Tutorial One Exercise-Part Two

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1. Read the following passage (from “A Farm at Raraba” by Ernest Havemann) and
answer the following question.

My late dad was a magnificent shot. One time when we were hunting in the Low
Veld and had paused for a smoke, there was the yelp of a wild dog, and a troop of
impala came bounding over the tall grass. Opposite us, three hundred yards off,
was a stony ridge like a wall, six feet high. You would think those buck would
avoid it, but no, they went straight at it.

 Identify the word class of each word (noun, auxiliary verb, lexical verb, coordinate
conjunction, subordinate conjunction, numeral determiner, article, adverb,
preposition, pronoun, adjective, interjection).

 Remember to look at how each word is used in the sentence.


2. Read the following passage (from “The Catch” by Nadine Gordimer) and answer the
following questions.

His thin strong bony legs passed by at eye level every morning as they lay, stranded
on the hard smooth sand. Washed up thankfully out of the swirl and buffet of the city,
they were happy to lie there, but because they were accustomed to telling the time by
their nerves’ response to the different tensions of the city, children crying in flats,
lorries going heavily and bicycles jangling for early morning, skid of tyres, sound of
frying and the human insect noise of thousands talking and walking and eating at
midday – the tensionless shore keyed only to the tide gave them a sense of
timelessness that, however much they rejoiced mentally, troubled their habit-
impressed bodies with a lack of pressure. So, the sound of his feet, thudding nearer
over the sand, passing their heads with the deep sound of a man breathing in the heat
above the rolled-up, faded trousers, passing away up the beach and shrinking into the
figure of an Indian fisherman, began to be something to be waited for. His coming
and going divided the morning into three; the short early time before he passed, the
time when he was actually passing and the largish chunk of warm midday that
followed when he had gone.

 Underline all words used as adjectives.

 Bracket all words used as adverbs.


3. Read the following passage and answer the following questions.

Burn trees to save a forest! Strange as it sounds, that is the United States Forest Service’s new
idea for saving America’s forests. For more than a hundred years, Americans were taught that
fires in a forest were always bad. When trees burned in the forest, it was a disaster which
would ruin the forest. The Forest Service promoted this idea in many ways. They even
invented a character named Smokey the Bear, who always said, “Remember, only you can
prevent forest fires.” In the past, whenever there was a fire in the forest, the rangers
immediately put it out. No fires were allowed to burn, even in places where many of the trees
were dead or diseased. This did not help the forests, however. In fact, with so many dead and
diseased trees, the forest fires in the western United States have been far worse in recent

 Underline all the main verbs

 Bracket all the auxiliary verbs

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