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Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448

Critical points in the fabrication of microfluidic devices on glass substrates

Mario Castaño-Álvarez a , Diego F. Pozo Ayuso b , Miguel Garcı́a Granda b ,
M. Teresa Fernández-Abedul a , Jose Rodrı́guez Garcı́a b , Agustı́n Costa-Garcı́a a,∗
a Departamento de Quı́mica Fı́sica y Analı́tica, Universidad de Oviedo, 33006 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
b Departamento de Fı́sica, Universidad de Oviedo, 33007 Oviedo, Asturias, Spain

Available online 19 September 2007

Miniaturized total analysis systems are becoming a powerful tool for analytical and bioanalytical applications. In this work, microfluidic channels
have been fabricated on glass substrates using photolithography and wet etching. Although these techniques are well-known and established, the
influence of different parameters on the fabrication process of microchannels is of great importance. Thus, practical aspects and critical points
of the procedure were considered and evaluated. Resulting glass chips with microfluidic channels were sealed with a cover plate to enclose the
channels. Different low and high temperature bonding procedures have been evaluated. Microfluidic chips have been used in combination with a
metal-wire end-channel amperometric detector for capillary electrophoresis (CE). The microfluidic channels and the amperometric detector have
been tested using p-aminophenol as model analyte demonstrating that these devices are useful for analytical applications.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Glass microfluidic; Electrophoresis microchip; Photolithography; Wet etching; Thermal bonding; Electrochemical detection

1. Introduction such as Topas [14] or Zeonor [15,16] have also received

Micro-total analysis systems (␮TAS) have gained a Fabrication processes on glass substrates are time-consuming
great interest, especially since capillary electrophoresis (CE) and clean-room facilities are required. Therefore, the result-
microchips were proposed by Manz et al. [1,2]. These devices ing microchips are usually expensive for use as disposable
have several characteristic features such as speed, versatility, devices. However, characteristics such as good optical prop-
high performance, negligible consumption of reagent/sample erties, efficiency in dissipating heat, well-understood surface
and waste generation as well as the possibility of integration of characteristics as well as high resistance to mechanical stress and
various analytical steps, including sample preparation, mixing, chemicals make them the first option. Moreover, their behavior
reaction, separation and detection. is quite similar to traditional fused silica electrophoresis capil-
Microfluidic fabrication clearly depends on the material laries [17]. Ideal geometries of resulting microfluidic channels
employed. These devices have been mainly made of sil- involve a high aspect ratio channel, which means deep channels
icon and glass substrates using standard photolithographic with parallel sides. Non-parallel walls occur in glass with wet-
and etching techniques [3–5]. In the last years, polymer etching procedures because this process occurs on the exposed
materials are of increasing interest because their potentially glass surface; hence, as the channel etches deeper, the walls are
low manufacturing costs may allow them to be dispos- also etched. The result is channels wider at the top than at the
able. Several polymers, including poly(methylmethacrylate) base. An alternative to produce very deep channels with parallel
(PMMA) [6,7], poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS) [8,9], poly- sides is the use of dry etching techniques, such as powder blast-
carbonate (PC) [10], polyester [11], polystyrene (PS) ing [18,19], plasma or deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) [20]
[12] and poly(ethyleneterephthalate) (PET) [13], have been and laser ablation [21]. However, these techniques require high
employed. Recently, cyclic olefin polymers and copolymers cost instrumentation set-up and maintenance.
After channels microfabrication, the system has to be assem-
bled enclosing the channel networks or microstructures to allow
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 9 85103488; fax: +34 9 85103125. fluids to flow through the device. In most cases, a cover plate
E-mail address: (A. Costa-Garcı́a). made of the same material as the base is sealed to the device.

