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Research Design: Descriptive Research

Helen L. Dulock, RN, DNS

DESIGN is a blueprint or plan Definitions of Descriptive Research

specifically created to answer the research Several definitions or purposes of descriptive
question and to control variance.’ Answering the research have been identified in the literature:
research question or testing the research hy-
(1) to describe systematically and accurately the
pothesis is the central purpose of all research. facts and characteristics of a given population or
Control of variance means the researcher must area of interest3; (2) to provide an accurate por-
consider factors that might systematically con-
trayal or account of characteristics of a particu-
tribute to the research results or confound the lar individual, situation or group; these studies
interpretation of the results, but that are not part are a means of discovering new meaning, de-
of the research question or hypothesis. For ex-
scribing what exists, determining the frequency
ample, the results of a descriptive study of wo- with which something occurs and/or categoriz-
men’s feelings in response to initially being di-
ing information4; (3) to portray the characteris-
agnosed with breast cancer could be influenced tics of persons, situations, or groups and the
if there was national media attention focused on
frequency with which certain phenomenon oc-
breast cancer in women during the study. cur5; these studies observe, describe, and doc-
Research designs are generally categorized ument aspects of a situation as it naturally oc-
into one of four groups depending on the pur-
curs ; (4) to discover associations or relationships
pose of the research: descriptive, correlational, between or among selected variables 6; (5) to
quasiexperimental or experimental. However, answer questions based on the ongoing events
there is nouniversal agreement or standard for of the present.7
categorizing research designs or for grouping These definitions, taken together, offer a fuller
them into a set number of categories. Each of
these four major types of research design have
explication of the purposes of descriptive re-
search than any one of them alone might offer.
some generally agreed on characteristics that
Accurate and systematic description of &dquo;some-
differentiate them from each other. In addition, it
thing&dquo; or &dquo;someone&dquo; is the cornerstone of this
is often necessary for the researcher to create or research design. The &dquo;something&dquo; may be an
build in specific design features in a study to event, phenomena (physiological, psychosocial,
answer the research question or test the hypoth-
or cultural), or characteristics (such as voting
esis and control variance.
The design of the research will be influenced
preference, feelings, or attitudes). The &dquo;some-
one&dquo; may be an individual, group, or commu-
by the available knowledge in the specific area nity. There may be only one variable of interest
being researched. This relationship between the (such as the frequency of nausea among an
study design and the available knowledge or the identified group of patients receiving chemo-
kind of question being asked has been dis-
therapy) or the research interest may be to de-
cussed in a previous research column 2 termine whether there is an association among
two or more variables (such as the use of patient
controlled analgesia and the total amount of an-
From the Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing,
Emory University, Atlanta, GA. algesia received by a patient).
Address reprint requests to Helen L Dulock, RN, DNS,
Assistant Professor, Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Characteristics of Descriptive Research
Nursing, Emory University, Atlanta, GA 30322. Characteristics of descriptive research in-
clude, but are not limited to, the following: (1)


There is no manipulation or control of variables mation, characteristics, or condition and be will-

and thus no independent variable. There may be ing and able to impart that information to the
one or more outcome variables. (2) The pur- researcher. The degree to which the subjects
pose is to describe one or more variables and/or possess the characteristic or condition also
determine if there is an association between two needs to be considered by the researcher. For
or more variables. Determining cause and effect example, patients with mild (degree of severity)
(causal) relationships is not the goal. (3) The asthma (condition) who have just been diag-
current status of the phenomenon in a natural- nosed (time) may be very different in relation to
istic setting is usually what is being observed, the research question compared with subjects
described, or documented. However, data col- with severe, chronic asthma. The setting in
lected in the past, such as data from a review of which data collection occurs will influence the
medical records, might also be the variable of data collected. For example, interview data or
interest in a descriptive study. (4) A hypothesis is physiological measures, such as vital signs, may
usually not stated. The end result of a good de- differ considerably when performed in a home
scriptive study is to develop the data base from setting compared with an inpatient setting.
which hypotheses may be generated and tested The most commonly used tools or tech-
in future studies. (5) Subjects are selected on niques to gather descriptive data include ques-
the basis that they possess the information or tionnaires, interviews, observations, rating
characteristics (such as feelings, values, atti- scales, checklists, and instruments for measur-
tudes, or health-illness status) that are the focus ing physiological variables.
of the study.
Descriptive designs are most useful for de- Common Types of Descrip~ive Research
scribing phenomena or events about which little
Descriptive Survey

