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Questions Analysis

Pic 1: A group of people carrying the house.

1. Who are the people/creatures in the
Pic 2: The Mother or an Elderly and a Child.
Pic 3: Group of Crabs.
Pic 1: It is trying to convey everyone helping out in
2. What message do you think the picture a community.
was trying to convey? Pic 2: It is trying to convey respect to the elderly.
Pic 3: It is trying to convey crab mentality.
Pic 1: It is important because it signifies the value
of unity in the community and giving a helping
hand in times of crisis.
Pic 2: It is important because it resembles the
3. Why is this picture important to Filipino Filipino culture of respecting the elderly and asking
Culture? for their blessing.
Pic 3: It is important because it needs to point out
the culture of Filipinos should not have the
mentality of crabs (by lowering others and raising
Pic 1: It raises awareness of unity
4. What questions does the photograph
Pic 2: It raises awareness of respect
Pic 3: It raises awareness of anti – crab mentality
Pic 1: Bayanihan; Of the People, For the People
5. Write your own caption of the
Pic 2: Mano Po! : Raising Elderly Values!
Pic 3: Crab Mentality: Needs Abolishment
Pic 1: The Values that are being pointed in this
picture is that as Filipinos we should be ready to
help one another and unify as servant leaders for
Pic 2: The Values that are being pointed in this
picture is that as future leaders we should have
6. Write the Filipino values depicted in the
this sense of humility and humbleness by paying
our respects to the elders
Pic 3: The Values that are being pointed in this
picture is that we should not tolerate ourselves in
lowering others in their success and failures,
instead as future leaders we should be carpenters
ready to give or build ladders for others.
Send a proactive message to a Filipino Teacher, Parent and a student on the preservation of
Filipino values. Screenshot your message and attach it in the Google Classroom.

- Message:
- “Preserving the Filipino Values is a must as Future Leaders we should promote our
culture of following the good manners and right conduct as a part of preserving the
Filipino values up to all the generations that will follow after us. As Filipinos we should
tolerate the values education to our children especially with this on-going war between
morality and relativism.”

ASSESSMENT: Write 5 programs provided by the Philippine educational system to promote

positive Filipino values

1. Who am I?
2. Developing your Inner Self
3. My Family and I
4. My Friends and I
5. Developing Relationship with God1

Do you have any questions relative to teacher leadership? Comment them below.


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