0925-4005/$ – see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448 437

The procedure for glass-to-glass bonding is not always straight- Water was purified employing a Milli-Q plus 185 equip from
forward as is shown in bibliography. Thus, various bonding Millipore (Bedford, MA 01730). All other reagents were of
methods such as anodic bonding, silicon fusion bonding and analytical reagent grade.
thermal bonding have been developed [4,5,22–25]. The thermal Micropipettes, 0.250 and 1.0 mL tips, and 1.5 mL tubes
bonding process is used often in quartz and glass microchannels, obtained from Eppendorf (22331 Hamburg, Germany) were also
although channel deformations are possible due to the high tem- employed.
perature required. Alternatively, low temperature process based The rest of volumetric material (flasks, pipettes, vessels. . .)
on intermediate layers [26–32] has been used for glass-to-glass was of analytical reagent grade.
Glass microfluidic devices can be employed for cap- 2.2. Microchip fabrication
illary electrophoresis (CE). These capillary electrophoresis
microchips require a sensitive and miniaturized detection sys- Microfluidic channels have been fabricated in different glass
tem. Electrochemical detection (EC), especially amperometric substrates using photolithography and wet-etching technique.
detection, has been successfully employed in CE microchips Fabrication process has been performed in a clean room and
due to advantages such as inherent miniaturization, sensitiv- involved various steps (Fig. 1):
ity, low cost, portability and compatibility with microfabrication
technology [33]. 2.2.1. Substrate preparation
Electrochemical detection requires an appropriate design Different glass substrates have been evaluated: com-
of the detector in order to ensure electrical isolation from mercially available soda-lime microscope glass slides
the high separation voltage. Three approaches have been (76 mm × 25 mm × 1 mm, Menzel-Glässer, Germany), pol-
reported for coupling EC detection to CE: end-channel, in- ished borofloat, and soda-lime glass (75 mm × 25 mm × 1 mm,
channel and off-channel [34]. Although in-channel [35,36] Vitrotec S.A., Spain). Pyrex wafers (10 cm diameter, Vitrotec
and off-channel [37] formats are supposed to be more sen- S.A., Spain), which were cut in small pieces, have been used
sitive, the end-channel configuration has been more widely too.
employed due to the simplicity and variety of detector designs Glass surfaces have to be adequately cleaned before pho-
[9,11,14,38–40]. toresist deposition. Different washing procedures have been
In this work, a fast, low cost and reliable process for evaluated.
the fabrication of microfluidic devices on different glass sub- The first one (C1) is described as follows:
strates has been developed. The requirement for clean-room
conditions was less rigorous than those reported in the bib- (1) Substrates were left soaking in deionized water with com-
liography. A rigorous study on the critical points affecting mercial detergent overnight.
the fabrication procedure has been performed. Considerable (2) They were sonicated in deionized water with commercial
attention has been directed toward simplifying and improv- detergent at 40 ◦ C for 30 min.
ing the reliability of the different manufacturing steps. Finally, (3) Substrates were rinsed several times with deionized water
a simple procedure for glass-to-glass bonding has been also in an ultrasonic bath.
described. The developed microchip has been applied to (4) They were sonicated in isopropyl alcohol for 30 min in order
capillary electrophoresis demonstrating its analytical applica- to eliminate the water.
tion. (5) Finally, they were blown dry with nitrogen gas.

2. Experimental The second washing (C2) consisted of:

2.1. Reagents and materials (1) Substrates were left soaking in deionized water with com-
mercial detergent overnight.
p-Aminophenol (pAP), tris(hydroxymethyl) aminomethane (2) Substrates were rinsed with deionized water and acetone in
(Tris), glycine (Gly) and sodium silicate solution (SiO2 ·Na2 O, order to eliminate organic material.
35%) were purchased from Sigma–Aldrich (St. Louis, (3) They were cleaned in piranha solution (H2 SO4 :H2 O2 , 3:1)
MO 63103, USA). Potassium chloride, sodium hydroxide, for 15 min in an ultrasonic bath.
ammonium hydroxide (25%), hydrogen peroxide (30%), (4) They were rinsed with deionized water in an ultrasonic
acetone, isopropyl alcohol, nitric (65%), acetic (99%), sulfuric bath.
(95–97%) and hydrochloric (37%) acid were obtained from (5) They were sonicated in isopropyl alcohol for 30 min in order
Merck (D-6100 Darmstadt, Germany). Hydrofluoric acid to eliminate the water.
(48%), ammonium fluoride solution (40%) were supplied by (6) Finally, they were blown dry with nitrogen gas.
Fluka (9471 Buchs, Switzerland).
p-Aminophenol solution was prepared daily in the running The last washing tested (C3) was based on:
buffer and protected from light. All solutions were filtered
through nylon syringe filters (Cameo 30N, 0.1 ␮m, 30 mm) (1) Substrates were left soaking in deionized water with com-
obtained from Osmonics (Minnetonka, MN 55343, USA). mercial detergent overnight.
438 M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448

(4) They were rinsed with deionized water in an ultrasonic bath.

(5) They were sonicated in isopropyl alcohol for 30 min in order
to eliminate the water.
(6) Finally, they were blown dry with nitrogen gas.

After washing, substrates were dried in an oven at 90 ◦ C for

15 min.

2.2.2. Photolithography
Glass substrates, depending of photoresist to be used, were
spin-coated with Microposit Primer (Shipley, UK) in order
to improve the photoresist adherence. The primer-treated or
un-treated substrates were coated with a positive photoresist.
Two different photoresist, S1813 (Shipley, UK) and ma-P1275
(Microresist Technology, Germany), were used in this study.
Conditions of the spin-coating step (speed, acceleration and
time) were optimized. After photoresist deposition, the sub-
strates were soft-baked in an oven at 90 ◦ C for 30 min. The UV
lithography was processed using chromium photomasks. These
masks have been fabricated using a low cost laser photomask
system developed in our laboratory [41]. This makes possible
an easy modification of the designed pattern, as shown in Fig. 2,
obtaining high-resolution mask (<5 ␮m).
The glass substrates, coated with photoresist, were exposed
to UV radiation (λ = 365 nm), through the fabricated mask,
placed by simple contact on top of the photoresist. Thus, a
mask aligner is not necessary to use. The exposure dose was
calculated considering the power of the lamp, which has been
previously characterized. The density of energy used was 150
and 252 mJ cm−2 for S1813 and ma-P1275, respectively.
Development of the photoresist was accomplished in 90 s
by immersing the exposed substrate into the developer, MF-311
(Shipley, UK) for S1813 and ma-D331 (Microresist Technology,
Germany) for ma-P1275. After rinsing with deionized water, the
temperature and time of the photoresist hard baking were studied
for each photoresist.

