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Fitness Activity Lesson 01.

03 Baseline Results

Mile Run/Walk 9 min per mile run

Body Composition/BMI 17.47

Aerobic Capacity 46.12

Sit and Reach 10.5

Curl-Ups 30 in a min

Trunk Lift 10 inches

Push-ups 15

Reflection Questions:

1. How do you feel about your fitness assessment results? Did any areas surprise you? Explain
your answers.
2. This course will give you the opportunity to plan fitness routines and participate in regular
physical activity. You will complete these same fitness assessments at the end of each
module to help measure your progress in each fitness area. Describe the accomplishments
you expect to see in your fitness assessment results as you move through this course and its
related activities.

I feel good about my fitness assessment results considering this surprised me, I'm not very active
throughout the day as I am on online school. So, to have the average amount of athleticism I am

I expect to be able to run faster for my mile walk and keep stamina throughout the whole excersize as
this was a little bit tiring.

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