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May 2023

Monthly Messenger
Saron Lutheran Church

From the Pastor’ Desk Events in May

“Our Lord has written the promise of the resurrection, not 6 Women's Breakfast
in books alone, but in every leaf in Springtime” 7 Young Families Gathering
- Martin Luther 10 Prayer Meeting
14 Mothers Day
I found myself thinking about this quote from our 17 Lutheran Lobby Day
denomination’s founder on a recent drive toward the Bay 18 Council Meeting
Area. On either side of 580, the hills were speckled with 20 Crafting Gathering
splashes of orange poppies, purple wildflowers, and Card Night
yellow mustard blossoms. 21 Bible Study
28 Pentecost Sunday
While the seeds had laid dormant for many months in the 29 Memorial Day (Office Closed)
dry and the cold, the seeds were always there! They were
just waiting for the opportune moment to sprout, take root,
and pop out of the soil! The new life was waiting to spring Mark your Calendar
forth. 6/10 Lack of Talent Show
The promise of the resurrection is for us all the time,
whether or not we can recognize it’s presence, even in the Join us for Worship!
seasons where our faith feels dormant. May we give Sundays at 9:30 am
thanks for the beauty of the flowers that remind us of the In the Sanctuary or
fundamental truth that God continues to make all things on the “Saron Lutheran Church”
new and God continues to bring new life and hope to our
dormant places. Facebook page
Bulletins are sent via email every
There have been several opportunities for us to celebrate week.
the new life that God gives us together. Last month we
celebrated two baptisms, held an incredible pancake
fundraiser, welcomed new members to our congregation,
Saron Staff
and celebrated the joy of Easter! Let us excitedly look Rev. Callie Torres, Pastor
forward to the new life that is springing forth at Saron this Louise Spurgeon, Secretary

In Love and Peace, Office Hours

Pastor Callie Torres Tuesday through Friday
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Saron Lutheran Church

1742 North Street, Escalon CA95320
209-838-7695 |
President’s Message experience for everyone and we are committed to
continue discussions about opening the doors,
Your church council met and I wanted to convey seeking other ways of reaching out, and welcoming
the items discussed and the actions taken. On everyone.
Saturday, an unidentified person was seen looking
into the windows of the Fireside Room. He said he I had the privilege of speaking with our conference
was looking for the cherry bookcases and an organ Dean, Pastor Mark Price, regarding the letter we
his grandmother donated to the church. After a brief sent to him and the Interim Bishop Burkat. He is
discussion, he left the premises. It was later noted, not able to provide assistance as hoped and we still
unrelated to the person mentioned, that there is a are waiting for a response from Bishop Burkat.
small hole in the stained-glass olive window above Please refer to the details of the financial issues
the front doors. The Escalon Police were notified raised in the message from Treasurer Sylvia
and both issues were reported. A case number is on McGowan. At this time, our position has not
record. Our Property Committee will research the changed, and we will continue to retain the 5%
cost of repairing the window. financial support to the Synod until we receive a
satisfactory response. Monies for World Hunger,
The cost of repairing the parking lot is currently Mount Cross and Lutheran Social Services are
being reviewed and more specific information will being sent directly to these programs.
be provided in the next newsletter. It is estimated
that the future replacement costs for the remaining 3 We invite you to contact us with your comments,
HVAC systems will be $30,000 plus. questions, and suggestions. Personally, I am proud
of what is happening at Saron. This is not only the
All church council and ministry team leaders acts of the council or the ministry teams, but our
attended an onsite retreat led by Pastor Dorothy whole congregation as one, working together to
Lindstrom. Goals were agreed upon to increase opening our doors and welcoming all to Saron.
attendance and to reach out to the community Have a Happy May and I look forward to
organizations (ex. C.A.R.E) to provide support. The worshipping with you.
Executive Committee of the Council (President,
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Pastor) Ann Shaddix, Council President
will meet prior to each council meeting to prepare
the agenda and include discussions to further obtain
our goal objectives. The retreat was a very positive

