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Jacob White


Mrs. Jenkins

Narrative Draft

Should Martial Arts Be Taught in High

Bruce Lee was an Actor in films and movies like The Lost Interview, The Big Boss, and

A Warriors Journey. He died on July 20, 1973 in Kowloon Tong, Hong Tong. He performed as a

fighter in most of the movies he played in and was the main character or side main character.

Wasatch Academy is a school that has many different types of people from about forty different

states that all want to go to this school. It is a prestigious academy with high academic records .

The reason so many people can come to this school and have it be a success, is because they all

have a goal to succeed in life and want the best education and some like a common activity:

Martial Arts. Martial Arts is not the only class or subject they teach at that school but it is one of

the bigger activities that people do there for fun or as a sport. This academy has a website where

they talk about MMA (Martial Arts/Mixed Martial Arts) and different types of perspectives on

the thought of making classes more available in MMA to high school students. Wasatch goes on

to tell how people think that this could be too dangerous for people with less athletic ability than

others, not just them but for everyone as well. If anyone has ever taken a MMA class then you

would know that this thought process is wrong in more ways than one. As you dig deeper into

MMA then you get an understanding on how to fight, and also how to control the techniques or

fighting styles that are used in the class.

The MMA classes don't have to be dangerous or harmful to any student whatsoever. But

there are a lot of schools that don't have the money or the teachers to make the classes happen.

So they try to decide whether or not MMA classes should be taught in highschools. Wasatch

answers this question by saying that there is not enough opportunity for MMA classes. They

believe that even if you have a tight budget then you could still have the MMA classes. An

example they used was: making the P.E. class into an MMA class so students have the
opportunity to experience this training and to see if it could sprout more enthusiasm in people

about MMA.

Even though the thought of more people joining MMA classes is great, Wasatch looked a

little deeper. They introduced things that are happening to the younger generation and how they

have started to become lazy and not exercise or work because they took everything for granted

and just assumed that this was life. They explain that MMA could change a lot of people and

change things for the better in making people healthier and even going on a diet.

There was a grandmother who talked about the influence of MMA upon our youth. She

had some really interesting stories about her grandson and what MMA did to him and how it

changed his life. She tells of how he took MMA classes and that it's a way to get to know people

and help you gain a reward for yourself and something to look forward to. It was kind of

interesting as well because she did encourage it but she also said that if some people use these

things in the wrong way then they can break a person down and destroy them. When saying this

she doesn't mean physically but the personality of the person. Her grandson used it to better

himself and gain more confidence but she knew other people who used it for their own personal

gain and ended up hurting other people or themselves.

The MMA classes really can be a benefit for all high schoolers as either a side hobby or

something they do every day. These people really believe that it could better the world to take

MMA classes, but not just for fun but to improve yourself as a person. As it stands now Wasatch

is gaining more students in their MMA program and other people for the academics as well. So

hopefully one day in the future, the younger people after this generation will be able to have this

skill or talent and use it to make everything better.

Works Cited

Academy, Wasatch. “Should Martial Arts Be Taught in High Schools?” Medium, 13 July



Willis, Dorothy. “The Influence of MMA upon Our Youth.” Bleacher Report, Bleacher

Report, 3 Oct. 2017,

Handley, Rob. “High School Wrestler Uses Mixed Martial Arts to Achieve Goals.”

Absolute MMA, 24 June 2020,


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