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Caloric Restriction and Aging

Author(s): Richard Weindruch

Source: Scientific American , Vol. 274, No. 1 (JANUARY 1996), pp. 46-52
Published by: Scientific American, a division of Nature America, Inc.
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Caloric Restriction and Aging
Eat less, but be sure to have enough protein, fat, vitamins and
minerals. This prescription does wonders for the health
and longevity of rodents. Might it help humans as well?

by Richard Weindruch HUMAN

Normal Diet
Average life span: 75 years

ixty years ago scientists at Cornell
University made an extraordinary Maximum life span: 110 years
discovery. By placing rats on a (with a few outliers beyond)
very low calorie diet, Clive M. McCay and
Caloric Restriction
his colleagues extended the outer limit
Average life span: ???
of the animalsÕ life span by 33 percent,
Maximum life span: ???
from three years to four. They subse-
quently found that rats on low-calorie
diets stayed youthful longer and suf-
fered fewer late-life diseases than did
their normally fed counterparts. Since
the 1930s, caloric restriction has been
the only intervention shown convinc-
ingly to slow aging in rodents (which
are mammals, like us) and in creatures
ranging from single-celled protozoans
to roundworms, fruit ßies and Þsh.
Naturally, the great power of the
method raises the question of whether
it can extend survival and good health
in people. That issue is very much open,
but the fact that the approach works in
an array of organisms suggests the an-
swer could well be yes. Some intriguing
clues from monkeys and humans sup-
port the idea, too.
Of course, even if caloric austerity
turns out to be a fountain of youth for
humans, it might never catch on. After
all, our track record for adhering to se-
vere diets is poor. But scientists may
one day develop drugs that will safely
control our appetite over the long term
or will mimic the beneÞcial inßuences
of caloric control on the bodyÕs tissues. WHITE RAT
This last approach could enable people
to consume fairly regular diets while Normal Diet
still reaping the healthful eÝects of lim- Average life span: 23 months
iting their food intake. Many laborato- Maximum life span: 33 months
ries, including mine at the University of
WisconsinÐMadison, are working to un- Caloric Restriction
derstand the cellular and molecular ba- Average life span: 33 months
Maximum life span: 47 months


stantially, by very low calorie diets in a
range of animals, some of which are de-
picted here. Whether caloric restriction
will increase survival in people remains
to be seen. Such diets are successful
only if the animals receive an adequate
supply of nutrients.

46 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1996 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.

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sis of how caloric restriction retards If the nutrient needs of the animals For example, certain immune respons-
aging in animals. Our eÝorts may yield are protected, caloric restriction will es decrease in normal mice at one year
useful alternatives to strict dieting, al- consistently increase not only the aver- of age (middle age) but do not decline in
though at the moment most of us are age life span of a population but also slimmer but genetically identical mice
focused primarily on understanding the maximum spanÑthat is, the lifetime until age two. Similarly, as rodents grow
the aging process (or processes) itself. of the longest-surviving members of the older they generally clear glucose, a
group. This last outcome means that simple sugar, from their blood less eÛ-
Less Is More for Rodents caloric restriction tinkers with some ba- ciently than they did in youth (a change
sic aging process. Anything that fore- that can progress to diabetes); they also