2.2.3. Wet chemical etching

Finally, glass substrates were immersed in the etching solu-
tion. Different HF-based solutions and etching times as well as
several types of stirring have been evaluated.
After etching, substrates were rinsed with deionized water
and the photoresist was removed by dipping in acetone.

2.2.4. Glass bonding

After microchannel fabrication, the system has to be assem-
bled, enclosing the channel networks or microstructures to allow
fluids to flow through the device. The device assembly has been
made using different bonding processes. Before bonding, it is
necessary to make connection holes to the flow channel (for sup-
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of microfabrication process on glass substrates. plying buffer and sample solutions). Those were manufactured
by drilling the microslide with diamond drills (2 mm diameter)
(2) Substrates were rinsed with deionized water and acetone in at the end of the microfluidic channels.
order to eliminate organic material. Since glass bonding depends on the chemical surface state of
(3) Substrates were cleaned with NaOH 0.1 M for 15 min in an the wafers to be sealed, the glass has to be adequately clean and
ultrasonic bath. flat. Different techniques based on intermediate layer as well
M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448 439

Fig. 2. Photomask pattern with (I) twin T and (II) Π designs.

as thermal bonding have been evaluated. The micromachined wire (0.3 mm diameter) that acted as auxiliary electrode was
substrate and cover plate were treated as follows: externally fixed with insulating tape.
The working electrode was manually aligned at the outlet
(1) Cleaning: sonicate in deionized water for 30 min and fur- of the separation channel (as previously reported [14]) and it
therly in acetone for 15 min. consisted of a 250 ␮m diameter gold wire (Alfa Aesar, Ger-
(2) Hydrophilic treatment: the substrates to be bonded were many). The wire was introduced in the reservoir with the aid of
treated with NH4 OH:H2 O2 (3:1) solution for 30 min to a micropipette tip, then, it was adhered to the microchip with
give them hydrophilic properties. Next, the substrates were Araldit (Vantico AG, Basel, Switzerland). Finally, 1 cm long
rinsed with deionized water, isopropyl alcohol and blown piece of a 250 ␮L micropipette tip is adhered to the chip hole
dry with nitrogen gas. fixing the wire.
(3) Intermediate layer: the cover plate was treated with several
intermediate layers. A two-component epoxy glue (Araldit), 2.4. Apparatus
a thin adhesive tape and a solution of sodium silicate
(SiO2 ·Na2 O) were chosen for sealing the glass plates. Dif- In order to fabricate the photomasks, a chromium layer must
ferent procedures for deposition of the intermediate layers be deposited on top of a glass substrate. This layer was deposited
have been evaluated. by evaporation using an Emitech K950X (UK). The substrates
(4) Bonding: the treated cover plate surface was immediately were placed at the top of a high vacuum chamber. This chamber
brought in contact with the glass substrate. Different bond- is pumped by a Varian DS-102 rotary pump assisted by a Turbo-
ing temperatures have been evaluated for annealing the molecular pump (Boc Edwards, UK) reaching a pressure of less
device. than 10−5 bar. In the bottom of the chamber, the chromium is sit-
uated inside a tungsten basket. After high vacuum was reached,
2.3. Electrochemical detector a current of 10 A was applied through the basket, increasing
its temperature and thus evaporating the metal, which is spread
The amperometric detector was situated in the waste reser- all over the chamber walls and substrates. A thin layer of the
voir (B) with a three-electrode configuration. The reference and metal is obtained on the glass substrates and the layer thickness
counter electrodes were coupled in a 250 ␮L micropipette tip. (100 nm) is controlled by a K150X Film Thickness Monitor
The reference electrode consisted of a 1 mm diameter silver (Emitech, UK).
wire anodized in saturated KCl, introduced in a tip through a Photoresist deposition was made by spin-coating using a sin-
syringe rubber piston. The tip is filled with saturated KCl solu- gle wafer spin processor model WS-400A-6NPP from Laurell
tion and contains a low resistance liquid junction. A platinum Technologies Corporation (North Wales, USA). The process
440 M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448

