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Name: Dizon, Mark Louise M.

Course: BSES-1A

Course Subject: HUM 10

The university student-artist have exhibited their artworks in an art exhibition dubbed as
"Butho", which ran from March 27-31, 2023 in space-turned-gallery at Davao Oriental State

As you have already visited the exhibition, provide the details of your favorite
artwork/artpiece. Below are information needed:

A. Basic information (5 points)

1. Title of the artwork- LOVE AND COMFORT

2. Medium used- Acrylic on Canvas

3. Artist- Ryan Kingjim Uy

B. For art Analysis:

1. Identify the subject and contents of the chosen artwork (5 points)

Ans: A representational kind of art in which the source of subject is nature and its kind of
subject is animals. This art has philosophical perspective of expressionism because even
though it uses birds as the content of the art. It express human emotion of love and comfort. It
uses bird as symbolism of freedom where it can fly high but because of love to its partner. It
will come back to its nest as a place of comfort.

2. Discuss how does each element (of art) relates to one another to make a work of art. (10

Ans: Every master piece has its own message and composition. We can’t achieve big things if
we don’t know the basic element of those things. This art is excellent which means that the
basic element of art is being use effectively. It uses lines, shapes, colors, texture, and space
in order to convey a message to its audience.

As a form of analyzation, every is related to one another just imagine the bird of this piece.
Basically you can’t distinguish a bird without lines that create shapes. Take a look how space,
color and texture give life to the artwork. It brings creativity and logical design that help the
artist to express his emotion as a form of message to his audience.

 3. Identify the principle/s of design employed by the artist. How do they significantly affect
the artwork? (10 points)
Ans: This artwork follow the principle of balance as you can see the nest is being place in
two branches of trees and two birds facing to each other, directional force in which those
lines created will bring your eyes to the main subject of the artwork where two birds facing
each other, movement in which the bird is opening its wings that means that this bird if
flying, pattern which is visible to the leaves and repetition which is visible to the wings of
the bird.

Those principle brings the highlights and impact of the artwork. With the use of this
mentioned principle we can easily identity the subject and content of the artwork. And after
knowing the subject and content we will now understand the message of the artwork.

4. Provide your own interpretation of the chosen artwork, what does this artwork means? (15

Ans: "Love and comfort" is the title of this artwork which can be totally simplified in a
family. The artist want express that your family is your nest where you can feel love and

Just like a bird that fly in the broad horizon, at any moment it will come back to its nest to
find love and comfort. A family that can make you feel good and calm. You can share your
burdens and let them understand you. A family where you can grow and express who really
you are. I really hope that I have that kind of family but sometimes we need to accept things
that there are broken nest that we can't repair. And if I will be the artist of this artwork, I will
change its title to " ONE DAY I AM HERE" to express my experiences in life that one day I
have that kind of family but it fades just like how birds fly away.

C. Proof of visit (5points)

- take a selfie with the artworks displayed in the gallery

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