R esearch into caloric restriction has

now uncovered an astonishing
range of beneÞts in animalsÑprovided
stalls premature death, such as is caused
by a preventable or treatable disease or
by an accident, will increase the average
synthesize needed proteins more slow-
ly, undergo increased cross-linking (and
thus stiÝening) of long-lived proteins in
that the nutrient needs of the dieters life span of a population. But one must tissues, lose muscle mass and learn less
are guarded carefully. In most studies truly slow the rate of aging in order for rapidly. In calorie-restricted animals, all
the test animals, usually mice or rats, the hardiest individuals to surpass the these changes are delayed.
consume 30 to 50 percent fewer calo- existing maximum. Not surprisingly, investigators have
ries than are ingested by control sub- Beyond altering survival, low-calorie wondered whether caloric (energy) re-
jects, and they weigh 30 to 50 percent diets in rodents have postponed most striction per se is responsible for the ad-
less as well. At the same time, they re- major diseases that are common late in vantages reaped from low-calorie diets
ceive enough protein, fat, vitamins and life [see box on next page], including or whether limiting fat or some other
minerals to maintain eÛcient operation cancers of the breast, prostate, immune component of the diet accounts for the
of their tissues. In other words, the ani- system and gastrointestinal tract. More- success. It turns out the Þrst possibility
mals follow an exaggerated form of a over, of the 300 or so measures of ag- is correct. Restriction of fat, protein or
prudent diet, in which they consume ing that have been studied, some 90 carbohydrate without caloric reduction
minimal calories without becoming percent stay ÒyoungerÓ longer in calorie- does not increase the maximum life
malnourished. restricted rodents than in well-fed ones. span of rodents. Supplementation


Normal Diet
Average life span: 50 days
Maximum life span: 100 days

Caloric Restriction
Average life span: 90 days
Maximum life span: 139 days

Normal Diet
Average life span: 33 months
Maximum life span: 54 months

Caloric Restriction
Average life span: 46 months
Maximum life span: 59 months


Normal Diet
Average life span: 30 days
Maximum life span: 42 days

Caloric Restriction
Average life span: 51 days
Maximum life span: 60 days


Normal Diet
Average life span: 7 days
Maximum life span: 13 days

Caloric Restriction
Average life span: 13 days
Maximum life span: 25 days
Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.

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alone with multivitamins or high doses conÞdent that diet restriction could tion on so-called biomarkers of aging :
of antioxidants does not work, and nei- routinely postpone aging in men and attributes that generally change with
ther does variation in the type of di- women if the results in rodents could age and may help predict the future
etary fat, carbohydrate or protein. be conÞrmed in studies of monkeys span of health or life. For example, as
The studies also suggest, heartening- (which more closely resemble people) primates grow older, their blood pres-
ly, that caloric restriction can be useful or in members of our own species. To sure and their blood levels of both in-
even if it is not started until middle age. be most informative, such investiga- sulin and glucose rise; at the same time,
Indeed, the most exciting discovery of tions would have to follow subjects for insulin sensitivity (the ability of cells to
my career has been that caloric restric- many yearsÑan expensive and logisti- take up glucose in response to signals
tion initiated in mice at early middle cally difficult undertaking. Neverthe- from insulin) declines. Postponement
age can extend the maximum life span less, two major trials of monkeys are in of these changes would imply that the
by 10 to 20 percent and can oppose progress. experimental diet was probably slow-
the development of cancer. Further, al- ing at least some aspects of aging.
though limiting the caloric intake to Lean, but Striking, Primate Data One of the monkey studies, led by
about half of that consumed by free- George S. Roth of the National Institute
feeding animals increases the maxi-
mum life span the most, less severe re-
striction, whether begun early in life or
I t is too early to tell whether low-calo-
rie diets will prolong life or youthful-
ness in the monkeys over time. The
on Aging, began in 1987. It is examin-
ing rhesus monkeys, which typically
live to about 30 years and sometimes
later, also provides some beneÞt. projects have, however, been able to reach 40 years, and squirrel monkeys,
Naturally, scientists would be more measure the eÝects of caloric restric- which rarely survive beyond 20 years.

Benefits of Caloric Restriction HUMAN SURVIVAL IN U.S.
90 1980

ince 1900, advances in health practices have greatly 80 1940 1988
increased the average life span of Americans (inset
in a ), mainly by improving prevention and treatment of 60 1900
diseases that end life prematurely. But those interven- 50
tions have not substantially affected the maximum life 40
span ( far right in a), which is thought to be determined AVERAGE LIFE SPAN
30 1900 — 47 YEARS MAXIMUM
by intrinsic aging processes. ( The curves and the data 20 LIFE SPAN
1988 — 75 YEARS
in the inset show projections for people born in the 10
years indicated and assume conditions influencing sur- 0
vival do not change.) Caloric restriction, in contrast, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
has markedly increased the maximum as well as the AGE (YEARS)
average life span in rodents (b) and is, in fact, the only SOURCE: U.S. Bureau of the Census; National Center for Health Statistics
intervention so far shown to slow aging in mammals—
a sign that aging in humans might be retarded as well.
Although severe diets extend survival more than mod- RESTRICTED
erate ones, a study of mice fed a reduced-calorie diet ANIMALS

