MIS Project 5G Tech.

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5G technology is the fifth generation of wireless communication technology that is designed

to provide faster data speeds, lower latency, and greater capacity than its predecessors. It is
designed to revolutionize the way we connect and communicate with each other, enabling a
new era of innovation and technological advancement.

One of the key benefits of 5G technology is its ability to deliver data speeds that are up to
100 times faster than 4G LTE, with the potential to reach speeds of up to 20 Gbps. This
means that users can download and stream content at lightning-fast speeds, and that
applications such as virtual and augmented reality, smart cities, and autonomous vehicles can
become a reality.

Another important feature of 5G is its low latency, which is the delay between sending and
receiving data. 5G networks are designed to have latency as low as one millisecond, which is
significantly faster than the 30-50 millisecond latency of 4G. This will enable applications
such as real-time gaming, remote surgery, and industrial automation.

5G technology also has greater capacity than its predecessors, which means that more devices
can be connected to the network simultaneously without causing congestion. This is
particularly important for the Internet of Things (IoT), where billions of connected devices
will require reliable and fast connectivity.

At the sixth edition of India Mobile Congress(IMC), our honorable prime minister Narendra
Modi at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India, launched and introduced the new and fastest
technology, the 5G technology.

On October 1, 2022, the prime minister launched the 5G network in India, and the leading
mobile networks Airtel, Jio, and Vodafone promised to deliver 5G services to the customers
of India.

The scope of 5G technology in India is not only limited to the IT industry, but also, with the
emergence of the 5G network, the safety measures, public areas, transportation, security, and
cameras will experience a new and better resolution for the customers and users.

5G network will advance in the connectivity between the users and in different sectors.

With the launch of the 5G network, India will be experiencing major growth in its
economy. India has an economic goal of reaching a $ 5 trillion economy by 2024-25.
Between 2025-40 India will also experience growth in the GDP.

5G network will provide seamless mobility and low latency. India's economic growth will
grow at a faster pace. The foundation of IoT (Internet of Things) will be better, and machines
will now interact with humans much better.

The Agriculture industry will experience great results with the 5G network. The use of smart
RFID sensors will help farmers track the location of livestock, and with the use of sensors,
they can control the irrigation and access energy used for irrigation.

With the advancement of technology, we are looking forward to self-driven cars. The low
latency will help achieve this goal of smooth connectivity between devices.

The healthcare industry will get impacted to its best. The advancement in technology will
result in better facilities in the healthcare and medicine sectors. Remote surgery and
monitoring the report of patients are the major highlights in the health sector that are
expected to be fulfilled with the 5G technology.

The education industry will experience a great scope using the 5G technology. Video
conferencing, Online studying, and Team meetings will be more effective with a low latency

The music and entertainment industry will experience a great reach to their fans. Sports
lovers can watch live matches with low latency, and live music festivals will be enhanced
with better and clear sound quality for their fans.

The importance of 5G technology lies in its potential to revolutionize the way we connect and
communicate with each other, enabling a new era of innovation and technological
advancement. Here are some of the key reasons why 5G technology is important:

Faster Data Speeds: 5G technology is designed to provide data speeds that are up to 100
times faster than 4G LTE. This will enable users to download and stream content at lightning-
fast speeds, and will enable new applications and services that were previously not possible.

Lower Latency: 5G networks are designed to have lower latency than previous generations of
wireless communication technology. This will enable applications that require real-time
communication, such as virtual and augmented reality, remote surgery, and autonomous

Greater Capacity: 5G networks have greater capacity than previous generations of wireless
communication technology. This means that more devices can be connected to the network
simultaneously without causing congestion, which is important for the Internet of Things
(IoT) and other applications that require connectivity for large numbers of devices.

New Applications and Services: 5G technology will enable new applications and services that
were previously not possible, such as smart cities, autonomous vehicles, and remote
healthcare. This will lead to new business opportunities and economic growth.

Global Connectivity: 5G technology will enable global connectivity, making it possible for
people and businesses to connect and communicate with each other from anywhere in the
world. This will lead to greater collaboration and innovation across borders and cultures.

The importance of the 5G network lies in understanding the fact that its implementation is
the next step in the evolution of civilization and its coexistence with the environment, to
improve its quality of life and even make this ambition environmentally friendly.