is known or for identifying new or emerging phe-

nomena. In addition, the results of descriptive
This research design collects information
studies are usually used as the basis for further
from a portion of a target population to describe
research. Thus, it is extremely important that de-
preferences, practices, characteristics, com-
scriptive studies be well designed and imple- monalities, or differences. The strengths of a
mented. Limitations of these designs include the
survey are that it is possible to gather data on a
lack of generalizability of the data and the po-
limited number of variables from a large num-
tential for multiple interpretations of the data.
ber of subjectsand it can be used for many
This is why it is so important that the &dquo;right&dquo; data
differenttopics and populations. An example of
be collected from the &dquo;right&dquo; subjects in the a descriptive survey would be a questionnaire or
&dquo;right&dquo; setting. These three characteristics- interview to solicit information from pediatric
data, subjects, and settings-are the criteria by
which the external validity of the descriptive
oncology nurses regarding their practice of ad-
ministering analgesics to their patients.
study will be assessed.
The data collected should be valid and reli-
able. The instruments used (interviews, ques- Descriptive Longitudinal Study
tionnaires, or equipment that measures physio- This research design uses repeated data gath-
logical variables) should be standardized ering points (repeated measures) to document
instruments (previously tested and shown to and describe stability, change, or trends over
have instrument validity and reliability with the time. The advantage of this design is that it has
population under study). Newly developed in- multiple observations or data points versus only
struments should be pilot tested before initiating one observation at one point in time. The dis-
the study. Design validity is also an important advantage is dropout or attrition of subjects.
concept and refers to the truth or value one can
place in the study’s findings. The target popula- Descriptive Correlational Study
tion must be clearly specified and described and
the subjects must be representative of the target The purpose of this design is to describe how
population. Subjects should possess the infor- one variable is related or associated with another

variable. Cause and effect relationships are not TABLE 1.

determined. Example of Descriptive Research Article

Case Studies

This design is useful for studying phenomena

or life events over time in one or more subjects.

Data Analysis in Descriptive Research

Based the research question or purpose,

qualitative and/or quantitative data will be gen-

erated from a descriptive study8. Numerical data
generated from a descriptive study will be orga-
nized and presented using one or more descrip-
tive techniques. Descriptive statistical tech-
niques have three purposes: (1 ) to describe
variables; (2) to describe relationships between
variables; and (3) to describe distributions. Vari-
ables are described using measures of central
tendency (mean, median, or mode) and mea-
sures of variability (range and standard devia-
tion). Correlations are used to describe rela-
tionships between two or more variables.
Distributions are described using frequency or
percentage distributions; these are generally
shown with bar graphs or pie charts.

Example of Descriptive Research

An example of a published descriptive re-
search article is described in Table 1. This re-
search study was the third in an ongoing pro-
gram of research. The first study described
coping strategies in adolescents with cancer. with renal disease. The use of the comparison
The second study described intraindividual group extends and supports the knowledge that
changes in coping strategies used by adoles- adolescents with a different chronic disease use
cents experiencing cancer treatment-related a similar coping strategy. One of the recom-

pain. In these previous studies, hand holding mendations for further study was to investigate
was identified as a coping strategy used by ad- the phenomenon of hand holding in groups with
olescents to cope with cancer treatment-related different ages and different chronic diseases.
pain. The purpose of the third study was to build This descriptive study is an excellent example of
on the knowledge gained in the previous two descriptive research. The questions asked were
studies. The specific aims of the third study were based on what was known from previous re-
to describe the essential components of hand search. The data collection tools were well de-
holding as a coping strategy and to determine scribed and appropriate for the purposes of the
whether hand holding as a coping strategy oc- study. The interview guide was pilot tested and
curred in adolescents other than those with can- validity issues were addressed. The subjects
cer. Thus this third descriptive study included a were representative of the target population, and

comparison group; half of the sample were ad- the setting was the same for both groups during
olescents with cancer and half were adolescents data collection.

Conclusion nomena are notstatic, but continuously evolv-

The Social Policy Statement of the American ing, changing, and new ones emerging. A de-

Nurses Association states that the phenomena scription of these phenomena is an essential
of concern to nurses are human responses to first step in developing research-based clinical
actual or potential health problems. These phe- practice.
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start? J Pediatr Oncol Nurs 9:187-191, 1992 sic Statistical Applications (ed 3). Boston, MA, Jones and

3. Isaac S, Michael WB: Handbook in Research and Eval-

Bartlett, 1992
8. Beck S: Designing a study, in Mateo MA, Kirchhoff KT
uation. San Diego, CA, Edits Publishers, 1979
(eds): Conducting and Using Nursing Research in the Clin-
4. Burns N, Grove SK: The Practice of Nursing Research: ical Setting. Baltimore, MD, Williams and Wilkins, 1991
Conduct, Critique and Utilization. Philadelphia, PA, Saun- 9. Weekes DP, Kagan SH, James K, et al: The phenom-
ders, 1987 enon of hand holding as a coping strategy in adolescents
5. Polit DF, Hungler BP: Nursing Research: Principles and experiencing treatment-related pain. J Pediatr Oncol Nurs
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