from early in life (three weeks of age) demonstrates that OF STUDY



even mild restriction offers some benefit (c). This finding SUBJECTS
is potentially good news for people. Also encouraging 60
is the discovery that caloric restriction in rodents does
more than prolong life; it enables animals to remain 40
youthful longer (table). The calorie-restricted mouse in CONTROLS — 33 MONTHS MAXIMUM
the corner lived unusually long; most normally fed 20 RESTRICTED — 45 MONTHS LIFE SPAN
mice of her ilk die by 40 months. She was 53 months
old when this photograph was taken and died of un- 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
known causes about a month later.

Postpones age-related declines in: 50

Blood glucose control; female reproductive capacity;
DNA repair; immunity; learning ability; muscle mass;
protein synthesis 40
Slows age-related increases in:
Cross-linking of long-lived proteins; free-radical production
by mitochondria; unrepaired oxidative damage to tissues 30
Delays onset of late-life diseases, including:
Autoimmune disorders; cancers; cataracts;
diabetes; hypertension; kidney failure
20 40 60 80 100 120 140

48 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1996 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.

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Some animals began diet restriction in
youth (at one to two years), others af-
ter reaching puberty. The second proj-
ect, involving only rhesus monkeys, was
initiated in 1989 by William B. Ershler,
Joseph W. Kemnitz and Ellen B. Roeck-
er of the University of WisconsinÐMadi-
son; I joined the team a year later. Our
monkeys began caloric restriction as
young adults, at eight to 14 years old.