involves depositing a small puddle of photoresist onto the cen- voir. Since no voltage was applied to the other two reservoirs,
tre of the glass substrate and then spinning the substrate at high an “unpinched” injection was performed. Separation was carried
speed fixed previously. Centripetal acceleration will cause the out by applying the corresponding voltage to the running buffer
photoresist to spread to, and eventually off, the edge of the reservoir (A) with the detection reservoir (B) grounded. Then,
substrate leaving a thin film of photoresist on the surface [42]. the detection potential is applied and the electropherogram is
A 473 nm Nd:YAG laser (CrystaLaser, USA) was employed recorded. All experiments were performed at room temperature.
for the direct photoresist exposure and the fabrication of pho-
tomasks. The glass substrates with the photoresist were moved 2.5.1. Safety considerations
during the laser beam exposure using two high-accuracy trans- High-voltage power supplies should be handled with extreme
lation stages M-605.2DD (Physik Instrumente, Germany) of care to avoid electrical shock.
50 mm (Y-axis) and 25 mm (X-axis). A shutter SH05 (ThorLabs,
USA) was also employed for controlling the laser emission. 3. Results and discussion
Translation stages and shutter were interfaced to Pentium 3,
500 MHz, 128 MB RAM computer system and controlled by 3.1. Fabrication parameters
custom software based on LabView.
The final exposure of the samples has been made employing Glass is an isotropic material that is wet etched with HF-based
a 365 nm UV lamp (LTF Labortechnik, Germany). solutions in a non-directional manner, resulting in hemispheri-
Thermal bonding was made in a muffle furnace from cal channel structures. Ideal geometries involve high aspect ratio
Nabertherm (Germany). channels, that means, deep channels with parallel sides. Differ-
An ultrasonic bath, a magnetic stirrer Agimatic-E and a ent parameters that affect the aspect ratio of the channel have
digitally controlled oven from JP Selecta (Spain) were also been evaluated and optimized.
employed. Pretreatment of the glass substrates has been the first param-
Characterization of microfluidic channels were performed eter studied. Substrates surface has to be adequately cleaned in
using a confocal microscope Leica TCS SP2/AOBS (Leica order to get a good adherence of the photoresist (PR). Thus,
Microsystems, Germany). The images were processed employ- neutral (C1, deionized water), acid (C2, piranha) and alkaline
ing Leica confocal software. (C3, NaOH) solutions have been tested. Similar results in the
Amperometric detection was performed with an Autolab final microchannel have been shown with the different wash-
PGSTAT 10 (ECO Chemie, Netherlands) potentiostat interfaced ings. However, C2 washing was employed in the next part of the
to a Pentium Celeron, 333 MHz, 64 MB RAM computer sys- work due to this washing allowed improving the initial condi-
tem and controlled by Autolab GPES software version 4.9 for tions of the substrate for the final bonding procedure. Next, the
Windows 98. substrates were dried in an oven since this process can reduce
the thermal stress between the glass substrate and the photore-
2.5. Electrophoresis procedure sist, subsequently added, resulting in a longer survival time of
the photoresist during the wet etching.
The separations in CE microchips were electrokinetically After washing, the photoresist has to be deposited on the
driven using two high-voltage power supplies (HVPS, MJ series) glass substrates by spin-coating technique. The surface of glass
with a maximum voltage of +5000 V from Glassman High Volt- materials oxidize very easily. The surface oxide forms long range
age (High Bridge, NJ 08829-0317, USA). They were interfaced hydrogen bonds with water adsorbed from the air. When the PR
to a Pentium Celeron, 333 MHz, 64 MB RAM computer sys- is spun onto surface, it adheres to the water vapour rather than
tem and monitored by a DT300 Series Board, DT Measure to the surface, and poor adhesion results. Water adsorbed can
Foundry 4.0.6 software for Windows 98. Positive connections be eliminated by soft-baking in an oven. Other two procedures,
were located in A and C reservoirs and grounds where situated in based on the modification of the interface surface, have been
B and D reservoirs (Fig. 2). In this way, a high voltage between evaluated for improving the adherence of the PR (S1813). First,
A and B (separation channel) and between C and D (injection 100 nm thickness chromium layer was evaporated onto the glass.
channel) can be applied. High-voltage electrodes consisted of The Cr layer did not improve the PR adherence and the survival
0.3 mm diameter, 1 cm long platinum wires (Goodfellow) were time of the PR in the wet etching decreased.
inserted into each of the reservoirs and connected by means of In the second procedure, a hexamethyldisilizane (HMDS)
crocodile clips to the HVPS. based primer solution was deposited on the glass substrate during
Prior to electrophoresis, microchips were initially rinsed with 20 s and then, it was spin-coated at 4000 rpm for 25 s. The primed
Milli-Q water for 15 min and then with the running buffer for surface improved the PR adherence; thus, peeling of the PR
10 min. Washing was made with the aid of a simple vacuum was not observed for a long time. Therefore, in all next studies
system and reservoirs were filled with the running buffer solu- that involved the use of the S1813 PR the primer solution was
tion. The microchip was fixed in its holder and a Faraday cage employed.
was used for housing it in order to minimize electrical interfer- The performance of the S1813 PR was compared with the ma-
ences. After baseline stabilization, reservoir C is filled with the P1275 PR. Both of them have a very different viscosity, which
sample solution and injections were performed by applying the affects the thickness of the coating layer. Final film thickness and
desired voltage between sample (C) and sample waste (D) reser- other properties will depend, therefore, on the nature of the resin
M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448 441

Fig. 3. Profile comparative obtained by confocal microscopy for (A) S1813 and (B) ma-P1275 photoresist with an etching time of 30 and 40 min, respectively.

