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Lewis and Clark Map Activity.

(1) a detailed description of the standards you used.

6-9.WHC.4.4.1 Describe the role of government in population movements
throughout civilization
2.SS.4.3.2 Identify historic and contemporary people who model characteristics of
good Citizenship
SS.4.3.3 Describe ways in which citizens participate in public life

(2) Learning goals reflecting the standards,

1- Understand the start of the western exploration
2-Learn the importance of the Lewis and Clark Expedition
3- Be able to name 10 dates with a background with occurred there.

(3) a detailed description of the assignment and expectations,

This assignment will be a project that is taking place in my class. I would give my
students each map material paper to design their own map. The students would
be expected to make an attempt to create an outline of the United States with the
outline of the 17 states in 1804. After the state's outline is done the students will
start at St. Louis where the expedition began and sketch the outline of the path
Lewis and Clark took. Along the route, there are many dates of events that
happened during the journey. They are provided from the textbook as well as the
website below. They are required to mark each area and then write a paragraph
explaining what happened. They are also expected to include the geography of
the journey which include any body of water traveled. Color and neatness are
encouraged. I want the maps neat with the information available.

(4) the writing, necessary link, code, or access information to your example work.
The map below is what made online because I could not use the map paper that would
be used in the classroom.
(5) One paragraph of reflection on your experience creating and completing the
assignment. What are the challenges you anticipate students would have?

Creating this assignment is something that I actually did in my US history

classroom and I thought it was a great idea to focus on Lewis and Clark for a
week. I would expect this to take a week within the class because of the reading
as well as the project. The challenges I think would be the neatness and
creativeness of the maps. I do think this is a pretty straightforward fun

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