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MATRIC NO: 21/0372




1. A person has four keys and only one key fits to the lock of a door. What is
the probability that the locked door can be unlocked in at most three
Let U be the event that the door is unlocked and L be the event has not been
unlocked. Therefore;

The probability of unlocking the door on the first try = ¼

3 1
The probability of unlocking the door on the second try = ( 4 ). ( 3 ) = ¼

3 2 1
The probability of unlocking the door on the third try = ( 4 ). ( 3 ). ( 2 ) = ¼

Therefore, the probability of unlocking door in at most three times

= ¼. ¼. ¼ = ¾

2. A jar contains 3 black and 2 white marbles. If we continue to draw

marbles one at a time until two black marbles are drawn. If a white
marble is drawn, the outcome is recorded and the marble is put back in
the jar before drawing the next marble. What is the probability that we
will get two black marbles in at most three tries?
Let us use a tree diagram:

The probability that we will get two black marbles in the first two tries is listed
adjacent to the lowest branch, and it = 10 .

The probability of getting first black, second white, and third black = 20 .

Similarly, the probability of getting first white, second black and third black =

Therefore, the probability of getting exactly two black marbles in at most three
3 3 3 57
times = 10 + 20 + 25 = 100 .

3. Use a tree diagram to find the sample space for the gender of the four
children in the family. Use B for boy and G for girl.
The sample space(S) = 16

4. In a sample of 50 people, 21 had type O blood, 22 had type A blood, and 2

had type AB blood, set up a frequency distribution and find the
probabilities of;
a. A person had type O blood.
b. A person had type A or B blood.
c. A person had neither type A or O blood.
d. A person does not have type AB blood.
Blood Types Frequency
A 22
B 5
AB 2
O 21
Total(n) 50

Pr (E) = n ;
n (A) = 22; n (B) = 5; n (AB) = 2; n (O) = 21;
f 21
a. Pr(O) = n = 50 or 0.42
22 5 27
b. Pr(A or B) = Pr(A) + Pr(B) = 50 + 50 = 50 or 0.54
5 2 7
c. Pr(neither A nor O) = Pr(B) + Pr(AB) = 50 + 50 = 50 or 0.4
2 50−2 48 24
d. Pr(not AB) = 1 – Pr(AB) = 1 – 50 = 50 = 50 = 25 or 0.96

5. State and explain the Probability Axioms

a. For any event A, 0 ≤ P(A) ≤ 1.
b. The sum of possibilities of all possible outcomes is 1
c. The probability of event £ not occurring is given by P(£) = 1- P(£) = 0
d. The sum of the probabilities that an event £ will occur and that it will
not occur is given by P(£) + P(£) = 1
a. Whenever an event is the union of two other events, the addition rule
will apply. Specifically, if A and B are events, then the rule is: P(A or B)
= P(A) + P(B) – P(A and B). In set notation, this can be written as
P(AuB) = P(A) + P(B) – P(AnB).
b. Whenever an event is the complement of another event, the
complementary rule will apply. Specifically, if A is an event, the rule is
P(not A) = 1-P(A).
c. Whenever partial knowledge of an event is available, then the
conditional rule will apply. Specifically, if event A is already known to
have occurred and the probability of event B is desired, then we have
P ( A∧B)
the following rule: P(B, given A) = P( A)
in set notation, this is
B P (A n B)
written as P( A ) = .
P( A)
d. Whenever an event is the intersection of two other events, the
multiplication rule will apply. That is, events A and B need to occur
simultaneously. Therefore, if A and B are events, then the rule is:
P(A and B) = P(A) . P(B, given A). In set notation, this is written as
P(A n B) = P(A) . P( A ).

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