(viscosity, drying rate, percent solids, surface tension, etc.) and a better value of this parameter. The best geometric factor should
the parameters chosen for the spin process. Factors such as final present a value proximal to 1.
rotational speed and acceleration contribute to the properties of After PR deposition, the channel pattern has to be trans-
coated films. ferred to the resist. Thus, the PR was exposed by two different
The S1813 PR was spun onto the glass substrate using speeds irradiation methods: direct writing and masked exposure.
ranging from 3000 to 6000 rpm and times between 20 and 40 s. For direct writing method, a laser writing system has been
In all cases, a thickness layer around 1 ␮m was obtained. A designed and implemented. The basic principle of this system is
speed of 5500 rpm and a time of 30 s have been used in the next the focalization of a low cost Nd:YAG laser light (λ = 473 nm)
steps of the work, due to the higher homogeneity of the PR layer on the photoresist, creating a minimum light spot, which moves
deposited throughout the entire glass surface. along the surfaces describing the desired motive (Fig. 2). By
PR ma-P1275 was deposited using two speed ramps due to controlling the power of light and the velocity of the movements,
its high viscosity. Thus, the PR has to be initially extended on it is possible to create on the photoresist a pattern of irradiated
the substrate by spin coating with a speed of 250 rpm for 10 s. lines with the desires width.
Finally, it was spun on at 3000 rpm for 20 s. In these conditions, This method resulted very time-consuming and was not able
a layer around 7 ␮m thickness was obtained. An increase in to easily reproduce the same pattern many times. However, it
the thickness layer allowed a long survival time during the wet was successfully used to make photomasks, which have been
chemical etching, reaching deeper channels. Moreover, this PR employed in the second method.
has shown a better adherence than S1813 PR, even without using In masked exposure method, a UV lamp was used to transfer
the primer solution. An example of this is shown in Fig. 3, where the pattern from the photomask to the PR layer on substrates
two samples, made with these two different photoresists are com- as can be seen in Section 2. Thus, the use of a mask-aligner
pared. These images were taken using a confocal microscope, is not required. The UV light modified the chemical structure
which gives a three-dimensional image of the sample (Fig. 3, of the PR, making it soluble on the developer solution. The
right), as well as its depth profile in a selected region (Fig. 3, development time was optimized to 90 s. With smaller times,
left). In some depth profiles, an unreal noise was observed in the the complete development of the PR was not obtained. Higher
base of channels, which was due to residual reflection during the times could raise part of the non-exposed PR.
acquisition of the confocal images. Using these depth profiles, Once PR has been developed, a post-develop bake or hard-
the geometric factor (channel width divided by channel depth) bake was used to improve resist’s wet-etching resistance by
of each sample can be calculated, reaching the conclusion that hardening it. This makes the PR more difficult to remove in
for the same fabrication parameters, ma-P1275 PR allows to get aggressive etches with HF-based solutions. Thus, temperatures
442 M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448

Table 1
Etching rates for different glass substrates and HF-based solutions
HF-based solutions Soda-lime microscope glass slides Soda-lime glass Borofloat glass Pyrex

Etching rate (␮m/min)a

5% (HF:NH4 F 1:7):9.25% HCl 0.25 ± 0.07 – – –
HF:H2 O 1:10 0.5 ± 0.1 – – 0.6 ± 0.1
HF:NH4 F:H2 O 1:5:5 (BOE) 1.3 ± 0.2 0.8 ± 0.1 0.4 ± 0.1 –
HF:NH4 F 1:6 (BHF) 0.7 ± 0.1 0.6 ± 0.1 0.15 ± 0.05 0.10 ± 0.02
HF:HNO3 :AcOH:H2 O 1:2:1:4 (HNA) 1.3 ± 0.3 0.9 ± 0.2 0.10 ± 0.02 –
a Etching rate expressed as mean ± S.D., where “S.D.”: standard deviation of at least three samples.

