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Reading Comprehension

The Importance of Identifying Passages

SAT Breakdown

● The Reading Test – 65 minutes, 52 questions

● The Writing and Language Test – 35 minutes, 44 questions
● Math Test, No Calculator Portion – 25 minutes, 20 questions
● Math Test, Calculator Portion – 55 minutes, 38 questions
The Basics
You are tested on your ability to differentiate between various
types of passages:

● Narrative
● History/Historical Documents *Double Passage (any type
● Natural Science but the narrative)
● Social Science

54 questions → 65 minutes
● Excerpts from short stories, Types of Conflict:
novellas, and novels
Character vs self; character vs.
● Identify, analyze and character; character vs. society;
understand the function of character vs. nature; character vs.
figurative language (metaphor, supernatural
simile, personification, etc.),
figures of speech (irony)
● Point of View (POV) Characterization:
○ First person POV (character in
story, uses personal pronouns ● What they look like (clothing,
I, me, us). physical appearance)
○ Third person (outside narrator) ● What they do (actions)
● Your Job: Identify the conflict ● How they talk (speech/diction)
● What they believe in (thoughts)
● What others think of them (external
TYPE: Social Science Passage
This type of passage analyzes the ● Topics range from economics to
the scientific study of human psychology.
● Usually modern texts
society and social relationships.
● Students typically enjoy these
Your Job: identify thesis (1) passages more (do well on them)
because they are interesting,
closely analyze how people
relatable, and, most importantly,
interact with their surroundings—be written in a modern tongue.
it other people, money, technology, ● Prior SAT social science passages:
or environments (2). Why the happiest people are from
third-world countries (1). An
Question Types: main idea, in-text analysis of the four zones of
vocabulary, inference, organization society in terms of capital and
natural resources: industrial,
urban, suburban, rural.
Type: Historical
Excerpts from history: American and Topics include:
World (mostly European).
● Women’s suffrage
This type of passage analyzes how ● Emancipation Proclamation
a person (dictator), event (WWII), ● Democracy versus other types of
thing/phenomenon (oil government
fracking)impacted people/society.
**Historical document is another
Your job: Identify the person,
type of passage you will get. It is
event, thing and evaluate if
he/she/it has benefited (+) society slightly different than this type.
or not (-). In those historical documents, you
focus more on rhetoric (AP English
Question Types: main idea, in-text Language territory).
vocabulary, inference, organization
Type: Natural Science Passage
Non-fiction excerpts from newspapers, Topics include:
medical journals, science textbooks

This type of passage analyzes and dissects ● What makes soap sud
scientific hypotheses, theories, and ● Habitable versus inhabitable planets
● Extinction in animals
Your Job: Identity whether the study is ● The chemistry of cooking
conclusive or not. ● Venus Fly Traps and what triggers their
→ Pay close attention to conditional verb behavior
tenses (could, should, perhaps, must,
maybe, sometimes, etc.). This type of passage is very big on logical
→ Pay close attention to lengthy, complex reasoning, and writers develop that through
sentence structures; when the writer says transitional words and phrases. You must
“in other words”; when the writer
describes a process circle all transitions and underline the
information that is being highlighted.
There is a very specific order to follow:

Type: Double Passage Step #1: read the italicized portion and
identify what kind of passage it is. Label

Excerpts range in the following subjects: Step #2: Write down your job in the margin.
social science, natural science, historical, Be on the lookout for it.
historical document (never a double
narrative). Step #3: glance at the questions and make
annotations across both passages.
You will get one double passage on the
full-length exam.
Step #4: read passage #1 and immediately
Your Job: depending on the nature of the answer the questions that only to pertain to
passage, follow the same job (i.e.: identify passage #1.
thesis in a social science and identify how
people interact with their surroundings). ****As soon as you begin reading Passage #2,
you need to be quick to find the ways in
Additional Job: compare and contrast both which this author agrees and disagrees with
passages. the author of Passage #1.
Types of questions: in-text vocabulary, Step #4: read passage #2 and immediately
detail, content/organization, inference (“What answer the questions that pertain to passage
would the author of Passage #2 say to lines #2 as well as the “both passages” questions.
17-23 in Passage 1?”), comparison (“According
to both authors…”)

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