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CN: ______

Name: ________________________________________ Gr. & Section: ________________

Homeroom Enrichment Grade 1

Module 1|Lesson 1 Date: October 12 – 23, 2020




At the end of the activity, you should be able to:

1. enhance your eye – hand coordination; and

2. carefully analyze the task before starting on it.

 Critical Thinking - is the ability to think clearly

and rationally, understanding the logical
ESSENTIAL connection between ideas.

Good morning! How are you doing? I hope that you are okay! We miss
you! But as much as we want to see you in school, we have to think of
your health and safety first. But do not be sad. Though you are not in
Introduction school, we still prepared activities for you to work on. Are you ready to
know what these are? Well then! First, do you know the game, hide and
seek? Very well! You are about to hear a story about two friends who
played hide and seek. Are you ready to hear their story? Then let us

Autumn was in the air. The nights were crisp and the midnight sky was clear. Marigold, a tiny
fairy, was playing with her friend, Grasshopper. They were jumping over stones. Grasshopper
always won as he could jump higher and further than Marigold, but she had fun trying. "You
always jump higher than me, Grasshopper, but there are a lot of things that I can do good
too. I can kiss the buttercups and open the rosebuds," she laughed.
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1 |Homeroom Enrichment 1
Grasshopper jumped as far as he could and landed in a pile
of golden leaves. They’d fallen from an oak tree. "I can do that
too," Marigold shouted, but instead of jumping, she flew and
landed next to Grasshopper. She started laughing and rolling
about in the leaves.

"Let’s play a game of hide and seek. You count to ten and I’ll hide," she
said. Grasshopper shut his eyes and Marigold hid. She ran behind a
stone and tucked her orange dress and wings behind her. She bent her
head down. Her dark brown hair touched the ground. She giggled as
she heard Grasshopper jumping around looking for. BOING! BOING!
BOING! She lifted her head and peeked. Just then, Grasshopper landed
on the stone, right in front of Marigold. "You found me," she smiled.

"It’s my turn to count. You hide and I’ll find you," she said.
Grasshopper hopped over to a hollow tree trunk and
jumped inside. "Here I come," Marigold called out and
started searching for her friend. She looked behind the oak
tree. She looked under the stone. She parted the tall,
waving blades of grass and looked. Grasshopper was
nowhere to be found. "I wonder where he is hiding?" She
heard a noise. It sounded like Grasshopper’s giggle. She
ran over to the tree trunk and peeked inside. "There you
are. I found you," she called.

After playing hide and seek, they both decided to find something to eat. Marigold flew
off towards the woods and grasshopper hopped behind her.

Have you tried playing hide and seek? What do you usually do in order to find your
friends? How about Grasshopper? How do you think did he find Marigold? Yes! Very
good! He looked carefully and searched every corner where she can be hiding.
Perhaps Marigold did the same.

For the next activity, we will be playing, hide and seek, however, it
is a little bit different from what Grasshopper and Marigold played.
Are you ready to know what to do? Very well then. On the next
Activity page, I want you to find and draw a circle around the picture that
Proper has something in common with the first picture. Ready!? Bring out
your writing material then and you may now start! 

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2 |Homeroom Enrichment 1
CN: ________ DATE: ______________
Name: _____________________ Gr. & Section __________


There are 8
differences in this
picture. Enjoy looking!

Did you enjoy playing the “hide and seek”? Were you able to find the picture that has
something in common with the first picture? If yes, congratulations! If your answer is
no, do not feel sad, because it can really take a lot of time to find the answer. Do you
want to work on another activity? Wow! I am glad you are very active in participating
with the different activities.

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.

3 |Homeroom Enrichment 1
CN: ________ DATE: ______________
Name: _____________________ Gr. & Section __________

Queen bee is telling you something. Do you want to know what it is? She is saying
“thank you” for helping her figure out the difference among her friends. Good job for
helping the Queen bee! How did you feel about the activity? Were you able to easily
see the difference among Queen bee’s friends? What did you do in order to find the
difference? Great! As what I told you a while ago, as long as you look deeper, you
will be able to easily find the answer. Good job! Do you know what you just did? Yes!
You used your critical thinking skill to answer all the activities.

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.

4 |Homeroom Enrichment 1
What is CRITICAL THINKING? Just like what you did a while ago. How were you able
to find the correct answer to the items? Yes! You looked carefully and analyzed!
That is critical thinking.
Why is critical thinking important to us? Do you want to know why? Critical thinking is
important for us to learn how to find solutions to a problem. What then is critical thinking?
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally,
understanding the logical connection between ideas. Learning to think
critically is one of the most important skills that you will need in the future.

Or in other words, you just need to look very well at a picture or

a situation before answering. It is simple right?!
Now, are you ready to know what is next? For the last activity I want
you to carefully look at the pattern of the shapes and draw in the
blank box what comes next. Enjoy working! 
CN: ________ DATE: ______________
Integration Name: _____________________ Gr. & Section __________

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.

5 |Homeroom Enrichment 1
How did it go?! I know at the start it is difficult. Remember when you were younger and
you were learning the letters in the Alphabet? It was a little difficult right? But look now,
you are already very good at it. It is just the same, as you went on with the activities, as
you went on, the activities became easier because as what I have mentioned a while
ago, you are starting to enhance your critical thinking skills. I hope you enjoyed and
learned something from the activities. Always remember, that when you see outside the
box, you can see things beyond what is being shown. 😊

Developing Critical Thinking Skills in Kids. Retrieved from
Hide and Seek Story. Retrieved from

----- END of Activities-----


Dear Parent/Guardian,
Kindly evaluate honestly your child’s performance in accomplishing the activities in this
module in this module. Please put a check on the line before the indicator that is applicable. May
God bless you always!
The SLU LES Family
In the activities for this module, my child/ward…
_____ finished the activities entirely on his/her own; _____ needed much help from me; or
_____ needed a little help from me; ____ depended on me the whole time.
Other remarks: ______________________________________________________________
(Parent’s/Guardian’s Name and Signature)

Education is not the learning of facts, but the training of the mind. – Albert Einstein


Together with the other subject modules to be submitted, kindly submit the following pages: 3, 4, and
5 (Activity Pages).

Please submit these pages to the advisers during your following scheduled claiming of modules.
Thank you so much, dear parents and guardians! 😊

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means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise of any part of this document, without the prior written permission of SLU, is strictly prohibited.

6 |Homeroom Enrichment 1

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