comprised between 100 and 145 ◦ C as well as times ranging the aspects of the channels obtained in each case. In this case, a
from 30 to 45 min have been tested. A temperature of 130 ◦ C for lower geometric factor meant a better aspect ratio (narrow and
30 min (S1813 PR) and 110 ◦ C for 30 min (ma-P1275 PR) was deep channels). Thus, from these results, it can be seen that the
chosen taking into account the PR layer survival during the wet best geometric factor (for soda-lime substrates) corresponds to
etching. BHF solution. Due to its better geometric factor, good etching
Last step, and the most critical in the microfabrication pro- rate and longer survival time of the photoresist (approximately
cess, was the wet etching of the glass substrates. Glass is a 60 min), the BHF solution was used in the next studies.
complex mixture based mainly on SiO2 and other compounds As the literature proposes the use of HCl in order to dis-
such as Na2 O, CaO, MgO, etc. HF is used to dissolve the glass solve the formed precipitates and increase the etching rate, this
and other chemical compounds, which are difficult to dissolve in compound was added to the BHF solution in different concentra-
water. Some authors [4,5] suggested, for glass substrates, a wet tions. Thus, when HCl was added to the BHF solution between
etching using HF-based solution with HCl, which is supposed 0 and 15%, the geometric factor was increased from 5 to 12
to dissolve the formed precipitates. Moreover, we demonstrated for 0 and 15% HCl, respectively. Therefore, the performance of
experimentally that different stirring forms affect directly the wet-etching with HCl was worse resulting channels with a bad
good performance of wet etching. Thus, ultrasonic-vigorously aspect ratio, it means, very wide and less deep channels. Thus,
and magnetic stirring were tested. The best results were obtained although the HCl can dissolve the formed precipitates, it can
with magnetic stirring (3000 rpm), while the other ones caused also raise the photoresist making wider channels.
the peeling and rising of the PR. In order to compare the shape and quality of each kind of
In this work different etching solutions, based on hydroflu- etching process, Fig. 5 depicts microscope images and depth
oric acid, with and without HCl, have been tested. In Table 1 profiles of the obtained microchannels. As can be seen on the
the different etching rates obtained for each solution, acting on depth profiles (Fig. 5, left), when the HCl concentration was
different kinds of glass substrates are shown. The higher etching increased, the channel wide was also increased from 100 ␮m
rate (for soda-lime microscope glass slides) was obtained using (0% HCl) to 300 ␮m (15% HCl). However, the depth was not
the buffered oxide etch (BOE-HF:NH4 F:H2 O 1:5:5). As can increased with the same ratio, it even decreased. Therefore, the
be seen, the NH4 F adjust the etching performance increasing best etching solutions for soda-lime glass have resulted to be the
the etching rates when the BOE and the buffered HF (BHF- BOE solution and especially the BHF solution without using
HF:NH4 F 1:6) solutions are compared with HF:H2 O (1:10) HCl.
solution. Adding nitric and acetic acid to the etching solu- The optimized wet-etching process makes unnecessary the
tion (HNA-HF:HNO3 :AcOH:H2 O 1:2:1:4) also improved the use of more expensive methods such as RIE, DRIE, powder
etching ratio, nevertheless, this solution was very aggressive blasting or laser ablation [18–21].
decreasing the survival time of the photoresist (<15 min). When
the soda-lime microscope glass substrates are compared with 3.2. Bonding process
the other soda-lime glass substrate a decrease in the etching rate
is observed. This difference can be attributed to the fabrication The system has to be assembled in order to close the
process of the glass, so that, the two glasses can present differ- microchannels. Thus, different bonding processes have been
ent SiO2 composition. Similar results are shown between the
common glass (soda-lime) and borosilicate glass (borofloat and
Table 2
Pyrex). The borofloat and Pyrex glass present a higher propor-
Geometric factors for different HF-based etching solutions
tion of SiO2 than soda-lime and then, they are more difficult to
etch, decreasing the etching rate. The only advantage of using HF-based solutions Geometric factor
borosilicate glass was that no white precipitates were found Soda-lime microscope glass slides
on the surface while precipitates whether were observed with 5% (HF:NH4 F 1:7):9.25% HCl 63
common glass. HF:H2 O 1:10 72
HF:NH4 F:H2 O 1:5:5 (BOE) 7
In Table 2 the geometric factor (channel width divided by
HF:NH4 F 1:6 (BHF) 5
channel depth) is shown for soda-lime microscope glass-slides, HF:HNO3 :AcOH:H2 O 1:2:1:4 (HNA) 9
etched with each solution. Fig. 4 presents a comparative between
M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448 443

Fig. 4. Profile comparative obtained by confocal microscopy for different HF-based etching solutions (A) HF:NH4 F 1:6 (BHF), (B) HF:NH4 F:H2 O 1:5:5 (BOE),
(C) HF:HNO3 :AcOH:H2 O 1:2:1:4 (HNA), (D) HF:H2 O 1:10 and (E) 5% (HF:NH4 F 1:7):9.25% HCl.
444 M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448

Fig. 5. Profile comparative for wet etching with BHF solution with increasing levels of HCl, (A) 0%, (B) 1%, (C) 5% and (D) 15%.

tested. Although currently the procedure used to seal the plate was not adequately sealed along the channel and thus,
microchannels is the thermal bonding, low temperature proce- the fluid cannot flow through the microchannel. Similar results
dures based on intermediate layers have also been investigated. were obtained with the adhesive tape; moreover, the film had not
Commercial adhesive (Araldit) and adhesive tape were resistance enough, which caused an ease rupture.
rejected. The first procedure was discarded because of a non- The next procedure evaluated was based on an intermediate
homogeneous glue layer was obtained. Therefore, the cover layer of SiO2 ·Na2 O (water glass). This procedure had been pre-
M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448 445