Treasurer’s Report The Finance Committee continues to withhold the

5% offerings designated for Synod because only a
Each month via the Messenger, I plan on giving partial response has been received from Bishop
you, my brothers and sisters in Christ, a snapshot of Burkat and Dean/Pastor Mark Price. As your
the financials for the previous month. In March Treasurer, I am tracking the 5% separately until a
2023, our expenses were greater than our income. satisfactory and complete response is received and
This is not ideal, however, we are solvent at this reviewed.
point in time because January and February’s
incomes were more than our expenses. Your gifts Treasurer’s Tip of the Month:
of financial support are much appreciated and For those of you who use online banking to pay
needed. your bills, as I do, have you considered setting up a
recurring Offering to Saron Lutheran Church? Why
In April’s Messenger, Ann Shaddix reported the not have your bank write the check each week or
parsonage heating and air conditioning unit month and use the bank’s ink and postage stamp to
(HVAC) was replaced. She also reported there will deliver it to Saron? If you have questions or need
be a future need to replace the HVACs for the assistance in setting this up, you’re welcome to
office, the fireside room and the classroom building contact me.
at a cost of approximately $30,000. Your prayerful
giving to this project is most welcome and valued. Blessings!
Sylvia McGowan, Treasurer

Property Report Women’s Breakfast
For future reference the ages and current May 6th at 9:00 am
replacement costs for the 3 remaining HVAC Mark your calendar for the next Women’s Breakfast
systems were shared with the council. The on Saturday, May 6th at 9:00 am. Join us at Perkos
classroom wing has a 4-ton combination unit that in Riverbank. Please call Ann at 209-505-7854 to
was installed in 2003. The current replacement cost RSVP as we will need to let the restaurant know
is $12,850. The fireside room has a 3-ton how many to expect.
combination unit that was installed in 2005. The
current replacement cost is $11,980. The office has
a 2-ton combination unit that was installed in 2009.
The current replacement cost is $10,755. Currently
these units are functioning properly and there is no
immediate need for replacements.

An area in the back lot is being prepared for a

bedding box so our Learning Tree friends can grow
a garden.

I have had continued conversations with those

riding bikes and building jumps in the back lot. This
information has been shared with the neighbors and Young Families’ Gathering
SSJID. May 7th at 11:00 am
Kathy Pendleton, Property Co-Chair The next Young Families Gathering is on Sunday,
May 7th at 11:00 pm. Children and adults will learn
about Pentecost, kids will have a chance to rotate
Pentecost Sunday through activities while parents will have an
May 28th opportunity for connection and fellowship. Snacks
will be provided.
Wind and fire and talking in tongues! Oh my!
Pentecost is often considered the birthday of the Next month we will be getting together on
church and we will be celebrating on Sunday, May Saturday, June 3rd at Play Modesto at 9:00 am for a
28th! Come to worship in RED as we honor the gift morning of fun!
of the Holy Spirit poured out on the church two
thousand years ago, that continues to move in and
through the church today. Come Holy Spirit! Prayer Group
May 10th at noon
Each month a group gathers to pray for our church,
the world, share individual prayer requests, and
support one another. The next prayer group meeting
will be on Wednesday, May 10th at noon in Pastor
Callie’s office at church. All are invited, please join

Bible Study
May 21st after worship
The next Bible Study meeting will be on Sunday,
May 21st after worship. April’s lesson was
postponed and we’re doing it this month! We will
be continuing our study of the 10 Commandments,
focusing on the fifth and sixth commandments. Let
us explore together what it means to be a
“covenant” people.

Crafting Gathering Card Night
May 20th at 9:00 am May 20th at 6:00 pm
I would like to welcome everyone to another Ready for a fun Saturday night? Let's play cards,
crafting session on May 20 at 9:00 am in the laugh and eat some yummy finger food!
Fellowship Hall. We are meeting each month (or
nearly each month) to build up our inventory of We will be playing a card game that is very simple
items for sale at the annual Kris Kringle Market but very fun! No previous experience or skill
held in November. This event is open to the public required. Just come and be ready for lots of
and is a major fundraiser at our church. Last year's laughs!
proceeds were earmarked for necessary major
repairs at our church. If you can, please bring either a savory or sweet
finger food item to share.
This month we will decorate burlap items for plant
and floral arrangements. No crafting talent Can't wait to see you there!
required. All materials will be provided.
Additional scissors and/or glue guns will be
available or you can bring your own. If you would
like to bring a snack to share I am sure it will be
appreciated. Put it on your calendar to come and
enjoy another crafting gathering on Saturday,
May 20th.

Submitted by Pat Strand

Lutheran Lobby Day

All are invited to join the California Lutheran
Office of Public Policy on Wednesday, May 17th
in Sacramento, CA for Lutheran Lobby Day! Join
Lutherans from throughout the state for a day of
lobbying, a form of advocacy work that involves
directly meeting with political decision-makers.
Please contact Pastor Callie if you are interested in

C.A.R.E. Donations
The number of individuals needing assistance have
increased at C.A.R.E. This month we are asked to
bring eggs along with any non-perishable food
items to donate. Please bring your donations to the
church by Sunday, May 28th and it will be
delivered to C.A.R.E. Monetary donations are
welcome as you are able.