Both studies enforce a level of caloric
restriction that is about 30 percent be-
low the intake of normally fed controls.
So far the preliminary results are en-
couraging. The dieting animals in both
projects seem healthy and happy, albeit
eager for their meals, and their bodies MICE ARE THE SAME AGEÑ40 months. Yet compared with the normally fed ani-
seem to be responding to the regimen mal at the right, the one at the left, which has been reared on a low-calorie diet
much as those of rodents do. Blood since 12 months of age (early middle age), looks younger and is healthier.
pressure and glucose levels are lower
than in control animals, and insulin sen-
sitivity is greater. The levels of insulin The results in monkeys and humans oxygen) that carry an unpaired electron
in the blood are lower as well. may be preliminary, but the rodent data at their surface. Molecules in this state
No one has yet performed carefully show unequivocally that caloric restric- are prone to destructively oxidizing, or
controlled studies of long-term caloric tion can exert a variety of beneÞcial ef- snatching electrons from, any com-
restriction in average-weight humans fects. This variety raises something of pound they encounter. Free radicals
over time. And data from populations a problem for researchers: Which of the have been suspected of contributing to
forced by poverty to live on relatively many documented changes (if any) con- aging since the 1950s, when Denham
few calories are uninformative, because tribute most to increased longevity and Harman of the University of Nebraska
such groups generally cannot attain ad- youthfulness? Scientists have not yet Medical School suggested that their gen-
equate amounts of essential nutrients. reached a consensus, but they have eration in the course of normal metab-
Still, some human studies oÝer indirect ruled out a few once viable proposals. olism gradually disrupts cells. But it was
evidence that caloric restriction could For instance, it is known that a low in- not until the 1980s that scientists began
be of value. Consider the people of Oki- take of energy retards growth and also to realize that mitochondria were prob-
nawa, many of whom consume diets shrinks the amount of fat in the body. ably the targets hit hardest.
that are low in calories but provide Both these eÝects were once prime con- The mitochondrial free-radical hy-
needed nutrients. The incidence of cen- tenders as the main changes that lead to pothesis of aging derives in part from
tenarians there is highÑup to 40 times longevity but have now been discounted. an understanding of how mitochondria
greater than that of any other Japanese Several other hypotheses remain un- produce ATP (adenosine triphosphate)Ñ
island. In addition, epidemiological sur- der consideration, however, and all of the molecule that provides the energy
veys in the U.S. and elsewhere indicate them have at least some experimental for most cellular processes, such as
that certain cancers, notably those of support. One such hypothesis holds pumping ions across cell membranes,
the breast, colon and stomach, occur that caloric restriction slows the rate of contracting muscle Þbers and construct-
less frequently in people reporting small cell division in many tissues. Because ing proteins. ATP synthesis occurs by a
caloric intakes. the uncontrolled proliferation of cells is very complicated sequence of reactions,
Intriguing results were also obtained a hallmark of cancer, that change could but essentially it involves activity by a
after eight people living in a self-con- potentially explain why the incidence series of molecular complexes embed-
tained environmentÑBiosphere 2, near of several late-life cancers is reduced in ded in an internal membraneÑthe in-
Tucson, Ariz.Ñwere forced to curtail animals fed low-calorie diets. Another ner membraneÑof mitochondria. With
their food intake sharply for two years proposal is based on the Þnding that help from oxygen, the complexes extract
because of poorer than expected yields caloric restriction tends to lower glu- energy from nutrients and use that en-
from their food-producing eÝorts. The cose levels. Less glucose in the circula- ergy to manufacture ATP.
scientiÞc merits of the overall project tion would slow the accumulation of Unfortunately, the mitochondrial ma-
have been questioned, but those of us sugar on long-lived proteins and would chinery that draws energy from nutri-
interested in the eÝects of low-calorie thus moderate the disruptive eÝects of ents also produces free radicals as a
diets were fortunate that Roy L. Walford this buildup. by-product. Indeed, mitochondria are
of the University of California at Los thought to be responsible for creating
Angeles, who is an expert on caloric re- A Radical Explanation most of the free radicals in cells. One
striction and aging (and was my scien- such by-product is the superoxide radi-
cal ( O 2. Ð ). ( The dot in the formula
tiÞc mentor ), was the teamÕs physician.
Walford helped his colleagues avoid
malnutrition and monitored various as-
T he view that has so far garnered the
most convincing support, though,
holds that caloric restriction extends
represents the unpaired electron.) This
renegade is destructive in its own right
pects of the groupÕs physiology. His survival and vitality primarily by limit- but can also be converted into hydrogen
analyses reveal that caloric restriction ing injury of mitochondria by free radi- peroxide ( H 2 O 2 ), which technically is
led to lowered blood pressure and glu- cals. Mitochondria are the tiny intracel- not a free radical but can readily form
cose levelsÑjust as it does in rodents lular structures that serve as the power the extremely aggressive hydroxyl free
and monkeys. Total serum cholesterol plants of cells. Free radicals are highly radical ( OH . Ð ).
declined as well. reactive molecules (usually derived from Once formed, free radicals can dam-

Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1996 49

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A Theory of Aging

A leading explanation for why we age places much of

the blame on destructive free radicals (red ) generat-
ed in mitochondria, the cell’s energy factories. The radicals
radicals attack, and may permanently injure, the machin-
ery itself and the mitochondrial DNA that is needed to
construct parts of it. They can also harm other compo-
form (left ) when the energy-producing machinery in mito- nents of mitochondria and cells.
chondria (boxed in black ) uses oxygen and nutrients to The theory suggests that over time (right ) the accumu-
synthesize ATP (adenosine triphosphate) —the molecule lated damage to mitochondria precipitates a decline in
( green) that powers most other activities in cells. Those ATP production. It also engenders increased production of
free radicals, thereby accelerating the destruction of cellular
HEALTHY components. As cells become starved for energy and
damaged, they function less efficiently. Then the tissues
they compose and the entire body begin to fail. Many in-
Relatively few vestigators suspect caloric restriction slows aging primar-
free radicals ily by lowering free-radical production in mitochondria.
FREE attack cell
Abundant ATP radical
powers cellular damage
activities increases