Table 3
Optimal conditions for microfluidic fabrication on soda-lime glass substrates
Step Optimal conditions

Pre-treatment Commercial detergent, deionized water, acetone,

piranha solution (H2 SO4 :H2 O2 , 3:1), isopropyl
alcohol and blown dry with N2 (approximately 1 h)
Spin-coating Primer (HMDS) 4000 rpm, 25 s
Photoresist S1813 5500 rpm, 30 s
Soft-baked 90 ◦ C, 30 min
UV exposure 115 s (150 mJ cm−2 )
Developed MF-311 developer → 90 s
Hard-baked 130 ◦ C, 30 min
Wet etching HF:NH4 F 1:6, 30 min
Thermal bonding 650–675 ◦ C, 5 h

viously tested with good results [30,43]. Thus, different solution

concentrations (1–35%), spin-coating speeds (3000–8000 rpm)
and times (5–30 s) as well as several temperatures (20–700 ◦ C)
have been evaluated.
When high concentrations of silicate sodium and low spin-
coating speed are used, the intermediate layer is too thick and
therefore a water layer is formed avoiding the good sealing of the
glass. On the other hand, if low concentrations and high spin-
coating speed are employed, a thin layer is obtained causing
short hardened time and unsuccessful adhesion of the cover plate
occurs. The optimal conditions were obtained using a solution
concentration of 3%, with a spin speed of 5000 rpm during 30 s.
Initially, low temperatures (RT, 100 ◦ C) were used to seal the
Fig. 6. Schematic representation and picture of the thermal bonding device.
system, but a reversible bonding was obtained and the solutions
did not flow properly through the channels. Then, the substrate
was heated in a muffle furnace at 650–675 ◦ C for 5 h obtaining nel (between sample reservoir, C, and sample waste reservoir,
a successfully sealing of the system. Usually, high tempera- D) was employed for capillary electrophoresis (CE) with amper-
ture procedures do not require an intermediate layer; hence, ometric detection.
the thermal process was successfully made without using the The performance of CE-microchip and the electrochemical
intermediate layer. When the glass temperature was proximal response of the gold wire working electrode were studied using
to the melting point a homogenous external mechanical pres- p-aminophenol (pAP) as model analyte. A 50 mM Tris–Gly
sure throughout the glass was necessary for the accomplishment pH 9.0 was employed as running buffer. At this pH, pAP
of the thermal bonding. This pressure was applied by a home- (pKa = 10.46) is a neutral mark, so that, it can be used for charac-
made refractory steel device, compound by an external chassis terizing the electroosmotic flow (EOF). Measuring the migration
in which two sample holders can be inserted. The glass cover time of pAP and knowing the effective length of the channel
plate and the micromachined substrate were placed on these (distance from injection to detection point: Leff = 4 cm), it is
sample holders, and then they are covered by two steel plates possible to calculate the electroosmotic velocity (cm s−1 ). The
and compressed by two screws. Fig. 6 shows the scheme of electroosmotic mobility (cm2 V−1 s−1 ) can be obtained dividing
the device employed for thermal bonding. This thermal bonding the electroosmotic velocity by the electric field applied (V cm−1 )
method avoids the use of much more expensive equipments such in the channel.
as those used in anodic bonding [44]. A 100 ␮M solution of pAP was employed in the evaluation
In Table 3 the optimal conditions of each step to fabricate a of the glass microchip using an injection voltage of +1500 V
microfluidic device on soda-lime glass substrates with channels applied for 10 s. Since pAP presents an oxidation process, a
of 50 ␮m width and 20 ␮m depth approximately are shown. detection potential of +0.75 V was used [14,39]. Parameters such
as peak current (ip ), migration time (tm ) and half-peak width
3.3. Microchip performance (w1/2 ) are shown in Table 4 as well as the theoretical plate num-
ber (N), electroosmotic velocity (veo ) and mobility (μeo ) for pAP
The resulting microfluidic system with a 4.5 cm long sep- using different electric fields (E).
aration channel (between running buffer reservoir, A, and When the separation voltage was varied from +1000 to
waste/detection reservoir, B) and 1.5 cm long injection chan- +1500 V, an increase in the peak current and a decrease in the
446 M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448

Table 4
Analytical characteristics for pAP (100 ␮M) using different separation voltages in the glass-microchip with an end-channel gold wire detector
Voltage (V) E (V/cm) ip (nA) tm (s) w1/2 (s) N (m−1 ) EOF (veo , cm/s) μeo (×10−4 cm2 /V s)

+1000 222 6.6 77.2 22.2 1700 0.05 2.3

+1500 333 18 39.6 10.2 2100 0.10 3.0
+2000 444 11 23.3 7.4 1400 0.17 3.9

Conditions, injection: 10 s at +1500 V; Ed = +0.75 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), running buffer: 50 mM Tris–Gly pH 9.0.

