Reflection Paper For Portfolio

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Lows and Leadership Through the Years

With rough patches and challenges came friends and victories. My high school experience has

been anything but normal, but so has everyone else's. Covid-19 marked all our lives, but what we did

outside of COVID was what made our high school careers. I have created a club, led old clubs in new

directions, reached the limits of my education, and figured out what I wanted to do for the rest of my


In this portfolio, I display the pinnacles of these four years. These peaks came through the

struggles of being committed to many extracurricular activities. I have been involved with sports and the

arts all four years of high school. Freshman year I ventured out of my comfort zone and joined the

rowing team and ended up loving it. Besides rowing, I have been on the RCHS soccer team all four years,

and this team made RCHS history my senior year when we were the first Riverview soccer team to make

It to states.

Outside of sports one of my proudest high school moments has been creating the club Students

with Seniors. I also ran and started a new event as the president of the Spanish Club which was a huge

success. We danced our way into 2023 with a Spanish Just Dance competition that raised money for the

club. Then, I am the historian for the Drama Club, which I have created videos for. One of my biggest

passions in life is creating, especially through film, and I hope to showcase that in this portfolio.

I feel ready for college, knowing what I want to do for the rest of my life, and feeling like I have

been set on the right path by RCHS. I have learned how to communicate through clubs like DECA and

learned how to teach myself anything with the brilliant and passionate teachers at this school. I will be

attending Columbia College Chicago in the fall to pursue a career in film and business. I have put in a lot

of work in my schooling, and I hope that is reflected in this portfolio.

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