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| Harare Institute of HIT Technology HARARE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY B, TECH DEGREE IN CHEMICAL AND PROCESS SYSTEM ENGINEERING B, TECH DEGREE IN ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING B. TECH DEGREE IN INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING HIT 223: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS Ii. TIME : 3 Hours DATE : 2 August 2019 page 1 of 6 Hr 2 SECTION A. (40 marks) Candidates must attempt FIVE questions being careful to number them Al to A8. Each question Al to AB should be written in order of the question number. AL. Given the function f(2) express f(z) in the polar form f(z) = u(r.) + iv(r, 0), i) AQ, Determine the harmonic conjugate of the function a = Gry? + y+ Dry is hare i ‘AS. Show that for an odd function, the Fourier coefficients re: > ()a=0, r=12- 8) ‘Ad, Find the Fourier transform of the funetion _ ft tet ro-{h Ss 8) AS. (a) The iteration net (ord) can be used to estimate VA. Use the frst ve terms of the iteration to find V5. (b) What is the peroentage error of this estimate, in this approximation? BI AG. Using the 9 ordinate points compesite Simpson's rue, estimate HOT AZ.) (a) Find the 2Transform of ifk=0 if k=1,23 itk>3 | | 6 (0) ay = HF 2y prove that Zou) = 2 (ee) | i) | |A8. If (2) = u(z,y) + iv(x,) is analytic in a domain D, then using first principles, show that ee (a) = Oe 4 = Oe f= Fe on ay ay 8 page 3 of 6 ———— _____ SECTION B (60 mark Candidates must attempt THREE questions being enreful to number thes B9 to BIS r 2? joining the points (—1,—2) BO. (a) Find snore the contour Tis the curve ¥ igth and (1,0) s (b) Evaluate the inte k where F is the contour [2 — 1 =1 02] B10. (a) Evaluate the indefinite integral where a > 0. [10] (b) Show that fee . J, we beo8d ~ Varo for real numbers a and b such that lal > [2 {19} B11. (8) Find the series of valid in the domain [2] > 2. py (b) Use the method of residues, or otherwise to evaluate § B12. (a) Find the Fourier cosine series of f(#) = t for 0. [bl >0. ar bend ~ F poe - Tncludo all the necessary details required for your seript to run. Your code will be evaluated on a computer. (20) END OF QUESTION PAPER page 6 of 6 ee Se wrt 225 : SECTION A (40 marks) Sandidates may attempt Fl 1 attempt FIVE questions being ia my a EE gen oe quest AL. (e) Find lig 27 one 3 ) Obtain f(z) = = : a f(z) = gin the form F12) = (x,y) + iv(2,4)- 6) y- 9) is ‘Az, (a) Determine whether the function {(2) = 7 ~ z i( Levon ion fle) = 29 2ay? +2 iG" — BY (b) Ma and b are constants, verify that usart+ whenever a and } have opposite signs. by? — 2ay + 2 + ys harmon 8 A3. Show, assuming that (p(t) and g(t) axe continuous, that the substitution y(t) = u(y" transforms the equation y'+noy +ay=° into ur + Put) i) ‘Ad. (0) Define the relative cervor of an estimate oy (b) Use the fist ive terms ‘of the series for cos t0 cetimate os) pl (o) What is the rela cqror of this estates Hf OH take the wae of e088) 87 calculator t0 2 ‘As. (a) Show that iid scott) St me ah 6) swith 8 step points € estimate rs [a . . n’g rule, (b) Use Simpso #58. (a) B9. AG. (a) Find the 2-Transform of 5 = (3) (b) Prove, by induction or otherwise that, athe) = (-) ate AT. Find the inverse z-transforms of o B42 +28 ae ” Z 2yT SECTION B (60 marks) Candidates may attempt THREE questions being careful to number them B8 to B17. (0,0), (1-1) and (2,3) (b) Evaluate the integral I (¢-+iz)dz where T is the contour given in (a) above. (12) LP (a) Use the Cauchy integral formula to find | ada Ip (2 + I) Q2* + Bz — 2) where I’ is the circle |z — i] (b) Bvaluate the integral Find the parametrisation of the closed contour I, formed by joining the points ure 23 co} io) 3) it} 6 i) (12) ur za B10. (a) Find the series of + — valid in the domain 0 < [2] <3. (19 2(z+3) (0) Use the method of residues to prove that amt Fuge J, 48+ Sz? +1 3 for m>0, {19} {10} BIL. (a) Find the solution to a root of 2! 