The most critical step of microfabrication was the wet etching

of the glass substrates. Different etching solutions, based on
hydrofluoric acid, with and without HCl, as well as several types
of stirring, were evaluated. The best microfluidic channels, with
better geometric factor, were attained using BHF (HF:NH4 F
1:6) solution with a magnetic stirred. The resulting channels
were worse when HCl was added to the etching solution since
it increased the geometric factor.
The device assembly has been made using different bonding
processes. Different techniques based on intermediate layer were
initially tested and discarded. The best sealing of channels was
obtained by thermal bonding at 650–675 ◦ C for 5 h.
Resulting microfluidic devices have been successfully used
Fig. 7. Electropherogram for 100 ␮M pAP using glass-microchip with an for capillary electrophoresis with electrochemical detection. An
end-channel gold wire detector. Conditions: Vsep = +1500 V; injection: 10 s at end-channel gold wire detector has been easily integrated on
+1500 V; Ed = +0.75 V (vs. Ag/AgCl), running buffer: 50 mM Tris–Gly pH 9.0.
the glass microchip for amperometric detection. Thus, the elec-
troosmotic flow (EOF) of the new glass microchip has been
half-peak width and migration time was observed. If the separa- characterized using pAP as neutral mark. This advances the pos-
tion voltage was increased to +2000 V a decrease in the half-peak sible analytical and bioanalytical applications of the new glass
width and migration time was also observed, but a lower peak microfluidic device.
current was measured. Moreover, in this case, a higher baseline
noise level as well as bubbles formation due to excessive Joule
heating happened.
The best performance of the glass CE-microchip in combina-
This work has been supported by the FICYT under projects
tion with the end-channel gold wire detector was obtained using
IB05-151C1 and IB05-151C2. Mario Castaño Álvarez thanks
a separation voltage of +1500 V. Fig. 7 depicts an electrophero-
FICYT-Principado de Asturias for the award of a Ph.D. grant.
gram for a 100 ␮M pAP solution using a separation voltage of
+1500 V.
Analytical characteristics of the new glass microchip with the References
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448 M. Castaño-Álvarez et al. / Sensors and Actuators B 130 (2008) 436–448

in Berlin (Germany) where he worked in chalcopyrite solar cells fabrication Extraordinary PhD degrees in physics from the University of Santander (Spain).
techniques and structural haracterization. In 2004, he received a doctoral grant From 1982 to 1988, he worked in electromagnetic field analysis on dielectric
from the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Currently, he is pursu- waveguides in the Electronics Department of the University of Santander. As
ing his PhD which is directed towards the study of optical waveguides design, member of the COST-216 European Project, he has worked at the ETH (Zurich)
fabrication and characterization, as well as Mach–Zehnder optical modulators, as well as for the CTNE and NESTLE Companies. Since 1988, he has been a pro-
within a cooperation framework between the Universities of Oviedo (Spain) and fessor at the University of Oviedo and since 1993, supervisor and coordinator of
Paderborn (Germany). the Secondary School. He is a member of the Electromagnetism Academy (USA)
and member of the SPIE society. He was selected as Man of the Year 1997 by
Marı́a Teresa Fernández Abedul obtained her BSc degree in chemistry, focus the ABI and he was included in: Who’s Who in electromagnetics, Who’s Who in
in analytical chemistry, in 1989 (University of Oviedo) and the PhD in chem- the world and Who’s Who in contemporary achievements. He conducts research
istry in 1995 (University of Oviedo). Since September 1994, she is senior in the following areas: electromagnetic field theory, modelling, characterization
lecture in analytical chemistry (University of Oviedo). She works in the Immu- and evaluation of integrated optical waveguides and devices.
noelectroanalysis Research Group of the University of Oviedo and has been
supervisor of several research projects developed at the Electrochemistry labora- Agustı́n Costa Garcı́a obtained his BSc degree in chemistry, focus in analytical
tories of the Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry of the University chemistry, in 1974 (University of Oviedo) and the PhD in chemistry in 1977 (Uni-
of Oviedo. Nowadays his research is focused on the development of elec- versity of Oviedo). Since February 2000, he is professor in analytical chemistry
trochemical immunosensors and genosensors employing both enzymatic and (University of Oviedo). He leads the Immunoelectrochemical Research Group
non-enzymatic labels as well as fabrication and characterization of microfluidic of the University of Oviedo and has been supervisor of several research projects
devices with electrochemical detection. developed at the Electrochemistry laboratories of the Department of Physical
and Analytical Chemistry of the University of Oviedo. Nowadays his research is
José Rodrı́guez Garcı́a is a professor at the University of Oviedo (Spain). He focused on the development of electrochemical immunosensors and genosensors
received the teaching degree from the University of Oviedo, and the BSc and employing both enzymatic and non-enzymatic labels.

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