How 5G will boost the logistics sector: Prasad Sreeram, CEO & Co-Founder, COGOS, a
tech services provider for transporters, expressed confidence that it would vastly improve
productivity in logistics. “Technology-enabled logistics companies use telematics and IoT
devices, and we are sure that 5G will help them enhance output. 5G enables a new level of
connectivity with faster speeds and lower latency within transportation technology,
improving the delivery of data from sensors to dispatch and operations and, ultimately, back
to the driver, resulting in productivity and performance improvements,” he said.

Operational technology security emerging as key amid 5G industrial use case development:
With 5G use cases around industrial automation emerging as key to the expansion and
monetization of the next gen technology, operational technology security (OT security) or
connected device security on the factory/shop floor is fast gaining prominence, cybersecurity
experts said.

Dynamic Spectrum Sharing: Dynamic Spectrum Sharing (DSS) is a technology that allows
5G networks to share spectrum with existing 4G networks, without requiring additional
spectrum licenses. This will enable a smoother transition from 4G to 5G, and will help to
expand 5G coverage more quickly.

How will 5G impacts your business in general

5G is the fifth-generation technology of public wireless networks. It is less of evolution from
4G than a giant leap forward. 4G networks are built with large radio towers that transmit
signals over long distances using lower frequency radio waves. 5G networks will add many
more small-cell antennas connected to buildings, streetlights, and other objects. These small
cells will transmit massive amounts of data over short distances using an ultra-high-frequency
spectrum. This combination of different network access points, frequencies, and cloud-based
network technologies will create the 5G networks of the near future. There are three key
characteristics of 5G network business opportunities:

More capacity

Faster response times

Lightning-fast speed

The 5G impact on the Telecom industry

Modern communication systems have evolved significantly since the days of switchboards
and long-distance calls but perhaps, that is, not enough: regular, one-size-fits-all network
designs have fallen significantly behind in the past decade. The Telecom industry needs
scalable networks that can smoothly adapt to meet shifting demands and must prepare for
expanding use cases featuring connected devices in nearly every industry. While traditional
structures have fallen short of meeting these demands, many of these requirements are
addressed through 5G systems. According to a study, 5G is expected to deliver speeds up to
100 times faster than typical 4G technology. (Source)

But 5G is much more than an enhanced replacement for 4G LTE. It’s a new approach to
infrastructure that introduces modularity and flexibility to an industry that’s previously has
been dominated by dogmatic, purpose-built hardware. 5G advances communication
technology to meet changing demands in many important ways such as:

Higher data-throughput rates

Reduced latency

Energy savings

Cost reduction

Increased system capacity

Massive simultaneous device connectivity

Economies of scale


The goal of 5G wireless technology is to provide more users with faster multi-Gbps peak data
rates, extremely low latency, enhanced dependability, vast network capacity, and a more
consistent user experience. New user experiences are enabled by increased performance and
efficiency, which also links new industries.

Improved Quality of Life: 5G technology will enable new healthcare applications and
services, such as remote monitoring and telemedicine, which will improve the quality of life
for people around the world. It will also enable new forms of entertainment and social
interaction, enhancing people's overall quality of life

Greater Access to Information: 5G technology will enable greater access to information and
educational resources, particularly in underserved areas. This will help to bridge the digital
divide and enable more people to participate in the global economy.

New Applications and Services: 5G technology will enable new applications and services that
were previously not possible, such as autonomous vehicles, remote healthcare, and smart
cities. This will lead to new business opportunities and economic growth.

5G technology will help in achieving the economy of India. It will help to increase the
economy and GDP of India.

1. High Data Speed internet connection. Less time-consuming in uploading and

downloading data.
2. Low latency and better connectivity between services and users.
3. Mobile services and banking will experience better results with the customers.
4. Camera and security maintenance will provide fruitful outcomes.
5. Connectivity to rural areas will increase as 5G technology covers and connects a
broad spectrum of devices. Multiple devices will get connections within the same
geographical areas.
6. The coverage and capabilities of connectivity will be increased.
7. Advancement in medical procedures. Medical practitioners will be able to improvise
their medical work with better connectivity across the globe.
8. Reliable and scalable internet connection. High-quality audio, video, and OTT
entertainment videos will be available to the users.
9. Gaming videos and playing games will be available in high-picture quality.
10. Effectiveness in remote working. Organizations can promote remote and flexible
working for their employees with 5G technology. The ultra-wideband and high
broadband service will help in achieving hassle-free connectivity.

