Dracula Notes

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Chapter 7

- Fiend or monster - last crewman chooses to drown rather than face
- Investigation of deaths concludes w ‘open’ verdict
- ‘Mystery of the sea’
- Work of a maniac or captain himself

- Byline from a correspondent commonly attached to newspaper articles in V era to
mask identity of writer and suggest writer = aspiring amateur journalist or well
informed by secret source of info or person without sufficient reputation to warrant
their name being added to report
- Not all journalists credited, lack of gender identity = editorial device to avoid offending
- ‘Correspondent’
- Mina murray fulfilling ambition to become a ‘lady journalist’
- Language of article similar in tone and expression to mina journal
- Speculation, however
- Sunset
- Account = colourful passage of descriptive writing
- ‘Downward way’ of the sun
- Marked by myriad clouds of every sunset colour flame purple, pink, green,
violet and all the tints of gold
- Vivid and heated contrast w dull greynesss dominated mina reflections before
- Everything is grey..grey earthy rock, grey clouds
- X rush into arrival of russian ship
- Gathering storm is major event whitby, excitement for those witnessing power of
- Spectators and participants in drama of tempest, massive searchlight illuminates
- Picking out ‘corpse, with drooping head’
- Anticipation heightened as expect count drac to return to foreground narrative
- Know cargo on ship, connect restlessness of lucy, morbid fascination of mr swales
and storm to imminence of drac arrival
- Imagin ability drac control weather
- Narrative operates through ironic mode
- Author skewed r ship btw text and reader so we are aware we are picking up
meanings that are hidden from narrator
- Drac leaps ashore in form of ‘immense dog’, or wolf
- Vampire but a lycanthrope, werewolf
- Dracula = metamorph, shapeshifter
- Connect drac w powerful figures from mythology and folk tales
- Ambiguity of form = underlying fear reality and sense not reliable
- Appearances = deceptive
- Magical disguise
- Description of corpse bound to wheel = unsettling in gory detail
- Undermines notion of crycifix as proteciton from a vampire
- Captain symbolises notions of duty honour and sacrifice
- Journalist writes poetic prose about dead men doing their duty but mistakes disaster
for devotion
- Stoker juxtaposes supposed virtue w sordid squabble of ownership of ship and cargo
- Dog lovers = SPCA befriend beast
- Captains log
- Intro w warning to credibility and full of
- Things so strange happening
- Employ fragmented syntax expect of diary entries
- Incomplete sentences and entries of tantalising brevity, itemising sequence of
- Fuller prose as danger looms large
- Despearation, meet death
- Like a man
- Funeral of sea captain unites strands of narrative in location of graveyard
- Lucy
- Restless and unesay
- Dog is scared, mr swales dead
- Lucy behaviour like a dog, something animalistic in her nature responding to the
- Sleepwalking like a kind of awakening
- Mina thinks mr swalse
- Seen death with his dying eyes
- Look of
- Fear and horror
- On old man face x result drac looking at him
- Physicality of metaphysical
- Mina supposes abstract metaphorical death, personification death = dracula
- Mina about lucy
- I greatly fear that she is of too super sensitive a nature to go through the
world without trouble
- Mina is good judge of character, ominous warning
- Luc extreme tendencies lead to destruction
- Mina response to anxiety for friend is prescription for healthy edxercise
- Mens sana in corpore sano
- Latin tag, sound mind in a sound body, from satires of juvenal c.55 - c.130
Chapter 8

- Half reclining
- Long and black - dark figure
- White face and red, gleaming eyes
- Two little red points like pin pricks
- His red eyes again
- Great eyes like burning flames
- Hospital of st joseph and ste mary, budapest
- The master…at hand

- L and m contemporary new identity for women, embodying early feminist attitudes
and challenging old ideals
- New woman attitude stoker
- X sympathetic
- L impuslvie
- Mina dutiful and aware of her social obligations
- Economic status
- M purposeful and ambition to write
- L frivolous and no sense of future than advantage marriage
- Aspect of new woman scathingly mocked in popular press at time
- Mina speaks of new woman as if x see herself completely within that category
- Difference between women
- R ship more like mother and child
- Luc behaviour alarming - soul leaving her body
- Religious difference jh in care of catholic nuns = represent opposite of what lucy
enacted, marriage to antichrist while nuns are wedded to church
- Dr seward not an atheist
- Despises renfield madness for religious mania in which
- He will soon think that he himself is god
- Renfield blasphemous arrogance prevents understanding god
- Real god taketh heed lest a sparrow fall
- Charles darwins on the origin of species 1859
- Polarise realms religion and science
- Allegiance of agnostic sceptical and unwilling to believe
- Scientific, accept faith as philosophu
- Suffers loss of faith or crisis in his belief
- Unite religious and sexual themes of character in quasi biblical riddling language
- Chloral hydrate
- Fashionable narcotic, easily available

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