PR man. His busy schedule: How
to please all the senior executives.

2. Sheldrake wants to see him. Alone with Kubelik in elevator.

Try to get a date with her. (Talks like Kirkeby expression-wise... )

With secretary who is introduced (her glasses make her

immediately recognizable). With Sheldrake: " ... What is it that
makes you so popular?" Surprise: it's for the key! THREAT of
NOW ON! (Backstory about how he began to lend his apartment is
exposed through conflict.) Sheldrake's wife is introduced through
the phone with planting of secretary who's spying on the

Sheldrake offers him the tickets but wants to swap them.

Use of prop: more than ever, giving his key means getting a

With Fran. He wants to invite her with the tickets offered by the
boss. But she's already got a date. She thinks it's over, so she
promises to come. 8:30 in front of the theater.

3. She enters the Chinese restaurant and is recognized by the

piano player who immediately plays her song.
REVELATION: she's dating Sheldrake. (Cf end of film--reversal of
situation in the same Chinese restaurant) "Nice to see you
again" establishes again her backstory with Sheldrake/Same booth,
same song, same sauce, sweet and sour--metaphor of their
relationship. (Her routine of life is established quite quickly
as well as her predicament) .
"Why are you trying to kid yourself you're going with an
unmarried man?" - -(PREDICTION: ...he'll keep looking at his watch,
wait for a train, watch for lipstick... ) Planting and "prediction"
about t he future, pre paration for the audience to anticipate the
worst might come.
• I n f ront o f t h e a ter . We know mor e t han main character .

Back to Chi nese restaurant: Promise of d ivorce is estab lished .

Revelation that it's not just a casual affai r ; she loves him.
Secretary watches them (and she puts her glasses on ) ! Expected
but unpredictable threat/conflict is e stablished. (Also she's
kept alive.)
"The Apartment" - 3 -

Revelation of Fran's involvement with Sheldrake makes the viewers

aware (but not Baxter) of the incompatibility of Baxter's two
desires- - to succeed with Fran and in his career.

Discrepancy between what he wants and what he needs.



Falling action. Creates the feeling than the protagonist will

never successfully resolved his predicament--overcome by
obstacles. (The more his career gets better, the less it looks
like he has a chance to win Fran over.)

1. Baxter is promoted. · The senior executives complain they are

not getting the key anymore . Sheldrake wants 2nd key--danger of
secretary is re-established. Revelation scene: Planting of broken
mirror ( " ... She threw it at me ... "). We know Sheldrake doesn't feel
seriously involved with Fran.

2. The Xmas party. With Fran. Baxter brings her to party.

Secretary tells Fran that Sheldrake is a womanizer and a liar- -
she proves it with all the right details.

Baxter shows Fran his office. Joke preparing anticipation of what

we hope will come: Baxter throws out a couple from his office.
Asks her opinion about his new hat (planting). You know Mr.
Sheldrake? Picture with family twists the knife in Fran's wound.

Scene of recognition with the broken mirror.

3. With Sheldrake . In empty office. CONTRAST between Baxter's

sadness and joyful atmosphere (Cf Fellini's NIGHTS OF CABIRIA.)


1. Baxte r i n bar with lonely woman.

2. Sheldrake with Fran who confesses he can't get a divo r ce

r ight now. She tells him what she knows. Tells her he's lonely.
(Example of s trong dialogue : "When you're in love with a married
man, you s houldn't wear mascara ... " Fran gives him the r e cord
(music from Chinese restaurant . ) He gives her money (all the
p ay- off of what she predicted in Chinese r e staurant, culmina t i ng
wi th lipstic k). He leave s .

She listens to music. Use of mirror t o pick u p sleeping pills

(scene ends with unresolved tension: will she do it? Suspense.)

Back to Baxter with lonely woman. Anticipation he'll find Fran in

his apartment. Delayed moment before realizing that Fran is 1n
the apartment ..
"The Apartment" - 4 -

Again use of props with record and the gloves that he wants to
hide which lead him to bedroom. He realizes she took the sleeping

3. Calls Doc (pay-off of what's been established in first act:

use of misunderstanding. Finding two girls in his apartment
confirms what Doc thinks of him.)

Baxter and Doc try to save her I She throws up (O.S.) 1 he sees
letter I Planting "nice veins" I He pretends to be his lover and
therefore is again misjudged by Doc. She comes back to her
senses--Doc: "Do you know where you are?"

They make her walk. Doc puts her to bed. Warning she'll try
again. Plantings: "You're here as a neighbor" and more important:
"Be a mensch".





1 . The tenant comes to complain I Baxter calls Sheldrake who is

with his family and tells him Fran tried to kill herself I
Sheldrake doesn't want to come I Baxter wants to read letter.
Sheldrake is not interested. Fran wakes up. I Sheldrake has
nothing to tell her .

2. (180° cut which helps creating tension) With Fran. Hides

razor--pay - off "nice veins"). With Doc's wife, again
misunderstanding. Fran wants to call sister, planting of brother
in law who is a cab driver.
Baxter lies . to make her feel better. Doc's wife: " ... You find
yourself a nice man-- irony she warns against Baxter but we know
he ' s the one . )

3. They play cards/MIRROR of the ending.

Fran's confession about her bad luck with men. (brother in law's
arrival is once again prepared.) Baxter lies, being forced to
pretend there's a chance Sheldrake loves her after all. She falls
MUSIC underlines how he feels. His predicament reaches the first
strongest (here lowest) point. Sheldrake said he counted on him .
He's torn apart between love and career -- doesn't have the
s trength to rebel again Sheldrake . (On top of that he has to lie
i n order to comfort Fran.)

'sEQ 6

Rising a cti on. The protagonist overcomes the obstacles. Creates

the feeling that he might succeed after al l .
1. Kirkeby arrives. Misunderstanding with dress. (Doc sees
"The Apartment" - 5 -

2. At office with Sheldrake and secretary. He fires her. She

listens to his conversation with Baxter (pay-off). Baxter leaves.
She talks to Sheldrake (Music stresses the danger she might go
back to him). Secretary calls Sheldrake's wife. (Music changes)

3. Baxter comes back with groceries I Gas corning from his

apartment. (Works also as a planting/preparation for last scene
when she thinks he might have killed himself. (Planting of tennis

MISUNDERSTANDING about the women's accessories she found in sofa.

Fran starts to admit that Sheldrake is not for her: "he's a
taker". Planting Baxter tried to kill himself with a gun and shot
his knee.


1. Entrance of Fran's brother in law. Asks Dobisch where she

might be. WHO IS BUDDY BOY? (Anticipation.)

2. Baxter makes spaghettis. Dinner brings them closer.

3. Brother in law arrives. Ultimate misunderstanding -- he ·

separates them.

Scrimmage scene (confusion, tension about mistaken identity at

its highest). Doctor arrives. Baxter punched by brother in law.
"Damn fool--good bye Mr. Baxter." She kisses him. She leaves him.
BUT he is happy she showed her tenderness! His smile shows it's
obviously a "high point" for him.



1. Baxter plans to tell Sheldrake he's in love with Fran. He

rehearses the way he's going to say it.

2. TWIST: Sheldrake tells him what he planted to say with the

exact same word. (pay-off of secretary) Baxter is being
promoted. Resolution of his first goal, but he loses Fran to

3. With Fran--" ... we never finished this gin game ... " Baxter
pretends to have a date and to be happy. Revelation it's a lie.


1. Baxter with Sheldrake. He wants the key! Dramatic choice for

Baxter between love and career. Baxter refuses: "I've decided to
become a mensch" (pay-off of what Doc said.).

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