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Capstone Update #4

What I have accomplished so far

-Started a new capstone, a poetry book

-Gathered old poems and wrote 2 new ones

-Opened and formatted word document in the size of the book I wanted to print (4” x 6”)

-Found a trusted site to print:

What I plan to accomplish by the end of the week

I plan to finish writing the first chapter called “Yesterday”. This chapter has a collection of old poems and
new poems that stem from the feeling of hurt and angst. I plan to have around 30 poems in the chapter.

My needs (materials, time, space, mentor etc.)

I have all the materials I need. All I need is Microsoft Word and time.

Challenges I encountered and how I have overcome them

I struggled to start this project because I tend to procrastinate. I had a lack of motivation but with the
impending deadline I had to start speeding through it. So one day I sat down in my room for hours
combing through old poems I had written for my creative writing class and found ones that fit in the
theme of this chapter. I plan to dedicate a couple hours a day towards this book in order to finish it on

Pictures/Video evidence of my progress

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