1. Insufficient worldwide coverage: The fact that 5G has a spotty worldwide reach and
is currently only available in a few locations is its major drawback. The 5G network will
primarily benefit cities; remote areas may not receive coverage for several years. The costs
for installing tower stations are very high compared to other networks.

2. A smaller broadcasting range: Despite its fast speeds, 5G does not have the same
range as 4G. Large structures and trees may also block the bandwidth of the 5Gbps, creating
several problems. As a result, additional towers are required for coverage, which is both time-
consuming and costly. Rain can potentially disrupt 5G coverage, which requires other

3. Upload rates: Mobile phone users may enjoy fast download rates thanks to 5G
technology, and Upload rates are not much shorter than 100 Mbps compared to 4G.
Furthermore, mobile phones need better battery technology for a 5G connection. Many phone
owners report that when using 5G, their handsets become hotter.

4. Weakening of gadget batteries : Phones that use a 5G connection will undergo

significant power drain, reducing battery life significantly. As a result, producers must invest
in innovative battery technology to prevent batteries from breakage and other issues.

5. Cybersecurity: The possibility of hacking is one of 5G's drawbacks. Hackers can steal
the database because of the higher bandwidth. Additionally, it uses software that permits
vulnerable attacks. The likelihood of an attack increases considerably as 5G connects more
devices. As a result, businesses and organizations will need to spend more money on a
security operations centre to protect their infrastructure.

6. Lack of encryption at the start of the connection procedure : Because 5G

lacks encryption, hackers may organize their assaults more accurately, which will
significantly impact businesses. More bandwidth will put present security monitoring under
pressure, and the network will need security measures to avoid cyber assaults. Consumer
education is required to improve security effectively. On the other side, efforts are being
made to increase security as the initial deployment of 5G begins. Keeping all IoT devices up
to speed with security patches can aid in overcoming issues with the best outcomes.
Furthermore, 5G users need to take additional precautions to avoid difficulties.

The future prospects of 5G technology are very promising, as the technology continues to
evolve and mature. Here are some of the key areas in which 5G technology is expected to
have a major impact in the coming years:

Autonomous Vehicles: 5G technology will enable the development and deployment of

autonomous vehicles, which will transform transportation and logistics. With 5G's high speed
and low latency, autonomous vehicles will be able to communicate with each other and with
infrastructure in real-time, making transportation safer and more efficient.

Smart Cities: 5G technology will enable the development of smart cities, where everything
from traffic lights to waste management systems are connected and can be managed in real-
time. This will lead to greater efficiency and sustainability, and will improve the quality of
life for residents.

Industrial Automation: 5G technology will enable greater automation and connectivity in

manufacturing and other industries, leading to greater productivity and efficiency. With 5G's
low latency and high reliability, machines will be able to communicate with each other and
with humans in real-time, making production processes more efficient and cost-effective.

Healthcare: 5G technology will enable new healthcare applications and services, such as
remote monitoring and telemedicine, which will improve patient outcomes and reduce
healthcare costs. With 5G's high speed and low latency, doctors and other healthcare
professionals will be able to monitor and treat patients in real-time, regardless of location.

Gaming and Entertainment: 5G technology will enable new forms of gaming and
entertainment, such as virtual and augmented reality experiences. With 5G's high speed and
low latency, these experiences will be more immersive and engaging than ever before.

Smart cities
Network operators are already looking to showcase what can be achieved with 5G
technology, and one such 5G use case is the Alba Iulia Smart City(opens in new tab),
which has been developed in conjunction with Orange, and has seen congestion monitoring,
parking sensors, and smart waste management introduced in the Romanian city.

Smart factories will also be enabled by 5G, including more robots in production lines, and
drones in last mile delivery. It will also enable car to car communication around hazards and
incidents, as well as fully automated cars.

Improved viewing experience at sporting events

Connectivity is increasingly important at sporting events with, as an example, the average
Bundesliga match attracting 43,000 spectators, who consume an average of 500GB – a figure
which has risen by 50 percent over the past 12 months,.