ENERGY- shrinks




The Making of Energy. . . and Free Radicals

T he energy-producing machinery in mitochondria con-

sists mainly of the electron-transport chain: a series of
four large ( gray) and two smaller (light green ) molecular
complex IV, where they interact with oxygen and hydro-
gen to form water. The electron flow induces protons (H+)
to stream (blue arrows) to yet another complex—ATP syn-
complexes. Complexes I and II ( far left ) take up electrons thase (purple)—which draws on energy supplied by the
(gold arrows ) from food and relay them to ubiquinone, protons to manufacture ATP ( dark green). Free radicals
the site of greatest free-radical (red ) generation. Ubiqui- form when electrons escape from the transport chain and
none sends the electrons down the rest of the chain to combine with oxygen in their vicinity.

ON H+ H+ e- + O2 + H+ H 2O





H+ H+ H+

50 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1996 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.

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age proteins, lipids (fats) and DNA any- heart and skeletal muscle, as would be cluding me, suspect that strict dieting
where in the cell. But the components expected if mitochondrial proteins and ameliorates oxidative damage mainly
of mitochondriaÑincluding the ATP- DNA in those tissues were irreparably through slowing free-radical production.
synthesizing machinery and the mito- impaired by free radicals. Similar de- By what mechanism might caloric re-
chondrial DNA that gives rise to some creases also occur in human tissues striction reduce the generation of free
of that machineryÑare believed to be and may help explain why degenerative radicals? No one yet knows. One pro-
most vulnerable. Presumably they are diseases of the nervous system and posal holds that a lowered intake of
at risk in part because they reside at or heart are common late in life and why calories may somehow lead to slower
near the Òground zeroÓ site of free-rad- muscles lose mass and weaken. consumption of oxygen by mitochon-
ical generation and so are constantly Some of the strongest support for the driaÑeither overall or in selected cell
bombarded by the oxidizing agents. proposition that caloric restriction re- types. Alternatively, low-calorie diets
Moreover, mitochondrial DNA lacks the tards aging by slowing oxidative injury may increase the eÛciency with which
protein shield that helps to protect nu- of mitochondria comes from SohalÕs mitochondria use oxygen, so that fewer
clear DNA from destructive agents. group. When the workers looked at mi- free radicals are made per unit of oxy-
Consistent with this view is that mito- tochondria harvested from the brain, gen consumed. Less use of oxygen or
chondrial DNA suÝers much more ox- heart and kidney of mice, they discov- more eÛcient use would presumably
idative damage than does nuclear DNA ered that the levels of the superoxide result in the formation of fewer free
drawn from the same tissue. radical and of hydrogen peroxide were radicals. Recent Þndings also intimate
Proponents of the mitochondrial free- markedly lower in animals subjected to that caloric control may minimize free-
radical hypothesis of aging suggest that long-term caloric restriction than in nor- radical generation in mitochondria by
damage to mitochondria by free radicals mally fed controls. In addition, a sig- reducing levels of a circulating thyroid
eventually interferes with the eÛciency niÞcant increase of free-radical produc- hormone known as triiodothyronine,
of ATP production and increases the tion with age seen in the control groups or T3, through unknown mechanisms.
output of free radicals. The rise in free was blunted by caloric restriction in the
radicals, in turn, accelerates the oxida- experimental group. This blunted in- Applications to Humans?
tive injury of mitochondrial compo- crease was, moreover, accompanied by
nents, which inhibits ATP production
even more. At the same time, free radi-
cals attack cellular components outside
lessened amounts of oxidative insult to
mitochondrial proteins and DNA. Other
work indicates that caloric restriction
U ntil research into primates has pro-
gressed further, few scientists would
be prepared to recommend that large
the mitochondria, further impairing cell helps to prevent age-related changes in numbers of people embark on a severe
functioning. As cells become less eÛ- the activities of some antioxidant en- caloric-restriction regimen. Neverthe-
cient, so do the tissues and organs they zymesÑalthough many investigators, in- less, the accumulated Þndings do oÝer
compose, and the body itself becomes
less able to cope with challenges to its
stability. The body does try to counter-
act the noxious eÝects of the oxidizing NORMAL DIET REDUCED DIET
agents. Cells possess antioxidant en-
zymes that detoxify free radicals, and Food intake: 688 calories per day Food intake: 477 calories per day
they make other enzymes that repair Body weight: 31 pounds Body weight: 21 pounds
oxidative damage. Neither of these sys-
tems is 100 percent eÝective, though, Percent of weight from fat: 25 Percent of weight from fat: 10
KARL GUDE; PHOTOGRAPHS BY KIRK BOEHM Wisconsin Regional Primate Research Center