2lnz = 3 using at least four iterations. [6] (b) Consider the initial value problem fu Bey, v0 Bota (02) wing the Euler method with stesz 02. rn (c) Find an interpolation polynomial of degree four matching the following four points & [oji|2|a m [to [12 Tea] 2-418 [10 ‘§] B12, (9) Find the values of «4 ch6,f.g and h such that a, Oss<2 Sle)=} de- 2) ele - 2 +dle—2) +0, 2E2E3 Me-3+0@-3+h, | 3Se<4 suck that S(a) i a matraleubic spline i) (©) Use an iteration scheme to solve the following system of equations, 18m, 3.141915 = 45 18%) +181 +2515 = 12 O98, +32 4+2.75r, = 48 Sarting with nit soltion x? = (1,2, 1, and performing four iterations 10 ‘BIS. For the difference equation Moa ~ 2 ~ 8 2 ee a | age 4 of 5 wir zz (0) Express the diere lR) = ye, a Obtain the sotion for ‘equation in state-space form taking 2,(k) = ye and ® Wea Tesi—fye=0, wel and in Dy using the matrix approach (1) ‘BLA (0) Le x, be a canal sequence generated by advancing {ay} by h steps, that is = tay. Then how that = Aud) = Zloeseg) = 22((24}) — iM @ (0) Solve te difference equation Sasa + Sine — 4 subject to yy 1 and ys = 2, wing the Z-transform approach 13) B15. Wiite a script tht wes the CAS Maxima to verify that int? Oe 7 [ce Be, oe Include all the necessary tals required for your sept to run. ‘Your code wil be eralusted one computer. (29) END OF QUESTION PAPER = ae | age 5 of 5 bn \, | Harare Institute of HIT | Technology HARARE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY B, TECH DEGREE IN CHEMICAL AND PROCESS SYSTEM ENGINEERING B. TECH DEGREE IN ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING B. TECH DEGREE IN INDUSTRIAL AND. MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING B. TECH DEGREE IN POLYMER TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING B. TECH DEGREE IN MATERIALS TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING HIT 223: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS IIT TIME +3 Hours DATE : July 2021 INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES. Candidates should attempt FIVE questions in Section A and any THREE questions in Section B, Each question in Section B should start on a fresh page. Hr 223 SECTION A. (40 marks) Candidates must attempt FIVE questions being careful to number them Al to AS. Each question AL to A8 should be written in order of the question muunber. AL, (a) Determine whether the function f( (b) Express f(2) = sin in the form f(= 1 > is analytic ‘3 uley)+iv(e.y). 6) (a) Define what is meant by saying that a function is differentiable at Bl (b) Find the derivative of the funetion J(2) = —! 7) from the defni- « tion 5] AB. Find the Fourier series of the square function -1 iS | | A8. Develop a first-order method for approximating /"(2) that uses the data | f(@—h), f(x), and f(x + 3h) only. Find the error term. (3) SECTION B (60 marks; Candidates must Bee Bie attempt THREE questions bein, Bo. Let the function u(r, y) = e-**(cos 2y + sin (a) Show that u(x, y) is harmonic. (b) Find the conjugate harmonic of u(x, y) B10. Given the function (a) Calculate the residue of f(=) at == (b) Find the integral for f f(=)dz whe all the poles of f(z). were Tis the BIL. Find the series expansion of a (a) i fed about the point ) = 1, by direct calculation. (b) valid for |2| > 1/2 B12. (a) Determine whether the function -2 1. 6 (©) Brauate tlt seer) ou Bit!) Greate fneton ian NY Vf. f= \% fe Finan classify al che snglries ff) x gry >, 8 a) Fin the esd off) t=: uy, A O (6 Show thai zepetbde : aan ee, a5 * de eae? gb wea DYaleT “Ty a isin 4h 40 De wsb +168,” waistusll2) / (& - cosO- tin) z= =F ie wie (9 6) Deivete orm fr enaing etre ae aig fA) and] fee+2. ‘a (Gi), Use this formula and (0.01, to estimate the derivative of f(x) = x7e*, atx= 1 (Conpare ti ih beat vb. is (Fie an inerpoltion polyno of dese 3 mashing the folowing points 924370 k [olij2i3 : attpopt fs dy Sy Fey (237213 |e nek ae pte! ts) ) ree sera ll. ES ‘BIS. a) Use the inl slion = 0.0 fnd te sction fe se set tye = 9 aasythe si-ty-ke = 6 fie) (Cus eons valve be BapusA int y0.2) wing estes. o Bid, 6 @ Demons at oo seni gee 0 =i. geermine te a fetes ore 0)" : ‘oarertansform off ro) i Deo ht wa Fas ol=-* wl+oF) a Pee Lol BIG. (2) Let bea causal sequence generated by regressing {ae} by ho steps 7 Taashon in 2{(y}) = Zn) = oD Fi (o) Show tat Aa ina) (seh) = 3s mn (6) Hence, or otherwise determine x z{{sinske +n): 24» ay? | Bete BIT, Forthe difference eqvation a 2 eae tyes 10 aye Oy expres ite diference equation in sates form taking (2) = 92 04 s an(k) = Yee (&) Obtain he sousion for yueacdner Hoes eel mad YF ty sing the matrix apeoech 2) is/ (Show ht for and pneae 0, itrée cocoate yt aren re 2 itr=p=0 8 03 Dee the Foe sis of f() = 1— Hl for“F< 1S & ‘B19, (a) Forall msuch thatthe derivatives f(t) with r= 1,2s--5%) satisfy Dirichlet conditions, sa meg = ig) 0 then demonsiate 4 ® ee se, 7 etna tes og ia — oe Haste #40" shesengy ae oS URE SS eae * ‘ome i: 0) ~*~ Gi) ia} END OF QUESTION PAPER

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