Because of this, some sporting organisations fear that spectators will stay at home if they
can't stay connected. However, existing mobile and Wi-Fi networks lack the capacity for such
densely-populated environments, which is why venues and operators are so excited about 5G.
Research from Amdocs and Ovum suggests 91 percent(opens in new tab) of the world’s
leading mobile operators plan to hold trials of 5G sporting experiences at stadiums, with the
likes of Verizon announcing the 5G availability at selected NFL stadiums.

This will not only increase fan satisfaction, but also enable new experiences. The German FA
plans to let fans view data insights in real time – such as how fast a player is sprinting – using
Augmented Reality.

5G technology enables remote healthcare services, such as telemedicine, which can be
especially important in rural or underserved areas. For example, the Mayo Clinic has
launched a 5G-powered telemedicine service that allows doctors to remotely monitor patients
and provide medical advice in real-time.
Oil and gas
Centrica Storage and Vodafone have entered a partnership that will build the “gas plant of the
future” at their Easington site, providing a 5G-ready mobile private network (MPN) for the
facility, which will be the first of its kind in the UK’s oil and gas sector.

The new 5G infrastructure will enable Centrica Storage to automate, monitor, and centralize
much of its critical maintenance and engineering operations. Real-time data will enable
Centrica Storage to monitor its facility, streamline operational resources, and reduce costs.
And the 5G network will even improve safety, enabling engineers to use virtual reality
headsets to undertake training and critical maintenance tasks.

The 5G mobile private network will be built by Vodafone using Ericsson equipment, and will
enable a number of industrial 5G use cases, such as connecting workers to digital data and
applications across the entire site, increasing productivity whilst reducing cost, and all in a
much safer

Improving education facilities

Nova Southeastern University is a private Hispanic-serving multi-campus research university,
with around 20,000 students, and its main campus in Fort Lauderdale-Davie, Florida, which
has partnered with Mobilitie(opens in new tab) to deliver 5G to its students.

“We’re thrilled to provide our students, faculty and staff with an ultra-fast, state-of-the-art
wireless network across our Davie campus,” said Tom West, Chief Information Officer of

This partnership with Mobilitie, the largest privately-held wireless infrastructure firm in the
US, will enable the deployment of a cutting-edge 5G network across the Davie, Florida
campus of Nova Southeastern University.

The 5G network will cover the 314-acre campus, including offices, classrooms, the library,
residence halls, computer labs and athletic facilities, providing 5G access to students and

country has decided to launch world’s first national

5G networks South Korea will launch the world's first fully-fledged 5G mobile networks on
5th April 2019. Hyper-wired South Korea has a reputation for technical prowess, and Seoul
has made the 5G rollout a priority as it seeks to stimulate stuttering economic growth. The
superfast communications heralded by fifth-generation wireless technology will bring
smartphones near-instantaneous connectivity - 20 times faster than the existing 4G. It is
crucial for the future development of devices ranging from self-driving vehicles that send
data traffic to one another in real time, industrial robots, drones and other elements of the
Internet of Things. 5G's hyper speed can connect one million devices within a one square
kilometre zone simultaneously. Until now, no mobile networks have offered nationwide 5G
access. Japan is expected to roll out a limited deployment in 2019 before full services start in
time for 2020 Tokyo Olympics

World’s first 5G substation

Constellation, a smart substation trial from UK Power Networks(opens in new tab), will
utilize Vodafone 5G connectivity to help make them more efficient, and enable the freeing up
of capacity for clean energy, in a bid to help reach the UK’s target of net zero carbon
emissions by 2050.

UK Power Networks is the UK’s biggest electricity distributor, delivering power to more than
eight million homes and businesses across London, the South East, and the East of England.
(Electricity network operators, unlike energy suppliers, who focus on selling electricity, take
care of the maintenance and operation of power lines and substations.)

The Constellation project is a world-first in 5G use cases, and will connect parts of the UK’s
electricity network with high-speed 5G connectivity, with computers being installed in
electricity substations so they can communicate with each other in real-time to improve

Initially the Constellation project team will select multiple testing locations across UK Power
Networks areas in the south-east of England, and at the University of Strathclyde’s Power
Networks Demonstration Centre. And the companies say that it could save 63,702 tonnes of
CO2 by 2050, which is the equivalent of 38,607 return flights from London to New York.








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