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Brighton High School

CE 2010/ENG 12b Final Project

Name: Rayden heberlein Title of Plan: Get better chairs

Action Plan

Goal: My goal is to have better chairs for high school students by the beginning of next year.

1. have all students take a survey at the end of the year to see if they want new chairs or keep the ones the we have.

2. If students say get new chairs then go around and find all of the plastic chairs and replace them with better ones.
4. Get rid of the tables that have the chairs attached to them and replace them with better chairs.

Objective 1: have all students take a survey at the end of the year to see if they want new chairs or keep the ones the we have.
Implementation Evaluation

What evidence indicates How and when will

What needs to be done? By whom and when? What resources?
success? evidence be gathered?

A google forms survey

I think that the evidence
needs to be made asking
Google forms. It doesnt needs to be gathered by
students if they are ever If students say that they
By the administration at cost anything and you can the end of the school year
sore after school because are sore and would like to
the end of the year. ask as many questions as that way over the summer
of the chairs and if so get new chairs.
you want. staff can replace the
would they like to get new
Objective 2: If students say get new chairs then go around and find all of the plastic chairs and replace them with better ones.
Implementation Evaluation

What evidence indicates How and when will

What needs to be done? By whom and when? What resources?
success? evidence be gathered?

I feel like we would be

I think that the
by the administration able to find pretty cheap I feel like when we get By the end of next year
administration needs to
over the summer so that chairs that have pads on new chairs and people sophomore through
go around and find all of
way they dont have to them to make it more arnt sore at the end of the senors will take a survey
the uncomfortable chairs
deal with kids getting in comfortable. also making day would indicate asking them which chairs
and replace them with
their way. kids pay an extra 5 to 10 success. the preferred.
new ones.
dollars a year to help pay.

Objective 3: Get rid of the tables that have the chairs attached to them and replace them with better chairs.
Implementation Evaluation

What evidence indicates How and when will

What needs to be done? By whom and when? What resources?
success? evidence be gathered?
I feel like one of the big
problems is that the
I think that all you would
classrooms with the I feel like this would be a I think that by the end of
need would be a I feel like when all of those
chairs that are attached to job for the janitors and the next school year
dumpster and a couple tables are gone and there
the tables are very the teacher of those students will be asked by
willing bodies to get rid of are more comfortable
uncomfortable. I say the classes. I feel like it a survey if they prefer the
them and then a little bit chairs that will indicate
teachers that have those should be done at the end old chairs or the new
of funding to replace success.
chairs need to get rid of of the school year. chairs.
them and replace them
with better ones.

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