Escalon Senior Fun Bunch

Wednesday, May 17th from 2 pm-4 pm at the
Escalon Community Center. All senior are invited
to come and enjoy entertainment. A variety of
salads will be served. It is free. Come and have

Senior Housing Meeting Sierra Pacific Synod Conference
You are invited to show your support for Senior Gatherings
Housing in Escalon. A presentation will be given by
a potential developer at the City Hall on May 15th at On May 13th, churches from the Sierra Central
2pm and 6pm. Please come. Ask questions. Listen. Valley and the Central San Joaquin Conferences
Show your support for Senior Housing. If you will gather together to discuss several business
would like more information please contact Ann items in preparation for the Synod Assembly and
(209)505-7854. Bishop’s election in September. A central part of
the May gathering is to discuss the needed gifts
and skills in our next bishop and lift up any
potential candidates. There will also be a time to
nominate individuals for two positions on the
synod council. Please hold this time in prayer and
continue to pray for the Sierra Pacific Synod and
that the Spirit moves to call the right person to the
position of Bishop of our synod.

Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser Thank you to Kathy, Louise and to everyone who
jumped in to assist in the kitchen. We couldn't
Success! have pulled it off without
The outstanding participation from the community you!
and our Saron members totaled over 100 in
attendance for our pancake breakfast! What a Thank you to Pat and
success! How wonderful it was to see so many Rosemary who put up
new faces in our Fellowship Hall! posters around town and
handed out flyers. Thank
The goal of the event was to raise funds for our you to Wendy who talked
parking lot restoration along with creating an it up at the Senior Lunches
opportunity for fellowship and fun for our and at the Senior Fun
community and members. We achieved both of Bunch and thank you to all
our goals! of you who sold tickets
and spread the word!
The event raised over $1500 dollars towards our
much needed parking lot repairs. We will no doubt Thank you to Louise and
be having additional fundraisers for this cause and Pastor who made all of the
will continue to accept donations, as this will be a tickets and printed flyers
costly project. and thank you to the setup
and tear down crews.
Many thanks to everyone who worked to create this
outstanding event! First high five goes to Lori It looks like a Saturday
Armstrong...our resident chef and kitchen queen! It morning breakfast event is
was amazing how she stayed calm under pressure a hit! Keep your eye out for another one in the
and kept producing pancake after pancake. months to come!

Meet Our New Members
On April 23rd we joyfully welcomed five new
members to our congregation!

Kali first joined Saron in 2003 and knew

immediately that it was her home. Last year, due
to distance, she transferred membership to the
Lutheran Church in Merced. She should have
never left and she is truly thankful to be back! She
is retired and enjoying time with ger grandkids and
Todd and Stacey have been married for 29 years. doing some traveling.
They have two kids Dylan and Deryn and one
granddaughter Ella. They love gardening, cooking,
being outdoors, and music!

Doris moved to Escalon 2 1/2 years ago to be near

her younger son and family. Her older son lives in
Las Vegas with his family. She was formerly a
Wendy has lived in Escalon since 2011. She loves resident of Morgan Hill, CA for 32 years. She
being retired and is well-connected to the feels blessed to have found a home at Saron
community here though the Senior Lunches and Lutheran, where everyone is so welcoming!
Fun Bunch!
Be sure to say hello, get to know, and welcome
these new members of our Saron family!

We are a congregation called to faithfully follow Jesus Christ by sharing the
inclusive love of God with our neighbor using our gifts joyfully in worship and

Together we use our gifts to move into God’s future inviting all we encounter
with the hope of the Gospel

May Birthdays Saron Lutheran Church Council

Ann Shaddix, President
1 Shari Delvin Gary Thomasser, Vice President
8 Matt Cole Kathy Pendleton, Secretary
11 Jackson Patterson Krista Adametz
13 Jean Kershner Lori Armstrong
17 Debbie Avila Janet Casaus
24 Carol Shipley Louise Spurgeon
25 Matt Strand
27 Delores Grabow Sylvia McGowan, Treasurer
28 Stefan Dahlin Heather Thomasser, Recorder

June Messenger Deadline

If you have any news or announcements that you
would like included in next month’s messenger
please submit it to by
May 24th.

Find Us On Facebook
Search for
@SaronLutheranEscalon and
look for the photo of our church.
Follow for Sunday worship
livestreams, news from our
church, and more!

Contact Pastor Callie

If you have any questions, suggestions, or prayer
concerns please feel free to contact Pastor Callie at or 209-425-3390 Saron Lutheran Church is part of the
(text/call). She is eager to hear from you! Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America.

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