and so such injury is likely to accumu- MEASURES OF HEALTH MEASURES OF HEALTH

late over time.
Blood pressure: 129/60 Blood pressure: 121/51
(systole/diastole) (systole/diastole)
Experimental Support
Glucose level: 71 Glucose level: 56
(milligrams per deciliter of blood)
T he proposal that aging stems to a
great extent from free-radical-in-
duced damage to mitochondria and
Insulin level: 93
(microunits per milliliter of blood)
(milligrams per deciliter of blood)
Insulin level: 29
(microunits per milliliter of blood)
other cellular components has recently Triglycerides: 169 Triglycerides: 67
been buttressed by a number of Þnd- (milligrams per deciliter of blood) (milligrams per deciliter of blood)
ings. In one striking example, Rajindar
S. Sohal, William C. Orr and their col-
leagues at Southern Methodist Univer-
sity in Dallas investigated rodents and
several other organisms, including fruit
ßies, houseßies, pigs and cows. They
noted increases with age in free-radical
generation by mitochondria and in ox-
idative changes to the inner mitochon-
drial membrane (where ATP is synthe-
sized) and to mitochondrial proteins
and DNA. They also observed that great- RESULTS FROM ONGOING TRIAL of caloric restriction in rhesus monkeys cannot
er rates of free-radical production cor- yet reveal whether limiting calories will prolong survival. But comparison of a con-
relate with shortened average and maxi- trol group (left ) with animals on a strict diet (right ) after Þve years indicates that
mum life spans in several of the species. at least some biological measures that typically rise with age are changing more
It turns out, too, that ATP manufac- slowly in the test animals. Blood pressure is only slightly lower in the restricted
ture decreases with age in the brain, group now, but has been markedly lower for much of the study period.

Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1996 51

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Sparkling TYPICAL MEAL Apple strudel
some concrete lessons for 1 piece gram (2.2 pounds) of current
those who wonder how such 8 ounces body weight. The diet would
programs might be imple- 1/5 head also include enough complex
mented in humans. Tomatoes carbohydrate (the long chains
One implication is that 1/2 cup Baked potato of sugars abundant in fruits
Salad 7 ounces
sharp curtailment of food in- Sour cream
and vegetables) to reach the
take would probably be detri- 2 tablespoons 1 tablespoon desired level of calories. To
mental to children, consider- attain the standard recom-
ing that it retards growth in 1 cup mended daily allowances for
young rodents. Also, because French all essential nutrients, an in-
children cannot tolerate star- 2 slices dividual would have to select
vation as well as adults can, Peas Butter foods with extreme care and
they would presumably be 1/2 cup 1 1/2 probably take vitamins or
more susceptible to any as yet Beef sirloin other supplements.
unrecognized negative eÝects 6 ounces Anyone who contemplated
of a low-calorie diet (even (before broiling) following a caloric-restriction
though caloric restriction is Calories: 1,268 regimen would also have to
not equivalent to starvation). From fat: 33%; from protein: 22%; from carbohydrate: 45% consider potential disadvan-
An onset at about 20 years of tages beyond hunger pangs
age in humans should avoid and would certainly want to
such drawbacks and would undertake the program with
KARL GUDE; SOURCE: ROY L. WALFORD University of California, Los Angeles

probably provide the greatest the guidance of a physician.

extension of life. Plain yogurt Fruit Depending on the severity of
3 ounces salad Skim milk
The speed with which calo- 1/2 cup 8 ounces the diet, the weight loss that
ries are reduced needs to be yeast inevitably results might im-
2 tablespoons
considered, too. Early re- Sweet potato pede fertility in females.
searchers were unable to pro- 4 ounces Brown rice Also, a prolonged anovulato-
Broccoli 1/2 cup
long survival of rats when 1 stalk ry state, if accompanied by a
diet control was instituted in diminution of estrogen pro-
adulthood. I suspect the fail- Spinach duction, might increase the
ure arose because the animals 1 cup risk of osteoporosis (bone
were put on the regimen too squash loss) and loss of muscle mass
suddenly or were given too 1 cup later in life. It is also possible
few calories, or both. Working Salmon Soybeans that caloric restriction will
3 ounces 1/5 cup
with year-old mice, my col- compromise a personÕs abili-
(before broiling)
leagues and I have found that ty to withstand stress, such
a gradual tapering of calories Calories: 940 as injury, infection or expo-
to about 65 percent of nor- sure to extreme temperatures.
From fat: 18%; from protein: 32%; from carbohydrate: 50%
mal did increase survival. Oddly enough, stress resis-
How might one determine DINNER of a person on a roughly 2,000-calorie diet (top) tance has been little studied
the appropriate caloric intake might be reduced considerablyÑby about a third of the cal- in rodents on low-calorie di-
for a human being? Extrapo- ories (bottom)Ñfor someone on a caloric-restriction regimen. ets, and so they have little to
lating from rodents is diÛcult, To avoid malnutrition, people on such programs would teach about this issue.
but some Þndings imply that choose nutrient-dense foods such as those shown. It may take another 10 or
many people would do best 20 years before scientists
by consuming an amount that enabled advisers) might engage in some trial have a Þrm idea of whether caloric re-
them to weigh 10 to 25 percent less than and error to Þnd the caloric level that striction can be as beneÞcial for hu-
their personal set point. The set point is reduces the blood glucose or choles- mans as it clearly is for rats, mice and
essentially the weight the body is Òpro- terol level, or some other measures of a variety of other creatures. Meanwhile
grammedÓ to maintain, if one does not health, by a predetermined amount. investigators studying this intervention
eat in response to external cues, such The research in animals further im- are sure to learn much about the na-
as television commercials. The problem plies that a reasonable caloric-restric- ture of aging and to gain ideas about
with this guideline is that determining tion regimen for humans might involve how to slow itÑwhether through calo-
an individualÕs set point is tricky. Instead a daily intake of roughly one gram (0.04 ric restriction, through drugs that re-
of trying to identify their set point, diet- ounce) of protein and no more than produce the eÝects of dieting or by
ers (with assistance from their health about half a gram of fat for each kilo- methods awaiting discovery.

The Author Further Reading

RICHARD WEINDRUCH, who earned his Ph.D. in experimental pathology at the THE RETARDATION OF AGING AND DISEASE BY DIET-
University of California, Los Angeles, is associate professor of medicine at the Uni- ARY RESTRICTION. Richard Weindruch and Roy L.
versity of WisconsinÐMadison, associate director of the universityÕs Institute on Ag- Walford. Charles C. Thomas, 1988.
ing and a researcher at the Veterans Administration Geriatric Research, Education FREE RADICALS IN AGING. Edited by Byung P. Yu. CRC
and Clinical Center in Madison. He has devoted his career to the study of caloric re- Press, 1993.
striction and its eÝects on the body and practices mild restriction himself. He has MODULATION OF AGING PROCESSES BY DIETARY RE-
not, however, attempted to put his family or his two cats on the regimen. STRICTION. Edited by Byung P. Yu. CRC Press, 1994.

52 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN January 1996 Copyright 1995 Scientific American, Inc.

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